IM NewsWatch, June 11, 2015 - 'Further Engage Customers By Creatively Distributing Your Brand – Entrepreneur' and much more...

June 11th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, June 11, 2015

‘Twitter Advertisers Can Now Target Categories Of Installed Apps’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today introduced an advertising tool that enables targeting people based on the categories of apps they have installed on their phones. The company said the new targeting feature will allow app advertisers to reach people more likely to be interested in their companies’ apps. The feature also allows targeting of users... [Read more]

‘What You Need to Know About Google’s Recent ‘Phantom’ Update’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “On April 21, Google unleashed its mobile-friendly update on the online world. However, most businesses and entrepreneurs were in the loop and had sufficient time to react and take appropriate measures. More recently, there have been rumors flying about a new “phantom” algorithm update, which was presumably applied... [Read more]

‘Periscope and Meerkat: what do marketers need to know?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “If you’ve clicked on a Twitter link in the last couple of months that has taken you to a tall rectangle of shaky footage and lots of shouting in a bar, chances are you’ve stumbled on to a friend’s Periscope or Meerkat feed. Or perhaps you were tempted to watch the premiere of Game of Thrones Season five in a deeply... [Read more]

Summer is here; tee shirts are in demand, big profits await #ad

Millions and millions of tee shirts will be sold in the coming weeks. Some in brick and mortar stores, but many more online. You can participate in this e-commerce bonanza by setting up your own online tee shirt store. You may think it’s hard, but it doesn’t have to be. There is a software package that sets up a tee shirt store on your blog... [Read more]

‘How to Use Video in Your Marketing: 20 Ideas to Try Today’ – HubSpot

Andrea Francis says, “Remember when it was enough to have a decent-looking website with a couple of your keywords on a few product pages? How times have changed! Increasingly, marketers have to come up with innovative ways to grab visitors’ attention. When infographics first blew up the internet, they had the same impact as when businesses... [Read more]

‘Segment Your Blog Content to Drive More Leads and Sales’ – Content Marketing Institute

Dan Faggella says, “Effective marketing is personalmarketing. The generic “10 tips” blog post and homogenous email blast can no longer be the go-to tactic from themodern marketer’s toolbox. While segmenting your audience inemail marketing is relatively common, segmenting your readers when creating blog and article content isn’t nearly... [Read more]

‘How To Improve Your Content Development Process’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “What are some of the biggest challenges of developing tons of content? “It’s mostly just organization.” That’s what Ali Parmelee, Co-Owner and Brand Strategist atTHINK creative group has to say about content development. And I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s tough enough to organize your own marketing. But what gives... [Read more]

Instant Local Leads: Fastest way to build your list of prospects #ad

If you are a local marketing consultant, you need to know who is interested in your marketing services. Mike Cooch has reopened his sale for Instant Local Leads Software. This powerful software lets you instantly generate leads for any city, any state or province, in any country. And it tells you what you need to know to prioritize them, so you contact... [Read more]

‘How To Make Money Online with Interactive Content’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Consider the majority of the kind of content that you find on the Internet each and every day. This blog post that you are reading right now is a prime example of that. Perhaps you subscribe to the RSS feed and the story popped up in your feed reader of choice. Maybe you follow John on Twitter and you saw the tweet saying there’s... [Read more]

‘6 Ways to Maximize the Shelf Life (and Utility) of Your Audio Content’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Bryan Collins says, “Podcasting is the Andy Warhol of content marketing. During the 1950s and 1960s, Warhol created a unique story proposition by exploring the link between art and popular culture. His work was at the forefront of the visual and pop art scene because almost nobody else was doing what he did — and he made much of his best work... [Read more]

‘How Trendy Are You? Tapping Search Trend Analysis to Drive Seasonal Sales’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomas Stern says, “The next big thing is always just around the corner. Is your brand ready? Seasonal trends have a big influence on consumer decisions and ecommerce. Ensure your brand is prepared to handle seasonal demands by understanding trends in user search and online behavior. Leveraging data to build highly targeted and qualified campaigns... [Read more]

Deadbeat marketer conquers Amazon #ad

Dan Brock is an admitted goof-off, who would rather sleep or play on his PS4 than work on his business. Even so, his is making big bucks as an Amazon affiliate... [Read more]

‘Further Engage Customers By Creatively Distributing Your Brand’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jim Joseph says, “In my New York University class on products vs. brands, there’s one topic that always seems to stump the students: distribution. I think it’s because they assume that distribution is fairly obvious — companies simply stock products on retail shelves and their work is done. When you look at distribution from a product... [Read more]

‘Do Hero Images Prompt Ecommerce Conversions?’ – HubSpot

Corey Beale says, “The latest trend in ecommerce and marketing images is pretty obvious, especially if you’ve visited the Apple website lately. They’re not the first or the only to use hero images, but they’re one of the most visible—and they use them a lot. If Apple uses them, they must work, right? Before you embark on a mission to... [Read more]

‘8 Nonobvious Tips to Promote Your Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

Arnie Kuenn says, “Great content does little good if the right audience isn’t exposed to it. Most marketers are familiar with many ways to promote content, including sharing content on Facebook, Twitter­, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. Nevertheless, new ways to promote content pop up all the time that aren’t as obvious, even to... [Read more]

Alex Jeffreys, Transparency and Video Sales #ad

Most famous online marketing names don’t want you digging too much into their backgrounds for fear of some of the things you might find... [Read more]

‘Show and Tell: Simple Content Marketing Tactics to Boost Brand Awareness’ – ‘’ Blog

Jawad Khan says, “In today’s competitive business environment, the quality of your products and services is not the only factor that determines the success of your business. Nearly every business in your industry claims to offer the same value for the client’s money. To stand out from the crowd and attract more leads, you need to create brand... [Read more]

‘How to Grow an Audience on LinkedIn by Repurposing Content’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Job one for any business, entrepreneur, or marketer is to grow an audience. Content syndication is one such approach to doing just that. But it’s not entirely understood. Content syndication is an age-old idea of taking an original piece of work and then trying to get it published in other places. By “other places,”... [Read more]

‘Maximize Marketing Reach: A Glance At The Customer Is All You Get’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Brian Rigney says, “The window of opportunity to get a browsing consumer’s attention is a very small one — and increasingly it is a window viewed on the even smaller window of a mobile device. A glance is all you get to win them in both time and space. While it’s great to have increasing freedom to be creative with your marketing campaigns,... [Read more]

How to hack your way onto the Amazon Best Seller list #ad

A best selling author has a lot of advantages. The initial royalties, though they look awfully nice when you deposit them in your bank, are just the beginning... [Read more]

‘How to Create an Awesome Blog’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mitch Meyerson says, “If you use the right approach, your blog will draw more and more traffic that will result in you becoming recognized in your industry, building amazing business partnerships, and setting up systems for the low-cost acquisition of customers for your business. Can you achieve success and see rapid growth in your blog and business... [Read more]

‘FTC warns about native ads’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “In an effort to reach consumers amidst multiple assaults on their ads, many marketers have embraced native advertising. But the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has concerns, and markets and publishers could soon find themselves at risk if they aren’t careful. At the Clean Ads I/O conference in New York... [Read more]

‘Which Social Network Should You Advertise On?’ – HubSpot

Olivia Allen says, “Social media advertising is a great tactic to use to supplement your other inbound marketing efforts. That said, each comes with its own strengths and weaknesses, and acknowledging these can help you put out the most suitable, engaging content possible. Social media has become a cornerstone of marketing strategy; it doesn’t... [Read more]

YouTube Enigma: Sell more on YouTube #ad

Aidan Corkery is a relatively new online marketer.  In the time he has been online, he has focussed on getting the most value out of YouTube... [Read more]

‘How to Build Your Website Like a Supermarket’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Pre-career, I had a few different jobs, from working in the video store after school rewinding the weekend’s videotapes to merchandising greeting cards for one of the giants in the industry. When I look back, the job that taught me the very most that applies to what I do today was my five-year stint working in supermarkets over... [Read more]

‘The 3 Forgotten Laws of Growing Your Business Digitally’ – ‘’ Blog

Aaron Kahlow says, “fter a few event outings with my fellow entrepreneurs and small business execs, I got a pit in my stomach from substance-lacking conversation. It seems with all the hype, hub-bub and over-kill from the press on hyper-growth companies, growth hacking and billion dollar buyouts—many have lost site of what matters most. Or... [Read more]

‘Create Content That Engages Without Selling’ – Silverpop Blog

Loren McDonald says, “For many marketers, email drives more sales than any other digital channel. Using email only to generate immediate sales is shortsighted, though. Email also is an excellent brand-building tool, whether you call it “branding” email or my favorite, “white space” email. A more descriptive name is “engagement... [Read more]

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