IM NewsWatch, July 10, 2015 - 'Attracting and Retaining Customers and Subscribers with Paid Advertising – Copyblogger' and much more...

July 10th, 2015 at 8:39 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, July 10, 2015

‘How to Make Money Online: The Basics’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Carolyn Sun says, “Let’s say you’re a newbie to the world of online sales and are looking to make money online, but you’re starting with a small startup budget. With the blinding wealth of information available for new business owners, knowing how to spend your limited funds can be a bit intimidating. Here is a five-step checklist to help... [Read more]

‘Always Be Closing: Building a Compelling Sales Strategy’ – ‘’ Blog staff says, “As consumer interests are changing and evolving, so should your sales strategy. Only three percent of adults have written goals, however, great salesmen and industry leaders continue to write down their goals in order to prioritize. So should your company. By keeping a document of your sales strategy, you can measure... [Read more]

‘2015 Global Ad Spend Forecast by Medium and Region’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Global ad expenditure is expected to grow 4.2% globally in 2015, reaching $531 billion by the end of the year, according to a June forecast from ZenithOptimedia. “Fast-track Asia” (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam) is expected to see the biggest increase in ad... [Read more]

SEO Dragon breathes fire into your marketing #ad

Borrowing from the old saying, If Google ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. That is, if Google doesn’t like your site, you aren’t going to like your results. That’s a sad fact of online marketing life these days. No matter how much work you put into your site, without Google sending you traffic, your results may leave a lot... [Read more]

‘No Longer Twitter Exclusive, Meerkat Moves Closer To Facebook’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Meerkat, the live-streaming video app that zoomed to prominence using Twitter’s social graph only to be cut off when Twitter launched Periscope, has turned to another social friend. Wednesday, Meerkat started giving people the ability to sign up using Facebook where previously it required Twitter. Twitter is still a sign-up... [Read more]

‘Attracting and Retaining Customers and Subscribers with Paid Advertising’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Can you effectively and efficiently pay to grow your business, without wasting your money or annoying your prospects? Yep … In this episode of The Mainframe, Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal: Why paid advertising is powerful, but with that great power comes great responsibility How to get a good return on your investment... [Read more]

‘Quick Tips Video: 3 Ways You Can Use Analytics to Improve Your Emails’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “If you have a habit of creating and sending emails without looking back to see how they performed, you’re not alone. However, this is one scenario where becoming a #DataGeek will work in your favor. There’s a lot you can learn about your subscribers when you know how many of them are opening your emails, clicking links... [Read more]

High Performance Academy enrollment closing (+ free intro webinar) #ad

Brendon Burchard sent us a notice that his annual enrollment for High Performance Academy is closing in less than 24 hours. Midnight tonight is the final deadline to join Burchard’s High Performance Academy. His program helps you master your psychology, physiology, productivity, and persuasion skills so that you can take your entire life to a... [Read more]

’19 Essential Tips for an Engaging Facebook Business Page’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “So you’ve decided to set up a Facebook Page for your company — or maybe you just want to make the most of your existing one. Well, considering Facebook is home to more than 1.4 billion monthly active users, you’re making a smart move. But if you think you can just slap together a Facebook Page and expect... [Read more]

‘Facebook Adds A Human Touch To The News Feed Algorithm’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Nield says, “Facebook has announced changes to its iOS app that let users take more control over their News Feed, the central stream of information around which the rest of the service is built. The same changes are coming to Android and desktop Web in the coming weeks. The move is notable because of the way Facebook has relied on smart algorithms... [Read more]

‘Using Email to Collect Additional Subscriber Data’ – Return Path

Alexandra says, “For email marketing, data is king. The more data you have about your subscribers, the more relevant and personalized each email becomes, ultimately resulting in higher engagement and ROI. However, companies walk a fine line when trying to collect valuable subscriber data while keeping the subscription process quick and easy enough... [Read more]

Last chance for intro price: New Covert Shirt Store 2.0 #ad

The IM Wealth Builders team (Soren Jordansen, John Merrick and Cindy Battye) made a surprise announcement yesterday.  They have just released a new version of their popular software for selling t-shirts online, Covert Shirt Store 2.0... [Read more]

‘Semantic search: the future of search marketing?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Tani Kopliku says, “Semantic search has been around for a while and many SEOs know it very well. They understand its importance and that Google is sending more and more signals that it will influence rankings now and even more so in the future. I wanted to talk about semantic search because of where this part of search is heading and the opportunities... [Read more]

‘5 PR strategies that can help every startup’ – ‘Mashable’

Tyler Perry says, “Every six months or so, an article pops up with the headline, “Do you really need a PR firm?” These articles set off myriad phone calls from clients who say, “I read that if we have a great product, we will immediately get PR.” While there are some exceptional products that have grown organically (like Instagram),... [Read more]

‘Facebook Changes the News Feed Again: Users Can Now Get Updates From Certain Friends & Brands First’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “This morning, Facebook announced three updates to users’ News Feed preferences that give users more control over the content they see in their News Feeds. These updates are available today on iOS and will be rolling out on Android and desktop over the next few weeks. This is part of their continued effort to show... [Read more]

Speed Blogging: $1 trial because your time is valuable #ad

Chris Record started blogging back in 2004 when he made his first 6-figure year online using the Google Adsense™ program. Since then, Record and his team at Internet Marketing Bar have developed numerous WordPress products and services... [Read more]

‘How to make employees your most valuable marketing asset’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “It’s becoming increasingly true that there is no longer such thing as a job for life. The average worker today stays at their job for 4.4 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and younger people only stay in their roles for only half that time. In fact 91% of people born between 1977 and 1997 expect... [Read more]

‘Power to the People: How to Launch and Maintain a Referral Marketing Program’ – ‘’ Blog

Samuel Edwards says, “Customer referral programs are simple to launch, but extremely difficult to successfully maintain. However, despite this truth, thousands of businesses launch their own programs each year—subconsciously knowing that they’re destined for failure. But why do they keep trying? It’s because they know the rewards that are... [Read more]

‘From Engagement to Leads: The Psychology Behind Converting Social Media Fans’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Bojana Dobran says, “With over two billion of active users, social media networks are an excellent means of promoting your brand and accelerating business growth. Unless, of course, you’re doing it wrong. Some 61% of SMBs report success with gaining new customers via social media, according to research (PDF). That means, however, another... [Read more]

Clickbank is giving away a trip to Japan #ad

Coming up September 5 and 6, in Tokyo, is Netpreneur Summit, known as "Asia's Premier Internet Marketing Event". Clickbank is partnering to produce this networking/training event. To celebrate, they are giving away a trip to Japan to attend Netpreneur Summit (valued at $5000)... [Read more]

‘Q2 Report: Ad Spend On Facebook FBX Outpaced Google Display’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Advertiser spending on Facebook FBX grew 48 percent while display ad spend on Google dropped 9 percent among customers using IgnitionOne’s campaign management platform, according to the company’s Q2 Digital Marketing Report. Overall, spending on programmatic display ads continued its growth trajectory of the past... [Read more]

‘The Field Guide to Twitter Advertising: How to Create & Launch Campaigns’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “With more than 302 million active monthly users and 500 million updates sent per day, Twitter continues to be a rich marketing avenue for brands. But even though the platform is more than nine years old, most of its advertising products are still young. The company only started to make a push and introduced new and innovative... [Read more]

‘Five tips on writing content for a mobile audience’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graeme Parton says, “Content is still as important as ever to digital marketing success, but as your audience evolves, so too must your approach. Over the past few years, mobile has taken over the world. Your customers are seemingly glued to their screens at every waking hour, and this must be taken into account. So how do you go about creating... [Read more]

‘Microsoft keeps giving up on the future’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Microsoft’s vision is to be on every screen you use. But sometimes, that vision cracks a little. On Wednesday, Microsoft announced taking a staggering $7.6 billion writedown for Nokia’s handset business, which it officially acquired just more than a year earlier for $9.5 billion with the goal of supercharging... [Read more]

‘Email Send Frequency: The Effects of Undermailing’ – Return Path

Jen Ribble says, “Finding the right send frequency is a challenge most email marketers face at some point. We all know that overmailing is a mistake, so conventional wisdom points to limiting your send frequency as the “safe” approach. Fewer emails should result less frustration from subscribers, and therefore fewer complaints, right? As... [Read more]

‘5 Fail-Proof Social Media Best Practices’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Matt Hensler says, “The majority of businesses are leveraging social media to engage their existing and potential customer base but many are still – even in 2015 – doing so with blinders on. They are either not measuring their return on investment from the various networks or are not creating engaging social media calendars, not responding... [Read more]

‘5 Secrets to Running a Successful Ecommerce Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “There are many entrepreneurs whose greatest desire is to build a business that allows them to live a lifestyle of their choosing, and have it run more or less on autopilot. Ecommerce tends to be fairly complementary to those desires. However, if you want to turn your ecommerce store into a massive business, the only thing... [Read more]

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