IM NewsWatch, July 7, 2014 - ‘How to Be in the Top 5% of Bloggers: New Research Results – HubSpot' and much more...

July 7th, 2014 at 8:40 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, July 7, 2014

‘The Sad State of Responsive Email Use’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Despite the obvious benefits, email marketers haven’t adapted to consumers increased mobile usage. YesMail’s Q1 Benchmarks (released in mid-May 2014) revealed that even though there is a 21 percent positive difference in click-to-open rates for emails with a responsive design, only 1 percent of marketers... [Read more]

‘An Exhaustive List of Google’s Ranking Factors ‘ – HubSpot

Sam Kusinitz says, “More than 1.1 billion people use Google searcheach month to make 114 billion searches.According to comScore, Google holds 67.6% of the U.S. search engine market share. This means that marketers looking to rank highly in organic search have to worry a great deal about what Google is looking for. With all the talk about optimizing... [Read more]

‘Re/wind: Twitter Shopping is Coming, T-Mobile Overbills’ – Re/code

Noah Kulwin says, “We at Re/code had a wonderful Fourth of July, and are hoping that you did, too. In case you missed any of the big headlines this holiday week, we have you covered with the news that powered Re/code: Why didn’t Twitter buy Soundcloud? Well, one theory is that the cash they didn’t spend on the music streaming service just... [Read more]

Instant Domain Sniper finds top expired domain names #ad

At 11:00 EDT, Richard Fairbairn releases his new domain name research software, Instant Domain Sniper. It researches expired domain names in seconds. Infact, Fairbairn says that what would take you 20 hours to do manually, it will do in 20 seconds. Expired domains can be a big boost to your websites. The search engines already know them, and some of... [Read more]

‘Content Syndication and Guest Blogging’ – ClickZ Blog

Kevin Lee says, “Syndicating your content to a third-party site or guest blogging for a respected publication can be a boost for your business. Here’s a deeper look at the benefits, and potential drawbacks, of this strategy. If your company is regularly publishing good content on your site, you might consider syndicating a portion of this content... [Read more]

‘Link Facebook Users to Your App’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S says, “With 114 billion minutes each month being spent on Facebook just in the U.S., it’s no wonder marketers have turned to the social network to reach more consumers. Considering marketers ability to target specific demographics, locations and user interests on Facebook, the social media giant provides marketers an excellent... [Read more]

‘How to Manage LinkedIn Advertising, for Success’ – Web Marketing Today

Melih Oztalay says, “LinkedIn has evolved into an advertising channel worth considering for your business. In “Using LinkedIn’s Sponsored Updates to Promote your Business,” my article last week, I addressed how to reach a highly targeted group of prospects by inserting your company updates into their personal profile feeds. This form of... [Read more]

Hero Tower (Power User Edition): Maximizing your Facebook Profits #ad

Anyone can make money from selling products on Facebook Fanpages. The questions is “How much money?” Most people make very little and it takes them a bi9g investment of time to do so. Hero Tower Power User is software designed to help you earn more in less time. The way to earn more is to sell in more niches. The problem is that it takes... [Read more]

‘A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Retweets’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Alinn Louv says, “The old saying goes, ‘a picture’s worth a thousand words’. In the new age of social media, this is more true than ever. Visual social sites, Pinterest and Instagram, blew up last year. Other social giants strove to catch up with update after update, optimizing their newsfeeds to make them more visual. Twitter, known for... [Read more]

‘Twitter Is Opening A Huge New Revenue Stream’ – Business Insider

Aaron Taube says, “At long last, Twitter has announced it will allow all advertisers to purchase its mobile app install ads, which ask people if they want to download or use a mobile app while they’re browsing Twitter on their phones. Twitter has been testing the app install ads with select partners since at least November, and now it... [Read more]

‘Few Insurers Are Currently Proud Of Their Mobile Offerings, And Rightly So’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Oliwia Berdak says, “Have you ever had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Maxwell the Pig? Maxwell is a likeable if slightly assuming animated pig. At times he can be a bit dismissive of those who aren’t as digitally savvy as he is. Maxwell is also a celebrity, featuring in a number of videos promoting Geico’s mobile insurance offerings.... [Read more]

30 days to a Successful Online Business #ad

Sean Mize has teamed with Reed Floren to produce a training program any beginner (and quite a few experienced marketers) can benefit from,  [Read more]

‘Marketing Automation Fatigue Might be Destroying Your Database’ – HubSpot

Jonathan Pavoni says, “As the consuming public starts demanding more information about the products and services that they purchase, marketing automation software becomes a necessary tool for marketers in every industry. This software allows practitioners the ability to communicate to a large and diverse group of prospects over a specific amount... [Read more]

‘How data can be used to take your email marketing up a level’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “What needs to be done to bridge the gap between ordinary email marketing and best-in-class email marketing? I’ll be taking a look at our recent report, Bridging the Gap in Email Marketing, written by Morag Cuddeford-Jones and in partnership with Pure360, in which interviews were conducted with digital marketing... [Read more]

‘How to Be in the Top 5% of Bloggers: New Research Results’ – HubSpot

Sonia Simone says, “We’ve said it so often you’re probably sick of it. Content marketing doesn’t work unless the content is genuinely worth reading. Routine, phone-it-in content won’t get you the audience, the leads, the prospects, or the conversions you need. Andy Crestodina over at Orbit Media Studios is one of the content marketers... [Read more]

YouTube can be dangerous to your wealth #ad

YouTube, the world’s largest (by far) video repository has its advantages, but it has its dangers, as well. With YouTube as your video host, you aren’t in control of your video’s destiny; YouTube is. That means that you are subject to its decisions. And it can delete your video or your whole account full of videos in the blink of an... [Read more]

‘5 Fashion Hacks for the Modern Male Marketer’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “From the undeniable class of a full windsor to the (all too common) mistake of letting our underwear become accidental outerwear, today’s modern marketers are prone to some very easily solveable fashion faux-pas. On this Independence Day, we take a quick break from discussing the online world and bring you a whiteboard... [Read more]

‘4 Resources for Getting More Out of Google Analytics’ – ClickZ Blog

Robert Miller says, “Google Analytics is always updating and adding new features. Here are four methods to help you get the most out of your analytics tool. As a part of the consulting services I provide to clients, I often do trainings of Google Analytics. Sometimes it’s one-on-one or to a small group, and other times it’s to multiple... [Read more]

‘Testing Is At The Heart Of Marketing Success’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Yuriy Timen says, “Marketing for any business is an ongoing effort that requires consistent refinement and improvement to see positive results in the long-term. It is not enough to simply create a quality marketing program and leave it alone to do its job. Rather, the marketing plan for any business needs to be monitored on a daily basis in order... [Read more]

Blueprint for Full-time passive Profits #ad

Phillip McGough has just released Full-time Passive Profits, his guide to setting up your online business so that you can work just an hour or so per day (after an initial effort to set it up) to create a full-time income. McGough says he has seen this work in his own business, and he wants to show you how to make it work in yours. If you haven’t... [Read more]

‘The ultimate guide to personalisation: content retargeting and engagement’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ian McCaig says, “Online shopping has become so much more than simply a place to buy. Ecommerce websites are now places to curate brands and promote customer interaction and editorial content is a key tool to ensure consistent engagement for continued sales and results. Here’s an overview of how you can use content to help increase conversion... [Read more]

’6 Fantastic Landing Page Examples You’ll Want to Copy’ – HubSpot

Sam Kusinitz says, “Landing pages exist to serve one purpose: to get people on your website to convert to the next stage in the buying journey. Although their purpose is simple enough in theory, actually creating a successful landing page requires detailed planning and creative testing. Regardless of what your business is selling or the conversion... [Read more]

‘Analytics Strategies To Measure Social Signals’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jason Bowden says, “Getting high quality traffic to your website is very important, especially when you are undertaking a digital marketing campaign. The social media platform has become a popular tool for helping websites in improving its search ranking and search engine optimization process. A strong social signal can significantly enhance... [Read more]

Make the second half of 2014 profitable #ad

The 3rd quarter of 2014 just started. If your business isn’t where you want it to be, take positive steps to move it forward in the second half of the year.: 1. Set a “vital few” important goals. 2. Establish a game plan to reach those goals 3. Execute that plan and commit to seeing it through to the end. If you work the same way in... [Read more]

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