IM NewsWatch, July 9, 2015 - '5 Secrets to Running a Successful Ecommerce Business – Entrepreneur' and much more...

July 9th, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, July 9, 2015

‘Email Send Frequency: The Effects of Undermailing’ – Return Path

Jen Ribble says, “Finding the right send frequency is a challenge most email marketers face at some point. We all know that overmailing is a mistake, so conventional wisdom points to limiting your send frequency as the “safe” approach. Fewer emails should result less frustration from subscribers, and therefore fewer complaints, right? As... [Read more]

‘5 Fail-Proof Social Media Best Practices’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Matt Hensler says, “The majority of businesses are leveraging social media to engage their existing and potential customer base but many are still – even in 2015 – doing so with blinders on. They are either not measuring their return on investment from the various networks or are not creating engaging social media calendars, not responding... [Read more]

‘5 Secrets to Running a Successful Ecommerce Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “There are many entrepreneurs whose greatest desire is to build a business that allows them to live a lifestyle of their choosing, and have it run more or less on autopilot. Ecommerce tends to be fairly complementary to those desires. However, if you want to turn your ecommerce store into a massive business, the only thing... [Read more]

New Covert Shirt Store 2.0 for t-shirt profits #ad

The IM Wealth Builders team (Soren Jordansen, John Merrick and Cindy Battye) made a surprise announcement yesterday. They have just released a new version of their popular software for selling t-shirts online, Covert Shirt Store 2.0. Anyone who invested in version 1, whether last year or just last week, gets a free upgrade to the new version that is... [Read more]

‘Searching For The Holy Grail Of Marketing? You Can Stop At The Universal Customer Profile’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Erik Bratt says, “When marketers talk about the future state of marketing, it invariably circles back to the ability to deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right person. Obtaining this rare ability requires several things, but none more important than the single customer view, also known as a universal customer profile, which... [Read more]

‘The Mobile Marketing Bandwagon: Get On or Get Out’ – ‘’ Blog

Kristen Vanstorm says, “It’s no secret, mobile is the future. Connecting with customers on a qualified mobile device is not only effective, it’s necessary. Look around you. How many people are currently holding, or at least own a mobile device? It’s safe to assume most, if not all, do. As a business owner or marketing professional,... [Read more]

‘Is Your Content Marketing Career on Autopilot?’ – Content Marketing Institute

Chuck Frey says, “In times of rapid change, learning new skills equips you to adapt and thrive. It also helps you to sidestep programmatic thinking – the tendency to rely too much on existing knowledge and ignore signs that it isn’t as effective as it once was. Nowhere is this truer than in the field of content marketing. An expanding body... [Read more]

Speed Blogging: Because your time is valuable #ad

Chris Record started blogging back in 2004 when he made his first 6-figure year online using the Google Adsense™ program. Since then, Record and his team at Internet Marketing Bar have developed numerous WordPress products and services. They are also the creators behind Kalatu™, the multi-user WordPress blogging network currently used by many thousands... [Read more]

‘Why Blog Posts Fail’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “You are wasting money on content that has little chance of success. Are you creating more content this year than you were last year? Almost certainly so. But, is that extra effort being expended efficiently and intelligently? In many cases, no. As I wrote about in my post “Are you thinking about your blog all wrong?” today’s... [Read more]

‘How to Easily Track Your On-Page SEO Strategy’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “We all know that optimizing your website — both for searchers and search engines — can do wonders for your organic traffic and lead generation efforts. The tricky part, of course, is figuring out how to actually optimize your website’s pages. After all, reading about SEO best practices in blog posts and ebooks... [Read more]

‘Yahoo unveils Daily Fantasy sports app for real cash payouts’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Yahoo is stepping into the rapidly growing world of daily fantasy sports. The company just introduced Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy, a new fantasy sports platform that will allow people to compete in daily competitions for cash payouts. Like traditional fantasy sports leagues, daily fantasy services allow users to compete against... [Read more]

Clickbank is giving away a trip to Japan #ad

Coming up September 5 and 6, in Tokyo, is Netpreneur Summit, known as "Asia's Premier Internet Marketing Event". Clickbank is partnering to produce this networking/training event. To celebrate, they are giving away a trip to Japan to attend Netpreneur Summit (valued at $5000).... [Read more]

‘Little-Known Strategies for Using LinkedIn Groups Effectively’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “LinkedIn Groups are a powerful way to build authority and leads for your business … if you know how to use them correctly. The Missing Link host Sean Jackson loves LinkedIn Groups. They provide an effective and free way to establish connections online, while also helping you build your authority. But the real power of... [Read more]

‘A year in Google algorithm updates’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Google algorithm updates are a fact of life for brands and search specialists. With so many Google updates over the course of a year, we have a periodic collective outburst of stress around these changes. However, the effects of these changes are generally much more subtle and are not the cataclysmic events some fear. Google’s... [Read more]

‘8 Ways Content Marketers Can Hack Facebook Multi-Product Ads’ – MOZ Blog

Alan Coleman says, “The trick most content marketers are missing Creating great content is the first half of success in content marketing. Getting quality content read by, and amplified to, a relevant audience is the oft overlooked second half of success. Facebook can be a content marketer’s best friend for this challenge. For reach, relevance... [Read more]

Niche Genetics will find free traffic for you faster than ever #ad

Niche Genetics is a complete research, analysis and reverse-engineering tool that will show you every modification needed to get your site ranked for the most useful keywords for your niche... [Read more]

‘11 unusual examples of ecommerce navigation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Celebrating the weird, the different and the atypical. Sure we have a set few ideas about user experience and what we consider best practice, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for experimentation. The following examples offer a different view, whether it’s in their search tools or in the way they present... [Read more]

‘How to Make Money Online: The Basics’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Eric Siu says, “Let’s say you’re a newbie to the world of online sales and are looking to make money online, but you’re starting with a small startup budget. With the blinding wealth of information available for new business owners, knowing how to spend your limited funds can be a bit intimidating. Here is a five-step checklist to help... [Read more]

‘What the Best Social Media Community Managers Actually Do in Their Jobs’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Searching for someone to run your social media efforts can be both an eye-opening and frustrating experience. It might seem that, of the applicants who can boast any goal or metric from their job, the one thing they point to doing is “driving engagement.” While engagement metrics can be tied back to a business’... [Read more]

Facebook Campaigner: Generate Unlimited Leads on Facebook #ad

Facebook Campaigner> is a simple-to-use application helping you promote your offers in the groups, pages, events, and profiles on Facebook and to do it with just one click... [Read more]

‘How to Craft an About Page that People Actually Read and Share’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “There really is no right or wrong way to create an About page. The only question is this: is it interesting? Remember, people will read a lot if it is interesting. However, there are a few best practices you can follow. Let’s look at those … In this 5-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover: The... [Read more]

‘Five tips on writing content for a mobile audience’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graeme Parton says, “Content is still as important as ever to digital marketing success, but as your audience evolves, so too must your approach. Over the past few years, mobile has taken over the world. Your customers are seemingly glued to their screens at every waking hour, and this must be taken into account. So how do you go about creating... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Not-So-Secret Plan to Take Over Email’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Facebook just made a big move that gets them closer to what they really want, which is to take over as the new email. This was kept pretty quiet, but it could have long-term, big implications for us all. Facebook has announced that if you use Facebook Messenger, their messaging application, you do not now have to be a member of Facebook.... [Read more]

‘The Key to Growing Your Audience: Partner With Subject Matter Experts’ – HubSpot

Michael Brumitt says, “No matter the format, message, or style of online content, everyone’s striving to reach the largest possible audience. Making that a reality depends on creating something that answers an audience’s most pertinent questions, is presented in an engaging way, and maybe even offers some new ideas no one’s hit on before. As... [Read more]

‘Facebook Dumps “Likes” In New CPC Calculation To Focus On Performance Outcomes’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “The once regaled Like is getting another kick in the shin. Facebook is changing up the way it calculates cost-per-click to an approach that moves past its roots as a place for brands to win popularity contests by garnering “likes” to one that puts business performance objectives first. For advertisers that want to drive... [Read more]

‘Automated Webinars May Be the Tool You Need to Scale Your Marketing Efforts’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Eric Siu says, “Running webinars is a great way to boost engagement with your audience as well as create a new revenue stream for your business. Just ask Rick Mulready, who made $30,000 in four weeks after selling seats to his FB ADvantage webinar series (a course he hadn’t even fully developed before registration opened), or Jason Caruso,... [Read more]

‘A Match Made in Internet Heaven: Content Marketing Meets eCommerce’ – ‘’ Blog

Jawad Khan says, “The size of the global ecommerce market is growing at an exponential rate. According to an e-marketer study, ecommerce retail sales across the globe are expected to reach $1.6 trillion by the end of 2015, and $2.5 trillion by the end of 2018. The study further forecasts that China alone will be responsible for more than $1... [Read more]

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