IM NewsWatch, July 02, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘Create a Mobile Site with Yodle – Website Magazine’ and much more...

July 2nd, 2012 at 4:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, July 2, 2012

‘$5,691 Per Day Software With Live Demonstration!’ Chris Freville’s Webinar July 3

Chris Freville is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 3 at 8.00 am EDT. Webinar Details Organizer: Chris Freville Topic: $5,691 Per Day Software With Live Demonstration! Day/Date: Tuesday, July 3 Time: 8.00 am EDT – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘$5,691 Per Day Software With Live Demonstration!’ Webinar  [Read more]

‘Moving eBusiness Into The C-Suite (or close to it)’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Moving eBusiness Into The C-Suite (or close to it)”. Carrie Johnson says, “After years of fighting for a voice in the organization, eBusiness leaders are finding themselves in the spotlight. Some all-stars command total compensation packages of more than $1 million and others — like this... [Read more]

‘How To Increase Your Profits Without Extra Traffic Using These Top Conversion Tips, Techniques & Tools’ – ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ Blog

James Schramko’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Speed’ blog post is titled “How To Increase Your Profits Without Extra Traffic Using These Top Conversion Tips, Techniques & Tools”. Schramko says, “Greg Cassar from shares some fantastic conversion ideas that you can implement today to see great improvements... [Read more]

Market to a site with over 1 million hungry buyers #ad

The Money Diamond explains a tested method for selling to a hungry crowd the author and his partner discovered. It doesn’t require you to have any great technical or marketing knowledge. If you are able to read this, you know enough. But even better, you can outsource this work. Better still, the start-up costs are small. The Money Diamond provides... [Read more]

‘Social Pros 22 – Evan Hamilton, UserVoice' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Social Pros 22 – Evan Hamilton, UserVoice?. Baer says, “This is Episode 22 of the Social Pros Podcast : Real People Doing Real Work in Social Media. This episode features Evan Hamilton of UserVoice. Read on for insights from Evan and some social media news from Eric and... [Read more]

‘My Italian Lesson: Slow Down to Speed Up’ by Melanie Benson Strick

Melanie Benson Strick’s latest blog post is titled “My Italian Lesson: Slow Down to Speed Up”. Melanie says, “ShareTweetIt was 9 days into my tour of the Western Mediterranean. I’d been trotting across every sight that the tour books recommended for days, eating at restaurants that boast iceberg lettuce salad and I’m getting exhausted. I... [Read more]

‘Using a Business Blog: Are You Hard to Find on the Web?’ by Patsi Krakoff

Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “Using a Business Blog: Are You Hard to Find on the Web?”. Krakoff says, “Have you ever tried to find yourself on the Web? No, I don’t mean by searching for your name or the name of your business – that would be too easy. Try searching for a solution to the kind of problemsyour... [Read more]

“Banner Chameleon” allows split-testing banners on WordPress #ad

For best marketing results you need to test to discover what works. With Banner Chameleon you define groups of banners that you want to test. For example, three ads for the same product. Then tell Banner Chameleon to rotate these ads. It tracks the clicks for each version so you can choose the one that converts best. The information it provides can... [Read more]

‘Taking Your Blog to the Next Level’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Taking Your Blog to the Next Level”. Chow says, “Anyone can start a blog but not everyone can take their blog to the next level. Now if you are one who is simply looking for a fun place to put your thoughts and opinions on your blog, then this”. Taking Your Blog to the Next Level John Chow’s Blog  [Read more]

‘Winning the eBook Lottery’ – Bill Myer’s Tip Of The Week

Bill Myers has released the latest issue of ‘Tip of the Week’. Bill Myers’ ‘Tip of the Week’: Bill Myers Tip of the Week – June 30Winning the eBook LotterySix hundred thousand dollars. That’s a lot of money. Especially if you earn it all in just one month. But that’s exactly what first time novelist Tracey... [Read more]

‘Instant Focus: Get One Productive Hour (on Command) and Finish Every Task You’ve Been Putting Off’ by Robert Plank

Robert Plank’s latest blog post is titled “Instant Focus: Get One Productive Hour (on Command) and Finish Every Task You’ve Been Putting Off”. Plank says, “What if there was an easy way you could not only… Improve your presentation, speaking, and product creation skills? Create more free content, get yourself more free traffic and... [Read more]

Do you make these outsourcing mistakes? #ad

- Do you fail to provide clear guidelines and standards? - Do you ignore the culture of the outsourcer, their national holidays, normal work hours, etc., that can affect the completion of your project? - Do you expect your outsourcer to do more than originally agreed, causing them to walk off the job? - Do you ignore the cost-of-living in the outsource... [Read more]

‘Starting From Scratch’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “She’s starting from scratch out on the farm. After 40-plus up-and-down years, my mom has sold the farmhouse, most of the land, and she is moving half-a-mile away to a brand new home. Over the past seven months, she’s been busy looking... [Read more]

‘Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: June 29, 2012′ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. Search Engine Roundtable Newsletter Contents Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: June 29, 2012 Bing Launches Disavow Links Tool Before Google Official: Google Ignores Links From Google Ad Referrer Changes In August Owner Responses On Google Maps Broken... [Read more]

‘AddThis Improves Pinterest Sharing’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “AddThis Improves Pinterest Sharing”. AllisonH says, “Popular social sharing platform AddThis has launched a new way for publishers to integrate Pinterest sharing into their site, and early tests show that this new tool has increased sharing to Pinterest by 20 percent. AddThis’ new Pinterest... [Read more]

New WordPress Plugin for Affiliates helps convert visitors to buyers #ad

This plugin adds “Suspense” to your affiliate site, provides a progress bar or spinning loading image to site searches. Works for Amazon affiliates, Commission Junction affiliates and LinkShare affiliates. With Azon Conversion Pro you can pre-specify the set of products you want to promote and when someone searches, you can present the ones... [Read more]

‘“Google Now” Knows More About You Than Your Family Does – Are You OK With That?’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled ““Google Now” Knows More About You Than Your Family Does – Are You OK With That?”. Mark Hachman says, “The new Google Now feature unveiled this week at the Google I/O developers conference is designed to automatically present the information you need – even before you ask for it.... [Read more]

‘8 Reasons Why Summer Is a Great Time to Job Hunt’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “8 Reasons Why Summer Is a Great Time to Job Hunt”. Patty Coffey says, “It’s summertime — those carefree months when you put your sandal-clad feet up and sip a glass of lemonade in front of the ballgame. And it is certainly time to abandon that job search for a few months, right? Wrong”. 8... [Read more]

OpenX Releases ‘How to Crush Your Revenue Goals’ White Paper

OpenX, a provider of digital advertising technology, has released a white paper entitled “How to Crush Your Revenue Goals”. OpenX team says, “Ad serving technology has not kept up with the innovations in the online advertising industry, putting publishers at a significant disadvantage. Are you earning what you should for your ad... [Read more]

Facebook’s New Timeline becomes a marketing tool with with “CPA Timeline Annihilator” #ad

Your fan page, with its new timeline feature, can be monetized with CPA offers. CPA Timeline Annihilator shows you how to build a fan page, how to drive traffic to your page, how to monetize your page with CPA offers and much more. It’s a detailed step-by-step blueprint of all you need to know and do to use Facebook to monetize your fan page using... [Read more]

‘Getting Started with Guest Posting – Whiteboard Friday’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Getting Started with Guest Posting – Whiteboard Friday”. Eric Enge says, “In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, I am going to be walking through how to get started guest blogging. There are plenty of articles all over the web that go into the finer details of guest blogging, but let’s... [Read more]

‘Get Started Fast With Our 20-Part Online Marketing Course (No Charge)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Get Started Fast With Our 20-Part Online Marketing Course (No Charge)”. Brian Clark says, “Want to discover the smartest ways to mix social media, content marketing, and SEO for lead generation and converting those leads to customers and clients? We’ve got you covered with Internet Marketing... [Read more]

‘What Makes You Read Me?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “What Makes You Read Me?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I just got the sweetest email. I won’t say who wrote it but y’all have told me this before and I thought it’d make a great blog post because people DO want to know how I do it. I’ll tell you what I think and then you say – after all, you’re... [Read more]

“Home Website Builder” builds productive affiliate sites in just a few minutes #ad

You know affiliate marketing is the easiest way to get started online, but actually building that affiliate site may be a daunting task for you- it is for a lot of people. Home Website Builder removes this barrier to your success. It lets you build and maintain your website with just a few clicks of a button and your new website can be online in a matter... [Read more]

‘Lead Generation Test’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Lead Generation Test: How adding urgency increased conversion rate by 6%”. Paul Cheney says, “Deciding what to test can be a difficult decision for marketers. Simply setting a test up and running it can be hard enough, but planning a test so that you can actually learn something adds another... [Read more]

‘7 Steps To Fix Your Online Marketing’ by ‘Marketing for Success’ Blog

The latest post on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “7 Steps To Fix Your Online Marketing”. Charlie Cook says, “Most websites are like a sieve, letting hot leads flow through and away to your competition. Find out the simple steps to take to fix it, so it realizes its potential and you do the same for your business. Just... [Read more]

‘Create a Mobile Site with Yodle’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Create a Mobile Site with Yodle”. AllisonH says, “Many studies suggest that mobile is the channel of the future, which is why it is important for businesses to create a mobile optimized version of their site – and now Yodle clients can do just that. Local online marketing platform Yodle... [Read more]

WP Tagizer builds sophisticated tags that bring you more traffic #ad

WP Tagizer automatically tags your posts with relevant keyword phrases. Not only that, it uses a master list of relevant tags to rotate tagss for a post, so that the search engines see a constant stream of new information in the post. There is an elite version of WP Tagizer that checks Google searches for keywords related to your post that are actually... [Read more]

‘Popular Websites Sacrifice User Privacy For Ad Revenue’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Popular Websites Sacrifice User Privacy For Ad Revenue”. Antone Gonsalves says, “A new study of leading Web sites in news, travel, retail and finance shows that such sites routinely sacrifice their users’ privacy for financial gain. Nearly 86 percent of the sites analyzed planted third-party... [Read more]

‘Silicon Valley Thought Leaders Discuss The 5 Social Media Trends You Should Care About’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Silicon Valley Thought Leaders Discuss The 5 Social Media Trends You Should Care About”. Kim Celestre says, “Last week, a few Forresterites and special guests took a break from the end of quarter crunch to participate in a panel event in our beautiful San Francisco office. The theme of... [Read more]

‘Cory Booker, Internet’s Favorite Mayor, Creates Media Site for Teens’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Cory Booker, Internet’s Favorite Mayor, Creates Media Site for Teens”. Alex Fitzpatrick says, “Cory Booker, the socially savvy mayor of Newark, N.J., who has used Twitter to help residents burrow out of foot-deep snow and whose other heroics have spawned the “Super Mayor” meme, is co-founding... [Read more]

“The Ultimate Free Traffic System” by Michael Young #ad

You need more traffic; we all do. Young identifies what he calls “12 best free traffic sources that get you immediate converting traffic within 24 hours.” It isn’t just theory. You see him take two raw beginners and show them these traffic techniques and watch the results. None of these 12 methods require you to apply SEO or other... [Read more]

‘5 Accounting Tips and Tools for Bloggers’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “5 Accounting Tips and Tools for Bloggers”. Chow says, “If you earn an income as a blogger, you should think about keeping your accountsin order. Accounting, put simply, is to identify how much money you are making, how much you are paying out and how much profit or”. 5 Accounting Tips and Tools for... [Read more]

‘Google +1 Recommendation Feature’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Google +1 Recommendation Feature”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Web users want more (and better, more relevant) information and Web workers obviously should want to show it to them. Sounds like an opportunity to me! Google must think the same way as it has released a new feature of the +1... [Read more]

‘How to Own Your Startup’s Niche’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How to Own Your Startup’s Niche”. Scott Gerber says, “There are a lot of consumer-facing Web startups out there – maybe too many. Now that it’s easier, faster and cheaper to launch a Web business than ever before, entrepreneurs are under increasing pressure to differentiate. Great design... [Read more]

Who else wants to turn old useless articles into fresh, traffic-getting videos? #ad

You may have seen other products that claimed to do this, but they were probably overpriced or they produced crummy results. Article to Video Converter avoids both of those problems Article to Video Convertor coverts your text articles into videos. Each paragraph is a separate slide in the video. You can choose a sound track, background colors, font... [Read more]

‘Why You Can’t Escape Social Media Marketing Any More’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why You Can’t Escape Social Media Marketing Any More”. Brian Proffitt says, “As the business of social media continues to grow, social media tools – and the marketers who use them – are expanding their reach into nearly every social media network they can find. Thursday, HootSuite,... [Read more]

‘Retail Pinterest Interest & Email’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Retail Pinterest Interest & Email”. Peter A. Prestipino says, “Retailers are flat-out fascinated by the promise of Pinterest and tech companies are frantically rushing to push out functionality within their software systems to meet the incredible demand. Email service provider CheetahMail... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Pinterest Pins This Week’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Top 10 Pinterest Pins This Week”. Jeremy Cabalona says, “Our 10 favorite Pinterest pins this week are truly a visual feast for the eyes. Pinterest is a hub for some of the most striking images and useful tips on the web. This week, we came across beautiful and surreal locations — including... [Read more]

Get 100 Royalty-free MP3 Tracks for YouTube Videos, Blogs And More #ad

These tracks are written for marketers. Place them wherever you need background music: Podcasts, YouTube videos, intros to webinars, etc. You have unlimited usage rights. They vary in their basic length from 15 seconds to 2 minutes. But these tracks are easy to loop to create a length to suit your needs. And to top it all off, he gives you resale rights,... [Read more]

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