IM NewsWatch, June 16, 2015 - 'It’s the Year of Mobile (Again), But This Time It’s for Real –' and much more...

June 16th, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

‘The Top Barriers to Cross-Channel Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Marketers say the lack of a single customer view is their biggest barrier to successful cross-channel marketing, according to a recent report from Experian Marketing Services. The report was based on data from an online survey of 1,012 marketers conducted between November 10 and December 7, 2014. Responses were collected from... [Read more]

‘Top Tools To Jumpstart Your Content Creation & Keep It Going’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Steve Olenski says, “Businesses need to create new content at an unprecedented rate. Seventy percent of B2Bs are creating more content than they did just one year ago, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends report. With this growth in demand comes a unique set of problems. How do business owners continually... [Read more]

‘’Get Social,’ and Promote Your Company at the Same Time’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Chelsea Berler says, “An important point for business owners to realize is that they must be cheerleaders for both themselves and their companies. As an entrepreneur, you have to remember that the only way a potential client will hear about your existence is if you get the word out. Traditional marketing channels — direct mail, display... [Read more]

Smart Member: Complete membership site solution (and more) #ad

Just announced by Chris Record, Smart Member software allows you to build a membership site for any niche in just a matter of minutes. Easily add your content to the site. Training videos can be added automatically, for example. But, Chris is going beyond a launch of Smart Member. He is also launching Bridge Pages and bundling it together with Smart... [Read more]

‘It’s the Year of Mobile (Again), But This Time It’s for Real’ – ‘’ Blog

Shannon Evans says, “Anyone who has been in the search game for a while has been warned repeatedly that it’s the Year of Mobile. Time and time again, we hear how mobile is more important, and some could argue our phones are beyond “smart” at this point. However, search marketers have officially reached “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” territory. What... [Read more]

‘A Simple, No BS Method to Measure Content Marketing ROI’ – Content Marketing Institute

Scott Severson says, “If you search online for “content marketing ROI,” you get close to 10 million results. The majority don’t provide anything particularly useful or actionable for typical marketers trying to justify their content marketing expenses to the CFO. So when I came across David Meerman Scott’s article on basing content marketing... [Read more]

‘The Two Components of The Perfect Online Business Model’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “Many dream of starting a profitable online business. And that dream is more attainable and legitimate than ever. As digital commerce becomes the norm instead of an outlier, more entrepreneurs are attracted to creating purely digital products and services. More importantly, your prospective customers want the convenience... [Read more]

Your affiliate marketing can be more profitable; here's how #ad

As you may know, affiliate marketing can be profitable and can be a low-hassle, low-time investment business. But, on the other hand, many people attempt to become profit-making affiliates and actually have to struggle to break even... [Read more]

‘Which Content Types Get the Most Social Shares’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Steve Rayson, Director at BuzzSumo, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss how different types of content resonate with different audiences, where visual content is headed, and how important influencers are to building your brand. Steve Rayson has always been really interested in the learning processes and how it ties... [Read more]

‘10 ways marketers can use Virtual Reality right now’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Martin Talks says, “Virtual Reality (‘VR’) gives marketers the opportunity to give their audience the closest experience they can get from a product, service or place without actually physically being there. As the lines between the physical and virtual worlds get increasingly blurred, VR presents marketers with an ideal way to engage their... [Read more]

‘Study: 300 Google Sitelinks Search Boxes – Triggers and Trip-Ups Analyzed’ – MOZ Blog

Roy Hinkis says, “The sitelinks search box ( is one of the most popular markups out there. According to SimilarTech, there are now more than 650,000 sites that have implemented this markup, making it one of the most popular of all schema markup types. That said, we don’t really know the reason why Google sometimes... [Read more]

Email Cash Blueprint: 19 email profit-boosting methods #ad

Temper Thompson is a 17 year-old boy who is a protégé of famed marketer and trainer Matt Bacak. Together, they have produced 'Email Cash Blueprint', with the methods Bacak taught Thompson, methods that made Thompson's business take off... [Read more]

‘Top Tips to Ensure Clients Pay on Time and Increase Your Cash Flow’ – ‘’ Blog

Loren Baker says, “On paper your business is thriving. Sales are up and you really haven’t increased your expenses. But, you’re still having cash flow problems. This is a serious concern for businesses in all industries, of all sizes. While there could be a number of reasons why you’re dealing with cash flow problems, one of the obvious... [Read more]

‘Five important things to look for in a tag management tool’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Lindsay McEwan says, “Tag management is the gateway to the long awaited goal of unified marketing, allowing marketers to fully integrate data and technology to drive relevant, cross-channel interactions in real time. But there is still some uncertainty around what tag management actually is, and what marketers should be looking for in a tag management... [Read more]

‘How to Win Over Editors and Make Them Crave Your Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

John Hall says, “Managing editors are a content marketer’s best friend. As the gatekeepers of influential publications, they can help content marketers reach large, engaged audiences through their own written words. Fortunately for marketers, editors also have a soft spot for quality contributed content. In fact, my company, Influence &... [Read more]

One good blog is powerful; a network of blogs is more powerful #ad

Perhaps you have heard of "private blog networks", a tool to improve your visibility in search engines. Some SEO experts say that no other method of increasing your ranking compares... [Read more]

‘Twitter removes 140 character limit for DMs: what does this means for brands?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “In an apparent effort to encourage its users to engage with its platform more freely, Twitter last week announced that it is removing the 140 character limit on Direct Messages. In a post on the Twitter Developers blog, Twitter product manager Sachin Agarwal explained: We’ve done a lot to improve Direct Messages over... [Read more]

‘How to Choose a PPC Agency’ – MOZ Blog

Anthony Coraggio says, “Paid search management is a great component of your marketing to outsource or delegate to a specialist. The field moves fast, so even without other responsibilities, keeping up with campaigns on a daily basis and all the developments in the technology and market environment is very demanding. When your time is already at... [Read more]

‘The Traffic Light Revision Technique for Meticulously Editing Your Own Writing’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “As a Los Angeles native, I know a thing or two about sitting in traffic. I’m talking about physically sitting in your car while stopped in traffic on the way to your destination — not the traffic you talk about when people visit your website. But the two different types of traffic may not be as unrelated as you think“. The... [Read more]

Country boy from Texas finds ultimate keyword success #ad

Brian Howard found that ranking for keywords wasn't necessarily as profitable as the guides and gurus lead you to believe. Even though he ranked very high, he wasn't getting the traffic that people had taught should be expected... [Read more]

‘5 Strategies to Improve Your Website Conversions’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “If you’re like most online marketers, you’ve probably spent a great deal of time perfecting your site’s usability, crafting your copy, and making your calls to action hard to resist. That’s important to get your site to convert well, but don’t forget about these five digital marketing strategies. Their return on investment... [Read more]

‘What’s In a Name? Why Choosing an Effective Domain Name Matters’ – ‘’ Blog

John Moyer says, “You’ve heard it, the key to a successful business is “location, location, location.” Now more than ever this is the case, given that we are a digitally connected, global society. Gone are the days of flipping through stacks of Yellow Pages to find a repair shop. In 2015, we press a button on our smart phone and ask for... [Read more]

‘Five golden rules when localising for international ecommerce’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Chloe McKenna says, “Understanding what local customers really expect when purchasing from an ecommerce site is an essential factor for success when it comes to international expansion. Failing to properly localise a website to be in line with local conventions will not only impact how users perceive a brand and feel about using a website, but... [Read more]

’10 User Experience Testing Tools Marketers Need to Know About’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jessica Davis says, “”Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works!” Steve Jobs said. Each one of us interacts with information differently, and a design that works for one person may turn someone else off entirely. No matter how much effort you’ve put into designing your website or mobile app,... [Read more]

‘FTC Puts Social Media Marketers On Notice With Updated Disclosure Guidelines’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “If you hire celebrities or influencers to talk up your brand or if you hold contests with promotional tie-ins to social media, it might be time for a proper-disclosure check up. That’s because the Federal Trade Commission, the agency that enforces U.S. truth-in-advertising laws, appears to be sending get-tougher signals. Late... [Read more]

‘How To Use Periscope To Grow Your Ecommerce Business’ – Shopify

Corey Ferreira says, “With the announcement of Twitter’s acquisition of Periscope, a lot of business owners and marketers have been scrambling to figure out the best way to use this new platform to grow their business. If you’re unfamiliar with Periscope, it’s an app (for iOS and Android) that allows you to live stream video to strangers... [Read more]


‘How Communicating Value Lead to a 30% Increase in Overall Site Revenue’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Joey Taravella says, ““The conversion sequence is actually a function of understanding the offer. We are not optimizing the product, we are optimizing the offer. As such, we are focused on two aspects: the content and the presentation.” — Flint McGlaughlin, On Improving the Conversion Sequence The goal for most marketers is conversion.... [Read more]

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