IM NewsWatch, June 2, 2015 - 'What Makes the Difference Between Success and Failure Online? – Copyblogger' and much more...

June 2nd, 2015 at 8:54 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

‘8 Signs You’re Writing an Advertorial, Not a Blog Post’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Growing your website traffic through your blog is a great thing– until thinly-veiled advertorials infiltrate your content. Advertorials are an advertisement disguised as an editorial; they are articles that appear to be informational but are actually intended to promote a product or service. These are the Internet’s... [Read more]

‘Four Things You Need to Know About Content Curation’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Christian Jorg says, “As consumers increasingly crave more meaningful and relevant content amid the deluge of digital information, content curation has given marketers a new way to engage with customers. Curation is by no means new, however. Curators at museums and galleries have long been carefully selecting items for collection and display;... [Read more]

‘Google Drops Google+ Promotion From Gmail, Search & Other Google Services’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Back when Google was promoting Google+ strongly, it added a link to the social sharing service from many of its other properties, including Gmail, YouTube and the main search page for logged-in users. Now those days are over; the overt link to Google+ has been dropped. Google has removed the plus sign from the +[your name here]... [Read more]

Video business in a box; Virtual Studio Simulator #ad

Now, you can take advantage of the power of online video to build your business (and your clients’ businesses, if you are a consultant) bigger and better than ever. Even if you are a beginner and even if you are low on funds, you can take advantage of the persuasive power of green screen videos, by adding a background you choose. You can even... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: What assets should marketers be using to design better emails?’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Selena Blue says, “Data is officially everywhere. It’s even infiltrating the design of emails — and for good reason. “The more you know about your audience, obviously the better you can tailor an email design to someone,” Justine Jordan, Marketing Director, Litmus, said. Justine sat down with Courtney Eckerle, Manager of Editorial Content,... [Read more]

‘How to Show Off Your Content with Google Plus Collections’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “With Google+ Collections, you are now able to collect content into themes. While not exactly like Pinterest boards, they are probably the closest comparison we can make. Think of Collections as interactive magazines which not only feature content but also facilitate conversations with people passionate about a subject. It may be the... [Read more]

‘Twitter adds automation to win more ad dollars’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Twitter is one of the largest, most popular social platforms in the world but despite the fact that it is generating significant advertising revenue, the company has struggled to live up to expectations. One of Twitter’s most promising ad products, Amplify, allows advertisers to display pre-roll ads against video... [Read more]

Today only, "Domains on Fire" at no charge #ad

Aidan Booth, Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey have just released a new version of their popular software, Domains on Fire. As a "getting acquainted" gift, they are offering you a free copy. This is in the run-up for a new product they are announcing, called '$100K Factory'.... [Read more]

‘What Makes the Difference Between Success and Failure Online?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “Running an online business seems simple. All of those guru-type people make it sound that way. But what happens when it isn’t? On paper (or in pixels), it all looks pretty straightforward. Start an online-based business around helping people reach a certain goal. Maybe it’s a fitness goal, or a parenting goal, or learning... [Read more]

‘Misuses of 4 Google Analytics Metrics Debunked’ – MOZ Blog

Tom Capper says, “In this post I’ll pull apart four of the most commonly used metrics in Google Analytics, how they are collected, and why they are so easily misinterpreted. Average Time on Page Average time on page should be a really useful metric, particularly if you’re interested in engagement with content that’s all on a... [Read more]

‘2 Things and 9 Tips That Brand Marketers Can Learn from Publications’ – Content Marketing Institute

John Hall says, “American Express’ OPEN Forum stands out as a content marketing success story. By enlisting professional writers and focusing on quality, the OPEN Forum team turned its platform into a widely read site that has become one of the best client sources for American Express. American Express followed the lead of traditional publishers... [Read more]

A WordPress video player that also sells your products + 8 bonuses #ad

Video Turbo Store integrates video with text and graphical sales content. It's been nearly a week since Peter Beattie released 'Video Turbo Store'... [Read more]

Today only, “Domains on Fire” at no charge #ad

Aidan Booth, Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey have just released a new version of their popular software, Domains on Fire. As a “getting acquainted” gift, they are offering you a free copy. This is in the run-up for a new product they are announcing, called $100K Factory. They have created 4 training videos about their new product. In video... [Read more]

‘How Western brands should plan for content marketing in APAC ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Content marketing is currently one of the most important trends in digital, and it’s one that presents a huge challenge for Western brands hoping to expand into the Asia-Pacific region. It’s tempting to view the region as one entity for marketing campaigns, but language and cultural barriers mean that really isn’t the... [Read more]

‘A Crash Course in Narrative Podcasting (And Why You Should Create Them)’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jay Acunzo says, “One of my favorite analogies I use to describe great content marketing involves the movie The Matrix. (Don’t worry, I mean the first one – not the so-so second or the can’t-believe-I-paid-for-this-crap third.) Throughout the film, Neo gets pushed and poked and prodded to do great things by Morpheus. At first, however,... [Read more]

FB Tube Pro combines Facebook and YouTube for sales #ad

Facebook and YouTube both have their strengths, but each has its weaknesses, too. In fact, they complement each other and the marketer who uses them in combination reaps the reward of higher sales... [Read more]

‘How Mari Smith Makes Facebook Work Wonders’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Mari Smith, CEO of Mari Smith International, Inc. author of “The New Relationship Marketing” and co-author of “Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day,” is known as the Facebook Queen. She is the lead instructor on Facebook’s new Boost Your Business events for small businesses, the first of which is happening in San Diego on... [Read more]

‘To build great user experiences, companies should look beyond data’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Companies are collecting more data than ever about how their users interact with their websites, and thanks to sophisticated yet easy-to-use tools, techniques like A/B testingare accessible to even the smallest of businesses. But when it comes to creating great user experiences, are companies being blinded by data? The... [Read more]

‘How to Succeed in Online Education (On Your Own Terms)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “There’s a huge shift happening in the world of on-demand online education. It’s commercial enterprises and savvy small businesses that are filling the demand for courses and lessons, rather than the typical institutions of learning. Brian Clark saw an interesting article in Fast Company recently about jobs of the future.... [Read more]

Social Robot builds social backlinks to your site #ad

Joshua Zamora has just released his new software, 'SocialRobot'. This new tool, under your guidance, automates setting up accounts on social media sites with one click.Then you use it to automatically create high-quality social bookmarks to any URL of your choosing, using your accounts... [Read more]

‘Marketing Grader Live: Watch Experts Critique Real Websites’ – HubSpot

Andrea Francis says, “Have you ever visited someone else’s website and felt confused about what the company did and where they wanted you to go on their site? An experience like that can really make you wonder about visitors’ experiences on your own website. Do your site visitors understand what you do and where you want... [Read more]

‘The State of B2B Sales and Marketing Data’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Most B2B marketing/sales databases lack key information about prospects and customers, according to a recent report from NetProspex. The report was based on an analysis of 223 million records in the databases of B2B companies. The researchers examined which commonly required fields were “missing” from each record... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Improve Conversions on Your Website’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Maggie Patterson says, “The days of using your website as a brochure for your business are long gone. Now your website has to do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to connecting with your visitors and moving them into action towards becoming a client or customer. But this isn’t easy. As a copywriter who specializes in website and sales... [Read more]

‘6 Ways to Increase Your Email Subscription Rates Instantly’ – ‘’ Blog

Jerry Low says, “According to McKinsey iConsumer’s 2012 survey, emails are still an effective way to acquire new customers. In fact, when compared to social media, they are 40X more effective. Our experience matches up to these statistics. I did a survey a year ago here at WHSR and asked bloggers what was the biggest mistake they’d... [Read more]

‘Why senior marketing leaders need to make a single customer view their top priority, right now’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Ashley Johnston says, “No consumer wakes up and says, “today I am going to be a mobile shopper.” Consumers don’t think in channels. Despite understanding the agnostic consumer environment and having an overwhelming array of data and technology at our disposal, marketers continue to take a very wide-angle approach when targeting consumers. A... [Read more]


‘Ecommerce: User-generated content, video marketing and other lessons from IRCE 2014’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “How can you attract more traffic to your ecommerce store? How can you improve conversion on the traffic you’re currently getting? At IRCE (Internet Retailer Conference + Exhibition) 2014, we sat down with 39 marketers and ecommerce experts to bring you actionable ideas to improve your results. To help you prepare for... [Read more]

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