IM NewsWatch, July 28, 2015 - 'From Zero to Five Stars: Online Reputation Management 101 –' and much more...

July 28th, 2015 at 9:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

‘The Cross-Border eCommerce Opportunity Unfolds’ – Forrester

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “In last year’s global eCommerce predictions report, we wrote that in 2015, cross-border eCommerce would become “more seamless and less apparent to shoppers”. We’ve started to embark on this path: Today consumers around the world have access to growing selection of products as more retailers make their... [Read more]

‘Plain Text vs. HTML Emails: Which Is Better?’ – HubSpot

Niti Shah says, “In the world of email marketing, opens and clicks are everything, which means email marketers are always testing ways to improve these metrics. We’ll tweak subject lines, calls-to-action, images, headers, layout, link positioning, copy, length, tone, content … the list goes on and on. Through all of this testing, there’s... [Read more]

‘From Zero to Five Stars: Online Reputation Management 101’ – ‘’ Blog

Brian Hughes says, “Imagine this scenario: you Google two competing companies. For company A, 7 of their top 10 reviews are positive. For Company B, it’s just the opposite: 7 of those 10 reviews are negative. Which company would you choose? Most folks would go with Company A, and that’s bad news for Company B, especially if those negative... [Read more]

Product creators: stop wasting money on affiliate platforms #ad

If you are a product creator, you naturally want as many sales as possible. How do you get them? By attracting affiliates who sell your product for you. How do you get affiliates? By listing your product on multiple affiliate portals, such as Clickbank, WarriorPlus or JVZoo. There are two problems these affiliate portals create, though, that increase... [Read more]

‘Google kills annoying pop-ups that demand you ‘download this app” – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “It’s an all-too-familiar experience on the mobile web: Click on a site and an ad overtakes your screen to ask you if you wouldn’t rather stop reading and download the site’s app instead. Does anyone ever want to do that? Obviously not, as common sense tells us, but Google needed proof. It found it: seven out... [Read more]

‘The Psychology of the Searcher: How knowing how our prospects search can help us to optimize our campaigns’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Ken Bowen says, “As marketers, most of us are familiar with the basics of search engine optimization, and how we can leverage certain industry-specific keywords and headlines in order to increase page visibility for our target audience. Without a robust understanding of how prospects are actually interacting with search engines, how can we be... [Read more]

‘10 steps to better content distribution’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

James Carson says, “We’ve heard that creating content has never been easier, but this throws up its own challenge. With so many options for audiences, getting your content seen is still a real challenge. That’s why I wanted to write the Econsultancy guide to content distribution. With my tongue in my cheek I prefixed the headline of the... [Read more]

Free Content Workshop Thursday, July 30, 10:00 EDT #ad

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are holding this training session to show you how to use 100% Autopilot Content Marketing to plan, write, publish, and manage all of Your Sites. They are using a system that they say is the easiest way to build and manage your content marketing sites using autopilot processes. They call their system PublishVault. Their... [Read more]

‘How to Learn SEO: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “”How can I learn SEO?” is a deceptively simple question. The standard approach is to attempt to appeal to anyone who’s interested in SEO without any idea of your previous experience or the actual reasons you want to learn SEO. That’s fun. Especially the part about weeding through tons of information... [Read more]

‘What Businesses Should Know About Copyright and Twitter Use’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Nina Zipkin says, “Your Twitter page is a powerful brand-building tool – it can help you do everything from grow your customer base to land you a book deal, which is why it makes perfect sense for you to protect what you tweet. While Twitter has always had policies for handling copyright infringement related to embedded media such as photos,... [Read more]

‘4 Simple Steps to Creating Powerful Press Releases’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “Distributing press releases online is an excellent way to spread valuable information to a large target audience. Ideal instances to distribute press releases are when your business is: Announcing a new business partnership. Offering new services or products. Relaying positive information about the brand to improve brand... [Read more]

An HTML5 player Created By Marketers for Marketers #ad

Cisco, the server hardware company, predicts that globally, online video traffic will be 55 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. Video is growing by leaps and bounds, and in less than a year, we will see this prediction come to pass.... [Read more]

‘Back to Black: How To Combat A Decline in Sales’ – ‘’ Blog

Dustin Thompson says, “Marble Slab Creamery has been in business for 32 years and has locations in more than 15 countries worldwide. In order to reach this level of greatness, we had to learn how to adapt at the first sign of trouble. One such instance occurred about two years ago. For roughly five years, we experienced a significant decline in... [Read more]

‘Six simple ways to fit storytelling into your content’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Dan Broztel says, “Worried that your marketing content doesn’t follow the Quest structure? Not sure who your mythic hero is or where you put your narrative crucible? Start simple with these handy storytelling tips… Sometimes, reading the storytelling gurus can make the humble marketer feel a tad inadequate. ‘I thought our marketing materials... [Read more]

‘How to Write a Headline People Will Want to Click’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “Your headline will determine the success of your article. This is something that Vincent Musetto, a former editor of the New York Post who passed away in June, knew to be true — even when newspapers were only products of paper and ink. He was a master at structuring sentences and organizing words into wacky, surprising,... [Read more]

Last Day: Video Marketing Fire Sale, up to 89% off #ad

Peter Beattie is shutting down his fire sale on his software and training, his 5th annual Video Marketing Fire Sale... [Read more]

‘Why your email font is ruining your life’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “Well, maybe not your life. But certainly your reputation with people of good taste. Helvetica, the hip font of choice for brands and typeface nerds, is the default font setting for Apple Mail. Gmail defaults to Arial, a font one designer called Helvetica’s “ugly bastard son.” If the browser doesn’t... [Read more]

‘6 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Successfully Brand Themselves’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Michael Georgiou says, “Over the last few years, personal branding has gone on from being an additional responsibility to one of the top priorities in marketing a business. Over the last few years, branding has gone on from being an additional responsibility to one of the top priorities in marketing a business. The reason being: Customers are... [Read more]

‘The Mind of an Online Shopper: A Peak Inside Ecommerce Buying Behavior’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomas Stern says, “Consumer behavior does not solely apply to physical stores today as ecommerce has become more and more prevalent. Online shopping has grown in popularity with consumers due to the efficiency, speed and convenience it provides. As such, retailers and e-tailers alike must apply the “psychology of marketing” in order... [Read more]

Powerful New Lead Generation Video Software #ad

New software for creating high converting videos quickly and without much effort was just launched by Sam Bakker and Brad Stephens... [Read more]

‘Twitter launches event targeting’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “When major events like the World Cup take place, millions of people flock to Twitter to check out the buzz and voice their opinions. In many cases, these events present golden opportunities to marketers looking to connect with consumers through social media. To help them take advantage of these opportunities, Twitter last... [Read more]

‘How To Make The Case For Customer Experience – For B2B Pros’ – Forrester

Deanna Laufer says, “Are you working as a CX pro in a B2B company? And do you find it challenging to make the case for your CX program? You are not alone. In fact, many CX pros in B2B companies we spoke with struggled to get funding for their efforts: because they can’t isolate the role of CX in driving financial success, they lack insight... [Read more]

‘How to Earn Subscription Renewals Without Lifting a Finger’ – HubSpot

Katie Carlin says, “Subscription renewals are an essential part of increasing the loyalty of your readers to lengthen the duration of you relationship with them. A relationship that is all-the-more important if you have a paid circulation model, as it becomes vital to your revenue model and bottom line. Renewals can be difficult though. Sometimes... [Read more]

‘Why Digital PR is Essential for Content Outreach’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomas Stern says, “The integration of digital media into everyday life has reshaped how society functions, evolving how consumers get their news, how they shop and how they build relationships. The Internet is continuously changing, and it is important that your public relations strategy keeps up with the pace. Consumers have grown to demand... [Read more]

‘Why a single customer view is the foundation for marketing success’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Ashley Johnston says, “Like a house, a brand needs a solid foundation upon which it can acquire new customers, build relationships and sustain the intelligent interactions that turn customers into loyal brand advocates. For a brand, that foundation is a single view of the customer — the ability to identify a customer regardless of channel or... [Read more]

‘Why Most Content Is “Meh” And How To Fix It’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Rachel Balik says, “Content marketing continues to be one of the most hyped — and most misunderstood — elements of digital marketing. Many imagine that it will be a cure-all for a whole host of marketing, sales and branding issues in an organization. In reality, your content marketing will likely mirror or amplify any organizational issues. As... [Read more]


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