IM NewsWatch, July 1, 2015 - 'One Ingredient Your Content Marketing Program Is Missing – Content Marketing Institute' and much more...

July 1st, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

‘3 Awesome Ecommerce Design Trends You Can Implement Today’ – Shopify

Tucker SchreiberTucker Schreiber Tucker Schreiber says, “Keeping your online store on trend can be the difference between staying relevant and losing sales. This applies not only to the products that you’re selling, but how you present them. In this post, we’ll take a look at three design trends you can leverage to keep your online... [Read more]

‘Storytelling 101: What Defines Good Content for Off-Page SEO?’ – ‘’ Blog

Thomas Stern says, “The concept of link building and content creation being separate entities is archaic. Isolating the power of well-developed content to drive a link-building strategy is crucial to success. Any marketing program that fails to cohesively build these programs is stifling its search rankings by underutilizing its off-page SEO. It’s... [Read more]

‘Introducing the Forrester Wave for Content Marketing Platforms’ – Forrester

Ryan Skinner says, “That’s as succinct a summary as you’ll get for the pains of contemporary content marketing. Even as marketers flock to it, experienced practitioners know of content marketing’s side effect: An unmitigated mess, with lots of people producing piles of content all at the same time, all over the world. Cue the Content... [Read more]

Explaindio is back, Explaindio 2.0 is better than ever #ad

If you were among the 14,000 marketers who bought Explaindio 1.0, you will be excited to know about Explaindio 2.0, which went live at Midnight for current customers, and will go live at 11AM EDT for new customers. If you are upgrading there’s an even better deal: if you buy before 11 AM, you get the first year of use for half-price. Whenever... [Read more]

‘Why You Need a Facebook Video Strategy Right Now’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Facebook doesn’t just want to help you promote your website. Maybe they want to replace your website? Facebook announced that they are making yet another change to the news feed algorithm. This time they have determined that if you spend a disproportionate amount of time on a particular Facebook post, even if you do not engage with... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Takes E-Commerce To Next Level With Launch Of Buyable Pins On iPads & iPhones’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “After announcing e-commerce plans earlier this month, Pinterest launched its buyable Pins today on iPhones and iPads, making it possible for iOS users in the U.S. to purchase products straight from the site. According to the announcement, the buyable Pins are now appearing in home feeds, boards and search results, and include... [Read more]

‘The One Ingredient Your Content Marketing Program Is Missing’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “Through keynote talks, workshops, and webinars, I’ve had the opportunity to present on the topic of content marketing more than 200 times in the past four years. In almost every one of those presentations, I relayed the following information: “Content marketing doesn’t usually fail because of content quality. The main... [Read more]

Boost Your Business, Attract Leads & Skyrocket Sales With Video SEO #ad

The EpicWin University, founded by Travis Morgan, has just released Freedom Academy, which they say fulfills the promis of the headline. The goal of this new training is showing you how to do Video SEO, ranking videos so they appear on page 1, and doing it in a way that doesn't require... [Read more]

‘Steal This Trick: What Confident Content Marketers All Have in Common’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “There are a million techniques that make your content better and more popular. (Probably a half-million just here on Copyblogger.) Strong headlines, smart copywriting techniques, storytelling, humor, etc. But there’s one insider trick that makes the rest of it easy. It starts from the very beginning, when you’re figuring... [Read more]

‘The Key to Driving Consistent Growth: Understanding Costs’ – HubSpot

Doug Davidoff says, “I have a confession to make. I’m a revenue (sales) guy. I can think about, conceive and vision growth opportunities without even trying. On the other hand, thinking about (and understanding) costs doesn’t come so easily to me. I’ve learned that understanding your costs is crucial to creating profitable revenue consistently,... [Read more]

‘The Marketing and Advertising Hiring Climate’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 21% of advertising and marketing executives plan to expand their creative teams in the second half of 2015, compared with 33% in the first half of 2015 and 12% a year ago, according to a recent report from The Creative Group. The report was based on data from 200 phone interviews with marketing executives randomly selected... [Read more]

Complete marketing system (and websites) for local marketing consultants #ad

You can build a business building websites for local merchants. With Jack Hopman's new Website Hero, you can build professional sites in a few minutes. He has done the hard work already.... [Read more]

‘Five small businesses with brilliant Pinterest pages’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Recently I wrote a post covering what the top five UK ecommerce brands are doing on Pinterest. But why should corporate giants have all the fun? I’m sure there’s an oxymoron somewhere in that sentence, but in any case I thought I’d look at some smaller ecommerce brands to see what they’re doing to compete. Farmdrop When... [Read more]

‘Master the Art of Blogging With Science’ – ‘’ Blog

Anca Bradley says, “Businesses these days have many avenues through which they can reach consumers with content: social media, videos, apps, in-person and online events and much more. One of them—blogging—has become a very powerful marketing tool, ranking as one of the top five most effective content marketing tactics, according to the Content... [Read more]

‘How to Make Your Webinar As Effective As Possible’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Posting on social media sites, sending out e-newsletters, creating videos, and blogging are some of the preferred content marketing tactics among companies. However, one tool that is often overlooked is the webinar. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 B2C Content Marketing survey, 93 percent of marketers utilize... [Read more]

Publish your own game apps, done for you #ad

Gaming is big business.  Millions of game are downloaded by millions of people. Some marketing companies are profiting (big time) from all those downloads... [Read more]

‘Visual Content Marketing: Building Digital Stories That Really Connect’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jim Yu says, “Visual content has been dominant in the marketing and personal communication worlds. In recent years, professionals have begun to notice that rich media do much more than look nice — they increase engagement, understanding, and can tell the brand story. When people think about the best ways to communicate with their brand audience,... [Read more]

‘Why People Like, Share, and Comment on Facebook’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Of Facebook’s 1.25 billion monthly active users, 44% Like their friends’ posts at least once a day — and 29% do it multiple times a day. That’s hundreds of millions of people interacting with content on the social network on a daily basis. So what motivates people to Like Facebook posts —... [Read more]

‘SlideShare Secrets to Stack the Decks in Your Favor’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jodi Harris says, “SlideShare is a popular, business-friendly social site – one that you probably already use to enhance the life span of your company’s PowerPoint slide decks and other presentation materials. But could you be overlooking some of the most powerful features and functionalities the platform offers for greater content marketing... [Read more]

‘A Simple Way to Boost the Credibility of Your Website’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “It’s not enough today to merely be trustworthy in your digital business, you have to prove it. Whether you sell products or services, customers have to trust you before they’ll want to do business with you, and building trust online can be a challenge. People are much more skeptical and cynical these days about the promises... [Read more]

Viddify weekend launch sale ends soon #ad

New video technology, called Viddify, adds interactive, attention grabbing bribes inside of your videos to make them more compelling... [Read more]

‘Why And How Publishers Will Force Advertisers To Engage Consumers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

David Rodnitzky says, “Traditional media-buying negotiations are pretty straightforward: The publisher has some inventory it wants to sell, and the advertiser that is willing to pay the most for that inventory wins! It’s that “supply and demand” concept that you learn in Econ 101. That model, however, is under threat, and it’s being challenged... [Read more]

‘Is Social Selling Creepy? [Infographic]’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “What makes you feel more uneasy: Receiving a cold call where the caller knows nothing about you, or everything about you? Kinda makes you think, doesn’t it? While buyers want salespeople to research them on social media networks before picking up the phone, researching a little too much might cross the line into stalker... [Read more]

‘3 Tips To Help You Get Your July 4th Email Opened’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “Barbecues. Beach trips. Stand-still traffic. Fireworks. As the U.S. prepares to celebrate another year of independence, there’s another holiday trend Americans can expect to look forward to: July 4th-themed emails. Whether you plan to host a huge sale, offer exclusive discounts or simply take an Independence Day spin on... [Read more]

‘Five Ways to Use Location-Based Marketing Right Now’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

JD Nyland says, “Location data is everywhere. It’s embedded in the photos we share, the GPS-enabled apps we use, and the online transactions we make. And, today, users are more willing than ever to share location data with brands in exchange for more personalized content and tailored promotions. That’s really the idea and the promise... [Read more]

‘Search Beats Display: Microsoft Says Bing Is Sustainable & Standalone Multibillion Dollar Business’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Danny Sullivan says, “Think search advertising is boring, and that it’s all about programmatic and display these days? Microsoft’s move today to dispose of its display business but keep search shows how powerful and unique search remains. As announced today, Microsoft is ridding itself of its display ad sales business. That’s something it... [Read more]


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