IM NewsWatch, July 04, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘Top Trends of 2012: Social Video Apps – ReadWriteWeb’ and much more...

July 4th, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

‘Google: No Nofollow Linking Penalty’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. Search Engine Roundtable Newsletter Contents Google: No Nofollow Linking Penalty Fake Google Webmaster Support Phone Calls Google Maps Fixes Some Of The Location Not Supported Issues Does The Yahoo Directory Still Have Value In 2012 Googly High Heels. ‘Search... [Read more]

‘Forget What You Know About Link Building’ Jason Fladlien’s Webinar July 5

Jason Fladlien is hosting a webinar on Thursday, July 5 at 12.00 pm PT. Fladlien says, “On this webinar you will learn: - How Google has “killed” just about every way people used to get links - How to fight back and “Google proof” your business for good - How to get more links (and traffic) than ever before… -... [Read more]

‘Is There Value in Affiliate Marketing?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Is There Value in Affiliate Marketing?”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Affiliate marketing continues to be an effective practice for advertisers/merchants, but how much value is really brought by performance-based marketers (affiliates)? A recent survey from the Rakuten-Linkshare affiliate... [Read more]

Simple steps to creating profitable products #ad

Liz Bradshaw just released Product Creation Sensei to show how it’s done You don’t have to be an expert to create a product that is useful for your buyers and profitable for you. You can do research; you can do the product outline; you can use PLR for a lot of the content; you can outsource to experts when you need help. In addition to the... [Read more]

‘On Email Issue, Facebook Concedes You May Not Be “Confused” After All’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “On Email Issue, Facebook Concedes You May Not Be “Confused” After All”. Dave Copeland says, “Facebook continued to dig itself a bigger hole Monday, as users continued to complain about lost email messages and how the company was handling its complaints. As we reported yesterday, some... [Read more]

‘Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit [INFOGRAPHIC]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit [INFOGRAPHIC]“. Chris Taylor says, “When it comes to the sexes on social media, there are a few places where the battle lines seem settled. It probably won’t surprise you to learn, for example, that men are from Google+ and women... [Read more]

‘Define and Align: A Manageable Content and Social Media Marketing Process’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Define and Align: A Manageable Content and Social Media Marketing Process”. Mackenzie Fogelson says, “When we get into the truth of how much time and effort goes into the actual work of raising a client’s web visibility–that it’s an ongoing process that will require them to generate content... [Read more]

How to stop worrying about Google and start selling #

Google has taken aim at some backlinks; that much is well-known. Link wheels, blog networks and other schemes have come under suspicion. Less well known is the distinction between networks Google hates and those Google gets along with. You can systematically build backlinks and not incur the Google penalties– if you observe the distinction that... [Read more]

‘6 Elements of a “Sticky” Pinterest Campaign’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “6 Elements of a “Sticky” Pinterest Campaign”. Beth Hayden says, “Lots of bloggers and Pinterest experts are talking about the mechanics of creating Pinterest campaigns to connect with your ideal clients and grow your business. But are there actual, concrete steps you can take to make sure... [Read more]

‘Impressions from Google Enterprise’s road show’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Impressions from Google Enterprise’s road show”. Dan Bieler says, “Recently I attended one of the day-long events in Munich that Google offers as part of its atmosphere on tour road show that visits 24 cities globally in 2012. The event series is aimed at enterprise customers and aims... [Read more]

‘The Power of Content Strategy' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Power of Content Strategy?. Baer says, ““With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” – Uncle Ben to Peter Parker (Spiderman) As marketers, we now have the power to create content of all types and deliver them directly to our customers and prospects. It was not too... [Read more]

Quickly create custom video pages to impress specific prospects #ad

Create a video customized for a potential local client you want to impress, and place it on a web page that’s also customized. And do it all quickly and easily. If you have to make presentations to potential consulting clients, this may be the icing on the cake for your presentation. Make a video just for them; put it on a web page that has their... [Read more]

‘Sell Out for Affiliate Summit East 2012’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Sell Out for Affiliate Summit East 2012”. Collins Says, “Affiliate Summit East 2012 is on schedule to sell out towards the end of this month, based on sales patterns of past Affiliate Summits. As of this morning, there are a little more than 600 registration slots remaining out of a total of approximately... [Read more]

‘Facebook Advertising Gives The FTC The Finger’ by Jeremy Schoemaker

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “Facebook Advertising Gives The FTC The Finger”. Schoemaker says, “Recently I have noticed a lot of ”make money online” offers advertising on Facebook are using some wording that is pretty aggressive. I remember a couple years when I couldn’t even advertise my program with... [Read more]

‘The Entrepreneurial Freedom Formula: Leverage’ by Melanie Benson Strick

Melanie Benson Strick’s latest blog post is titled “The Entrepreneurial Freedom Formula: Leverage”. Melanie says, “ShareTweetJason was overwhelmed in his business. Scrambling from one crisis to another he found himself resistant to pursue his bigger dreams or make changes in his current offerings that would add revenue. He questioned how he... [Read more]

“Free Traffic Avalanche” shows how to find targeted buyer traffic #ad

This training contains 24 methods to get free traffic to your website. They work for virtually any website; affiliate sites, CPA sites, Adsense sites, etc. Free Traffic Avalanche is - Completely Ethical - Entirely White hat - A free-traffic System That Can Make You steady income with very little ,maintenance. Go here for Free Traffic Avalanche  [Read more]

‘What Is Social Proof And Why Your Business Can Live Or Die By It’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “What Is Social Proof And Why Your Business Can Live Or Die By It”. Yaro Starak says, “When everyone looks up at the sky, do you do the same? If no one is buying a certain flavour of ice cream, do you stay clear of it too? If your friends all wear a certain brand of clothing do you desire... [Read more]

‘Support Hours – Independence Day 2012’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Support Hours – Independence Day 2012”. Amanda Gagnon says, “AWeber’s customer support offices will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th 2012 for the Independence Day holiday. As always, we’ll be keeping an eye on things to address any critical issues, and we’ll return on Thursday the 5th at 8:00AM... [Read more]

‘Local Business Websites: Beauty Salon’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Local Business Websites: Beauty Salon”. Gardner says, “Today I profile the local business blog of Heiress Salon, a beauty salon and boutique owned and operated by Lindsay Ellis of Penticton, British Columbia. This is my favorite (and IMHO, the best)”. Local Business Websites: Beauty Salon Net... [Read more]

“Kindle Lynx” reveals an income-boosting process for marketing Kindle books #ad

If your books are in demand, you can charge more for them. If your books get good reader reviews that are widely read, they will be in demand. If you offer inexpensive books, your books will be in demand. Kindle Lynx shows a formula for using cheap books as “loss leaders”, getting those reviews and raising your prices due to higher demand. Whether... [Read more]

‘4 Reasons Why Your Blog Doesn’t Make At Least $1,000 Monthly’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “4 Reasons Why Your Blog Doesn’t Make At Least $1,000 Monthly”. Chow says, “Do you make at least $1000 monthly? You’ve seen and read countless success stories of people who make money by blogging. Yes, blogging can make you money and John Chow is a living witness. However, generating income as a blogger ”. 4... [Read more]

‘How to Make Money Online with Domaining’ by Alex Mandossian

Alex Mandossian’s latest blog post is titled “How to Make Money Online with Domaining”. Mandossian says, “Most people think that making money online involves selling a product or service via a website. But there’s another way to make money 24/7 from anywhere in the world, even while you’re working your day job. It’s called “domaining,”... [Read more]

‘How To Attract Attention Like The 4th of July Fireworks’ by ‘Marketing for Success’ Blog

The latest post on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “How To Attract Attention Like The 4th of July Fireworks”. Charlie Cook says, “Here in Greenwich, CT where I live, the fireworks are so popular we have two displays, one in our town park in the center of town and one just a little over a mile away at the beach. The... [Read more]

New Twist on Site Flipping: Create Sites + get Facebook Likes + Build Traffic + Monetize= Flip for $300+ Profit #ad

Make your site go viral before you flip it. You’ll get a lot more money that way. FB Viral Profits (aka fblikestatus) is a powerful PHP script to easily create a website containing status and quotes, one that Facebook users can “like”. When people “Like” your site, it shows up in their Facebook profile and then in their... [Read more]

‘Where Google Is Going Next: 5 Things You Need to Know’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Where Google Is Going Next: 5 Things You Need to Know”. Jon Mitchell says, “On the last day of the Google I/O developers conference, we sat down with engineering director Peter Magnusson to digest the introduction ofCompute Engine, which adds Google-scale processing power to the company’s... [Read more]

‘How To “Pitch” Anything’ – ‘One Step Ahead’ Newsletter

Rich Schefren has released the latest issue of ‘One Step Ahead’ newsletter. Schefren says, “We have a big holiday coming up for my U.S.-based clients, so I’ll make this quick so you can get back to your picnic and party plans. Have you ever struggled wondering if your marketing message is really reaching your prospect? And I’m... [Read more]

‘The 3 things that guide the best online marketers’ – ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘ClickBank ClickBrief’ newsletter has been released. ‘ClickBank ClickBrief Newsletter’ Contents The 3 things that guide the best online marketers Tactics to expand your retargeting efforts 4 tips to create more effective video advertising Best practices for tailoring engaging tweets Google rolls out latest version of AdWords... [Read more]

“Push Pin Profits” shows you how to cash in on Pinterest, the web’s hottest social trend #ad

If you enjoy Pinterest as a hobby, you are joining millions of others doing the same. If you use Pinterest for marketing, on the other hand, you are joining an elite group, laboring in advance of the coming “charge of the marketing brigade.” In Push Pin Profits, you will get: - A documented list of the keys to success in Pinterest marketing -... [Read more]

‘Google Now: How to Get It Without Jelly Bean’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Now: How to Get It Without Jelly Bean”. Stephen Schenck says, “Google Now is just one of the more impressive improvements to the Android experience that Google is introducing in Jelly Bean. With voice search it really gives Siri a run for its money, and it’s quite adept at smartly... [Read more]

‘Paid Search for Brick & Mortar Advertising’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Paid Search for Brick & Mortar Advertising”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Businesses with an offline presence (and yes, they still exist) may still be hesitant to advertise with paid search campaigns because the ability to measure performance and obtain ROI data as it relates to driving... [Read more]

‘Finding – and Funding – the Next Mark Zuckerberg’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Finding – and Funding – the Next Mark Zuckerberg”. Tim Devaney and Tom Stein say, “It’s a startup truism: Investors fund people, not ideas. But ideas are much easier to assess than people. So how do venture capitalists decide if an entrepreneur is worth millions in funding? The easy... [Read more]

Wp Optimix plugin secures your blog while improving managability #ad

The new Wp Optimix plugin can help any blog avoid security loopholes built into WordPress. its advanced security features include: - The ability to change the administrative username from the default “ADMIN” so crooks have a harder time breaking in - Scheduling regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning out spam comments - Ability to change... [Read more]

‘How To Start Your Online Business Fast without Any Tech Skills’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Start Your Online Business Fast without Any Tech Skills”. Chow says, “Technology is a great thing, but it can also be a barrier between you and your desireto start a business online. For example, this blog alone uses technologies from nearly a dozen different companies. If you’re not tech savvy”. How... [Read more]

‘10 Reasons Why You’ll Blow That Big Deal’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “10 Reasons Why You’ll Blow That Big Deal”. Andrew Dumont says, “A deal can be many different things, depending on your business — really, I’m just using it as a placeholder. Whether it be a new client, a big partnership, a fresh distribution, a juicy link, even an acquisition, they’re... [Read more]

‘LinkTrust Takes Steps to Fight Fraud’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “LinkTrust Takes Steps to Fight Fraud”. Collins Says, “LinkTrust recently released their Transaction Details API, which enables users to integrate their LinkTrust tracking with companies sepcializing in fraud protection like CPA Detective, Fraudlogix and ScrubKit. Some information about these anti-fraud... [Read more]

“Insiders Guide To Plugin Outsourcing” and “WP Plugin Protector bundle” #ad

This bundle, Insiders Guide To Plugin Outsourcing and WP Plugin Protector, adds integrity and safety to your blog. Instead of trusting questionable free plugins, you can get a plugin of your own built by skilled programmers at a reasonable cost. Use it yourself, or offer it for sale, or both. Insiders Guide To Plugin Outsourcing shows you: - Where... [Read more]

‘Google Maps Head Indoors in the UK’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Maps Head Indoors in the UK”. Emily Price says, “If you’re traveling in the UK, now you can not only find directions to your destination using Google Maps — you can also find directions to things you’re looking for once you’reinside a number of locations. Available at some locations... [Read more]

‘Can Google Compute Compete with AWS?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Can Google Compute Compete with AWS?”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Google is rolling out a suite of infrastructure-as-a-service products that many expect might just be the strongest competitor yet to market leader Amazon Web Services. Supporting its own services as well as over one million... [Read more]

‘Top Trends of 2012: Social Video Apps’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Top Trends of 2012: Social Video Apps (Warning: Seedy Content!)”. Richard Macmanus says, “Continuing our review of the first half of 2012, we look at an emerging product type that became popular this year: social video apps. The two leading contenders are Socialcam and Viddy, each vying to... [Read more]

“Squidoo SERP Crusher” – How Squidoo can take you to the top #ad

It’s almost as though Google says, “Any friend of Squiddo is a friend of mine. Build a Squidoo lens that points to your website, and Google takes notice. The battle-tested techniques in Squidoo SERP Crusher address challenges like: - How to create title tags that make your SERP listing clickable - How to avoid the problem of high competition... [Read more]

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