IM NewsWatch, June 23, 2015 - 'Mastering the Art of the Ecommerce Microconversion – HubSpot' and much more...

June 23rd, 2015 at 8:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

‘4 Easy-to-Use Tips to Get People to Click on Your Headlines’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Matei Gavril says, “It’s a shame that writing great copy doesn’t necessarily translate to page views. In fact, writing great copy in and of itself will rarely take you far. If people aren’t “buying” the headline, they won’t click: You may have written War and Peace, but your copy will simply languish in digital purgatory,... [Read more]

‘Forrester’s 2015 Social Depth Platforms Wave Sets The Bar For The Next Generation Of Branded Communities’ – Forrester

Kim Celestre says, “After much anticipation, our 2015 Social Depth Platform Wave was published today. Our evaluation shows how much vendors’ solutions have progressed since our first SDP Wave in 2013. When we first introduced “social depth” as a technology category in 2013, vendors were just beginning to build out their... [Read more]

‘Mastering the Art of the Ecommerce Microconversion’ – HubSpot

Corey Beale says, “Marketing automation is the very core of HubSpot’s abilities. We talk all the time about thebuyer’s journey, the marketing funnel, segmenting your contact lists, and automating the whole process. And it works, obviously, or we wouldn’t still be here. You could make that process even more powerful for your ecommerce business,... [Read more]

Track visitor actions on your WordPress site #ad

“Knowledge is power”; it’s as true today as it was hundreds of years ago. Marketers need to know how people are using their sites. It’s how you know what’s working and what isn’t. Unfortunately, you can’t literally look over the shoulder of each visitor. But IM Tracker is the next best thing. This new WordPress... [Read more]

‘Say No to Stock Photography and Create Authentic Images’ – Content Marketing Institute

Buddy Scalera says, “Here’s one of the first rules of yourvisual content strategy: Don’t use stock images on your branded website. Stock photos are cheap and easy, hence tempting. Do not be tempted by cheap and easy. (That’s advice that you can apply in other situations, as well.) Visual content is a cornerstone of almost every branding... [Read more]

‘7 Common SEO Mistakes You Need to Fix Now’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “A sunny day, unblemished by a single cloud in the sky. A masterful painting with not one stroke out of place. An hour of watching Jimmy Fallon without phones ringing, the door buzzing, or insipid ads playing in a loop. These are what I imagine perfection to be in my head. Most website owners I know tend to add their websites to that... [Read more]

‘Can You Earn Big Profits from Simple Sites?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Making money online can feel like an awfully paradoxical experience. On the one hand, it’s the kind of thing that sounds really easy on the surface and it’s something that just about anyone can do. On the other hand, all of the overwhelming information can feel incredibly complex and intimidating. It doesn’t have to be this... [Read more]

In just 2 Hours, Brainstorm Your Next Million Dollar Idea #ad

That’s the offer Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason make in Million Dollar Brainstorm. They believe that with their guidance you can turn one solid idea and one intense weekend into One Million Dollars. Here’s what you will discover in their new training: • How to brainstorm a million-dollar idea from scratch even if you aren’t... [Read more]

‘How well are you combining content and commerce?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Bowen says, “No marketing strategy is effective anymore without good content. It’s the cornerstone of engaging with customers on social media channels, ranking in search and your vehicle to demonstrate your brand and values as a business. With 73% of marketers having stated that they planned to increase their budget spend on content marketing... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Minimum Viable Digital Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Chris Garrett says, “Overwhelm is fast becoming the modern entrepreneur’s disease. If you are feeling overwhelmed in your digital business right now, take comfort in the fact you are not alone, and there are solutions! As Pamela Wilson explained last week, you don’t need to bite off more than you can chew. But what exactly is the minimum... [Read more]

‘The Alleged $7.5 Billion Fraud in Online Advertising’ – MOZ Blog

Samuel Scott says, “”This is the biggest advertising story of the decade, and it’s being buried.” So wrote Ad Contrarian Bob Hoffman, the retired CEO and chairman of Hoffman/Lewis Advertising, in June 2013 on a $7.5 billion scandal that has been developing under the digital radar in the advertising world for the past few years.... [Read more]

Start Your Own Video-based Training Membership #ad

Having a membership site, where people pay to be members, can bring you ongoing income and can smooth out the normal ups and downs of a marketer's life... [Read more]

‘What you need to know about Australia’s new site-blocking law’ – ‘Mashable’

Ariel Bogle says, “In bad news for Aussie pirates, the government’s site blocking bill became law Monday after a marathon hearing in the senate. Despite the best efforts of two senators, Greens Sen. Scott Ludlam and Liberal Democrats Sen. David Leyonhjelm, the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill passed after the Labor and Liberal... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Can Get Their Content Listed in the Upcoming Apple News App’ – HubSpot

Chris Handy says, “After several attempts at getting it right Apple has recently announced their newest foray into News, with their new native app coming this fall. The News app will feature aggregated content that can be customized specifically for the iPhone and iPad experience. Publishers will have access to a set of tools to shape their... [Read more]

‘Your Daily SEO Fix: Week 5′ – MOZ Blog

Trevor Klein says, “We’ve arrived, folks! This is the last installment of our short (< 2-minute) video tutorials that help you all get the most out of Moz’s tools. If you haven’t been following along, these are each designed to solve a use case that we regularly hear about from Moz community members. Here’s a quick... [Read more]

Email Cash Blueprint: 19 email profit-boosting methods #ad

IM NewsWatch reported a few days ago about Temper Thompson, the 17 year-old boy who found significant marketing success using email marketing... [Read more]

‘Twitter channels Pinterest with product and place collections’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “As it seeks to find new ways to make its service more useful to brands, Twitter is taking a play out of Pinterest’s playbook with the launch of new features around products and places. Announced on Friday, Twitter product and place collections allow brands and prominent users to create curated collections of their... [Read more]

‘How to Develop a Plan of Attack for Your Content-Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kelsey Meyer says, “In college, I loved preparing to write research papers. I would outline the steps I had to take, research my topic, pull out specific stats, supplement them with my own analysis and then present my professor a paper I was proud of. Mapping out my plan of attack was somehow energizing and relaxing at the same time. I know I’m... [Read more]

‘In Case of Emergency: How to Create & Launch a Content Marketing Campaign in 5 Hours’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “In marketing, as in life, situations will inevitably arise that require a certain amount of scrappiness. And a spur-of-the-moment, quick-turnaround-required content push — while not ideal — is a situation you ultimately might end up facing. Maybe it’s the end of the month, and your boss is freaking out. “We... [Read more]

Social Autobots: Facebook & Instagram promote your business #ad

New software, called 'Social Autobots', by Luke Maguire automates your Facebook and Instagram marketing with only a few minutes of setup. This new software, by Luke Maguire is the only tool ever created to automate your marketing on both Facebook and Instagram, and it does it around the clock... [Read more]

‘The State of Content Marketing 2015 – Stronger With a Twist of Scale’ – Content Marketing Institute

Robert Rose says, “The reinvention of marketing is a road, not a door. We’ve certainly had a few adventures over the last year as we’ve helped enterprises of all sizes work through elements of theircontent marketing journeys. One of the biggest insights I’ve had is how many of the content marketers come to success with absolutely no idea... [Read more]

‘Why Twitter is the Ideal Platform for Engagement’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “As social media becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives, it’s easy to relate each platform to our physical environments. LinkedIn, for example, is the office: a professional landscape we use for networking, sharing news, and connecting with coworkers. Facebook is your living room, where you catch up with friends (but still... [Read more]

‘Three Subscription Revenue Models for Digital Content and Services’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Digital + Recurring Revenue = Win. Easier said than done, right? As discussed last week on New Rainmaker with Brian Clark, digital products and services plus subscription revenue are The Two Components of The Perfect Online Business Model. Let’s talk a little more about the subscription side of things. This week, author... [Read more]

‘How to Translate Audience Data to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jessica Ann says, “Let’s face it: You’re either a right-brained or left-brained content marketer. If you’re a right-brained marketer, then the term “audience data” probably makes you squirm uncomfortably. But if you’re a left-brained content marketer, you eat things like audience data for breakfast. Mmmm …data. Here’s why: Right-brained... [Read more]

‘Don’t Waste Money on These 4 Types of Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Adam Callinan says, “As an entrepreneur in the ecommerce space, I can personally appreciate the risk that comes with investing time and money in online marketing and advertising. I can also attest to the fact that once you’re up and running, what seems like dozens — or more like hundreds — of companies magically appear that claim... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Successful B2B Content Marketing Strategy’ – ‘’ Blog

Kristin Hovde says, “Creating a successful B2B content marketing strategy is easier said than done; many marketers have different views on what works and what doesn’t. Eighty-six percent of digital marketers are using content as a way to educate and inform their audience, according to MarketingProfs. If you aren’t seeing results from your... [Read more]


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