IM NewsWatch, July 16, 2014 - ‘Get Ahead of Google with Insight into Semiotics – MOZ' and much more...

July 16th, 2014 at 8:20 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

‘6 Reasons Why Your Customers Love Your Email Program’ – ClickZ Blog

Simms Jenkins says, “This week, we have a love letter with straightforward instructions on how to deliver – and receive – more love in the inbox. Dear Brand That I Care Enough About to Tell You How Much I Love You, Last week, I wasn’t reserved in pointing out faults and areas of improvement for many email marketers. This week it... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists’ Return Path Webinar July 23

Return Path is hosting a webinar featuring Henry Gutierrez and Sarah Matthews on Wednesday, July 23 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Ultimate Guide to Blacklists”. Return Path team says, “The webinar will include: What effect a blacklisting can have on ROI The role that blacklists play in spam filtering The blacklists... [Read more]

‘A Simple Guide to Web Traffic Terms’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “Views, visits, visitors — it’s all the same, right? Not so fast, speed racer. If that’s your way of thinking, you could be misinterpreting your traffic data and making some ill-informed decisions. Because lots of people tend to throw these various terms around all willy-nilly, I’ve compiled a nice... [Read more]

Free report; Funnel Factory available; More coming #ad

IM NewsWatch has a free report called “Sales Funnel Secrets” that explains the importance of creating sales funnels, and gives you hints for creating good ones. Get your free report here: Sales Funnel Secrets. Once you understand funnel building secrets, consider this: a Funnel Factory is a complete “done for you” kit that builds... [Read more]

‘Mobile Search Spend on the Rise’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “More marketers are putting their money into mobile, as recent data from Covario’s Paid Search Spend Analysis for the second quarter of 2014 shows that mobile search spend has risen 98 percent over last year and 6 percent since the first quarter of this year. Moreover, mobile platforms now represent 25 percent of all paid... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Won’t Buy AOL, Yahoo M&A Chief Says’ – Re/code

Jason Del Rey says, “As Kara Swisher reported yesterday, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong would love to merge with Yahoo, but Marissa Mayer does not “get” the deal. Today, at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference, Yahoo M&A chief Jackie Reses acknowledged as much, shooting down the possibility of a deal between the two legacy Internet media companies.... [Read more]

‘The New Link Building Survey 2014 – Results’ – MOZ Blog

James Agate says, “Many of you may have seen our Link Building Survey results published here on Moz around this same time last year. The reception was fantastic, so we decided to push ahead with turning this into an annual series to see how this strand of the industry is developing and evolving over time. Firstly, “link building”… Yep,... [Read more]

Social Email Blueprint: Build your list with Facebook #ad

Dr. Ben Atkins has just released his latest training, showing you how to build your list (correctly) on Facebook. In Social Email Blueprint, he reports that he is now building his own lists by using a proprietary method of his own, created through experimentation that cost him thousands. He calls this his “RECV” method and says it allows... [Read more]

‘How To Do Audience Research That Helps Focus Your Content Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Harriet Cummings says, “It’s Sunday afternoon. You’ve popped around to see your gran, and she’s asking after your health. “Well, Gran,” you answer, “this weekend I got totally wasted and fell asleep in a trash can.” An unlikely response? I’m guessing it is for most people. That’s because, in real life, we tailor what we say... [Read more]

‘Survey: Best Way To Reach Millennials Is On Social Media’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “SDL a “customer experience” software and services provider has released results of multi-country survey of roughly 1,800 millennials (18 – 36). Not unlike other surveys the picture that emerges is of a highly mobile-centric audience that is willing to engage with marketers that earn their trust but are otherwise... [Read more]

‘Navigating The Post-Digital Agency Landscape’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Sarah Sikowitz says, “I recently joined Forrester’s CMO team as a principal analyst covering agencies — the world where I spent most of my time over the past 15 years. I have been fortunate enough to have worked at thriving agencies as they have undergone major change: Avenue A as it built out its media capabilities and tools; OMD at its... [Read more]

Video Ranking Machine: Rank your videos without getting banned #ad

Ray The Video Guy is offering to show you how to rank your videos high without doing things Google hates, so you avoid a horrible result, being banned for life from YouTube. Ray’s Video Ranking Machine will show you important SEO fixes for your video, like: • On-video optimization of title, tags and description • Off-site optimization... [Read more]

‘How to Make Your How-To Content More Helpful’ – HubSpot

Diana Urban says, “Whether you’re writing a how-to post for your blog, documentation for your software, or instructions on how to use your product, it’s important to make your content easy to read. Otherwise, you’ll lose your readers’ attention and they’ll never even get to the end of your post. These tactics will... [Read more]

‘The Most Effective, Most Used, and Most Budgeted for Digital Marketing Tactics’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Digital marketers say email remains the most effective tactic across much of the sales funnel, according to a recent report from Gigaom and Extole. Digital marketers consider email the most effective digital tactic for building awareness (41% of respondents), boosting acquisition (37%), and increasing conversion (42%),... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Jewelry retailer integrates product recommendations into email campaigns to lift opens 9%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Allison Banko says, ““You’re really risking an unsubscribe every time you send out an email,” said Heirlume Founder and CEO Elaine Russell. “So you need to make that email as differentiated as possible.” To survive its subscribers’ cluttered inboxes, fine jewelry retailer Heirlume integrated a feature into... [Read more]

Super Image Pack: 519 images any marketer can use (and a coupon for more) #ad

Now you can have a large package of seasonal and holiday images for just $7 in the Super Image Pack. Here’s what is included:,br /> • Spring – 51 Images • Summer – 43 Images • Fall – 114 Images • Winter/Christmas – 71 Images • Halloween – 152 Images • Thanksgiving – 27 Images •... [Read more]

‘No Blog Traffic? Here’s a Simple Strategy to Seduce Readers and Win Clients’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Henneke says, “You sit down at your desk. You start your computer. You check Google Analytics and your email provider dashboard. A deep sigh escapes from your soul. Why is your number of email subscribers still so low? Why aren’t readers flocking to your blog? And when will those business inquiries finally arrive? We all know that blogging... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Best Practices for Retargeting on Twitter’ AdRoll Webinar July 16

This is a reminder for AdRoll’s Twitter Retargeting webinar scheduled on July 16. The AdRoll team says, “Twitter powers over 255 million monthly active users to connect and share information in real-time. With Twitter’s tailored audiences, marketers have a new way to target direct-response ads that drive engagement directly within... [Read more]

‘Get Ahead of Google with Insight into Semiotics’ – MOZ Blog

Isia McKetta says, “Write it and they will come. That’s the drum we’ve been beating for a long time now. We optimize our pages and our content to please search engines and cross our fingers and hope that customers will convert. We can do better. But to do it, we have to think beyond Google. Yes, you still need to check all your standard... [Read more]

Free webinar today shows 6 Figure Autopilot Income System #ad

Dr Amit Pareek and Barry Plaskow are presenting a webinar on “The Easiest and Fastest Way Ever to Making $1,500 per day (zero experience needed)” on Wednesday, at 1 PM EDT9 AM PDT. They are introducing the process of profiting from a best-selling high-ticket product, without having to create a product yourself. (By the way, this is not Affiliate... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Earnings Disappoint, But Search And Mobile Revs Up’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Yahoo’s second quarter earnings disappointed investors who had expected somewhat higher numbers. However there were a number of encouraging spots around product and user metrics and isolated revenue improvements. First the top-line numbers: The company had $1.04 billion in revenue ex-TAC, down 3 percent year over year... [Read more]

‘How Search Marketers Use Twitter: Top Content Sources, Most Retweeted Handles’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Search Engine Land is the industry source most shared on Twitter by search marketers, according to a recent analysis by Leadtail. The report was based on data from 105,121 tweets sent by 521 North American search marketers active on Twitter, most of whom are SEM practitioners who tweet under their own names rather using brand,... [Read more]

Quality backlinks for your site without a fuss #ad

Ranking your site comes down to the quality and quantity of your backlinks. Clearly, the anchor text for your backlinks affects quality, but there's such a thing as over-optimized anchor text. Natural links have a variety of anchor text; links to your site need to have the variety, too. For example, if your site has 100 backlinks, and 50 of them say 'best coffee maker', Google isn't going to rank you for... [Read more]

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