IM NewsWatch, June 11, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘New SEO Product Launches in the U.S. - Website Magazine’ and much more...

June 11th, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 11, 2012

‘How To Permanently Stop Your Unconscious Rejection Of Money And Success’ Melanie Benson Strick’s Webinar June 14

Melanie Benson Strick is hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 14 at 1.00 am PST. The topic of the webinar is “How To Permanently Stop Your Unconscious Rejection Of Money And Success”. Melanie says, “In this webinar I’ll do three things: Reveal how even the most successful people... [Read more]

‘How To Optimize Your Website After Latest Panda And Penguin Google Updates’ Brad Callen’s Webinar June 12

Brad Callen is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, June 12 at 8.00 am ET. The topic of the webinar is “How To Optimize Your Website After Latest Panda And Penguin Google Updates”. Callen says, “On the webinar, we’ll also have a LIVE Q & A session at the end where we’ll... [Read more]

‘Building the Best Brand Advocate’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Building the Best Brand Advocate”. Michael Garrity says, “As Web workers, we all strive to provide experiences for our customers that ultimately transform them into loyal and lifelong brand advocates. But the truth is that the majority of... [Read more]

Sell more products and services through social media #ad

Use social media (especially Facebook) if you want to: - Stand out from the crowd in your niche - Get better targeted prospects for your products and services - Engage the audience and keep their attention With Viral Social Control you get a three-step formula for using to drive traffic- lots of it-... [Read more]

‘Identifying and Fixing Your Worst Landing Pages’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Identifying and Fixing Your Worst Landing Pages”. Rob says, “How to use Google Analytics to identify and fix underperforming landing pages”. Identifying and Fixing Your Worst Landing Pages SEOmoz  [Read More]

‘Is Hotmail Getting a New Name Along With Its Redesign? [VIDEO]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Is Hotmail Getting a New Name Along With Its Redesign? [VIDEO]“. Samantha Murphy says, “Microsoft is said to be working on a redesign of its Hotmail email platform, and leaked images of the new look have made its way onto the web. [Read more]

‘Weekly Wrap-Up: Many Millennials Don’t Have More Than Basic Computer Skills and More’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Weekly Wrap-Up: Many Millennials Don’t Have More Than Basic Computer Skills and More”. Robyn Tippins says, “Despite a strong grasp of social media, many millennials lack real computer skills. Richard contrasts three types of social media users.... [Read more]

How to become a profitable affiliate for Amazon #ad

Amazon Gold Rush training is backed by exhaustive research into the niches on Amazon the produce the most sales for the best profits. These top 100 products are the key to your successful Amazon affiliate business. These products offer opportunities to build niche sites that attract visitors and because... [Read more]

‘7 Content Marketing Links You Shouldn’t Skip’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “7 Content Marketing Links You Shouldn’t Skip”. Brian Clark says, “This week on The Lede … 21 Types of Content We Crave 10 Things to Tweet When You Don’t Have a Clue The Ultimate List of Content Readability Tests How to Become a Content... [Read more]

‘Moving From Back Pats to Business, Social CRM Is For Real’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Moving From Back Pats to Business, Social CRM Is For Real”. Baer says, “You think social media is reaching maturity, and the whipsaw behavioral shifts that change like a Dwight Howard trade request are things of the past? Uhhh,... [Read more]

‘Simplest Internet Marketing Sales Funnel’ by Brett Ingram

Brett Ingram’s latest ‘Think Big Publications’ blog post is titled “Simplest Internet Marketing Sales Funnel”. Ingram says, “Got an Internet marketing question? Post it as a comment and I’ll answer it in an upcoming post… Internet marketing can be confusing, overwhelming, and downright... [Read more]

Want to build a mailing list of thousands in two weeks? #ad

List Building Coaching by Tim B says it shows you how to do it, step bu step, in a matter of weeks. In his traing, for five days in a row, he sends you lessons that include homework assignments to complete before the next daily lesson arrives. Among the topics he covers in the course are how he outsources... [Read more]

‘A legendary marketer… and all-around good, funny guy’ by Troy White

Troy White’s latest blog post is titled “A legendary marketer… and all-around good, funny guy”. White says, “If you haven’t heard of Drayton Bird, you are missing out! He is a legendary marketer and copywriter… …even the great David Ogilvy said “Drayton Bird knows more about direct... [Read more]

Stupid marketing Tricks #2- Anonymous emails

So often marketers think it’s smart to hide their true identity in their emails. In the last 24 hours, I have received emails from people only ideltified as “Admin”, “Notice”, “Support”, Christy, Sean, Dorothy, Clifford, “Download Dept.”,Preeti,... [Read more]

‘Pick The Best Affiliate Marketing Blogs’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Pick The Best Affiliate Marketing Blogs”. Collins Says, “We asked for nominations of the best affiliate marketing blogs a couple months back, and we got a nice list of nominees. Originally, we were going to have the Affiliate Summit Advisory Board select... [Read more]

WP Plugin lets you cash in on the crowd fever for mobile aps #ad

Every month, there are over 6 million searches for iPhone apps. Even “top free iphone apps” a “longer tail” keyword, gets over 100,000 searches a month. You can get a part of the revenue from this craze without having any apps of your own. New WP App Store plugin lets you easily... [Read more]

‘The “Dark Side” Of Selling Info Products’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “The “Dark Side” Of Selling Info Products”. Schoemaker says, “For the last two years, my product has been one of the top selling fitness products in the world… Along the way, I’ve learned that you can make a lot of money and change people’s... [Read more]

‘You’re Not Ugly – I Promise!’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “You’re Not Ugly – I Promise!”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I love impromptu marketing lessons that just … happen. They’re unprovoked and not any sort of “secret underground conversion tracking” – they just appear out of thin air and we all learn... [Read more]

‘Dot Com Pho – Global Expansion Edition’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Dot Com Pho – Global Expansion Edition”. Chow says, “After a two-week break away from Pho Ba Co, we returned to discover that they have expanded! Due to the overwhelming amount of press and business I have given them, Pho Ba Co has taken over the space... [Read more]

Shrink the size of your video files up to 90% #ad

Video tends to be the major bandwidth hog (and hard drive hog, for that matter) for websites. If you can reduce the size, without losing noticeable quality, it will have a lot of advantages: 1. It will save time when you upload the files to your site 2. It will save time when your customers download... [Read more]

‘New PLR Solution: Big Content Search’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “New PLR Solution: Big Content Search”. Gardner says, “Big Content Search gives its members access to more than 100,000 PLR articles in over 200 niche markets. The brainchild of Europe-based company, NiteoWeb Inc., this PLR search engine is trying... [Read more]

‘Now That’s a Great Idea’ by Joel Comm

Joel Comm’s latest blog post is titled “Now That’s a Great Idea”. Comm says, “”I’ve got an idea that can make a million dollars, Joel!” If I had a dollar for every time I heard this from someone, I’d be well on my way to having a million dollars. Here’s the... [Read more]

‘How Affiliates Can Overcome Google’s Penguin Update' – ClickBank Blog

‘ClickBank’ latest blog post is titled “How Affiliates Can Overcome Google’s Penguin Update”. Molly Lane says, “Google seems to be developing a habit of delivering crippling algorithmic changes to affiliates disguised as animals. The Panda update of 2011 certainly crushed many affiliates,... [Read more]

Spin Rewriter is the most advanced article rewriting tool ever #ad

Launching at 9 AM Eastern (with a low starting price, but rising), Spin Rewriter is based on research by computer scientists at Princeton and Stanford, according to Simon Greenhalgh, the product creator. It raises the bar on spinning; it’s way above other spinners you may have seen. Using this... [Read more]

‘Penniless on the World Wide Web’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Penniless on the World Wide Web”. Dow says, “One of my favorite movies ever is Sleepless in Seattle. It’s a feel-good story of heartbreak and finding love again. Two souls who barely know each other make a connection that succeeds. Right now, I’m... [Read more]

‘Bing Offers Up a Free Link Graph’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Bing Offers Up a Free Link Graph”. Aaron Wall says, “Bing refreshed their webmaster tools offering & now allows you to look up link data for 3rd party sites. We recently interviewed Bing’s Duane Forrester about the new SEO tools & their... [Read more]

‘Free PLR: Calcium Chart & Challenge’ by Nicole Dean

Nicole Dean’s latest blog post is titled “Free PLR: Calcium Chart & Challenge”. Dean says, “Hi I’m back with another “FREE Money-Making Content for You”Friday! Friday is the day where I give you free content that you can use on your blog. Hurray! Today, I have something a little different... [Read more]

Don’t let Negative SEO kill your website; Free Training #ad

Some of your competitors may resort to “dirty tricks” against you to boost their own sales. They employ “Negative SEO” to link your site to bad neighborhoods. Protect yourself against Negative SEO using the techniques in Negative SEO Revealed. Find out how your site can be hurt:... [Read more]

‘5 Tips For Blogging Your Business To Success’ by Charlie Cook

Charlie Cook’s latest blog post is titled “5 Tips For Blogging Your Business To Success”. Cook says, “Whether you want to improve your search engine ranking or want to improve your relationship with your prospects so they know you, like you and trust you – there is one simple strategy that... [Read more]

‘Website Optimization’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Website Optimization: Why the Marketing-IT relationship is critical and 7 tips to make yours stronger”. Andrea Johnson says, “What would happen if you planned a sumptuous banquet for hundreds of guests, devoted months to designing invitations... [Read more]

‘Boost Your Conversion Rates Fast!’ – ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter

Rich Schefren has released the latest issue of ‘One Step Ahead’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Boost Your Conversion Rates Fast!”. Schefren says, “Here’s another quick tip that’s one of the fastest easiest, most reliable techniques for boosting conversion on your... [Read more]

New WordPress plugin displays dynamic content in sidebars #ad

Alexis Kenne has announced WP Content Whizz that lets you dynamically control the content of your sidebar. You don’t need to have programming skills to insert variable content in your sidebars. WP Content Whizz does it for you, but under your control. You may want to places ads in the sidebar,... [Read more]

StrongMail Releases ‘How Daily Deal Sites Capitalize on Email Marketing’ Report

The StrongMail team has releases a report titled “How Daily Deal Sites Capitalize on Email Marketing”. The StrongMail team says, “This special report analyzes how the leading group buying and flash sale sites have leveraged email marketing to grow successful businesses and identifies... [Read more]

‘State of US Internet in Q1 2012′ comScore Webinar June 14

comScore is hosting a webinar with Trey Smith on Thursday, June 14 at 2.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “State of US Internet in Q1 2012”.` comScore team says, “The total internet population worldwide spent 2.2 trillion minutes online and viewed 3.5 trillion pages in the month of... [Read more]

‘New SEO Product Launches in the U.S.’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “New SEO Product Launches in the U.S.”. Linc Wonham says, “To help facilitate the U.S. launch of its SEO software product, Hamburg, Germany-based SEOlytics is offering a free starter version for new customers. A full range of features and... [Read more]

Mike Filsaime explains new technology for building websites in minutes #ad

On Thursday, Mike is unveiling his new technology on a webinar. Now, once and for all, your can overcome the technology learning issues that keep you from building the websites you need for your business. And manage a portfolio of sites with ease. You can build your online business business yourself,... [Read more]

‘Phoenix Rising: Bing’s New Webmaster Tools – Whiteboard Friday’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Phoenix Rising: Bing’s New Webmaster Tools – Whiteboard Friday”. Rand says, “In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, Bing’s very own Duane Forrester will be joining us in the Moz studio to personally walk us through the newly released... [Read more]

‘4 Tips to Protect Your Small Business Against Cyberattacks‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “4 Tips to Protect Your Small Business Against Cyberattacks”. Alex Fitzpatrick says, “You may think that cybersecurity is only important for major companies, but think again. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks: Without... [Read more]

‘How To Get Around the Great Firewall of China’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How To Get Around the Great Firewall of China”. Dave Copeland says, “When I saw Leah (last name withheld until she’s back in the U.S.) in May a week before she left for a three-month trip to China, she admitted it would be difficult to break her... [Read more]

Discover a profitable consulting services niche #ad

So many websites are not performing as their owners desire. They need help. You can offer this website boosting service that can pay $150 or more each time you fix a business’s site. And you can outsource the actual work; you just find the sites needing help, collect the money and farm out the... [Read more]

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