IM NewsWatch, June 17, 2015 - '5 Simple Hacks That Will Double Your Email Open Rates – HubSpot' and much more...

June 17th, 2015 at 9:05 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

‘Content Marketing Pro Shares 10 Essential Tools for Success’ – Content Marketing Institute

Sujan Patel says, “If you want to experience any sort of success or ROI from the time and energy you put intocontent marketing, you have to be willing to invest in the right tools – tools that can automate, streamline, and improve your processes from beginning to end. But here’s the problem: Literally hundreds of tools claim to help you become... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: An overview of how one site increased leads by 155%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kylie Davidson says, “Simple, direct and bare. When your company and process is known around the world, a blank page with little competing content can not only work, but it can work really well. What about new visitors? Imagine coming to this page for the first time, with little to no context of the company. What is this company? If I type something... [Read more]

‘A Quick SEO Guide to Great Content’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “As I am sure most of you have heard, content is a key component of the SEO equation. Shares, links and engagement are all centered on having a piece of content that adds value to the readers. Today, we are going to take a look at how you can stop guessing and start writing content that people want to read, share and link... [Read more]

Tube Live Profits: Hoardes of free traffic from YouTube #ad

Saul Maraney, Damon Green, Warrior Faraaz, and Venkata Ramana have joined forces to produce a novel strategy for getting traffic to your website from YouTube. Here’s what every marketer needs to know about ranking YouTube videos: your videos can get respect from Google if you: 1. Produce quality videos that people want to watch 2. Properly optimize... [Read more]

‘Four Key Discoveries from “The Economist’s” Global Content Survey of Brand Marketers and Their B2B Audiences’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Ken Bowen says, “The Economist, in association with New York-based marketing research firm Peppercomm, recently conducted a global survey of top business leaders and marketers on the topic of content marketing. 500 global business executives were surveyed to find out what they look for from content providers, and 500 global marketers were asked... [Read more]

‘Twitter Introduces Autoplay Video; Will Only Charge For Ads 100% In View For 3 Seconds’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Taking dead aim at the lucrative market for video advertising, Twitter announced today that it will start serving autoplay video to its users. The move is no surprise. Given how well Facebook has been leveraging autoplay — to the tune of 4 billion views a day — it was only a matter of time before Twitter introducedits own... [Read more]

‘5 Simple Hacks That Will Double Your Email Open Rates’ – HubSpot

Chris Handy says, “The number of emails sent is growing rapidly. Target Internet forecasts a growth from 109 billion in 2015 to 140 billion in 2018 (oh, and that’s 140 billion … a day). Yes, you read that right. That’s 20 emails each day for every person on the planet! At the same time, according to, open rates... [Read more]

Smart Member: Complete membership site solution (and more) #ad

Just announced by Chris Record, Smart Member software allows you to build a membership site for any niche in just a matter of minutes. Easily add your content to the site. Training videos can be added automatically, for example... [Read more]

‘Pinterest is adding verified accounts and a way to narrow your search’ – ‘Mashable’

Ronald Chavez says, “Searching on Pinterest is about to get another boost. The social network is rolling out tweaks to its platform across all devices starting Tuesday to help users find exactly what they’re looking for, and to do so much faster. The improvements are small, but they add up to significant changes in how to browse the platform.... [Read more]

‘Facebook News Feed update weighs time spent on posts’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “On Friday, Facebook announced that the algorithm it uses to determine which content appears first in user News Feeds will now take into account how long users spend viewing posts. In a blog post, Facebook engineers Ansha Yu and Sami Tas explained how the new ranking factor will work: For example, you may scroll quickly... [Read more]

‘Can You Rank in Google Without Links? New Data Says Slim Chance’ – MOZ Blog

Cyrus Shepard says, “For years now, we’ve heard the drumbeat from Google that marketers should stop focusing on building links. While it’s accepted wisdom that you should avoid manipulative link building to rank higher in search results, the popular narrative would have us believe that external links aren’t important in Google’s... [Read more]

Your affiliate marketing can be more profitable; here's how #ad

As you may know, affiliate marketing can be profitable and can be a low-hassle, low-time investment business. But, on the other hand, many people attempt to become profit-making affiliates and actually have to struggle to break even... [Read more]

‘9 Landing Page Goofs that Make You Lose Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Henneke says, “Boosting conversions seems simple enough. Your landing page looks beautiful. You tell people what you offer. And when web visitors arrive, the cash register starts ringing and the dough rolls in. So, why is it that our conversions often suck? Why doesn’t the register ring more often? Why do people click away rather than take... [Read more]

‘Which SEO Tactics Should You Try Next?’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Google’s made thousands of changes to its algorithm over the years, making it difficult for marketers to keep up with exactly how to optimize their content for search in this day and age. Old tried-and-true SEO tactics suddenly don’t work anymore and there are tons of new ranking factors we need to... [Read more]

‘Twitter timelines get noisier as videos and GIFs start autoplaying’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Twitter is about to get even more chaotic and distracting. The social network announced Tuesday that Vine videos, GIFs and clips created through Twitter’s recently launched video sharing tool will all default to playing automatically on the social network. The change is rolling out to everyone today on Twitter’s... [Read more]

Email Cash Blueprint: 19 email profit-boosting methods #ad

Temper Thompson is a 17 year-old boy who is a protégé of famed marketer and trainer Matt Bacak. Together, they have produced Email Cash Blueprint, with the methods Bacak taught Thompson, methods that made Thompson's business take off... [Read more]

‘Amazon targets teen shoppers with Amazon Allowance’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “In an apparent effort to capture more spending from teenage shoppers, Amazon has unveiled a new service that makes it easier for parents to fund their kids’ online purchases. Launched quietly in the past month, Amazon Allowance gives parents and guardians the ability to add funds to an Amazon Gift Card that their... [Read more]

‘Dissecting and Surviving Google’s Local Snack Pack Results’ – MOZ Blog

Miriam Ellis says, “Google’s Snack Packs (a.k.a Local Stacks) haven’t gotten the best reception in the local business community. Many people feel these results serve Google itself more so than the local businesses they feature. For this reason, it may be more important than ever to make sure your local search marketing is both accurate... [Read more]

‘How to Make Your Business a Painkiller, Not a Vitamin’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is a brilliant technology entrepreneur with incredibly lofty goals for himself and his business. He is the founder and CEO of, a global online freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace, but this is in no way his first entrepreneurial venture. To date, [Read more]

Build a profitable online tee shirt store #ad

Millions and millions of tee shirts will be sold in the coming weeks. Some in brick and mortar stores, but many more online. You can participate in this e-commerce bonanza by setting up your own online tee shirt store... [Read more]

‘862 Hours of Inbound Marketing: A Statistical Analysis’ – HubSpot

Chris Handy says, “If you’re a sports fan (well, more like a sports geek), you know about a trend toward advanced analytics (the book Moneyball presents this concept about baseball). Sports founders set a few statistics as the end-all, be-all numbers for the games they created over a hundred years ago—but, for example, do we actually know... [Read more]

‘Why is email seen as the poor relation in digital marketing?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Salmon says, “We use email in our everyday lives and it has certainly been around for a while, since 1972 courtesy of Raymond Tomlinson. Email allowed us to seamlessly send electronic communications then, and today it is a common marketing tool to drive customer engagement. So why is email seen as the poor relation in the world of digital... [Read more]

‘The Top Barriers to Cross-Channel Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Marketers say the lack of a single customer view is their biggest barrier to successful cross-channel marketing, according to a recent report from Experian Marketing Services. The report was based on data from an online survey of 1,012 marketers conducted between November 10 and December 7, 2014. Responses were collected from... [Read more]

‘Top Tools To Jumpstart Your Content Creation & Keep It Going’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Steve Olenski says, “Businesses need to create new content at an unprecedented rate. Seventy percent of B2Bs are creating more content than they did just one year ago, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends report. With this growth in demand comes a unique set of problems. How do business owners continually... [Read more]

‘’Get Social,’ and Promote Your Company at the Same Time’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Chelsea Berler says, “An important point for business owners to realize is that they must be cheerleaders for both themselves and their companies. As an entrepreneur, you have to remember that the only way a potential client will hear about your existence is if you get the word out. Traditional marketing channels — direct mail, display... [Read more]


‘It’s the Year of Mobile (Again), But This Time It’s for Real’ – ‘’ Blog

Shannon Evans says, “Anyone who has been in the search game for a while has been warned repeatedly that it’s the Year of Mobile. Time and time again, we hear how mobile is more important, and some could argue our phones are beyond “smart” at this point. However, search marketers have officially reached “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” territory. What... [Read more]

‘A Simple, No BS Method to Measure Content Marketing ROI’ – Content Marketing Institute

Scott Severson says, “If you search online for “content marketing ROI,” you get close to 10 million results. The majority don’t provide anything particularly useful or actionable for typical marketers trying to justify their content marketing expenses to the CFO. So when I came across David Meerman Scott’s article on basing content marketing... [Read more]

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