IM NewsWatch, January 7, 2015 - 'Most Important Elements of an Email Campaign – MarketingProfs' and much more...

January 7th, 2015 at 6:42 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

‘Key Trends in Ecommerce’ eMarketer Webinar January 22

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: How is mobile changing the path to purchase?   Why is locally relevant information so important in ecommerce?   How are innovative retailers dealing with fulfillment challenges?   How can you create personalized offers without seeming creepy?” Webinar Details Organizer:... [Read more]

‘3 Quick SEO Resolutions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “By this time in January most people have created a resolution or two – often focusing on their waste lines or bottom lines. Many Internet professionals, however, shouldn’t let the opportunity pass to resolve to improve their search rankings in quick but meaningful ways. Here are three quick SEO resolutions that almost... [Read more]

‘3 Strategies to Unlock YouTube’s Potential in 2015’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Dave Rosner says, “The debate is officially over: YouTube is mainstream. With the allure of video and over a billion monthly users, the platform is where culture is born today. In 2014, YouTube officially became the second-largest search engine, with over 300 hours of content uploaded every minute, and those billion unique visitors watch more than... [Read more]

‘Write Like a Pro: 5 Techniques Top Bloggers Use to Write Successful Blog Posts' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “In all my years of experience working in the content creation space, I’ve received plenty of requests from bloggers, marketers, and even digital marketing agencies to craft amazing articles. To my dismay, the majority of these pieces end up buried under pages and pages on Google. Only a minority of them turned out to be successful blog... [Read more]

‘The Most Important Elements of an Email Campaign’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Email marketers say having quality data/lists is the key to successful email campaigns, according to a recent report from Howling Mad. The report was based on the results of a survey of 304 global email marketers (60% US-based; 25% UK; 15% other), 55% of whom work for brands and 45% of whom work for agencies. Asked how much... [Read more]

‘Survey: 65% Of Marketers Plan To Spend More On Marketing Technology In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “In an attempt to better understand how marketers plan to succeed during the coming year, web presence management firm Conductor surveyed 182 B2B, B2C and agency marketing executives on four core marketing areas: technology, data, content research and cross-department support. The survey revealed 65 percent of the survey participants... [Read more]

‘WhatsApp Hits 700 Million Users’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Richard Procter says, “WhatsApp has crossed another milestone number, with founder Jan Koum announcing that the messaging service now has more than 700 million active monthly users. That’s 250 million more users than WhatsApp had in February 2014, when Facebook announced plans to buy it for $19 billion. (The deal closed in October, with Koum... [Read more]

‘A/B Testing: How to improve already effective marketing (and win a ticket to Email Summit in Vegas)’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “This blog post ends with an opportunity for you to win a stay at the ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas and a ticket to Email Summit, but it begins with an essential question for marketers: How can you improve already successful marketing, advertising, websites and copywriting? Today’s MarketingExperiments blog post is... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Nonprofit achieves 12.5 times higher donation revenue per email than industry average’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Erin Hogg says, “Roadrunner Food Bank faces real-world challenges like many nonprofits. Its ultimate goal is not only to increase donations and expand its reach, but to ultimately stop hunger in New Mexico. Read on to discover how this nonprofit leveraged a unique solution to make donations as easy as two clicks in its email marketing campaign,... [Read more]

‘As the holiday season comes to a close, retailers will continue to offer discounts well into the New Year’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Emm Yousif says, “Bill Tancer, general manager of global research for Experian Marketing Services, appeared on Wall Street Journal Live Christmas Eve to give marketers and consumers an extra holiday gift — a valuable look into this season’s holiday trends. One of the most noticeable trends this holiday season was the sudden increase in email... [Read more]

‘Sponsor Authority Rainmaker and Let Us Help You Build Your Business in 2015′ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jessica Commins says, “You’ve seen a few messages here over the past few weeks describing Authority Rainmaker, specifically the myriad benefits it will deliver to attendees. Today we have one more quick note for you about Authority Rainmaker … but this note isn’t aimed at potential attendees (more for them here). Instead, today’s note... [Read more]

‘10 Predictions for the Marketing World in 2015’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “The beginning of the year marks the traditional week for bloggers to prognosticate about the 12 months ahead, and, over the last decade I’ve created a tradition of joining in this festive custom to predict the big trends in SEO and web marketing. However, I divine the future by a strict code: I’m only allowed... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Cross-Device Targeting—The Challenges and Near-Term Possibilities’ eMarketer Webinar January 15

eMarketer team says, “Cross-device ad targeting is in high demand from brands and agencies hoping to improve conversations across a growing number of screens. But as popular as it is, cross-device targeting is still in its infancy, facing a number of obstacles on its path to maturity including privacy concerns and lack of a universal device identification... [Read more]

‘Is Twitter Launching An Algorithmic News Feed Feature? ‘While You Were Away’ Spotted In The Wild’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “The beauty of Twitter has been in the simplicity of the service. A user Tweets and that message appears in a follower’s feed, uninterrupted. This however may be changing. A new “While you were away…” feature has begun showing up for many users that is compiling top Tweets that have occurred since a user had last signed... [Read more]

‘Before and After: The Transformation of One Business Blog’ – HubSpot

Marc Herschberger says, “Our marketing agency Revenue River’s blog was boring. Scratch that. It was boring and ineffective. As an inbound marketing company that specializes in creating custom, beautiful websites for our clients in HubSpot’s COS, we were embarrassed when we looked at our blog compared to the designs we had implemented... [Read more]

‘This Week in Content Marketing: Content Marketing Predictions for 2015’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “In this week’s episode, Robert and I look into our crystal balls to foretell the future of content marketing in 2015. Our prognostications include some non-traditional channels, an all-hands approach to content marketing, and demonstrating its value to C-level executives. In addition, we discuss why the decade-old medium... [Read more]

‘3 Steps To Better Understand Your Customers’ Content Needs In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jonathan Blank says, “As we flip the calendar from 2014 to 2015, you probably have an increased budget for content marketing. Well, at least 58% of us have a higher budget according to theContent Marketing Institute. Job well done in making the business case. Now we have to get to know our customers better to get an adequate return on that budget. Why... [Read more]

‘Announcing a New Podcast for Content Marketers' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “More than any other content format podcasting is poised to explode, because it’s the one type of content you can consume while also doing something else. That’s why we (the only search engine for marketing podcasts), and also why we at Convince & Convert are positively THRILLED to launch our third podcast…... [Read more]

‘How Open Source Can Fix 2015’s Data Entropy’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “This will not be a good year for those that believe in human progress. At least, not if enterprise software is any indication. Or, more specifically, enterprise data. As much as we keep coming up with technologies to harness data and put it to use, things continue to fall apart, as Chinua Achebe might say. From data lakes to Internet... [Read more]

‘A Blueprint to Jump-Start Your Content Marketing Strategy’ – Content Marketing Institute

Michele Linn says, “Even though CMI’s mission is toadvance the practice of content marketing, we find that a lot of people still need help with the basics. Even more specifically, people need help connecting the dots with all of the information available (and, according to Google Trends, searches for content marketing have been skyrocketing). In... [Read more]

‘The Dynamic Detection and Redirection Impact on Global SEO’ – ClickZ Blog

Motoko Hunt says, “The systems many international websites use to redirect their users can have a huge impact on global SEO. But does anyone wonder what that might be – and why should we care? Many international websites use some type of detection to redirect visitors to content that has been designed for a specific country and/or language rather... [Read more]

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