IM NewsWatch, July 7, 2015 - 'State of Social Media: 4 Brand Marketers Speak – Content Marketing Institute' and much more...

July 7th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

‘Twitter Officially Launches Ads Companion For Mobile Campaign Management’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter’s mobile ad management feature, introduced as an experiment last week, is now an official part of the company’s tool set. Today, Twitter announced the launch of the tool, which it’s calling the Twitter Ads companion. The tool enables advertisers to monitor and adjust campaigns from their iOS and Android apps.... [Read more]

‘Five Ways to Prove Marketing’s Value by Saving Sales Costs’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Andrew Davies says, “Prospect self-education is making up more and more of the B2B (and high-value B2C) purchase journey. It used to account for perhaps 10% of the buying journey; now, depending on which research you trust, it forms 50-70% of the process. And in a few years it might be 90% for many categories. Regardless of the ongoing debate... [Read more]

‘How Marketing Gets Done in a Regulated Industry’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “People in marketing and content roles can be a little less quantitative and a little more creative, so sometimes we take it personally when we hear someone poking holes in our ideas. But if you can set your ego aside and remember that they’re really just trying to do their job, you can get a lot accomplished. You have to remember... [Read more]

$300 Every Day with CPA? Jani G says “Yes” #ad

There’s a surge of interest in CPA among online marketers these days. This is demonstrated by the fact that of the 5 top selling products on WarriorPlus today, 3 are CPA products. Together, they have sold nearly 2000 copies. By far the biggest seller of the 3 is $300 CPA Every Day, which has sold over 1000 copies. Jani G is a marketing coach (besides... [Read more]

‘The State of Social Media: 4 Brand Marketers Speak’ – Content Marketing Institute

Keith Goldberg says, “Since the first marketer uploaded that first Facebook brand post, there has been much discussion around social media, its role in content marketing, and ultimately how it benefits brands. For those brands that have thoughtfully integrated their social into their content marketing strategy – and that understand the tactical... [Read more]

‘How To Get 25% More Leads and Double Your Sales’ by John Chow

Chow says, “First of all. Happy 4th of July everyone! After today’s Dot Com Lunch, we’ll be enjoying the fireworks that’s going on all over the country. Second, do You Want to Get 25% More Leads and Double Your Sales? Then you will not want to miss this valuable live training. Higher converting links get up to 25% more leads Retarget your... [Read more]

‘Darren Rowse on the Intersection of Blogging and Digital Commerce’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “We know about the power of content marketing to build audiences, inform what products and services to develop, and ultimately connect the two together. And whether you call it blogging or not, text remains a cornerstone of the online content mix. Darren Rowse is one of Brian Clark’s favorite people. Darren has been an... [Read more]

Video Studio Makes any Video Profitable in Minutes #ad

Precious Ngwu is releasing his newest product, Video Studio,  Monday, July 6 @ 11am EDT. Ngwu says that this new software is the fastest method to get traffic & sales with videos... [Read more]

‘7 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing’ – HubSpot

Marc Herschberger says, “Most articles with titles like these are usually designed to educate people with little understanding of the inbound to redesign their website with the said methodology in mind. While good for people who don’t know anything about Inbound, they’re rather redundant to those who have already made the switch and designed... [Read more]

‘The Importance of Being Different: Creating a Competitive Advantage With Your USP’ – MOZ Blog

Trenton Greener says, “”The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before.” While this quote has been credited to everyone from Francis Phillip Wernig, under the pseudonym Alan Ashley-Pitt, to Einstein himself, the powerful... [Read more]

‘Need for speed: how to optimise website performance’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Danny Bluestone says, “Website performance radically impacts our success, 64% of smartphone users expect websites to load in under four seconds. However, average page weights are still on the rise. As marketers, website performance can seem utterly beyond our control. Here’s how to change that… Drawing on Cyber-Duck‘s current website... [Read more]

Reverse Engineer YouTube’s ranking system #ad

Targeted marketing makes all the difference in success. But it's often hard to find the right target market. But when you combine precision targeting with the power of video, this one-two punch brings in a lot more responses... [Read more]

‘Getting Started With Email Testing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Eric Dezendorf says, “If you’re like many email marketers out there, you send your regularly scheduled batch and blast email to your entire list each day, week or month to your active segment of users. You crunch your opens and clicks data for each mail, and then move on to the next one. Though this is a good start to your email marketing program,... [Read more]

‘The Best Time of Day to Tweet’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, ” The most popular times for tweeting are often not the best times for getting clicks and engagement, according to a recent report from Buffer. The report was based on an analysis of more than 4.8 million tweets sent by 10,000 Twitter accounts from around the world. The researchers looked at tweet volume, clicks, and engagement... [Read more]

‘The 3 Best Questions To Ask Inbound Leads’ – HubSpot

Craig Elias says, “In my last blog post, I promised to reveal the three best questions to ask an inbound lead. Ask the wrong questions and you’ll either miss hot prospects or spend a ton of effort on those who won’t buy from you. Ask the right questions and you’ll be able to quickly tell hot prospects apart from time wasters. There... [Read more]

Explaindio 2.0: flexible marketing video builder for all needs #ad

Launched last year, version 1 of Explaindio was one of the best-selling tools for marketers of all time. Over 14,000 were sold... [Read more]

‘Basket abandonment emails: why you should be sending them’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Do basket abandonment emails work? Is there any ‘best practice’ guidance that ecommerce sites should follow? What is the likelihood that an abandoner will come back to purchase after receiving the email? Let’s try to answer these questions right now… According to SaleCycle’s founder and CEO,... [Read more]

‘3 Content Strategy Practices That Will Make You a Better Content Marketer’ – Content Marketing Institute

Michele Linn says, “My recent revelation: When I write, my audience is always top of mind. However, when I look across all of CMI’s websites and channels, I worry that we’re not providing an exceptional experience for our community at all points. For instance, we may have answers to people’s questions, but can people find what they need?... [Read more]

‘Twitter Updates Audience Insights & Introduces Persona Targeting’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today announced an update to its audience insights dashboard and introduced a streamlined way for advertisers to target demographic groups. Launched in late May, the audience insights dashboard provides a snapshot of Twitter user demographics, such as income, interests and purchasing behavior. Today’s update enables... [Read more]

Free training on selling teeshirts online #ad

Radio stars Bob and Ray once asked, "Is it proper to drink coffee in a teeshirt?" Most people think the answer is "Yes". Millions of teeshirts are sold each year.  A lot of them are sold online.  And many online teeshirt businesses are doing well in this business... [Read more]

‘How Engaging Pinterest Content Can Triple Your Website Referral Traffic’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Part whimsical pinboarding site and part lead generation wonder, Pinterest has solidified itself as a major player among today’s social media channels. While there are many reasons for this, a standout is its ability to personalize curated boards around topics of interest. From recipes to workouts, interior design, fashion and more,... [Read more]

‘5 Ways a Penalty Can Dramatically Improve Your Call To Action’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “One of the best ways to ruin a truly great sales letter is to not ask for action. The second best way is to include a call to action without a penalty. Indeed, not all calls to action are the same, but a strong call to action is typically: singular visible promising clear about what happens next brimming with trust elements It... [Read more]

‘24 best practice tips for ecommerce site search’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Users of site search are more likely to convert than the average user, so ecommerce sites should strive to produce the best possible experience. Here I’ve compiled a list of site search best practices, along with some excellent examples from retailers. Search boxes and functionality There’s more to search... [Read more]

‘6 Fundamentals for Succeeding at Online Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Erica Riegelman says, “Today, it’s easier than ever to start your own business. Anyone with a URL, a good product and a PayPal account can make a go of it. But if it’s easy for anybody, this also means it’s easy for everybody. The world of ecommerce is teeming with competition. So, how do you make your company and its products stand out?... [Read more]

‘Reputation Matters: How to Make Sure Your Emails Get Delivered to the Inbox’ – Aweber Blog

Mohammed Ahmed says, “For most brands, reputation is everything. After all, how others perceive you can have a huge impact on your relationships. And no matter what your unique brand personality is, at the end of the day, you want your reputation to be positive. But have you ever stopped to consider how your email sender reputation is doing,... [Read more]

‘Say Hello to Vlogging: Why You Should be Video Blogging’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Byrom says, “So, you’re using video in your content strategy, and you’re also blogging. Hopefully, you’re noticing pretty steady results from both, but you know what would be even better for your business? Vlogging. Yes, that’s right: Video + Blogging = Vlogging. Vlogging is a cost-effective and innovative way to... [Read more]


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