IM NewsWatch, July 1, 2014 - ‘Google Confirms the Importance of PR in SEO – Business 2 Community' and much more...

July 1st, 2014 at 8:16 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

‘Which Search Engines Deliver the Most Engaged Visitors?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “, Bing, and Yahoo drive far fewer consumers to publishers’ websites than Google, but visitors who arrive via those three search engines tend to stay longer during visits and view more pages, and they are less likely to exit after reading only one page, according to a recent analysis by Shareaholic. Below, key... [Read more]

‘An Interview With Joe Pulizzi On Content Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Arnie Kuenn says, “Content marketing as a strategy has gained lots of steam over the past few years, though it isn’t exactly a new concept. But long before content marketing became an everyday term among marketers, Joe Pulizzi knew its importance. Seven years ago, he founded what is now Content Marketing Institute, a website dedicated to... [Read more]

‘Google Confirms the Importance of PR in SEO’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Mickie E Kennedy says, “Most of us have always known that an inextricable link existed between PR and SEO. Earning brand mentions and links from various websites—whether via guest blogging, earned media, etc.—has long been considered to be good for increasing your search engine presence. However, it wasn’t until very recently that we got... [Read more]

Make the second half of 2014 profitable #ad

Today is the start of the 3rd quarter of 2014 If your business isn’t where you want it to be, take positive steps to move it forward: 1. Set a “vital few” important goals. 2. Establish a game plan to reach those goals 3. Execute that plan and commit to seeing it through to the end. If you work the same way in the second half of the... [Read more]

’10 Quick Tips for Generating Leads From Twitter’ – HubSpot

Diana Urban says, “Twitter isn’t just for getting followers, retweets, and replies — it’s also a valuable marketing channel for generating qualified leads. But when you’re trying to generate leads on Twitter, your tweets have to be a little different than normal. With a few tweaks, your tweets can be transformed into lead... [Read more]

‘5 Critical Rules for SEO Success in 2014’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Martin Laetsch says, “The major search engines win or lose market share by the quality of the results they deliver for searchers; this is why they continually fine-tune their algorithms to increase the quality of their organic results. Such constant evolution makes it challenging for marketers to keep their search engine marketing practices up-to-the-minute,... [Read more]

‘8 Ways YouTube Will Be Changing How You Create Videos’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Stephanie Chan says, “YouTube may face some challenges as it moves toward the mainstream, but it isn’t standing still on the technological side. Here are eight new tools for video creators YouTube execs Matthew Glotzbach and Oliver Heckmann—the site’s director of product management and VP of engineering, respectively—previewed... [Read more]

Jeff Walker’s “Launch” Selling Big on Amazon #ad

Jeff Walker‘s book, Launch was just released last week, and it’s already a bestseller on Amazon. In fact, it’s been #1 in lots of categories, including “Marketing and Sales”. For a limited time, Walker has announced that you can get a copy on Amazon (both Kindle and hard copy are available). Whichever you choose, you qualify... [Read more]

‘Twitter ‘Buy Now’ Button Appears for First Time’ – ‘Mashable’

Kurt Wagner says, “It looks like shopping within your Twitter Timeline isn’t far off. A new “Buy now” button appeared on multiple tweets Monday, all of which included products that link back to a shopping site called Fancy. The tweets were first discovered by tech-news site Recode, and the while the buttons appear in both the... [Read more]

‘Three ways for marketers to capitalize on live events’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Matthew Kates says, “Summer is the season for live events like concerts, baseball games, music festivals and more. Previously seen as simply a one-way advertising opportunity, mobile’s ability to facilitate a conversation with consumers has transformed live events into a key component of cross-channel marketing efforts. This allows for consumers... [Read more]

‘Setting Up 4 Key Customer Loyalty Metrics in Google Analytics’ – MOZ Blog

Tom Capper says, “Customer loyalty is one of the strongest assets a business can have, and one that any can aim to improve. However, improvement requires iteration and testing, and iteration and testing require measurement. Traditionally, customer loyalty has been measured using customer surveys. The Net Promoter Score, for example, is based on... [Read more]

Hero Tower: Sell in 10, 20, 30 or even 40 niches at the same time #ad

Ross Carrelsays he has found that Facebook is the fastest tool available to marketers who want to scale up their business quickly. He has created Hero Tower to show you how. In fact, he doesn’t just show you how; he has built software that helps you do it. Hero Tower: • Automatically locates all the best, most interesting and engaging content... [Read more]

‘How to Spot the Weakest Part of Your Blog Post’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “What does a rough draft of a blog post have in common with all the other blog posts by all the other content creators in your niche? Too much. I’m sure you’re aware that there are countless other writers musing about the same ideas you are, and in similar ways. The goal of a typical first draft is to transform your... [Read more]

‘Online Testing: How to use A/A testing to break through the noise’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Tackett says, “Getting a lift from your testing efforts can be satisfying and rewarding. Not to mention, increases in conversion have changed the fortunes of entire enterprises and the careers of the marketers who advocated testing. But is a lift truly a lift, or is it simply a false positive resulting from natural variation? In this MarketingExperiments... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘How To Leverage Social Channels For Lead Generation’ Business 2 Community Webinar July 9

This is a reminder for Business 2 Community’ webinar on Social Media for Lead Generation. Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar with Jonathan Moody & Satya Krishnaswamy on Wednesday, July 9 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “How To Leverage Social Channels For Lead Generation”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team... [Read more]

SEO Enigma: Updated SEO Techniques #ad

Anton Nadillo and Jon Shawcross have done a lot of research, over a periuod of years, on what works in SEO without getting you black-listed. Last year, they published the results of their study in the first edition of SEO Enigma. Now, they are releasing version 2, revised and supplemented to account for the recent changes made by Google. Google recently... [Read more]

‘Social Media Skills Are Really Social’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Allison Kent-Smith says, “Social media as a practice is nearly a decade old. But for many of us, this job skill is a fairly new requirement. So how do you learn more about social media for your current or future job? Where do you go to learn more? What do you need to know? It’s challenging. Most experts have gained social media skills on the... [Read more]

‘How Google Hummingbird Changed the Future of Search’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Dan Shewan says, “In September of last year, when Google Hummingbird was officially announced, Matt Cutts said that it would affect 90% of all searches, albeit in a subtle way. Considering that Google handles more than 3.5 billion searches every day, this means Google Hummingbird affects more than 3.15 billion of them. Not exactly an inconsequential... [Read more]

‘Does Google Panda 4.0 mean the days of PR newswires are numbered?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Google rolled out its latest Panda 4.0 algorithm update in May, which was again aimed at clamping down on sites with low-quality or thin content. Once the dust had settled it seemed that press release sites had taken a kicking, with reports that PRWeb, PR Newswire, Business Wire and PRLog lost 60% to 85% of their search visibility... [Read more]

Traffic Elixir: Traffic without Google, PPC or Facebook Ads #ad

Today, Precious Ngwu releases Traffic Elixir, his traffic strategy that doesn’t require SEO or PPC or Facebook ads or even YouTube. His goal is to get you at least 200+ targeted visitors coming to your sites day after day, and to do it on complete auto-pilot He reports that he has perfected technology that makes it possible. You can see this... [Read more]

‘Four Tips to Accelerate Sales Through the B2B Content Funnel’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Paul Gustafson says, “Dan Miller, a professor of material culture at University College London, caused quite a stir at the end of 2013 when he said Facebook was “basically dead and buried” for 16-18-year-olds in the UK. So when we recently facilitated a series of focus groups in the US with 16-30-year-old males on the topic of their... [Read more]

‘Google Analytics: Reviewing Behavior Reports, for Visitor Insights’ – Web Marketing Today

Kevin Webster says, “Knowing the source of your web traffic — organic search, paid search, social media, direct — is important. But taking a look at what your visitors are actually doing and accomplishing on your website is also key. Studying traffic flow can indicate a few potential problems in website navigation or marketing messages, as well... [Read more]

‘How Much Are Your Customers Worth?’ – HubSpot

Sam Kusinitz says, “Lifetime Value (LTV) is one of those metrics that keeps your CEO up a night. It’s the estimated revenue that a customer will generate during the entire span of their relationship with your company. It takes into account not only the initial purchase, but also how much a customer is likely to spend in the future as... [Read more]

True Vine Theme, for consultants who build church websites #ad

There have been WordPress themes customized for many niches. We have seen medical themes, restaurant themes, and themes for may other local organizations. Sometimes, developers simply add custom graphics to a standard theme aqnd call it customized. But some custom themes address the specific needs of the niche they are addressed to. Medical offices... [Read more]

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