IM NewsWatch, July 15, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘6 Reasons Facebook Ad Campaigns Fail – Website Magazine’ and much more...

July 15th, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, July 15, 2013

‘Affiliate Summit East 2013′, Philadelphia, August 18-20

The ‘Affiliate Summit East 2013′ is taking place in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA. on August 18-20. The keynotes for Affiliate Summit East 2013: Rae Hoffman, CEO, PushFire Dr. Randal Pinkett, Founder, Chairman and CEO , BCT Partners Wil Reynolds, Founder, SEER Interactive The Affiliate Summit East 2013 confirmed... [Read more]

‘B2B eCommerce Has Arrived’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “B2B eCommerce Has Arrived”. Andy Hoar says, “Last month, IRCE hosted its first-ever B2B eCommerce content track at its big show in Chicago. 500+ attended my keynote session in the morning…and Grainger’s VP of eCommerce, Paul Miller, saw similar turnout for his presentation... [Read more]

‘Clear Old Yahoo Addresses Off Your Email Lists’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Clear Old Yahoo Addresses Off Your Email Lists”. Collins Says, “Yahoo is closing email accounts that haven’t been logged into in 12 months or longer. These email addresses will be released for the public to claim. This is important for anybody with an email list, as it could affect some of the... [Read more]

Rapid Content Wizard launches at Noon EDT. Curation for any marketer #ad

Sean Donahoe is trying to make content curation easier than it has ever been before. Today he releases Rapid Content Wizard . He promises (and the live demo shows you) that it is simple enough for you and for anyone on your team. IM NewsWatch is one of Donahoe’s partners for this launch. And to help our readers make the best use of Rapid Content... [Read more]

‘How To Engineer Your Own Million-Dollar Success Story’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest article is titled ”How To Engineer Your Own Million-Dollar Success Story”. Rich Schefren says, “What I’m about to reveal is one of the BIG reasons that I’ve been able to engineer such a success in my own 8-figure business. It’s how I’ve led prospects to the “ideal buying moment” in my now... [Read more]

‘The Golden Rules of Internet Marketing That Unsuccessful People Miss, and Successful People Follow’ – Robert Plank’s Podcast

Robert Plank has published a new podcast titled “The Golden Rules of Internet Marketing That Unsuccessful People Miss, and Successful People Follow (Whether They Realize It Or Not)”. Plank says, “I almost wish I could say the clichéd line, “I don’t know where this industry is headed…” But the fact is, we always... [Read more]

‘Holiday Email Campaigns: Global Trends and Benchmarks’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Holiday Email Campaigns: Global Trends and Benchmarks”. Ayaz Nanji says, “The most popular types of email sent by marketers during the holiday season (October to December) are “percentage off” and “dollar amount off” offers, yet consumers often do not differentiate those... [Read more]

Dr. Ron Capps, the NicheProf, is turning 66 and having a party #ad

I have known Ron since he was a young fellow of just 60. He has been one of the inspiraitons and mentors for our work at IM NewsWatch. As a professor, he has gained expertise that has served him well in marketing. His clients and students have profited from their relationship with him. Every year, at this time, he build a huge collection of training... [Read more]

‘The Digital Marketing Metrics Pyramid’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “The Digital Marketing Metrics Pyramid”. Scott Brinker says, “Greetings, Marketing Land readers. I’m excited to be moving here from my previous 4-year gig writing for the Search & Conversion column on Search Engine Land. It’s better to be here because, frankly,... [Read more]

‘12 Web Design Trends for 2013’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “12 Web Design Trends for 2013”. Drew Coffin says, “With the year more than one-half complete, it’s time to look at web design trends for 2013. Some trends have survived since 2012 and others are just becoming popular. Whether you’re a professional web designer or a small business owner,... [Read more]

‘6 Reasons Facebook Ad Campaigns Fail’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “6 Reasons Facebook Ad Campaigns Fail”. Jessica Davis says, “With more than 1 billion active users, Facebook is the best place to attract new customers and leads. Moreover, to increase its earnings and profits, Facebook has provided advertisers with the perfect API and platform to advertise... [Read more]

CPA Penny Crusher: Improved CPA earnings through cheaper traffic #ad

Timothy Miranda and Damon Korte have just released another product to help all the CPA marketers. This time they are sharing information about an inexpensive source of targeted traffic for CPA offers. Their new CPA Penny Crusher training shares a source where they have received 1000 targeted visitors for just $1.00. That’s an unheard of cost.... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing Strategy and ROI’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Social Media Marketing Strategy and ROI”. Michael Cohn says, “In order to achieve anything in business, you need to have a plan, or strategy, and follow that plan through to the end. No matter what you are trying to accomplish, you need to have a plan to guide you. Working... [Read more]

‘Startup 2013: Now Accepting Bitcoin’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Startup 2013: Now Accepting Bitcoin”. Valerie Reimer says, “Bitcoin is being accepted more readily, from doctors offices to British Pubs – and now Startup 2013. You can now use Bitcoin to buy your Startup 2013 tickets. NYC’s preeminent entrepreneurship conference, Startup is taking... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Creating Social Media Buttons’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Creating Social Media Buttons”. Pamela Vaughan says, “Social media is an extremely valuable tool for promoting all your awesome marketing content. But with so many social networks providing their own individual content sharing and follow buttons, it’s... [Read more]

Instant Traffic Domination: Traffic for any website #ad

Warrior Faraaz has just released Instant Traffic Domination What could be better than getting free traffic from top internet sites, the sites that Google really loves? Sites like the New York Tines, Facebook, government sites and edu sites are all places where you can get links, and they will be quality links because of their source. Instant Traffic... [Read more]

‘5 Profitable Places To Sell Your Books' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “5 Profitable Places To Sell Your Books?. Kristen Eckstein says, “Before you start writing your book, ask yourself these two crucial questions: 1) Whois my audience? And2) Wheredo they hang out? Knowing your book’s audience is worthlessif you don’t know where they hang out.These... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Copycat Strategy: All The Innovation It Needs’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Facebook’s Copycat Strategy: All The Innovation It Needs”. Matt Asay says, “Facebook increasingly plays copycat to Twitter and other Silicon Valley upstarts when it comes to innovation, but with over 1.1 billion active users, Facebook can afford to be a fast follower. Indeed, the right... [Read more]

‘10 Steps to Building a Top-Selling App’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “10 Steps to Building a Top-Selling App”. Tim Ferriss says, “Chad Mureta was in a car accident two years ago. During a lengthy recovery in the hospital, a friend gave him an article about the app market. Shortly thereafter, Mureta began designing and developing apps. In just 24 months, Mureta... [Read more]

Offline Continuity Crusher, a consultant’s new revenue stream #ad

Offline Continuity Crusher, by Drew Laughlin, is an instant profit center (a “business-in-a-box”) for offline marketing consultants. The core of the product is a 12-Month Membership Site that offers a new, step-by-step, marketing strategy tutorial for offline consultants. Now, Laughlin is offering a limited number of PLR (Private Label Rights)... [Read more]

‘Urgency: The Key To Making Money Online’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Urgency: The Key To Making Money Online”. Chow says, “Imagine making more money than you can spend? You and I know that earning a living from the internet is important. But how are you going to increase the conversion rate for your own products and affiliate offers. That’s when “urgency” comes... [Read more]

‘How to Create Compelling Content that Ranks Well in Search Engines’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Create Compelling Content that Ranks Well in Search Engines”. Sonia Simone says, “I don’t think there’s a single topic in online marketing that’s as misunderstood as SEO. Partly it’s because on the surface, SEO has changed so much. What worked even a few years ago will destroy... [Read more]

‘How Not to Win Any Marketing Awards Ever' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “How Not to Win Any Marketing Awards Ever?. Baer says, “Lately, I’ve been asked to judge quite a few marketing awards competitions. Mostly digital awards, but some traditional/offline categories, too. The specific awards and contests don’t matter, because the affliction... [Read more]

Instant Offline Empire, an effective way to attract and serve offline businesses #ad

For many years, Cameron Benson has been practicing better ways (and faster ways) to bring in offline clients. In Instant Offline Empire , he shares them with you. Benson says that most of the advice we get for approaching offline businesses with consulting offers is wrong, more likely to annoy them than convince them, and not effective in bringing in... [Read more]

‘How To Become A Content Marketing Machine’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How To Become A Content Marketing Machine”. Jill Celeste says, “One of the most important aspects of your personal branding strategy is creating high-quality content to show your expertise and build your online authority. Why do you need to produce original content for personal... [Read more]

‘Why You Might Be Losing Rankings to Pages with Fewer Links, Worse Targeting, and Poor Content’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Why You Might Be Losing Rankings to Pages with Fewer Links, Worse Targeting, and Poor Content”. Rand Fishkin says, “Focusing on links, targeting, and great content can vastly improve your search rankings, so why do we sometimes see Google favoring pages that lack those qualities? In today’s Whiteboard... [Read more]

’10 interesting digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “10 interesting digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week”. David Moth says, “Here are some of the most interesting digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week. Stats include the best features to include in mobile apps, marketing budgets, mobile search, Google... [Read more]

Viral Conversion Lead Funnels: The Secret To The 15-Min Workday #ad

Custom solutions to people’s problems leads to loyal fans. That’s the principle behind Viral Conversion Lead Funnels. Rob Jones has built this software to build your list and do it virally by giving people what they really need as a reward for opting into your list. On your site, you use Viral Conversion Lead Funnels to ask visitors questions... [Read more]

‘How to Use Visual QR Codes to Increase Customer Engagement 25%’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “How to Use Visual QR Codes to Increase Customer Engagement 25%”. Uriel Peled says, “Whether at CES or any other tech conferences across the globe, mobile technology has taken over. Samsung announced at the beginning of the year that it has sold 100 million Galaxy S devices, and mobile phone... [Read more]

‘Desktop OS & CTR: Opportunities Abound Depending On Target Market’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Desktop OS & CTR: Opportunities Abound Depending On Target Market”. Gabe Donnini says, “Despite the growing impact of mobile devices on the Web browsing ecosystem as a whole, desktop users still generate the lion’s share of North American Internet traffic. This... [Read more]

‘14 Tips to Nail Down Demographics’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “14 Tips to Nail Down Demographics”. Scott Gerber says, “Having robust data about your customers (current or future) is critical to your startup’s success. Good research can inform everything from creating your marketing plan to developing a brand-new idea. But where exactly do you begin?   We... [Read more]

‘Recreating Face-to-Face Interactions Online’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Recreating Face-to-Face Interactions Online”. Amberly Dressler says, “Customers want to access customer service support in multiple ways (even online), and e-commerce merchants set up for success are those that consider all the different ways consumers will want to interact with their businesses. The... [Read more]

‘How To Remove Inactive Yahoo Emails From Your List’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Remove Inactive Yahoo Emails From Your List”. Chow says, “On Monday, July 15, Yahoo will be closing all email accounts that haven’t been logged into in 12 months or longer. Yahoo will then release these addresses for the public to claim. This change will gives you the opportunity to claim a... [Read more]

‘The 8 Most Common Mistakes on Twitter’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “The 8 Most Common Mistakes on Twitter”. The Wishpond Blog team says, “Twitter: everyone’s on it, but not everyone really knows how to use it. Let’s face it, mistakes are made all the time – it’s how we learn. But some mistakes are kind of outrageous, and well, downright... [Read more]

’10 Brands That Jumped on Instagram Video (And Rocked It)’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”10 Brands That Jumped on Instagram Video (And Rocked It)”. Ginny Soskey says, “When new social media features are released, every news outlet and blog jumps on the story. (Hey, we do it, too.) Everyone’s thinking: what is this new feature, and how does it fit into mycurrent content... [Read more]

‘5 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Entrepreneurs’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “5 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Entrepreneurs”. Adam Popescu says, “Twitter instantly connects us with celebrities and thought leaders. But it’s all about who you follow — filling your stream with forward thinkers can help stoke innovation and provide a window into the brains of... [Read more]

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