IM NewsWatch, January 7, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Best of Copyblogger in 20 Emails (No Charge) – Copyblogger’ and much more...

January 7th, 2013 at 3:06 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, January 7, 2013

‘Five Ways SMBs Can Track the ROI of Social Media Ads’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five Ways SMBs Can Track the ROI of Social Media Ads”. Irv Shapiro says, “Twitter’s announcement in 2012 that it would partner with American Express to expand its advertising program for small businesses is just one example of the trend toward increased social media ad spend. By providing... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Elevate 2013: Your year to finally create the business and life you love!‘ Ali Brown’s Webinar January 15

Ali Brown is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, January 15 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Elevate 2013: Your year to finally create the business and life you love!”. Ali says, “We’ve put together a unique mix of big-picture strategy along with specific, step-by-step training LIVE! When you join us for this 4-hour... [Read more]

‘Does Anyone Really Believe Advertising Any More?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Does Anyone Really Believe Advertising Any More?”. Charlie White says, “Apparently consumers are taking this old saying to heart: “Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.” Market research firm Lab42 just released a study that revealed that 76% of its respondents... [Read more]

Offline Prospecting Pro: Prospecting Videos for Local Marketing #ad

Anwesh Rath has created professional videos to use in prospecting for local clients. He has packaged the first volume of them in Offline Prospecting Pro. Replace cold calling with videos that do your calls for you. These quality videos portray you as an authority and may win respect from potential clients. Volume 1 has 5 videos, addressed to: •... [Read more]

‘6 Reasons This Could Be The Most Boring CES Ever’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “6 Reasons This Could Be The Most Boring CES Ever”. Mark Hachman says, “ReadWrite’s Taylor Hatmaker is right about one thing: 2013 should indeed be a unusual year for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), as the industry struggles to find the next big thing. (Read CES 2013: 5 Things You Won’t See.) Rattled... [Read more]

‘Facebook for Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa‘ Econsultancy Webinar January 9

Econsultancy is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, January 9 at 3.00 pm GST. The topic of the webinar is “Facebook for Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa”. Econsultancy team says, “Econsultancy has published its first Facebook for Businesses in the Middle East and North Africa best practice guide, authored by digital marketing... [Read more]

‘10 Ways to Test Market Your Ebook Idea? – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “10 Ways to Test Market Your Ebook Idea?. Nina Amir says, “Even if you spend time evaluating your ebook idea prior to writing and publishing it, you may still lack certainty about its ability to sell once released in the marketplace. If you approach your ebook as an entrepreneur would... [Read more]

WP Media Magic: Speed up your site, Protect your content, save time and money #ad

Nick Jolin noticed that handling photos and images in WordPress can be a pain. You need to place them in the right place; they may slow down the loading of your site into a visitor’s browser; they can be stolen by the brief visitor with hostile intent. Jolin has created software to keep these problems at bay, WP Media Magic, which can automate... [Read more]

‘FTC: Google search bias is a part of innovation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “FTC: Google search bias is a part of innovation”. Patricio Robles says, “Has Google altered its algorithm to favor its own properties in vertical search results? Numerous publishers which now find themselves competing with the search engine they rely on for valuable traffic... [Read more]

‘The Biggest Tech Controversies of 2013 (So Far)’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “The Biggest Tech Controversies of 2013 (So Far)”. Nora Grenfell says, “The apocalypse didn’t arrive in 2012, the world kept spinning and we made it to 2013. The top comments of the new year centered on an evaluation of our priorities and a look ahead at what’s to come. We’re... [Read more]

‘Get the Affiliate Summit West 2013 App for Android and iPhone’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Get the Affiliate Summit West 2013 App for Android and iPhone”. Collins Says, “In addition to the social network and interactive schedule tool we have set up for Affiliate Summit West 2013, there is also an app. There are Android and iPhone versions of the Affiliate Summit West 2013 app”. Get... [Read more]

Pinterest, viral action, and free traffic can build your list #ad

Barb Ling has created Social Curation Ignition to get around one problem with Pinterest: it’s hard to get Pinterest users to actually buy something. They may be looking for information, but their search doesn’t necessarily drive them to opt in. Even if you ask them to, they may find ways to bypass the opt-in process and get your information... [Read more]

‘Dot Com Pho – Trillion Dollar Coin Edition’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Dot Com Pho – Trillion Dollar Coin Edition”. Chow says, “Last week at Dot Com Pho OC, Stephen Fung brought the Vancouver rain and forced us indoor. This week, he’s back in Vancouver and weather in Orange County have returned to its normal sunny state. However, when I got to”. Dot Com Pho – Trillion... [Read more]

‘Forrester’s 2013 Customer Experience Predictions’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Forrester’s 2013 Customer Experience Predictions”. Kerry Bodine says, “Over the past two years, consumer technology adoption and market forces have catapulted the field of customer experience into strategic stature. In 2012, this shift manifested itself privately through sweeping... [Read more]

‘The December Jobs Report in 2 Simple Charts’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “The December Jobs Report in 2 Simple Charts”. Ritchie King says, “The U.S. economy added 155,000 jobs in December, meeting expectations, and the unemployment rate was 7.8%. Here is the breakdown of employment status for all Americans age 16 and older”. The December Jobs Report in 2 Simple... [Read more]

CPA Massive Monsoon: CPA can be a business for the average marketer #ad

The larger businesses seem to have the advantage in CPA affiliate networks. The little guy takes the crumbs they leave. Isaac Burks has created CPA Massive Monsoon to show you how you, too, can be a successful CPA marketer, even without a website. This training goes over the rudiments of CPA in a way especially designed for beginners. Then it goes into... [Read more]

‘Grab the Best of Copyblogger in 20 Emails (No Charge)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Grab the Best of Copyblogger in 20 Emails (No Charge)”. Brian Clark says, “Want to discover the smartest ways to mix social media, content marketing, and SEO for lead generation and converting those leads to customers and clients? We’ve got you covered with Internet Marketing for Smart People.... [Read more]

‘The Partnership Trap – Whiteboard Friday’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “The Partnership Trap – Whiteboard Friday”. Andrew Dumont says, “Depending on the context and company, partnerships can be structured in a variety of ways. But which ones are worth the time and focus? In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, Andrew Dumont dives into the different forms partnerships... [Read more]

’10 interesting digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “10 interesting digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week”. David Moth says, “It’s been a slow week for marketing stats, but even so here are some of the best we’ve seen. Stats include Boxing Day ecommerce traffic, mobile sales and conversions from Affiliate... [Read more]

Local Lead-gen Infographics for offline consultants #ad

Consultants to local businesses often use a printed (or downloadable) report on a facet of online marketing as a tool to get new local clients. James Allen has created a new version of this tool that will attract attention from your prospective clients, a set of infographic reports he calls Local Lead-gen Infographics. These infographics explain some... [Read more]

‘Stop Whining And Embrace Google+ Already’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Stop Whining And Embrace Google+ Already”. Fruzsina Eördögh says, “Oh, the horror! Google is so evil it’s making everyone use its stupid social network. As the Wall Street Journal pointed out earlier this week, Google+, the social network all about the circles, is now inescapable. Besides... [Read more]

‘Mobile Marketing: 59% did not perform any mobile testing or optimization’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Mobile Marketing: 59% did not perform any mobile testing or optimization”. Daniel Burstein says, “According to the 2012 Mobile Marketing Benchmark Report, only 13% of marketers are conducting mobile testing … Q: What mobile marketing optimization efforts were utilized by your organization... [Read more]

‘’Hashtag’ Declared 2012′s Word of the Year’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “‘Hashtag’ Declared 2012′s Word of the Year”. Seth Fiegerman says, “The American Dialect Society has named “hashtag” as the word of the year, beating out “Gangnam Style,” “YOLO” and “fiscal cliff,” among others. Or, to put it... [Read more]

Conversion Cartel: Turn your visitors into buyers #ad

Visitors that don’t respond as you need them to represent a wasted opportunity. If they had been treated to a little better persuasion, they may have: • Opted in for your squeeze page • Filled in a form for a CPA offer • Signed up for your membership site • Tried out that free trial you made available • Bought that affiliate... [Read more]

‘The Data Digest: Technology and New Year’s Resolutions’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “The Data Digest: Technology and New Year’s Resolutions”. Reineke Reitsma says, “At this time of the year, many people make resolutions — and many of these are health-related: quit smoking, exercise more, or eat healthier. As anyone who has ever made one of these resolutions... [Read more]

‘Launching New Browsers vs. Straight Clicks for Affiliates’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Launching New Browsers vs. Straight Clicks for Affiliates”. Collins Says, “Q: When building a affiliate website when they click on the buy now button is best to open the page in new tab/Windows or just go straight the merchant website? A: Part of this comes down to personal preference. I set my affiliate... [Read more]

‘The Most Valuable Lesson a B2B Marketer Will Ever Learn? by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Most Valuable Lesson a B2B Marketer Will Ever Learn?. Baer says, “As a journeyman marketing writer, my job is to simplify stuff. It often works like this: I go into a meeting. My client invited a number of others because they really know the product and the market. These... [Read more]

Keek Authority Pro: Turn this new social network into your marketing tool #ad

: Keek is a new social network, dedicated to short member videos on all subjects. Keek already has over 2 million members, and it’s continuing to grow. Over 66,000 new videos are being added daily. Marketers are just starting to look into using it for promotions. So you can still get in on the ground level. Once you sign up for a Keek account,... [Read more]

‘Best Online Holiday Ever for Merchants’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Best Online Holiday Ever for Merchants”. Pete Prestipino says, “Comscore has released its analysis of online holiday spending in the U.S., and as every digital media maven in the virtual world predicted, it was a very merry season indeed. Online shoppers purchased a whopping $42.3 billion... [Read more]

‘Is Cookie Rejection Ruining Analytics Data?’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Is Cookie Rejection Ruining Analytics Data?”. The ‘Web Marketing Today’ team says, “The ability of web users to opt out of being tracked threatens analytics data. This is what happens when a user’s browser rejects cookies that are set by an analytics vendor, such as Omniture and... [Read more]

‘CES 2013: 5 Things That You Won’t See’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “CES 2013: 5 Things That You Won’t See”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “2013 is shaping up to be a strange year for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the annual tech fête that invades Las Vegas for one grueling week every January. In 2011, tablets were kings of the desert, as manufacturers scrambled... [Read more]

Total List Domination: Don’t depend on Google for sales; an email list is better #ad

Simon Warner just released Total List Domination, for people who don’t have a list of emails they can market to. Total List Domination shows you how to build a list so you can have a long-term relationship with people in your niche. That long-term relationship is where a business gets its enduring profitability. There are many ways to attract... [Read more]

‘How To Get Your Youtube Videos Ranked for Massive Traffic’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Get Your Youtube Videos Ranked for Massive Traffic”. Chow says, “Once you’ve got your channel set up and customized, it’s time to start generating massive amounts of traffic to your videos by optimizing them. It’s pretty easy to do. You just need to know what ‘actually’ gets real results.... [Read more]

‘The 2012 Local Year in Review’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “The 2012 Local Year in Review”. David Mihm says, “Some of you may remember my Brief History of Google Places infographic from January 2011. Time to update that graphic with the most memorable events of 2012 to ring in the New Year!”. The 2012 Local Year in Review SEOmoz  [Read more]

‘How to Prepare for CES 2013’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Prepare for CES 2013″. Eric Larson says, “Mashable staff sat down for a Google Hangout on Friday with CEA President Gary Shapiro about next week’s International CES 2013 tech forum.Of the questions asked, we wondered what it’s like to be in his shoes — i.e., the big... [Read more]

FB Member Press: Build a membership site on Facebook #ad

Your WordPress site can be transformed into a membership site, and that membership site can be embedded in Facebook with FB Member Press. This membership site theme, by John Leonard, has a lot of features that make it a good home for a membership site: • FB Member Press works with all membership plugins Leonard tested, even free ones. So there... [Read more]

‘Optimize Email for Abandoned Carts [Slide Show]’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Optimize Email for Abandoned Carts [Slide Show]”. Christian Gulliksen says, “Your customer came thisclose to making an online purchase, but—for some reason—abandoned her cart before finalizing the sale. How should you follow up? According to SaleCycle, successful conversions depend... [Read more]

‘5 Ways Freelance Writers Can Earn a Flood of Repeat Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “5 Ways Freelance Writers Can Earn a Flood of Repeat Business”. Marcia Hoeck says, “You knocked yourself out to get that client to work with you, and she was a perfect fit. But, after the project ended, you never heard from her again. Maybe that’s the story of your entire business — get... [Read more]

‘Personalisation is key theme in Morrisons’ first foray into ecommerce’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Personalisation is key theme in Morrisons’ first foray into ecommerce”. David Moth says, “When Morrisons bought Kiddicare in 2011 one of the main motivations was to take advantage of the latter’s expertise in ecommerce. Despite the fact that Morrisons is the UK’s... [Read more]

‘Your Favorite Posts From 2012’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Your Favorite Posts From 2012”. Dustin says, “One thing we know about life is that it’s a great teacher. With every new year comes new beginnings, endings, and stories in between. 2012 was no exception. We had a big year in Internet Marketing. We witnessed beginnings and endings. From... [Read more]

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