IM NewsWatch, June 22, 2015 - 'How to Estimate the Total Volume and Value of Keywords – MOZ' and much more...

June 22nd, 2015 at 9:18 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 22, 2015

‘How to Translate Audience Data to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jessica Ann says, “Let’s face it: You’re either a right-brained or left-brained content marketer. If you’re a right-brained marketer, then the term “audience data” probably makes you squirm uncomfortably. But if you’re a left-brained content marketer, you eat things like audience data for breakfast. Mmmm …data. Here’s why: Right-brained... [Read more]

‘Don’t Waste Money on These 4 Types of Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Adam Callinan says, “As an entrepreneur in the ecommerce space, I can personally appreciate the risk that comes with investing time and money in online marketing and advertising. I can also attest to the fact that once you’re up and running, what seems like dozens — or more like hundreds — of companies magically appear that claim... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Successful B2B Content Marketing Strategy’ – ‘’ Blog

Kristin Hovde says, “Creating a successful B2B content marketing strategy is easier said than done; many marketers have different views on what works and what doesn’t. Eighty-six percent of digital marketers are using content as a way to educate and inform their audience, according to MarketingProfs. If you aren’t seeing results from your... [Read more]

Email Cash Blueprint: 19 email profit-boosting methods #ad

IM NewsWatch reported a few days ago about Temper Thompson, the 17 year-old boy who found significant marketing success using email marketing. With the help of Matt Bacak, Thompson has produced Email Cash Blueprint, his process for using email to build a marketing business. He didn’t have a large mailing list, under 1000 subscribers, but from... [Read more]

‘How To Use Video Content To Generate, Qualify And Score Leads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Michael Litt says, “As much as we’d like to create videos just to entertain people and make them laugh, at some point, your boss is going to ask what your videos are doing to help the company. You do work in the marketing department, after all, and your sales team has an insatiable appetite for leads. Fortunately, you shouldn’t have to search... [Read more]

’29 Essential Content Marketing Metrics’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “You’ve created the content. Now, you need to measure its effectiveness to know whether your content is hitting its mark. The following infographic by Curata offers 29 content marketing metrics, such as consumption, retention metrics, sharing metrics, engagement metrics, lead metrics, sales metrics, and production/cost... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: What are some of the biggest deliverability challenges?’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “Deliverability should be a concern for any email marketer. If you can’t get into the inbox, your email send might as well not have even happened. Deliverability can be a challenge. A bad reputation score can significantly impact your ability to reach the inbox. An ESP (email service provider) with other clients behaving... [Read more]

Start Your Own Video-based Training Membership #ad

Having a membership site, where people pay to be members, can bring you ongoing income and can smooth out the normal ups and downs of a marketer’s life. Creating a site like that can seem to be a daunting job, more than you want to undertake. But now you can bypass all the hard work (not all the work, just all the hard work) of setting up a site... [Read more]

‘New Data: Should You Include Social Media Icons on Your Homepage?’ – HubSpot

Dan Slagen says, “The purpose of any homepage is to act as a launching pad for users to find relevant information that’s specific to their needs. Deciding what to include on your homepage, however, is an endless conversation amongst marketers. If you’ve ever been a part of designing (or re-designing) a homepage, you know that every detail... [Read more]

‘Website relaunch: how to get it right’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Stroud says, “So you’ve just relaunched your website and everything’s looking good from a tech point-of-view. You’ve spent an unholy amount of time, money and resources fixing the problems you keep hearing about and are very proud of the new platform. But something’s not right. Revenue has dropped and you’ve lost 0.5% of your... [Read more]

‘Your Internet is going to explode with annoying autoplaying videos whether you like it or not’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Welcome to the slightly obnoxious future. Autoplay video is going to find you. Chances are it already has, unless you live a cloistered existence and manage to avoid Facebook or Twitter or any number of media websites. When you scroll through Twitter, videos and GIFs will automatically start blaring from your computer,... [Read more]

Social Autobots: Facebook & Instagram promote your business #ad

New software, called 'Social Autobots', by Luke Maguire automates your Facebook and Instagram marketing with only a few minutes of setup. This new software, by Luke Maguire is the only tool ever created to automate your marketing on both Facebook and Instagram, and it does it around the clock... [Read more]

‘How to Estimate the Total Volume and Value of Keywords in a Given Market or Niche’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “To get a sense for the potential value of keywords in a certain niche, we need to do more than just look at the number of searches those keywords get each month. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains what else we should be looking at, and how we can use other data to prioritize some groups over others“. How to... [Read more]

‘Twitter Jump Starts Shopping Experience With Product Pages & Collections’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Accelerating its efforts to become a e-commerce marketplace, Twitter today introducedtwo new ways for brands to display their wares on the social network. The new features — product pages and Collections — will give businesses the opportunity to create another beachhead on the social network. The product pages are dedicated... [Read more]

‘The Real-Time Marketing Landscape’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 98% of marketers who engage in real-time marketing (RTM) say they see a positive revenue impact from their RTM efforts, according to a recent report from Wayin. Moreover, 89% of marketers say they can tie their RTM efforts to overall business goals, and 59% say they plan to increase their RTM budget in the year ahead. The... [Read more]

Rapid Business Builder: How you can build a real business in 6 weeks (or less) #ad

Small offline businesses need marketing help, and they need it bad. The online world is foreign to most of them, but their customers are increasingly turning to online sources to find the products they need... [Read more]

‘5 Ecommerce Companies Who Do Social Proof Right’ – HubSpot

Charlie Keegan says, “Social proof is sometimes misunderstood. Not in the fact that people aren’t sure what it is—most know that reviews count as social proof—but in the fact that many don’t realize just how extensive the possibilities for presenting social proof are. That’s why we gathered together some of our favorites, so we can... [Read more]

‘How to Deal With a Difficult Customer-Service Conversation’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Norine Toomey says, “Tough conversations are generally difficult to initiate and respond to. Whether they occur in personal or professional life, we are hard-wired to act, react and emotionally invest — and that makes it difficult to know how to resolve conflict. As a result, many people, especially younger or less experienced individuals,... [Read more]

‘10 things you can do in case the internet breaks’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “With various events such as Kim Kardashian taking off her clothes and a confusion about dress colour ‘breaking the internet’, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the internet is a much more fragile place then we previously thought. Clearly we need to put a strategy in place. If just one person’s actions,... [Read more]

SocialVid InstaPortfolio makes you a video marketing consultant #ad

You may be familiar with SqueezeMobi, the site that produces themes and apps that marketers use to show their products on mobile devices.  They have taken their design work to the next logical step... [Read more]

‘Rubicon Project Says Mobile Now More Than 20% Of Programmatic Ad Spend’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Ad tech giant Rubicon Project says mobile ad spend on its platform increased more than 1,300 percent in the two years between Q1 2013 and Q1 2015. Mobile now makes up more than 20 percent of the spend on the programmatic ad buying and selling platform, up from just 3 percent two years ago. The public company says it expects... [Read more]

‘How Teens Use Digital: Mobile, Messaging, and Social Trends’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 91% of teens in the United States go online from a mobile device at least occasionally, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center. The report was based on data from a survey of a representative sample of 1,060 people age 13-17 in the United States. African-American teens are significantly more likely than... [Read more]

’11 Tips to Help Improve Your Brand’s Communication Strategy’ – HubSpot

Meaghan Moraes says, “As marketers, we strive to communicate with consumers in the ways that they prefer. In fact, marketing is becoming increasingly consumer-driven. For example, with the rise of social media marketing, brands can communicate directly with their customers to develop products that sell, and consumers essentially become product... [Read more]

‘How to use Google Shopping Campaigns most overlooked feature’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Pete Whitmarsh says, “Much has been written about the pros and cons of Google Shopping Campaigns, but are you missing out by not using the campaign priority setting? Since Google launched Shopping Ads in 2014, many articles have been written with tips and tricks for getting the most out of them. However the campaign priority setting remains... [Read more]

‘17 Safe Places to Build Links for SEO’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jayson Demers says, “Building inbound links is a major headache for most search marketers, due to a painful combination of factors. Having a great inbound link profile is necessary to get any kind of search-engine-optimization visibility, but at the same time, building bad links can earn you a penalty and set you back weeks or months. Thanks... [Read more]

‘3 reasons why social advertising beats search advertising’ – ‘Mashable’

Arnie Gullov-Singh says, “While traditional search ads have driven traffic and sales for more than a decade, social ads are starting to drive more long-term value, especially for marketers of lifestyle products, where emotion and inspiration, rather than ratings and reviews, are the keys to getting consumers to purchase. In lifestyle categories... [Read more]

‘Bad Bots are Coming for You’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “Security is one of the top priorities on consumers’ minds today and as they continue to move more of their lives into the digital world, companies must leverage technology that enables them to keep their consumers’ data safe. Distil Networks, a provider of bot detection and mitigation technology, has announced their... [Read more]

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