IM NewsWatch, January 7, 2016 - '8 Psychological Insights Into the Brain That Will Improve Your Marketing – Entrepreneur' and much more...

January 7th, 2016 at 9:19 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, January 7, 2016

‘9 Retail Trends Tips for 2016 You Need To Know Now’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Jonha Richman says, “What is the future of retail and what does 2016 have in store for retailers? The past year has been full of change, but even more transformation is ahead. The biggest change, of course is the transformation of retailing from a solely brick-and-mortar or eCommerce experience to a multi-channel marketplace. According to PSFK’s... [Read more]

‘Is Your Audience Bored? These Tips Will Make Your Website More Engaging’ – ‘’ Blog

Jimmy Rodela says, “If a website looks boring, there’s a good chance that the kind of service and quality that the business is offering is boring as well – at least that’s how your audience thinks of it. Afterall, there is a reason why first impressions last, right? And if you’re like me, you do not want the words, “unimaginative”,... [Read more]

‘8 Psychological Insights Into the Brain That Will Improve Your Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Neil Patel says, “The better you understand the human mind, the better you’ll be able to persuade customers to convert. And, if you think about it, marketing is really about applied psychology. What this means is that buyers act in certain ways because they’rewired to do so. The mind’s cognitive biases, tendencies and proclivities all play... [Read more]

Arbitrage Underdog Evergreen: What is arbitrage, anyway? #ad

Arbitrage is a technique often used in many busy marketplaces. The stock market and commodities market, for example, are filled with people (referred to as arbitrageurs) who practice arbitrage as a way of earning a living. In arbitrage, you seek a commodity or service that is in high demand in one marketplace but is available for a lower price in a... [Read more]

‘The Best Times to Post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Other Social Media Sites ‘ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Social media is one of the best ways to amplify the great content you’re creating. But it isn’t enough to just post content to social whenever you feel like it. Some times are better than others. So … When’s the best time to post content to social media? Unfortunately, there’s no perfect answer. Different... [Read more]

‘Facebook, Outbrain & GDN: Which content promotion platform should I choose?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Nick Chowdrey says, “When it comes to content marketing it isn’t just a case of “build it and they will come”. You can invest as much as you want in the most amazing piece of engaging, interactive, content… but if you don’t do any promotion, it’ll sit on your site like a fallen oak gathering moss. Every successful media company... [Read more]

‘Amazon: Adoption Of Sponsored Products Ads Grew By 100 Percent in 2015’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Amazon released a flurry of performance stats for 2015 on Tuesday, including updates on just how popular sponsored product advertisements have become on the e-commerce platform. The company says global adoption of Sponsored Products grew by 100 percent among Amazon sellers in 2015. The ads drove more than $1.5 billion in... [Read more]

New Fresh Store Builder, over 500 sales on first day #ad

Carey Baird just released the 7th generation of 'Fresh Store Builder'. He has honed and improved this professional tool and has made it the best ever software for building Amazon affiliate stores... [Read more]

‘How to Consistently Create Remarkable Content’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Kelton Reid says, “It’s no secret that creativity and innovation are two key ingredients in a highly effective content marketing strategy. And yet, consistently coming up with new, imaginative content ideas for your business or brand can seem utterly vexing at times. We all want to have better ideas, but it isn’t always as simple as just... [Read more]

‘Marketing in 2016: Are We Headed Towards the Great Unbundling?’ – ‘’ Blog team says, “Marketing involves a variety of interconnected activities and functions: researching what consumers want; creating products that satisfy consumer desires; communicating how products fulfill those desires; figuring out how much those products should cost; and packaging, distributing and selling those products. Thanks to... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Customer-Centric Marketing Trends for 2016’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

John Arnold says, “2016 will be the year of the customer. Marketers will be talking about customer-centric marketing, customer experience, customer journeys, customer insights and other ways of analyzing, attracting, delighting and obsessing over customers. The following top marketing trends for 2016 can help you be more customer focused and... [Read more]

Online Media Authority Business For Sale #ad

3-year old, profitable, authority online brand in the raw foods niche. Caters to millennials. Here are the vital stats: - 22 Million page views since launch. - 560,000+ combined audience. - 23,876+ customers.... [Read more]

‘Five reasons Twitter’s character limit increase is a terrible idea’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “It’s somewhat sad that something as seemingly innocuous as an update to a social media site can cause so much online furore. Twitter’s recent announcement, in which it said it is poised to increase the tweet character limit from 140 to as much as 10,000, has thrown keyboard warriors everywhere into a frenzy. I’m not... [Read more]

‘Instagram Advertising: What’s Working?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Andrew Waber says, “My work involves looking into larger trends we (at Nanigans) observe across our base of hundreds of large advertisers, primarily within the Facebook ecosystem. What’s particularly interesting about Instagram as a newer platform is that the architecture of the ad environment is similar to Facebook’s, and we’ve observed... [Read more]

‘What Big Brands Need to Know About Google’s Filter’ – MOZ Blog

Joy Hawkins says, “I work with a lot of insurance agents and they often tell me that their biggest competitors are the other insurance agents that work for the same company as them. As it is with most big brands, there are multiple offices in the same city and those individual locations all want to rank first on Google for the exact same thing. An... [Read more]

Big Ticket Dashboard: point-and-click sales system for high priced items #ad

Marlon Sanders has been a marketer online for a long time. He was one of the first to see the power of the Internet to connect with people and sell them what they were needing... [Read more]

‘Resolutions Your Publication Should Make in 2016’ – HubSpot

Rob Litterst says, “No matter what industry you’re in, the first weeks of January always feel like a big storm has hit and passed. In a few weeks, your year is going to start ramping up again, and 2016 will start to feel like a routine. Big projects will start to take off, and you’ll miss those ‘moments between the lines’ that you’ve... [Read more]

‘You’ll Never Guess the Hottest Sellers on Amazon Business This Season’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Antony Maina says, “You would think that in 2015 – a year in which personal drones, so-called hover boards, autonomous cars and virtual reality were major hits – all the hottest sellers on Amazon would be making a killing selling the latest high-tech gadgets. But that wasn’t entirely the case. Hottest Sellers on Amazon 2015 Amazon released... [Read more]

‘The Definitive Guide To Digital Brand Lift’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Peter Minnium says, “Slightly over a year since its first ad, Snapchat is actively developing an application programming interface (API) to support advertising. That’s according to a story in today’s Digiday, which cited “multiple sources.” The messaging platform is reportedly now in discussions with various ad agencies and tech firms... [Read more]

Maps Prospector: Prospects for your local marketing services #ad

If you are a marketing consultant for local businesses, your greatest need is prospects, but not just any prospects; you need hot prospects, ones that both want more business (who doesn't?) and don't know how to get it, but may have a vague notion that the Internet may be their answer... [Read more]

‘5 Areas Where Ecommerce Businesses Often Struggle and What You Can Do’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “Putting up a website isn’t really the hard part. Just about anyone can launch an online store and start selling products in a very short amount of time. But, there’s potential bad news here, as well. As the common saying goes, the devil is in the details. In fact, there is so much more to ecommerce than just selling... [Read more]

‘Atmospheric marketing: Riding the tidal wave of IoT data’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Lindsay McEwan says, “The tide may already have turned towards big data, but the waves are about to get a whole lot bigger. From watches and wearables, to beacons and smart home systems, connected devices are expected to exceed 38bn by 2020, and each one will generate valuable data about what consumers think and how they behave. With the... [Read more]

‘Mobile Ready: 4 Things to Ask Yourself Before Mobile Strategy Planning’ – ‘’ Blog

Phong Ly says, “Mobile devices have shifted the marketing landscape dramatically within the last five years, creating a new effective channel for brands and businesses to deliver digital content. According to a recent comScore report, most Internet users in the U.S. consume content predominantly on mobile devices, and Americans spend most of... [Read more]

‘3 Reasons Why Agencies Should Invest in Iterative Web Design’ – HubSpot

Amanda Stockwell says, “There are no constants in digital. Customers demand change, marketing strategy shifts, and new products roll out — more quickly than ever. Yet many agencies cling to a traditional model of web development, taking 6-12 months to launch a final, “perfect” website. That’s no way to build a website that drives... [Read more]

‘Money surges into e-commerce in 2015’ – Internet Retailer

Allison Enright says, “Investors and buyers put more than $32 billion into the industry last year, a 145% jump year over year. E-commerce companies saw a lot of green last year. High-dollar investment rounds and billion-dollar-plus acquisitions led to the sector nabbing $32.45 billion from investors and acquirers, a leap of more than 145% compared... [Read more]

‘Google Just Gave Another Reason to Switch to HTTPS’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Jonha Richman says, “Google’s latest change in the way it looks for URLs on the Web may give small business owners one more reason to switch to HTTPS. In an effort to secure users from man-in-the-middle attacks or data modification while browsing the Web, Google has recently announced its adjusting its indexing system to look for more HTTPs... [Read more]

‘Search In the New Year: Understand the Scope of Search Engine Optimization in 2016’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Walker says, “Google’s prime goal of delivering the most relevant answers to a search query won’t change in 2016. However, a few changes in technology and Internet user behavior will prompt some fine-tuning to search engine optimization strategy. Understanding these will help you make the right decisions for your business or team. Read... [Read more]


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