IM NewsWatch, July 8, 2014 - ‘Get the most from PPC in a small-keyword category – Econsultancy' and much more...

July 8th, 2014 at 8:21 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

‘How to Get More Traffic to Your Content’ Don Crowther’s Webinar 8.00 pm EST

Don Crowther is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 8 at 8.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “How to Get More Traffic to Your Content”. Crowther says, “You’ll learn: Exactly what types of posts you should be making if you want to get more social sharing and incoming links – improving your traffic, search engine positioning... [Read more]

‘Use Images (Not Just Words) to Turn Your Distracted Visitors into Engaged Readers’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “If you have kids — or if you’ve ever been around kids — you’ve heard the sound before. It’s a noise that’s somewhere between the cry of a lost wolf cub and the wail of a nearby car alarm. It’s one of the most annoying sounds you’ll ever hear. It’s the ear-piercing cry of a child who has been over-stimulated. The... [Read more]

‘Mobile Ad Revenues To Surpass Newspapers, Magazines, Radio This Year — Forecast’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “According to a new forecast from eMarketer, total media spending in the US will see its largest increase in a decade reaching $180.1 billion. The firm says that the growth will be lead by TV and mobile. Overall digital ad spending will represent almost 30 percent of all US ad spending this year according to eMarketer, which... [Read more]

Swiftype: The easiest way to add great search to your website #ad

Major online businesses (such as Harvard Law Review, Twilio, and Shopify) have found a way to improve visitor experience on their sites: powerful, easy search of the site’s content. If people can find what they are looking for on your site, they will stay longer and buy more. That have many benefits to you. Longer stays improve your search engine... [Read more]

‘Stop Bots in Their Tracks with visualCaptcha’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S says, “With non-humans accounting for more than 61 percent of Internet traffic, the ability to discern between human and non-humans (bots) is essential. Captcha has been at the forefront of discerning bots and humans since it was invented in 2000. However, as smarter programs are created and technology advances so too does the technology... [Read more]

‘4 Rules for Guest Posting in 2014’ – Web Marketing Today

Pamella Neely says, “Guest posting is still an effective way to help build a business or a reputation. It’s survived the ups and downs of Internet marketing fashion, built thousands of careers, and has adapted to the tectonic shifts of Google’s algorithm updates. That’s even after Google’s anti-spam czar, Matt Cutts, said in January of 2014,... [Read more]

‘Use Hashtags Without Being #Annoying’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jonathan Long says, “Hashtags became instantly popular when they were introduced to us via Twitter, and then soon spread across Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, and the holy grail Facebook, to create the hashtag phenomenon that we experience on a daily basis today. They are such a large part of social media culture today and they aren’t... [Read more]

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression #ad

If you want to sell technical services to either online or offline businesses, you need to impress them with your professionalism. And your website is the first impression you make on your potential clients. Is it up to the job? Your website needs to model the professionalism you claim to bring to their business. Sloppy design or amateurish graphics... [Read more]

‘Geo-Targeting: Removing the Barriers to Conversion’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Graham Cooke says, “Geo-targeted advertising has become an important tool for retailers, allowing them to reach customers with individualized content. By obtaining users’ locations, you can approach them with specific offers, direct them to nearby shops and use their weather conditions to recommend a product – to name a few use cases... [Read more]

‘How to Boost Email Conversion Rates With A/B Testing [Video]‘ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “I hate to make you suspicious, but there’s someone on your team you shouldn’t always trust. Don’t take this the wrong way — they’re good at their job, but sometimes, they’re just wrong. What’s worse: They don’t even realize that they’re wrong. Do you know who I’m... [Read more]

‘Five key trends and takeouts from Google I/O 2014′ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Skerrett says, “This year’s Google I/O conference, held weeks after Apple’s WWDC, showed the world that Google really is taking over every aspect of our lives, and challenging its fiercest rivals. As Android users have increased from 530m last year to more than 1bn this year, Google announced its ‘biggest ever overhaul’ with a... [Read more]

Instant Domain Sniper finds top expired domain names #ad

Richard Fairbairn just released his new domain name research software, Instant Domain Sniper. It researches expired domain names in seconds. Infact, Fairbairn says that what would take you 20 hours to do manually, it will do in 20 seconds. Expired domains can be a big boost to your websites. The search engines already know them, and some of them already... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘How to Craft the Ideal Content Strategy for Your Facebook Page’ Business 2 Community Webinar July 30

This is a reminder for the Business 2 Community webinar on content marketing scheduled on July 30. Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar with Richard Beeson on Wednesday, July 30 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “How to Craft the Ideal Content Strategy for Your Facebook Page”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says,... [Read more]

‘The Pros And Cons Of Open Sourcing Your Code’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Despite starting as a “cancerous” and purportedly “anti-American” blight on the software world, open source has come to be as American (and capitalist) as apple pie. Everyone uses it, big companies like Facebook bake it into their standard development practices and practically no one questions its value anymore. Which... [Read more]

‘Amazing Social Selling Infographics You Need to Know About Now’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Summer Luu says, “It’s 2014 and the sales game has changed drastically. Welcome to the age of social selling. For sales people, this means cold calling is not as effective anymore. Based on a study conducted by GE Capital Retail Bank here’s why you’ve got to change the way you sell: 81% of people look at products online before making... [Read more]

Hero Tower (Power User Edition): Maximizing your Facebook Profits #ad

Anyone can make money from selling products on Facebook Fanpages. The questions is “How much money?” Most people make very little and it takes them a bi9g investment of time to do so. Hero Tower Power User is software designed to help you earn more in less time. The way to earn more is to sell in more niches. The problem is that it takes... [Read more]

‘7 Secrets to Success at Home and Work from Affiliate Summit East 2012’ by Shawn Collins

Collins Says, “This was a conference session titled Affiliate Program Interactivity and Attribution from Affiliate Summit East 2012, which took place August 12-14, 2012 in New York City at the Hilton New York. Session speaker: Mike Nunez, Co-Founder, Session description: This session will explain the challenges and potential... [Read more]

‘Optimized Hosting for WordPress’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “WordPress is the hands-down leader in content management. Couple this popularity with the increasing need for hosting services that are geared toward individual content management systems, and Internet professionals will have no trouble seeing why 1&1 has launched WordPress Optimized Hosting. Catering to the needs... [Read more]

’10 ways to get the most from PPC in a small-keyword category’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Malcolm Slade says, “How can search marketers maintain visibility and acquire new customers without simply increasing their paid search bids? Competition is growing among home insurance brands vying for attention in Google’s search results. In this blog I’ve summarised the findings our new report that, while focusing in on home insurance... [Read more]

30 days to a Successful Online Business #ad

Sean Mize has teamed with Reed Floren to produce a training program any beginner (and quite a few experienced marketers) can benefit from,  [Read more]

‘Virality: How Does It Work and Why Do We Share?’ – ‘Mashable’

Armand Valdes says, “We share things online every day — a cool DIY project, something that made us laugh, or a picture of a cute animal. We propel our ideas into the vast space known as the Internet, and become one tiny factor of a much larger process known as virality. Why are we compelled to do this? In our latest Mashable Explains video, we... [Read more]

‘How To Tap Into Social Norms to Build a Strong Brand’ – MOZ Blog

Bridget Randolph says, “In recent years there has been a necessary shift in the way businesses advertise themselves to consumers, thanks to the increasingly common information overload experienced by the average person. In 1945, just after WWII, the annual total ad spend in the United States was about $2.8 billion (that’s around $36.8 million... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: What a 29% drop in conversion can teach you about friction’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Tackett says, “I’m sure most of you have heard the old proverb: The road to ruin is paved with the best of intentions. In fact, if you have a different version of it, feel free to share it in the comments below. The proverb is a great example of the subtle dangers in optimizing a process with no perspective on how the big picture is potentially... [Read more]

‘How I Doubled My Twitter Followers in 2 Weeks’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jessica Mehring says, “There’s the genuine, thoughtful way to build a social media following, and there’s the cheater’s way (or as some put it, the “hacker’s” way). I’m a big proponent of thoughtfulness in all things – but I took a shortcut a few weeks ago with the Horizon Peak Twitter account, and I’m not too proud to admit... [Read more]

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