IM NewsWatch, July 2, 2014 - ‘5 Little Ways to Get More Facebook Likes – HubSpot' and much more...

July 2nd, 2014 at 8:01 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

‘Google Authorship Gets New Look’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S says, “Nobody is immune to change. Not Facebook, not Twitter, not even Google. For a while now, author’s photos have shown up next to their work in Google’s search results. When photos were first added to search results, click-through rates increased for links with photos next to them. However, Google has now decided... [Read more]

‘Automation: How Marketing Can Sync With Sales’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

You Mon Tsang says, “Sales and Marketing are ultimately judged on the same metric, but they act on different timelines. Sales focuses on the short term as it races to meet monthly and quarterly quotas. Marketing has a slightly longer term, nurturing prospects into Sales-ready leads. Despite their different outlooks, Marketing and Sales can forge... [Read more]

‘All You Need to Know About the SEO Ranking Factors for Google in 2014′ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Omkar Mishra says, “Google has always tried to keep their secret sauce inaccessible when it comes to how they rank their content in search engines. However, many studies have found out different co-relations with various factors of search engine results with certain aspects of websites. Moz had studied co-relation factors of search engine rankings in... [Read more]

The end of Traffic Genesis #ad

After two weeks, the Grand Opening of Traffic Genesis is coming to a close.. Traffic is the most important thing a marketer can have. Mike Filsaime, Andy Jenkins and Laura Betterly are experts at getting traffic to a website. They have recently turned their attention recently to Facebook, because it gives you access to very low-cost traffic. In Traffic... [Read more]

‘How to Write a Sales Email That Actually Gets a Response’ – HubSpot

John Bonini says, “When was the last time you responded to any type of interruptive advertisement? If you’re anything like most modern consumers, it was probably sometime during the Clinton administration. Thankfully the inbound marketing movement has helped businesses adapt their strategy to align with this changing behavior, however it’s... [Read more]

‘Five ways to use psychological pricing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Arie Shpanya says, “Psychological pricing is a strategy that retailers can take advantage of, whether they operate online, offline, or in multiple channels. When retailers tap into these pricing tactics, they are able to effectively boost sales and conversions. There are a variety of pricing tricks and tips to entice shoppers to buy, so price... [Read more]

‘Deep Linking Isn’t Taking Off Yet. Can Facebook Change That?’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “Deep-linking, a technology that lets you use a link to launch a mobile app without going through the welcome screen, has been a hot topic in tech circles recently, but that hasn’t translated into actual use. However, a new move by Facebook on Tuesday may change that. Facebook is now letting developers send users from... [Read more]

Make the second half of 2014 profitable #ad

Today is the start of the 3rd quarter of 2014 If your business isn’t where you want it to be, take positive steps to move it forward: 1. Set a “vital few” important goals. 2. Establish a game plan to reach those goals 3. Execute that plan and commit to seeing it through to the end. If you work the same way in the second half of the... [Read more]

‘How Localized Social Media Drives Personalized Connections' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “The Social Pros Podcast is always a mishmash of the greatest minds working in social media today. June’s guests included Groupon, the daily deals masters; entrepreneur and author Peter Shankman; a representative from Google Analytics; and natural foods store Sprouts Farmers Market. Sometimes in a given month, the Pros end up focusing... [Read more]

‘Segmentation: How a small office supply ecommerce site boosted revenue 25% by sending more emails’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, ““We started to read about companies doing all this great targeted marketing. We realized we really should be doing more of that,” said Andrew Jacobs, Director of Ecommerce, JAM Paper & Envelope. The ecommerce team at JAM Paper applied underutilized behavioral data to the email program to develop a welcome... [Read more]

‘Google Glass Offers a First-Mover Advantage You Shouldn’t Overlook’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Have you ever wondered what the subreddit “ShittyBattleStations,” hammerhead sharks, and the Internet have in common? Yeah, me neither. But I recently discovered that the three seemingly unconnected entities all stretch my sense of nostalgia. ShittyBattleStations is a subreddit where people share photographs of their... [Read more]

Walker’s “Launch” Selling Big on Amazon #ad

Jeff Walker‘s book, Launch was just released last week, and it’s already a bestseller on Amazon. In fact, it’s been #1 in lots of categories, including “Marketing and Sales”. For a limited time, Walker has announced that you can get a copy on Amazon (both Kindle and hard copy are available). Whichever you choose, you qualify... [Read more]

‘One Content Metric to Rule Them All’ – MOZ Blog

Trevor Klein says, “Let’s face it: Measuring, analyzing, and reporting the success of content marketing is hard. Not only that, but we’re all busy. In its latest report on B2B trends, the Content Marketing Institute quantified some of the greatest challenges faced by today’s content marketers, and a whopping 69% of companies... [Read more]

‘Twitter Rolls Out Mobile App Promotion Ads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “After a successful beta run, Twitter is officially rolling out its mobile app promotion ads globally. The new ad units help advertisers drive app installs and increase app engagement. Through the app promotion ads, advertisers can leverage Twitter’s targeting capabilities, including interest, keyword, TV targeting and... [Read more]

‘Which types of content are most important for ecommerce?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Content marketing has been a hot topic in digital for more than a year, but many brands still struggle with the challenge of how to integrate content seamlessly into the ecommerce experience. One of our recent surveys found that only 38% of in-house marketers have a defined content marketing strategy, despite 76% saying they... [Read more]

Hero Tower: Sell in 10, 20, 30 or even 40 niches at the same time #ad

Ross Carrelsays he has found that Facebook is the fastest tool available to marketers who want to scale up their business quickly. He has created Hero Tower to show you how. In fact, he doesn’t just show you how; he has built software that helps you do it. Hero Tower: • Automatically locates all the best, most interesting and engaging content... [Read more]

’10 Surprising and Important Social Media Stats You Need To Know’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Kevan Lee says, “We love to make decisions and form strategies based on statistics. It’s why we A/B test and how we change directions on our social sharing. Who doesn’t love a good statistic, especially one that has an actionable next step? You’re likely to find a sea of statistics for social media—I know I’m amazed at how many... [Read more]

’5 Little Ways to Get More Facebook Likes’ – HubSpot

Shannon Johnson says, “Every brand on Facebook is on Facebook for one reason — to (eventually) get more business. Getting more business from Facebook means different things to different types of businesses. Different brands will have different objectives, such as driving in-store sales, increasing online sales, launching a new product,... [Read more]

‘Internet Connection Speeds Are Up Globally, Lag in the U.S.’ – ‘Mashable’

Kari Paul says, “Average Internet speeds have steadily increased internationally over the last few quarters — but the U.S. isn’t keeping up with the growth, a new report suggests. According to cloud services provider Akamai, the average connection speed increased globally 1.8% to 3.9 Mbps in the last quarter. The growth is part of an ongoing... [Read more]

SEO Enigma: Updated SEO Techniques #ad

Anton Nadillo and Jon Shawcross have done a lot of research, over a periuod of years, on what works in SEO without getting you black-listed. Last year, they published the results of their study in the first edition of SEO Enigma. Now, they are releasing version 2, revised and supplemented to account for the recent changes made by Google. Google recently... [Read more]

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