IM NewsWatch, July 22, 2015 - 'Copywriting Techniques to Get Your Customer ‘Beyond’ the Buy Button – Copyblogger' and much more...

July 22nd, 2015 at 8:59 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

‘Email Marketing Chart: Mobile versus desktop conversions’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “Mobile email opens have surpassed desktop opens for the first time. How does this affect your email conversion and open rates? How should your company optimize for mobile? In this Chart of the Week, we share device-specific open and conversion data. Watch our interview with Jessica Jacobs, Director of Product Marketing,... [Read more]

‘Native Ads Come to Bing’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Bing is branching out from its search advertising roots, releasing a program for native advertising. Advertisers will be able to target users outside of search with Bing Native Ads, taking advantage of available intent signals – ranging from users’ interest (via their prior search queries), the context of the... [Read more]

‘Data-driven marketing focuses on customers, not technology’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Martin Gilliard says, “The role of technology in marketing is dramatically changing. It began with interdependent tools that solved one issue. Now we’re seeing a fundamental shift in investment to software that helps companies illustrate, measure and quantify the overall impact of marketing expenditures on their business. The shift in investment... [Read more]

With VideoSkins, you can place calls to action inside your videos #ad

Sam Bakker is releasing VideoSkins at 11 AM EDT today, July 22, 2015. This new video software will quickly create call to actions inside of your videos. It also lets you easily build, customize and manage your own video players using its impressive web-based drag and drop player builder. VideoSkins includes: • Beautifully designed ready-to-go... [Read more]

‘5 Attributes the Modern Marketer Must Possess’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kraig Swensrud says, “Marketers, who were once tasked with just building awareness for companies, have evolved into brand ambassadors with a new boss: customers. Scrutiny or success of a campaign is determined and delivered by customers tweeting, blogging and voting with their dollars. Gone are the days of calling a marketing campaign successful,... [Read more]

Weaving Micro-Moments Into Your Email Strategy

Personalization has always been a part of the marketer’s toolbox. Talking directly to the reader, with personal details such as name included, tends to produce better results. But this kind of personalization is really rather superficial. You must know the customer at a deeper level in order to make the most sales. As reported in Email Insider,... [Read more]

’19 Essential Tips for an Engaging Facebook Business Page’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “So you’ve decided to set up a Facebook Page for your company — or maybe you just want to make the most of your existing one. Well, considering Facebook is home to more than 1.4 billion monthly active users, you’re making a smart move. But if you think you can just slap together a Facebook Page and expect... [Read more]

LeadIn: We got it at earlybird price; hurry & you can, too #ad

Richard Fairbairn, Mark Lyford and Paul O’Keeffe have just announced a new tool that builds traffic virally and increases opt-ins for your website. LeadIn is a web-based application with competitions, sweepstakes and contests, all hosted in the cloud. The marketing tools it creates are fully rebrandable to fit well with your own domain. You have... [Read more]

‘If your Facebook feed were a flavor, what would it be?’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “When was the last time you called your significant other, “honey,” or criticized someone for being “sour”? It’s a curious thing to sit down and think about, but the reality is that we often communicate with each other — perhaps subconsciously — in terms of taste, even if we’re describing... [Read more]

‘Facebook Pages Get New, YouTube-Like Tools For Publishing & Managing Videos’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt McGee says, “As Facebook continues its focus on video content, it’s helping Page owners come along for the ride with a new set of tools announced today that will help video publishers control and manage their video content. The upgrade means a new video upload process, and that’s where Page owners will see many of the new tools. Those... [Read more]

‘Can You Run Your Online Business Using Only an iPad?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “In order to open a more traditional brick-and-mortar kind of business, you likely need to take out a lease on some retail space, invest in a POS system, buy your store fixtures, hire some staff, load up on inventory, and otherwise absorb a wealth of operating expenses. By contrast, running an online business can be a lot leaner and... [Read more]

80% Discount on The Easiest Funnel Is Expiring #ad

The Easiest Funnel creates a complete list building and sales funnel, live on your website in around 3 minutes flat. That’s the promise Barry Rodgers is making. This takes almost all the work out of getting started online. This new software produces a website with: • A fully rebranded , hosted quality freebie report (with your affiliate... [Read more]

‘3 Questions to Diffuse a Sales Price Objection’ – HubSpot

Andrew Quinn says, “Every salesperson, regardless of company and industry, has to deal with price. And, where there’s price there will most likely be … price objections. This can happen at any time during the sales process. At some point the prospect is going to ask the inevitable: “How much does it cost?” I’m sure we can all agree... [Read more]

‘Facebook wants to turn Pages into shops’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “The world’s largest social network has built a billion-dollar ad business, but its ambitions don’t end with advertising. Now, according to a report, Facebook is upping its social commerce efforts and looking to turn Pages into hubs for shopping. As reported by BuzzFeed, The company is building out shops within... [Read more]

‘4 Crucial Steps for Creating a Profitable Online Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Adam Toren says, “Creating an online business has never been easier. With the right combination of software and a great business idea, you can start up a venture quickly. However, if you want to create a profitable online business, you’ll need to follow some simple, but essential, steps in your approach. Here are four of the essential steps... [Read more]

Amazon affiliate sites in 49 seconds? Really? (50% off) #ad

George Katsoudas first released Associate Goliath years ago. (We became aware in 2012.)  But he seems to never be satisfied. Every year, he renovates and improves it. This weekend, he just released version 5.0, with many improvements... [Read more]

‘3 Simple Copywriting Techniques to Get Your Customer ‘Beyond’ the Buy Button’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Amy Harrisson says, “When you write sales copy, it’s easy to get consumed by one thought: make the sale. But this focus could actually be your copywriting downfall. While you want to make a sale, your customer wants a transformation. If you don’t share that vision of transformation when you write, your message could fall flat right when you... [Read more]

‘Number Of Mobile Retail Websites Using Responsive Design More Than Doubles Since 2014′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “More online retailers are turning to responsive design websites to serve their mobile customers. According to mobile marketing firm Pure Oxygen Labs, 20 percent of Internet Retailer’s top 500 mobile retailers have adopted responsive design websites since last year, a sizable increase from the 9 percent using responsive design... [Read more]

‘How to Use Analytics to Prove the Impact of YouTube Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Cory Munchbach says, “Some 80% of Internet users recall having watched an online video ad in the previous month. Of that group, 46% took some action after watching the video: visiting the brand’s website, searching for more information, or purchasing the product featured in the ad. If you’re a brand using online video marketing, those... [Read more]

80% Discount on The Easiest Funnel Is Expiring #ad

The Easiest Funnel creates a complete list building and sales funnel, live on your website in around 3 minutes flat. That’s the promise Barry Rodgers is making. This takes almost all the work out of getting started online. This new software produces a website with: • A fully rebranded , hosted quality freebie report (with your affiliate... [Read more]

‘Why You Shouldn’t Target Your Marketing: Target marketing fails’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Greg Hamilton says, “Targeted marketing, or the practice of aiming marketing collateral at specific prospects or customers, has become so prolific that it is one of the largest tools in the modern marketer’s toolkit. In fact, the U.S. Small Business Administration lists targeted marketing as the third step in marketing implementation. Imagine... [Read more]

‘Instagram unveils web search’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Instagram is one of the most popular mobile photo and video sharing apps, but that doesn’t mean that the web isn’t important to its continued success. Recognizing that, the Facebook-owned service has unveiled an update to its web interface that allows users to search for people, places and hashtags on web”. Instagram... [Read more]

‘5 follow-up emails that come off as rude (and what to write instead)’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “I think we can all agree that waiting to hear back about a job isn’t topping anyone’s list of favorite hobbies. Every time your phone rings or your email dings, you stop what you’re doing just in case it’s news on the job front. Will you get an interview? Will you get an offer? Maybe you even pick... [Read more]

80% Discount on The Easiest Funnel Is Expiring #ad

The Easiest Funnel creates a complete list building and sales funnel, live on your website in around 3 minutes flat. That’s the promise Barry Rodgers is making. This takes almost all the work out of getting started online. This new software produces a website with: • A fully rebranded , hosted quality freebie report (with your affiliate... [Read more]

‘5 Simple Steps for Creating Content, Even When Life Gets in the Way’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “If you’re about to start a content marketing strategy for your business and you’re wondering how to keep showing up consistently, or you’re already struggling with sporadic publishing habits, this episode of Hit Publish is for you. If people tell you that creating content regularly is easy, they’re telling fibs.... [Read more]

‘Beyond Search: Bing Native Ads Launch In Beta Across’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Microsoft’s search advertising platform Bing Ads is expanding reach with the beta launch of Bing Native Ads. Announced Monday, the test aims to connect search intent signals with native ad experiences on Search query data, contextual signals and actions taken on advertisers’ sites can be used to help target ads... [Read more]

‘Moving from data to action: report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “You can collect and store every bit of data available to your website, but if you’re not actively using it to refine the customer experience, then you’re seriously missing out on huge opportunities for growth. According to our latest report, Measurement and Analytics 2015 produced in partnership with Lynchpin, two... [Read more]

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