IM NewsWatch, July 29, 2015 - '5 Ways to Generate Business Through LinkedIn – Entrepreneur' and much more...

July 29th, 2015 at 4:48 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

‘Twitter Makes It Easier To Target Ads Around Big Events’ – TechCrunch

Anthony Ha says, “Twitter is announcing a straightforward way for advertisers to join conversations around major events. Not that the service has lacked ads around, say, the Super Bowl. But Ameet Ranadive, the company’s senior director of revenue products, said that until now, buying those ads has been a “very manual” process, with advertisers... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Cleansing your list of inactive users’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Beulah says, “One of the most difficult aspects of list cleansing isn’t always the drop in numbers — it’s convincing senior leadership why it’s necessary. During MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015, Courtney Eckerle, Manager of Editorial Content, MarketingSherpa, sat down in the Media Center with Jeffrey Anderson, Digital Marketing... [Read more]

‘Twitter is not good at Periscope, ironically’ – ‘Mashable’

Lance Ulanoff says, “What was Twitter thinking? Early Tuesday afternoon, interim CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted out that Twitter’s Q2 earnings call would be broadcast on Periscope, the social platform’s streaming video service. I, and probably thousands of others, added Twitter Earnings to my Periscope feed. At 5 PM EDT, I opened the app and... [Read more]

Clickbank Mobile Secret; Sell more Clickbank products with mobile #ad

Zhu Shan has just released new training that shows Clickbank affiliates how they can see an uptick in sales using mobile marketing. He calls it Clickbank Mobile Secret. Zhu is a veteran Clickbank marketer, winner of awards for top Clickbank sales, and he even has been a consultant advising the CEO of CLickbank. It would be hard to find an expert more... [Read more]

‘4 Tools To Help Startups Hack Their Growth’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Yoav Vilner says, “Startups in today’s increasingly saturated market just can’t overestimate the importance of business growth. Technology is a frenzied sector, and founders who want to make an impact often need to prove that their businesses aren’t merely growing or thriving, but accelerating in hyperdrive. Rapid growth is not easy... [Read more]

‘Creating Content That Converts Pt. II [Twitter Chat]’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “If you haven’t heard, AWeber is back for round two of ASCEND Digital Marketing Summit. We couldn’t wait to introduce you to our incredible lineup of industry experts and thought leaders – so we won’t. We’re hosting three special #AWeberHour Twitter chats, so you can get to know our roster before all of the magic... [Read more]

‘Help! No One is Downloading My eBook’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Byrom says, “eBooks are an amazing conversion tool, but it can be deeply frustrating when they don’t convert as many leads as you first hoped, especially because you spent quite a bit of time and effort creating it. Take deep breaths. It’s not too late. The great thing about all content pieces, eBooks included, is that they can... [Read more]

Product creators: stop wasting money on affiliate platforms #ad

If you are a product creator, you naturally want as many sales as possible. How do you get them? By attracting affiliates who sell your product for you. How do you get affiliates? By listing your product on multiple affiliate portals, such as Clickbank, WarriorPlus or JVZoo. There are two problems these affiliate portals create, though, that increase... [Read more]


‘The 2015 Online Marketing Industry Survey’ – MOZ Blog

Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “It’s been another wild year in search marketing. Mobilegeddon crushed our Twitter streams, but not our dreams, and Matt Cutts stepped out of the spotlight to make way for an uncertain Google future. Pandas and Penguins continue to torment us, but most days, like anyone else, we were just trying to get the job done... [Read more]

‘Forecast: Instagram Will Pass Google, Twitter In Mobile Display Ad Revenue By 2017′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Instagram’s advertising efforts appear to be paying off in a big way. How big? Big enough to pass Twitter and Google in mobile ad revenue in the next two years. That’s according to a new forecast by industry analyst eMarketer. EMarketer predicts that the Faceboook-owned visual social network will bring in $595 million in... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Generate Business Through LinkedIn’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ann Handley says, “Let’s start with the data: More than half of marketers surveyed say Facebook is the most important social network they use, according to the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report by San Diego-based Social Media Examiner. LinkedIn came in second: 71 percent of marketers use it, but only 21 percent cite it as the most... [Read more]

Free Content Workshop Thursday, July 30, 10:00 EDT #ad

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are holding this training session to show you how to use 100% Autopilot Content Marketing to plan, write, publish, and manage all of Your Sites. They are using a system that they say is the easiest way to build and manage your content marketing sites using autopilot processes. They call their system PublishVault. Their... [Read more]

‘How to use persuasion throughout the ecommerce customer journey’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Kath Pay says, “When creating and optimising our ecommerce customer journey, not only do we need to ensure that we make this as frictionless as possible, but also that we make it as persuasive as possible. Our journey today When creating and optimising our ecommerce customer journey, not only do we need to ensure that we have made this as frictionless... [Read more]

‘Are Your Reps Butchering Your Early Stage Leads?’ – Forrester

Lori Wizdo says, “Many lead-to-revenue practitioners are struggling to find the right process to manage the inbound leads (well, just traffic, really) that their successful content marketing and thought leadership is generating. The most commonly mentioned challenge is whether or not to pass these leads to inside sales (or business development... [Read more]

‘Nearly Every Google AdSense Publisher Must Comply With EU Cookie Consent, Not Just Those Based In The EU’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Google has notified AdSense publishers that they must get “cookie consent” from site visitors from countries within the European Union to use their data. The change essentially affects any publisher running AdSense, not just those operating in or serving the European Union. Google says the new user consent policy is... [Read more]

An HTML5 player Created By Marketers for Marketers #ad

Cisco, the server hardware company, predicts that globally, online video traffic will be 55 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. Video is growing by leaps and bounds, and in less than a year, we will see this prediction come to pass.... [Read more]

‘Twitter’s User Growth Slows to a Crawl’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Reuters team says, “Twitter Inc’s quarterly earnings and revenue blew past expectations, but its monthly average user number grew at its slowest pace since it went public in 2013, and its shares fell about 7 percent after hours. “We do not expect to see sustained meaningful growth in maus until we start to reach the mass market,”... [Read more]

‘YouTube Views for Brands Have Doubled In the Last Year: Are You Onboard?’ – ‘’ Blog

Anthony Carranza says, “It’s hard to believe that the pinnacle of video streaming, YouTube, recently turned ten years old. YouTube is the second largest search engine to no other than Google. It has more than one billion users that watch hundreds of millions of hours per day. This extraordinary revolution has provided tremendous opportunity; brands... [Read more]

‘Windows 10: Microsoft goes back to its roots with a worthy upgrade’ – ‘Mashable’

Kimberly Truong says, “Windows 10, Microsoft’s highly-anticipated upgrade, both looks ahead and harks back to the good old days. The system includes revamped versions of older features, like a redesigned Start menu that includes your most-used apps and PC settings, along with a set of customizable live tiles for your apps.

Powerful New Lead Generation Video Software #ad

New software for creating high converting videos quickly and without much effort was just launched by Sam Bakker and Brad Stephens... [Read more]

‘European Cross-Channel Retail Sales Forecast, 2015 To 2020: Measuring The Influence Of Your Digital Assets Offline’ – Forrester

Michelle Beeson says, “Europe’s eBusiness professionals are increasingly focused on their digital presence, and with good reason. Digital touchpoints are feeding into almost every stage of the customer life-cycle. For many retailers over half of all online traffic comes from mobile devices, like smartphones – yet, smartphone conversion... [Read more]

‘Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo And Others Push For Accessibility Development’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “For all their rhetoric and idealism about changing the world, consumer-facing technologies have largely failed at least one major set of users: people with disabilities, a segment that represents roughly 1 in 5 people in the U.S. As the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) approaches, a new group has formed... [Read more]

‘Carlsberg: probably (some of) the best marketing in the world’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “This article isn’t about Carlsberg the beer. It’s about Carlsberg the unbelievably successful marketing machine. Let’s take a look at some of Carlsberg’s best marketing efforts. Video content In its most popular YouTube video of all time, Carlsberg sets up a ‘friend test’ whereby people call one of their friends... [Read more]

‘The Holy Grail of Startup Marketing: Search, Social and Content’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Rahul Varshneya says, “Where do you start, with marketing, when you’re about to launch your product or service? This is possibly the most asked question when it comes to startup marketing, and one Guy Kawasaki once famously weighed in on, saying, “Sales fixes everything.” Certainly, in today’s context, that’s true: Sales is about... [Read more]

‘Google Drops The Google+ Requirement For Products, Starts Today With YouTube’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “It was just under two years ago when the injection of Google+ into YouTube comments caused quite a controversy. This change required the use of a Google+ account to participate in conversations on Google products. A new announcement today is decentralizing Google+ for Google users and focusing back on a standard Google account. This... [Read more]

‘The Cross-Border eCommerce Opportunity Unfolds’ – Forrester

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “In last year’s global eCommerce predictions report, we wrote that in 2015, cross-border eCommerce would become “more seamless and less apparent to shoppers”. We’ve started to embark on this path: Today consumers around the world have access to growing selection of products as more retailers make their... [Read more]

‘Plain Text vs. HTML Emails: Which Is Better?’ – HubSpot

Niti Shah says, “In the world of email marketing, opens and clicks are everything, which means email marketers are always testing ways to improve these metrics. We’ll tweak subject lines, calls-to-action, images, headers, layout, link positioning, copy, length, tone, content … the list goes on and on. Through all of this testing, there’s... [Read more]

‘From Zero to Five Stars: Online Reputation Management 101’ – ‘’ Blog

Brian Hughes says, “Imagine this scenario: you Google two competing companies. For company A, 7 of their top 10 reviews are positive. For Company B, it’s just the opposite: 7 of those 10 reviews are negative. Which company would you choose? Most folks would go with Company A, and that’s bad news for Company B, especially if those negative... [Read more]


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