IM NewsWatch, July 09, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘Boost your SEO, Social + Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday – SEOmoz’ and much more...

July 9th, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, July 9, 2012

‘The Truth About Luck and Success’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “Luck has been in my corner since day one back in 1975. I was extraordinarily lucky to be born in Canada into a lower-middle class family. Lucky enough to have been educated in the years of the first home computer, to have come of age as the first... [Read more]

‘How To Build An Economically Bullet-Proof Business Using Niche Marketing 2.0 In 30 Days (or less) – Guaranteed’ Daniel Levis’ Webinar July 11

Daniel Levis is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, July 11 at 8.00 pm EST. Levis says, “Inside this cutting-edge, one-of-a-kind live webinar, you’ll learn how to: Create simple 5 to 10 page “under the radar” content web sites (that don’t look like they sell anything at all) – that each generate between $500 and $1,500... [Read more]

‘Google Panda Recovery In Detail’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. Search Engine Roundtable Newsletter Contents Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: July 6, 2012 Google’s Cutts: Links Still More Powerful Thank Social Signals Google Panda Recovery In Detail Google: We Know It Won’t Be Easy Without iGoogle But Too Bad The... [Read more]

Set up a blog, promote affiliate products, cut it loose for passive income #ad

In the The Laidback Affiliate, Johnny PR says, this is the way to really build an affiliate blog. You don’t have to slave over it every day. He says that he is living proof that a Laidback Affiliate can earn a good living. In 12 days or less, he says, working no more than 2 hours a day, you can set up an affiliate blog. To help you make it a profitable In... [Read more]

‘Twitter Adds Incremental, Useful Search Features – World Yawns’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Twitter Adds Incremental, Useful Search Features – World Yawns”. Brian Proffitt says, “After teasing the world with portents that “search & discovery in @twitter set to change forever,” Twitter’s big announcement came and went with a lot of observers left holding a big bag of disappointment. The actual... [Read more]

‘Metrics Simplified: How to translate your Web analytics into ROI’ MarketingExperiments Webinar July 11

MarketingExperiments is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, July 11 at 4.00 pm ET. MarketingExperiments team says, “Web analytics can yield an intimidating mound of data—much more than marketers can interpret and use. What the overwhelmed marketer needs is a way to discipline the process – a way to turn this raw data into valuable insights concerning... [Read more]

‘Cyberbullying: Scourge of the Internet [INFOGRAPHIC]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Cyberbullying: Scourge of the Internet [INFOGRAPHIC]“. Sam Laird says, “The explosive growth of social media in recent years has enabled a lot of new opportunities for kids and teenagers — sharing achievements with family, making plans with new friends and reliving past memories with old... [Read more]

Use high-authority document distribution sites to get backlinks #ad

Your backlinks need to be from High-authority sites Google trusts. Among these authority sites are major document distribution sites. These aren’t article sites, although they sahre some features (such as email capture during download and user-developed content). These sites typically distribute longer documents than articles and they typically... [Read more]

‘7 Social Media Marketing Links You Shouldn’t Log In Without …’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “7 Social Media Marketing Links You Shouldn’t Log In Without …”. Robert Bruce says, “This week on The Lede … Why Stories Sell How to Overcome Writer’s Block Forever What’s Your Content Marketing Plan of Attack? 9 Strategies for Effective Tweeting Why WordPress Website Owners Shouldn’t... [Read more]

‘July Mozscape Update’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “July Mozscape Update”. Rand says, “It’s time for another Mozscape index update. This one comes with some good news, and potentially some bad news, too. As you’re likely aware, the previous two indices, while huge in size (150B+ URLs each) suffered from a lack of freshness due to the additional... [Read more]

‘How To Increase Your Profits Without Extra Traffic Using These Top Conversion Tips, Techniques & Tools’ – ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ Blog

James Schramko’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ blog post is titled “How To Increase Your Profits Without Extra Traffic Using These Top Conversion Tips, Techniques & Tools”. Schramko says, “Greg Cassar from shares some fantastic conversion ideas that you can implement today to see great improvements... [Read more]

“KeywordXP” keeps you from making rookie SEO mistakes #ad

If you are using old SEO techniques, you are failing to respond the newest Google changes. Don’t just build backlinks, they aren’t enough. Backlinks from “bad neighborhoods” can even do in your site. Paul Clifford says, you have to concentrate more closely on the content you build, and that content needs to cater to people doing... [Read more]

‘Governments Need Basic Technology Tools (And, Are Receptive To Them)’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Governments Need Basic Technology Tools (And, Are Receptive To Them)”. Jennifer Belissent says, “I had an interesting follow-up conversation last week with Dmitry Chikhachev of Runa Capital. I asked what he was seeing in smart cities and civic innovation among Russian start ups in... [Read more]

‘Creating a 100 year ‘Calgary Stampede’ Of New Clients’ by Troy White

Troy White’s latest blog post is titled “Creating a 100 year ‘Calgary Stampede’ Of New Clients”. White says, “Starting July 6th (today), Calgary (where I live) turned into a complete country party town for 10 days. The Calgary Stampede is an event that’s been running since 1912 – and lays claim to The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth. Not... [Read more]

‘Crowdsource Your Success’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Crowdsource Your Success”. Collins Says, “This was a conference session titled Crowdsource Your Success from Affiliate Summit East 2010, which took place August 15-17, 2010 in New York City. Speaker: Matt Mickiewicz, Co-Founder, 99designs, Flippa & SitePoint Session description: Discussion about... [Read more]

Donville Davis is offering you PLR ebooks for hot niches #ad

You get ebooks for these five niches: Pinterest marketing (two e-books) Weight Loss with the babyfood diet Dealing with extreme heat How to make it in the nusic business There are lots of ways to use this PLR content, anything except: - Selling or giving away on the Warrior forum - Selling on Tradebit, Digital Point, Ebay or an auction site To get... [Read more]

‘How to Avoid Getting Kicked Off the Internet by DNSChanger Malware [Video]’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How to Avoid Getting Kicked Off the Internet by DNSChanger Malware [Video]”. Jon Mitchell says, “A malicious bit of software called DNSChanger has infected hundreds of thousands of computers over the last five years, linking the computers together into a massive botnet, which malicious hackers used... [Read more]

‘One Social Thing Wrapup – Week of July 2? by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “One Social Thing Wrapup – Week of July 2?. Baer says, “Here’s what we included in this week’s One Social Thing daily email. Scroll to see the social media and content marketing articles you need to know. To get One Social Thing delivered to your email each day, please... [Read more]

‘Stop Waiting To Blog, Just Do It!’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Stop Waiting To Blog, Just Do It!”. Chow says, “What’s holding you back from achieving tremendous success as a blogger? What’s on your mind right now? Do you think you need more information before launching your blog or stepping out to do a task that can earn you some”. Stop Waiting To Blog, Just... [Read more]

Amazon affiliate blog created in minutes with ZonPress #ad

The ZonPress plugin populates your blog with Amazon product listings. In addition, you can manually add content to the automated content, content that will make your blog one of a kind. Besides adding posts of your own, you can edit the posts that the software automatically posts for you. The content for these posts is pulled selectively based on... [Read more]

‘The Importance of Determining SERP Competition’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “The Importance of Determining SERP Competition”. Aaron Wall says, “Great detectives are timeless and now is a great time to start stepping up your SERP sleuthing SEO has long been a process in which instant financial gratification has been hard to come by (especially on a brand new project). I believe... [Read more]

‘10 Steps To A Winning Small Business Lead Generation Strategy’ by ‘Marketing for Success’ Blog

The latest post on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “10 Steps To A Winning Small Business Lead Generation Strategy”. Cook says, “Attracting clients is hard! Why make it harder by trying to do it without a proven lead generating strategy. Sure if you’re a great cook, you can whip up dinner without a recipe. But... [Read more]

‘Email Optimization: How to prioritize your A/B testing’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Email Optimization: How to prioritize your A/B testing”. Bob Kemper says, “Once marketers see the results that are possible with optimizing and testing email, their next question usually is … well, where do I begin? How can I prioritize the limited time and budget I have when I start... [Read more]

WP Theme Enigma 2.0 – Great theme for Offliners, Onliners, Affiliates, etc. #ad

The WP Enigma theme, popular with online marketers (over 1000 copies sold), is apparently running a special sale to celebrate the release of version 2.0. “For 48 hours only” they include a developer’s license at no extra charge. This deadline is a bit nebulous, since they don’t tell when the 48 hours end. However, if the ad is... [Read more]

HubSpot Releases ’50 SEO & Website Tips for the International Marketer’ Guide

HubSpot has released a free guide entitled “50 SEO & Website Tips for the International Marketer”. The HubSpot team says, “Learn how to optimize your website to generate more traffic in your location and around the world! Search Engine Optimization is a crucial marketing tactic for letting search engine users discover your website.... [Read more]

‘37 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “37 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed”. Allegra Tepper says, “Being an American can get distracting. Making fun of absurd American traditions? Even more so. Whether you were basking in the red, white and blue stateside or laughing from afar at such age old traditions as Joey Chestnut’s... [Read more]

‘How to Effectively Generate and Manage Leads’ MarketingProfs Seminar 12.00 pm ET

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, July 12 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “How to Effectively Generate and Manage Leads”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? How to generate demand How to manage and nurture your leads effectively How to best measure the effectiveness of your campaigns”. Webinar... [Read more]

“Create Profitable Telesummits” shows you how to manage webinars and teleseminars #ad

Conference calls can be profitable, with our without video. But they come with a lot of technical activity outside the call that worries non-technical people. This techie stuff is part of the “price of admission” into this profitable business, but you don’t have to pay full price. You can do this management work the easy way with Create... [Read more]

‘RWW Recommends: The Best Social Investing Site’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “RWW Recommends: The Best Social Investing Site”. Dave Copeland says, “An investing strategy completely based on social media sentiment won’t make you rich, but stock-focused social media can boost your education as an investor and offer tips for further research. Read on for our blue chip pick... [Read more]

‘How VaultPress Saved My blog’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How VaultPress Saved My blog”. Chow says, “Two days ago, I did an upgrade on the blog’s Thesis theme, and something went terribly wrong. The blog got completely messed up. I thought I was screwed because I didn’t make a backup of the old theme before updating”. How VaultPress Saved My blog John... [Read more]

‘Leveraging the Power of Slide Decks to Boost your SEO, Social + Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Leveraging the Power of Slide Decks to Boost your SEO, Social + Content Marketing – Whiteboard Friday”. Rand says, “In this week’s Whiteboard Firday, we are going to be discussing how you can use slide decks for web marketing. I’ve been leveraging the power of slide decks for quite... [Read more]

PD Laughlin releases another of his Niche-specific Lead Generation Systems #ad

This time, based on his niche research, he’s going for the fence installation and repair niche. In this turnkey business package you get: - An attractive WordPress site that comes with support for BackupBuddy and WP Twin for easy upload - A 58 second video for your landing page. - A 22-Page Lead-Gen Report with PLR - Three useful niche articles... [Read more]

‘CLARITY – Methodology for Picking the Right Agency’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “CLARITY – Methodology for Picking the Right Agency”. Aaron Wall says, “In my long career as an Online Marketer, I have had to often pick an agency to partner with or to carry out the different mixes of online marketing, such as SEO, Paid Search, Affiliate marketing, Email Marketing, Analytics, Social... [Read more]

‘Good IT Governance Is Becoming A Continuous Improvement Process’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Good IT Governance Is Becoming A Continuous Improvement Process”. Alexander Peters says, “This is the conclusion of a recent research project on the future of IT governance. I am writing this summary of facts and findings hoping to get your feedback. Here is what we did in the project:... [Read more]

‘Wearable Computing Is Here: Get Ready to Look Ridiculous’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Wearable Computing Is Here: Get Ready to Look Ridiculous”. John Paul Titlow says, “Wearable computing is poised to hit the mainstream. Last week, Google demoed its Project Glass prototype, an Android-powered display, camera, GPS locator and Internet node built into a bulky pair of glasses. On Thursday,... [Read more]

Get Seven Powerful Powerpoint Presentation Templates for just over $1 each #ad

Improve the professionalism of your presentations with these seven templates. One artist said about these designs, “You will not find presentation templates so artistically rich with fine color coordination and excellent design.” if you want to be perceived as an expert, you should have a professional presentation. Reza Aprian has created... [Read more]

‘Amazon Building an iPhone Competitor [REPORT]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Amazon Building an iPhone Competitor [REPORT]“. Sam Laird says, “As competition in the fast-growing mobile web space continues to heat up, Amazon is working on a device to grab a slice of the pie currently dominated by the iPhone and Android smartphones, according to a Bloombergreport. Interestingly,... [Read more]

‘Monetizing Online Forums’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Monetizing Online Forums”. Collins Says, “Skimlinks has released a free ebook with author Patrick O’Keefe called “Monetizing Online Forums.” This is a useful, quality guide for anybody running a forum and trying to figure out how to make some money with it. I like how the ebook discourages trying... [Read more]

‘Why GM May Be Reconsidering Facebook Advertising’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why GM May Be Reconsidering Facebook Advertising”. Dave Copeland says, “In our half-yearly review of the top Internet trends of 2012, there’s been a common theme: mobile is the main driver for all of them. The Visual Web (Instagram, Pinterest and similar image-focused apps), the Consumer Cloud... [Read more]

10 PLR Blogs for Recurring Commissions #ad

Ten blogs for recurring commisions, all done and ready for you to upload to your server. Scott Inman has been designing and selling blogs with content for some time now. He has blogs on 90 topics you can buy and use as though you had built them yourself... [Read more]

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