IM NewsWatch, July 6, 2015 - 'How to Increase Sales With Flexible Payment Terms – HubSpot' and much more...

July 6th, 2015 at 9:08 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, July 6, 2015

‘6 Fundamentals for Succeeding at Online Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Erica Riegelman says, “Today, it’s easier than ever to start your own business. Anyone with a URL, a good product and a PayPal account can make a go of it. But if it’s easy for anybody, this also means it’s easy for everybody. The world of ecommerce is teeming with competition. So, how do you make your company and its products stand out?... [Read more]

‘Reputation Matters: How to Make Sure Your Emails Get Delivered to the Inbox’ – Aweber Blog

Mohammed Ahmed says, “For most brands, reputation is everything. After all, how others perceive you can have a huge impact on your relationships. And no matter what your unique brand personality is, at the end of the day, you want your reputation to be positive. But have you ever stopped to consider how your email sender reputation is doing,... [Read more]

‘Say Hello to Vlogging: Why You Should be Video Blogging’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Byrom says, “So, you’re using video in your content strategy, and you’re also blogging. Hopefully, you’re noticing pretty steady results from both, but you know what would be even better for your business? Vlogging. Yes, that’s right: Video + Blogging = Vlogging. Vlogging is a cost-effective and innovative way to... [Read more]

Video Studio Makes any Video Profitable in Minutes #ad

Precious Ngwu is releasing his newest product, Video Studio, Monday, July 6 @ 11am EDT. Ngwu says that this new software is the fastest method to get traffic & sales with videos. Video Studio is a video marketing solution that you can use to automatically optimize your videos to produce fresh traffic and double the engagement viewers have with your... [Read more]

‘Finding Your Ideal Email Send Time to Maximize Relevancy’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Beulah says, “We get this question probably more than any other: when is the best time to send an email to customers? The answer is that it is totally unique to your organization. There are many factors that could influence what your perfect send time is and the motivations of your customers. Testing for the correct send time for your customers... [Read more]

‘9 email do’s and don’ts for data-driven marketers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Spencer Kollas says, “I am often asked what a brand can do to make its marketing programs more successful, and over the years I have provided a lot of different recommendations. What these always have in common, though, is that they encourage the marketer to focus on the human relationship behind the data — a relationship that you continue... [Read more]

‘How We Increased the Conversion Rate on Our Mobile Landing Pages ‘ – HubSpot

Lauren Pedigo says, “Is your website ready to attract and convert mobile website visitors into leads? According to Adobe, companies with mobile-optimized sites triple their chances of increasing mobile conversation rate to 5% or above. If that’s not enough to sell you on the importance of delivering a mobile-optimized experience, Google... [Read more]

Reverse Engineer YouTube’s ranking system #ad

Targeted marketing makes all the difference in success. But it’s often hard to find the right target market. But when you combine precision targeting with the power of video, this one-two punch brings in a lot more responses. That’s nice in theory, you may say, but how can I do it in practice? Well, new software, called Video Marketing Blaster... [Read more]

‘How “Listening” To User-Generated Content Leads To E-Commerce Sales’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Benjamin Spiegel says, “Content is king. That is as true for e-commerce as it is for search or even social. In order to not only capture but also retain the attention of today’s consumers, brands must build meaningful experiences that provide a unique value to their audiences. This is most effectively achieved with great content. Over the... [Read more]

‘How to Use SEO to Attract and Retain Customers’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “What does it take to rank in Google now? And how should SEO fit into your plans of attraction, retention, and conversion? In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal: How social and SEO go together, and how listening will help your SEO What SEO means to your overall content strategy Why getting... [Read more]

‘Google FCC filing may point to next version of Google Glass’ – ‘Mashable’

Adario Strange says, “The rise and fall of Google Glass from cool edge tech to bar room punchline may be about to take another turn. A new set of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) documents filed by Google offers a peek at an upcoming device that is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functionality, just like the first version of Google Glass. The... [Read more]

Explaindio 2.0: flexible marketing video builder for all needs #ad

Launched last year, version 1 of Explaindio was one of the best-selling tools for marketers of all time. Over 14,000 were sold... [Read more]

‘Creating Demand for Products, Services, and Ideas that Have Little to No Existing Search Volume’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “A lot of fantastic websites (and products, services, ideas, etc.) are in something of a pickle: The keywords they would normally think to target get next to no search volume. It can make SEO seem like a lost cause. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains why that’s not the case, and talks about the one extra step... [Read more]

‘Eight examples of effective emotional video content’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “It’s no secret that appealing to people’s emotions is one of the best ways to get them to engage with your content, and one of the best ways to create an emotional experience is through videos. As it’s Friday, and sunny, and I’m nervously wondering whether I’m going to make it out the other side of my impending stag... [Read more]

‘How to Start a Podcast: The Ultimate Step by Step Podcasting Guide’ – Shopify

Corey Ferreira says, “Podcast listenership continues to grow tremendously every year. According to the Washington Post, in just the last 5 years, the average number of unique monthly podcast listeners has tripled to 75 million. Additionally, 33% of people surveyed by Edison Research have listened to a podcast, which is up from 23% five years ago.... [Read more]

‘Move Over YouTube: Facebook To Give Video Creators Share Of Ad Revenue From New “Suggested Videos”’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook is turning up the heat on YouTube. Starting this fall, Facebook will offer selected video creators — including the NBA, Fox Sports and Funny or Die — a cut of advertising revenue that appears with their content on the social network. That type of revenue-sharing arrangement has long been the province of YouTube,... [Read more]

Free training on selling teeshirts online #ad

Radio stars Bob and Ray once asked, "Is it proper to drink coffee in a teeshirt?" Most people think the answer is "Yes". Millions of teeshirts are sold each year.  A lot of them are sold online.  And many online teeshirt businesses are doing well in this business... [Read more]

‘9 Startling Market Statistics You Need to Know’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Firas Kittaneh says, “Marketing is all about adapting to constantly changing technologies, strategies and norms. A great deal of creativity, skill and knowledge is required to navigate these murky waters and come out on the other side with fresh ideas to jumpstart marketing practices. To inspire innovation and disrupt your current schemas of... [Read more]

‘How to Increase Sales With Flexible Payment Terms’ – HubSpot

Shei Feinberg says, “It’s easy to feel for your customers when they can’t make payments. Hearing the plea in their voice for payment flexibility makes it hard to enforce tough terms or upfront payments. Yet, business isn’t personal, and sales leaders’ jobs hinge on figuring how to increase sales. If we gave special treatment to every... [Read more]

‘Pro Tips on Building an Audience That Will Stick with You’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “This week on The Showrunner, get a sneak peek at the lessons inside The Showrunner Podcasting Course as Chris Garrett and Christina Canters provide expert advice on the right way to build, and even move, your audience. The episode opens with a reflection on the unique experience Jerod and Jonny shared this week: Jerod stepping... [Read more]

Boost Your Business, Attract Leads & Skyrocket Sales With Video SEO #ad

The EpicWin University, founded by Travis Morgan, has just released Freedom Academy, which they say fulfills the promise of the headlin... [Read more]

‘Marketing for Local Business: Are You Making These Mistakes?’ – ‘’ Blog

Larry Alton says, “Many local businesses shell out thousands a month for marketing, even though their efforts don’t bring any return on investment That’s just one of the many marketing mistakes that small, local companies make all too often. The marketers for these companies are usually either inexperienced with marketing techniques,... [Read more]

‘The Secret To Driving Revenues: Make It Easy For Them To Buy’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Brian Rigney says, “Consumers are time poor and use a vast variety of devices, and today, marketers have mere seconds to grab their attention. It is a world of glimpses and instant gratification, and getting customers to engage is harder than it has ever been. But why are we trying to get them to engage? To get them to like you and read what... [Read more]

‘How to achieve better results from your website’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Mark Patron says, “Website testing is one of the most important ways to improve conversion. A recent Econsultancy roundtable on conversion rate optimisation highlighted that the prioritisation of tests is a real challenge for digital marketers. Too many tests generate little lift in website conversion. However for three years in a row, A/B... [Read more]

‘Six Trends in the Shifting World of Mcommerce’ eMarketer Webinar July 9

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key trends: What does the increase in sales on smartphones mean for retailers? What are the differences between shopping on desktops, tablets and smartphones? How are marketers improving search and other user experiences to drive mobile sales? What role do apps play in the mcommerce ecosystem?”. Webinar... [Read more]

‘Twitter Updates Audience Insights & Introduces Persona Targeting’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today announced an update to its audience insights dashboard and introduced a streamlined way for advertisers to target demographic groups. Launched in late May, the audience insights dashboard provides a snapshot of Twitter user demographics, such as income, interests and purchasing behavior. Today’s update enables... [Read more]

‘Protecting Your Digital Business: A Primer on Small Business and the Law’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Litigation isn’t something any of us want to think about, but having to put a plan together when the time comes isn’t an option. Johnny Lee is a Managing Director at Grant Thornton, forensic investigator, and licensed attorney. He shares his expertise with us to help small businesses gain a better understanding of what... [Read more]

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