IM NewsWatch, June 12, 2015 - '10 essentials for local SEO success – Econsultancy' and much more...

June 12th, 2015 at 1:04 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, June 12, 2015

‘Three Tactics and a Bunch of Content Tools You Can Use in Social Media’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jessica Davis says, “A study investigating the psychology of social media sharing indicates that people share because they want to make valuable content accessible to others. When your audience members scrutinize your social media content, they form an opinion about your brand based on what you put out there, and they determine whether to share... [Read more]

‘IAB: US Digital Ad Spend Jumps 16% To Top $13.3 Billion In Q1 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “In another historic high, internet advertising revenues in the US topped $13.3 billion in the first quarter of 2015. The latest numbers, issued in an interim quarterly report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC US’s New Media Group, show ad revenues rose 16 percent year-over-year above Q1 2014’s $11.4... [Read more]

‘Facebook now wants you to explore what’s trending in 5 topics’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “Facebook continues to experiment with organizing the Trending area on its homepage by different topics, a test it began in April. Currently, the social network has five topics that users can toggle between — All News, Politics, Science and Tech, Sports, and Entertainment — and are represented by small, recognizable icons,... [Read more]

One good blog is powerful; a network of blogs is more powerful #ad

Perhaps you have heard of “private blog networks”, a tool to improve your visibility in search engines. Some SEO experts say that no other method of increasing your ranking compares. Todd Spears and Clinton Dixson have a solution for people wanting their own private blog network: Blog Network Blueprint. In this new training, they have created... [Read more]

‘The 3 Reasons People Fail when Developing Online Products’ Copyblogger Webinar June 16

Sonia Simone says, “I’d love it if you joined me and Chris Garrett for a free session on the mistakes people make when they’re putting together a product to sell online. Chris and I have taught a lot of folks how to reach their business goals, and we’ve seen certain patterns of failure show up again and again. We’ll show you how to avoid... [Read more]

‘Your Daily SEO Fix: Week 4′ – MOZ Blog

Trevor Klein says, “This week, we’ve got the fourth (and second-to-last) installment of our short (< 2-minute) video tutorials that help you all get the most out of Moz’s tools. They’re each designed to solve a use case that we regularly hear about from Moz community members. Here’s a quick recap of the previous round-ups... [Read more]

‘What You Don’t Know about Your Product Can Kill Your Copy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Your product has two identities. But your customer buys your product because of just one of these identities. Oops. See, when you pay $5,000 for your son’s braces, you aren’t buying a middle-aged man to follow you around in a white coat … nor are you buying stainless-steel rods to stick in your son’s mouth. What... [Read more]

Country boy from Texas finds ultimate keyword success #ad

Brian Howard found that ranking for keywords wasn’t necessarily as profitable as the guides and gurus lead you to believe. Even though he ranked very high, he wasn’t getting the traffic that people had taught should be expected. He set out to determine what was wrong and what could be done to correct it. The result is Ultimate Keyword Conversions. He... [Read more]

‘5 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Be Tracking’ – HubSpot

Andrea Francis says, “Remember when it was enough to have a decent-looking website with a couple of your keywords on a few product pages? How times have changed! Increasingly, marketers have to come up with innovative ways to grab visitors’ attention. When infographics first blew up the internet, they had the same impact as when businesses... [Read more]

‘10 essentials for local SEO success’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

James Gurd says, “In this blog I explain 10 recommendations for your local SEO program, based on research and my own experience of planning and implementing local SEO strategies for B2B and B2C retailers. Search engines have been working hard on fine-tuning their algorithms to provide high quality search results based on location. Google is... [Read more]

‘Scaling Programmatic Advertising With Dynamic Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt Ackley says, “So you’ve tagged your site. You’ve identified some interesting audience segments. You’ve got some great data, and you are ready to go! However, data only gets you to the door. The creative is what gets you through (and keeps you in the room). Now, look at your creative execution and compare it to your high-level marketing... [Read more]

Summer is here; tee shirts are in demand, big profits await #ad

Millions and millions of tee shirts will be sold in the coming weeks. Some in brick and mortar stores, but many more online. You can participate in this e-commerce bonanza by setting up your own online tee shirt store. You may think it's hard, but it doesn't have to be... [Read more]

‘Marketing Psychology: 10 Revealing Principles of Human Behavior’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “One key part of being a great marketer is understanding how (and why) people think and act the way they do. It’s much harder to create compelling content marketing, for example, if you don’t know why it would be compelling to your audience in the first place. Before you jump into the tactical nitty-gritty of marketing,... [Read more]

‘Twitter will remove 140-character limit on direct messages’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “You will soon be able to send much longer direct messages on Twitter. The site plans to remove the 140-character limit on its direct messaging feature in July, the company revealed in a post on its developer forum on Thursday. A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to Mashable the character limit would be changing sometime in July... [Read more]

‘Eliminate Duplicate Content in Faceted Navigation with Ajax/JSON/JQuery’ – MOZ Blog

Eric Enge says, “One of the classic problems in SEO is that while complex navigation schemes may be useful to users, they create problems for search engines. Many publishers rely on tags such as rel=canonical, or the parameters settings in Webmaster Tools to try and solve these types of issues. However, each of the potential solutions has limitations.... [Read more]

Instant Local Leads: Fastest way to build your list of prospects #ad

If you are a local marketing consultant, you need to know who is interested in your marketing services. Mike Cooch has reopened his sale for Instant Local Leads Software.This powerful software lets you instantly generate leads for any city, any state or province, in any country. And it tells you what you need to know to prioritize them, so you contact the best prospects first... [Read more]

‘How brands can use Periscope and Meerkat’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Whether you’re a Periscoper or a Meerkater we have the inspiration for you. And if you rightfully point out that nobody who uses either live-streaming video app has ever referred to themselves as a Periscoper and Meerkater then you are truly the closest thing we have to an expert and you can probably just have a nice... [Read more]

‘Webinar Benchmarks for Marketers’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “What percentage of webinar registrants actually attend on average? Which days and times are most popular for conducting events? How long do people tend to watch for? Are most webinars interactive? ON24 recently set out to answer these questions by examining 9,375 webinars conducted on its platform between January and December... [Read more]

‘Facebook & Shopify Are Expanding Their Buy Button Testing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Remember the Facebook Buy button? Amid recent news of Pinterest and Google joining the e-commerce land rush, you could be excused for wondering what happened to the social network’s own in-stream commerce effort. That experiment, launched last July and limited to a small number of merchants, is still in beta. But starting... [Read more]

Amazon affiliate marketing will never be the same #ad

Dan Brock is an admitted goof-off, who would rather sleep or play on his PS4 than work on his business. Even so, his is making big bucks as an Amazon affiliate... [Read more]

‘How to Create Surveys People Won’t Hate Taking’ – HubSpot

Mimi An says, “Over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of bad surveys. Those tend to be easier to identify than good ones. You’ve probably taken some yourself — they often have poorly worded questions and tend to drag on forever. Good surveys, on the other hand, are forgettable. The best experience you can aim for is for the respondent... [Read more]

‘How to Boost Your Conversions with Split Testing’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Split-testing can create massive improvements in your results, and there is an entire industry of tools, techniques, and consultants ready to help you achieve those improvements. And it does not have to be difficult, expensive, or complex to get started“. How to Boost Your Conversions with Split Testing ‘Copyblogger’... [Read more]

‘Twitter Advertisers Can Now Target Categories Of Installed Apps’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today introduced an advertising tool that enables targeting people based on the categories of apps they have installed on their phones. The company said the new targeting feature will allow app advertisers to reach people more likely to be interested in their companies’ apps. The feature also allows targeting of users... [Read more]

‘What You Need to Know About Google’s Recent ‘Phantom’ Update’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “On April 21, Google unleashed its mobile-friendly update on the online world. However, most businesses and entrepreneurs were in the loop and had sufficient time to react and take appropriate measures. More recently, there have been rumors flying about a new “phantom” algorithm update, which was presumably applied... [Read more]

‘Periscope and Meerkat: what do marketers need to know?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “If you’ve clicked on a Twitter link in the last couple of months that has taken you to a tall rectangle of shaky footage and lots of shouting in a bar, chances are you’ve stumbled on to a friend’s Periscope or Meerkat feed. Or perhaps you were tempted to watch the premiere of Game of Thrones Season five in a deeply... [Read more]

‘How to Use Video in Your Marketing: 20 Ideas to Try Today’ – HubSpot

Andrea Francis says, “Remember when it was enough to have a decent-looking website with a couple of your keywords on a few product pages? How times have changed! Increasingly, marketers have to come up with innovative ways to grab visitors’ attention. When infographics first blew up the internet, they had the same impact as when businesses... [Read more]

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