IM NewsWatch, July 5, 2014 - ‘SEO for content marketing: seven success factors – Econsultancy' and much more...

July 4th, 2014 at 8:16 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, July 4, 2014

‘{This | The Indicated} {Just | True} {In | Newfangled}’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

Wall says, “A couple years ago we published an article named Branding & the Cycle, which highlighted how brands would realign with the algorithmic boost they gained from Panda & leverage their increased level of trust to increase their profit margins by leveraging algorithmic journalism. Narrative Science has been a big player in the algorithmic... [Read more]

‘Some of the Best SEO Tools Available’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Adam Hansen says, “SEO is one of the most powerful methods to deliver the high-quality and highly targeted traffic that will grow your business by leaps and bounds. But as anyone who has dipped their toes into the SEO pool knows, the moving parts, to-do lists and metrics you need to stay on top of to dominate the SEO game are almost endless. If you... [Read more]

‘Local Rankings Slipping? SEO Troubleshooting Tips for Local Businesses’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Dario Zadro says, “It’s been said that all politics are local, and much the same can be said about commerce. The World Wide Web has given even the smallest business owner access to the global marketplace, but brick and mortar enterprises still heavily depend on local search traffic to survive. This is not to say that the internet cannot be... [Read more]

Zamurai Video Bootcamp; others paid $97; you, peanuts #ad

About a month ago Joshua Zamora, (a.k.a., the Zamurai warrior) held a private, interactive workshop for a select group of people. The topic was effective use of video in marketing. During this training, Zamora revealed all his best techniques for earning passive income with video marketing. And he has been successful at it, too, earning hundreds of... [Read more]

‘Five Reasons Your Awesome Content Isn’t Going Viral’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “You put so much work into your awesome content that you expect it to go viral as soon as it hits the Internet. But after you publish it, no one seems to care… So, why isn’t your brilliant content catching fire? For five likely reasons, according to an infographic by WhoIsHostingThis. One reason is the... [Read more]

‘Essential Mobile SEO Resources’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Bryson Meuniers says, “It occurred to me as I was making my personal site responsive and adding recommended resources that I’ve been doing this column for over five years and have yet to share with you readers a comprehensive list of the mobile SEO resources I recommend. This month, I’d like to right that wrong by citing the people, publications... [Read more]

’6 Fantastic Landing Page Examples You’ll Want to Copy’ – HubSpot

Sam Kusinitz says, “Landing pages exist to serve one purpose: to get people on your website to convert to the next stage in the buying journey. Although their purpose is simple enough in theory, actually creating a successful landing page requires detailed planning and creative testing. Regardless of what your business is selling or the conversion... [Read more]

30 days to a Successful Online Business #ad

Sean Mize has teamed with Reed Floren to produce a training program any beginner (and quite a few experienced marketers) can benefit from,  [Read more]

‘SEO for content marketing: seven success factors’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand. Great content attracts links and can rank highly, while good SEO means the content you produce brings searchers to your site. SEO should be a major part of your content strategy, and the best way to rank well and to survive algorithm changes, is to produce unique and valuable... [Read more]

‘The Sad State of Responsive Email Use’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Despite the obvious benefits, email marketers haven’t adapted to consumers increased mobile usage. YesMail’s Q1 Benchmarks (released in mid-May 2014) revealed that even though there is a 21 percent positive difference in click-to-open rates for emails with a responsive design, only 1 percent of marketers... [Read more]

‘Panda Pummels Press Release Websites: The Road to Recovery’ – MOZ Blog

Russ Jones says, “Many of us in the search industry were caught off guard by the release of Panda 4.0. It had become common knowledge that Panda was essentially “baked into” the algorithm now several times a month, so a pronounced refresh was a surprise. While the impact seemed reduced given that it coincided with other releases including... [Read more]

YouTube can be dangerous to your wealth #ad

YouTube, the world’s largest (by far) video repository has its advantages, but it has its dangers, as well. With YouTube as your video host, you aren’t in control of your video’s destiny; YouTube is. That means that you are subject to its decisions. And it can delete your video or your whole account full of videos in the blink of an... [Read more]

‘Online Testing: 3 resources to inspire your ecommerce optimization’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Tackett says, “Optimizing to improve a customer experience can be a little overwhelming when you consider all the nuts and bolts that make up an entire ecommerce property in its entirety. In this MarketingExperiments Blog post, we’ll take a look at three ecommerce resources from our testing library that will hopefully spark a few ideas that... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing: 300,000 direct referrals driven by merging social media and brick-and-mortar programs’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, “As 24 Hour Fitness continued an expansion, the marketing team wanted to use social media to drive new memberships. Unlike their current brick-and-mortar system, social media allowed a more powerful referral, directly from a friend or family member. See how this effort was able to drive more than 300,000 direct referrals... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization & Testing: Q&A with Clay Collins of LeadPages’ – Aweber Blog

Hunter Boyle says, “If you’re serious about growing your email audience, you already know the value of landing page testing and optimization. Caveat: Becoming an optimization pro doesn’t happen overnight. And plenty of small business marketers and entrepreneurs need a helping hand to get started. Clay Collins knows that feeling. It’s why he... [Read more]

Blueprint for Full-time passive Profits #ad

Phillip McGough has just released Full-time Passive Profits, his guide to setting up your online business so that you can work just an hour or so per day (after an initial effort to set it up) to create a full-time income. McGough says he has seen this work in his own business, and he wants to show you how to make it work in yours. If you haven’t... [Read more]

‘Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Live-Tweet Your Event’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Live-tweeting is kind of like note-taking, only it’s online, collective, and interactive. When you hear a great quote from a speaker, or “tweetable takeaway” (as in, a key takeaway that can be abbreviated to less than 140 characters), all you have to do is type it up in a tweet and ship it out to the... [Read more]

’20 Reasons Why Social Analytics Is A Nightmare — And What To Do About It’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Kohki Yamaguchi says, “Social media managers and analysts have one of the toughest jobs in digital marketing today. Imagine trying to be an expert in content marketing, acquisition and retention marketing, brand management, word-of-mouth, customer advocacy, paid media, reputation management and viral marketing — all across five different media... [Read more]

‘Three Simple Tactics to Increase Customer Loyalty’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Mike Kamo says, “For years, my business approach was this: If you make something truly remarkable, it will sell itself. I know, it’s very “Field of Dreams,” but that’s how I thought. And then I read The Challenger Sale, a book by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson, and it changed my perspective forever. In the book, Dixon... [Read more]

Make the second half of 2014 profitable #ad

The 3rd quarter of 2014 just started. If your business isn’t where you want it to be, take positive steps to move it forward in the second half of the year.: 1. Set a “vital few” important goals. 2. Establish a game plan to reach those goals 3. Execute that plan and commit to seeing it through to the end. If you work the same way in... [Read more]

‘How to Master LinkedIn with this Checklist’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Marius Fermi says, “When it comes to LinkedIn these days it’s important to have an actual profile set up, this doesn’t mean having just your name there and having the generic profile picture. As a business professional you need to have you face out there, your brilliant achievements presented to everyone and you need to ensure this is all... [Read more]

‘TMI? How to Personalize Your Emails Without Being Creepy’ – HubSpot

Rachel Sprung says, “Years ago, I would have been shocked to receive an email that said “Hello Rachel,” but today it would shock me to see an email thatdidn’t greet me by my first name and feature content tailored to my individual interests. But with all the information we marketers know about our contacts … it’s... [Read more]

‘Seven big industries Google could disrupt’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Google is making many companies nervous. Anything bought online that involves the collection of information naturally falls into Google’s path. Even outside of this large niche, Google is getting stuck into larger engineering projects like the self-driving car. Let’s take a look at industries ripe for disruption... [Read more]

Jeff Walker’s “Launch” Book,Bigg seller on Amazon #ad

Jeff Walker‘s book, Launch was just released last week, and it’s already a bestseller on Amazon. In fact, it’s been #1 in lots of categories, including “Marketing and Sales”. For a limited time, Walker has announced that you can get a copy on Amazon (both Kindle and hard copy are available). Whichever you choose, you qualify... [Read more]

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