IM NewsWatch, July 15, 2015 - 'Three SEO Pitfalls That Will Wreck Your Website – MarketingProfs' and much more...

July 15th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 14, 2015

‘Facebook Messenger is toying with a digital assistant that will help you shop’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “You can already use Facebook Messenger to pay your friends and chat with certain retailers, but the social network may soon also let you order products and research local services from inside the app. Facebook Messenger is reportedly developing a digital assistant, according to a report in The Information on Monday. It would... [Read more]

‘6 Epiphanies I’ve Had Writing Explosive Content’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Andrew Medal says, “First off, let me define explosive content: it should blow something up (in a good way) — your email inbox, web page traffic, downloads or whatever other call to action you have. Second, this is not the definitive guide to anything. These are my personal epiphanies I’ve had while writing content with Entrepreneur.... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘A Step-by-Step Guide for On-Page SEO Management’ – HubSpot

Barry Feldman says, “You never know for sure which social media tactics are going to deliver for you. Even the task of defining “effective” is a challenge. Your definition of success may differ from, well, anyone’s. Social media evolves at the speed of screen flicker. There simply are no steadfast rules. If you love social media the way... [Read more]

Partner with IM NewsWatch and Ken Reno; 100% commissions #ad

We told you Monday about the new WordPress plugin we are giving away in celebration of our 100,000th news article. Over 100 have already taken advantage of this free offer. If you haven’t, check out our new plugin Link Gate WordPress Plugin. and get your free copy. But there’s also another way you can benefit from this new software. Become... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: How Ferguson Enterprises generated over $10 million in online revenue’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “Well, it’s that time of year again in Jacksonville, Florida. The sun is shining. The summer skies are blue. Surf’s up at the beach. And we at MarketingSherpa are doing our best to ignore the siren call of summer to focus on … applications. Lot of applications. Over 300 applications to speak at MarketingSherpa Summit... [Read more]

‘A One Minute Video Is Worth 1.8M Words: Content Marketing’s Newest Weapon’ – ‘’ Blog

Larry Alton says, “Every successful business knows that content marketing is a major part of improving conversions and attracting new customers today. However, too many businesses rely solely on writing and stagnant imaging and ignore one of consumers’ favorite types of content marketing: video. In today’s fast paced world, many consumers... [Read more]

‘Video content strategy: equipment, tools & other useful advice’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “At the beginning of this year I wrote an article detailing Econsultancy’s efforts to start using more video on the blog. Our biggest problem back then was coming up with ideas that our audience would be interested in, rather than just creating video for the sake of it. Six months down the line we still haven’t got much... [Read more]

Maps Hero: Solve local business visibility problems #ad

If a local business isn’t properly represented in Google Maps and other places around the web or if their website isn’t properly designed, it will hurt their business. Their search engine rank won’t be as high as it could be. You can fix their Problem in an hour or less and instantly become their Maps Hero. Jack Hopman, who has specialized... [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Get More from Your Facebook Ads’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “Are you thinking about using Facebook ads? Or maybe you are using Facebook ads, but aren’t getting the results you want. In either case, you can get better return on your investment if you use these easy tips when running your campaigns. 1. Start with Split Testing Your Facebook Ads Split testing is basically the practice... [Read more]

‘A Vision for Brand Engagement Online, or “The Goal”‘ – MOZ Blog

Eric Enge says,Today’s post focuses on a vision for your online presence. This vision outlines what it takes to be the best, both from an overall reputation and visibility standpoint, as well as an SEO point of view. The reason these are tied together is simple: Your overall online reputation and visibility is a huge factor in your SEO. Period.... [Read more]

‘Conquer Content Shock with Illegitimate Ideas’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Here’s the thing: nobody can deny that there is more content out there than ever before. But I don’t think the challenge this creates for content marketers is any more unique than 60 years ago or 600 years ago. In the face of so much content, yes, we are shocked — but after the shock wears off, we adapt. Because we... [Read more]

SEO Dragon breathes fire into your marketing #ad

Borrowing from the old saying, If Google ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. That is, if Google doesn't like your site, you aren't going to like your results... [Read more]

‘Are You Getting Everything You Need to Convert from Your Analytics?’ – ‘’ Blog

Pratik Dholakiya says, “Actionable metrics are like oxygen for your decision-making. The decisions you make obviously have a direct impact on your business. Google Analytics has been the staple stats feeder for a gazillion marketers and business owners over the years. But does it actually give you all the data you need? In fact, do you even realize... [Read more]

‘Case Study: 3 Unique Ways Enchanting Marketing Attracts Email Sign Ups’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “When Henneke Duistermaat ditched her demanding corporate job to start her own business, she only had one plan: create great content. She launched her website, Enchanting Marketing, with the goal of helping others do the same. But to be successful, Henneke needed to gain a loyal following so she could monetize her business.... [Read more]

‘How marketers can convince their organisations to take more risks’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “As part of our Skills of the Modern Marketer research we set out to define the soft skills needed to be successful within an organisation coping with all the changes that digital transformation brings. Although classic marketing skills are essential, these will have to be combined with more digitally focused skills... [Read more]

IM NewsWatch celebrates 100,000 posts with new free product #ad

In nearly 10 years, IM NewsWatch has published 100,000 news stories, over 10,000 every year. We feel elated about that accomplishment, so we invited Ken Reno to partner with us on free product to our loyal subscribers... [Read more]

‘3 Tips for Getting Your Content Seen (by Even the Busiest Readers)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Millions of pieces of content are published every minute. Listen in to Hit Publish to see how you can steal an advantage and make sure yours get noticed. It’s no longer enough to simply publish valuable information as part of your content marketing strategy. You’ve got to make sure you’re presenting your content in... [Read more]

’10 Brilliant Tips From Conversion Rate Optimization Experts’ – HubSpot

Brian Lenney says, “We’ve all been there. You have a website, a customer acquisition team, and a really great product — but people aren’t getting on board. Or worse yet, they hop on, check things out, and jump ship. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are ways to turn visitors into customers — you just have... [Read more]

‘Surefire Ways to Annoy a Customer With Bad Data’ – ‘’ Blog

Geoffrey Grow says, “Happy customers are loyal customers, and the best way to keep them happy is to consistently and efficiently provide high-quality, personalized service. Given the numerous sources of customer information available to companies in the current market, the need to manage this information effectively is more critical than ever. Poor... [Read more]

Speed Blogging: $1 trial because your time is valuable #ad

Chris Record started blogging back in 2004 when he made his first 6-figure year online using the Google Adsense™ program. Since then, Record and his team at Internet Marketing Bar have developed numerous WordPress products and services. They are also the creators behind Kalatu™, the multi-user WordPress blogging network currently used by many thousands of bloggers... [Read more]

‘Three insights into B2B marketing from our trends report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Stefan Tornquist says, “The forces that have reshaped the consumer sector are increasing in B2B, demanding that marketers respond with a new emphasis on the customer experience. Our new report B2B Digital Trends, conducted in partnership with Adobe, explores the practical and philosophical shift occurring in business-to-business marketing. Although... [Read more]

‘Three SEO Pitfalls That Will Wreck Your Website’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Brad Shorr says, “If SEO had existed in Shakespeare’s day, the playwright might have written, “The fault, dear colleague, is not in our stars, but in our website’s poor optimization.” A poorly optimized website cannot serve its purpose. Many factors go into on-site optimization, but three items stand out as being not only... [Read more]

‘5 Innovative Ideas for Engaging Your Fickle Audience’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Firas Kittaneh says, “As a marketer, it’s easy to fall into a creative slump from time to time and just go with the status quo. But in this day and age, current trendsdictate what gets seen, talked about, and shared. Only the newest, most creative approaches to marketing prevail. Take a look at these fresh ideas for implementing innovative... [Read more]

‘How to Launch Your PPC Ad Campaign Like a Pro’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Google AdWords is the largest advertising platform that has ever existed in the history of the world. Seems like a good place to start when launching a new advertising campaign, right? Remember when your mom asked you the other day, “How come I didn’t see your business on Google?” You thought, “I better figure this AdWords... [Read more]


‘Global Tablet Forecast: Consumer Is Volatile But Business Tablets Are Resilient’ – Forrester

JP Gownder says, “Tablets, once the darling of the consumer electronics industry, have hit hard times — if you measure by shipments and sales. While the installed user base continues to grow — Forrester forecasts that 580 million people will be using tablets globally by the end of 2015 — shipment numbers have been disappointing,... [Read more]

‘How to Guarantee Internal Buy-in for Your Big Content Projects’ – Content Marketing Institute

Freddie Ossberg says, “Marketers need to ask their fellow C-level colleagues: “Do we want to be spending money on creating average marketing that gets lost in the noise, or on investing in a voice, brand, and knowledge platform that are a cut above everyone else?” The answer is obvious – no smart leader would ever pick the “noise”... [Read more]

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