IM NewsWatch, January 6, 2015 - 'Turning Visitors Into Customers With Social Media – Tweak Your Biz' and much more...

January 6th, 2015 at 9:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

‘Should You be Charging Sales Tax on Your Online Store?’ – Shopify

Mark Macdonald says, “Nearly every U.S.-based product seller is going to have a sales tax due date in January. Some sellers have to file sales tax often and have the whole sales tax thing licked. But many only have to file sales tax once per year. For those sellers, January and it’s many sales tax due dates can be a cold and unwelcome wake... [Read more]

‘Increase Your Conversion Rates With These 7 Landing Page Must Have’s’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jonathan Long says, “A massive pay-per-click and SEO budget can deliver high-quality traffic to your website, but if you are sending that traffic to poorly optimizedlanding pages you are essentially throwing your money down the drain. If you want to convert more of your traffic into leads, sales and revenue make sure that your landing pages feature... [Read more]

‘Turning Visitors Into Customers With Social Media’ – Tweak Your Biz

Adam Houlahan says, “If you have a few social media accounts already associated with your business, then you’ll understand the importance of keeping them updated. Google ranks websites and pages that have new and fresh content on a regular basis, and the same applies to social media. If you continually post to your Facebook and Twitter profiles... [Read more]

‘Cosmo Magazine Reports Facebook Video Engagement Rates Climbed 200% Year-Over-Year’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Cosmo Magazine is joining the long list of brands experiencing significant results with itsFacebook video content. After seeing a swift increase in video engagement rates on the social network last year, the brand launched Hacksmopolitan, a Facebook-exclusive video series. “We know our millennial reader is checking Facebook... [Read more]

‘Beyond the Basics: 4 Creative Email Experiments You Should Try’ – HubSpot

Rohan Ayyar says, “Every single day, 196.3 billion emails are sent or received. That’s about 26 emails per day for every single human being on the planet — and since, of course, not everybody on the planet is online, the number of emails per head per day is actually a lot higher. The frequency of email sends, and the pressure many... [Read more]

‘16 Stats That Explain Why Adaptive Content Matters Right Now’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Big data. Content. Growth hacking. Pivot. Engagement. A few words and phrases that make us want to stick a fork in our eye each time we hear them. Or stick a fork in the eye of the person using the words. We all hate buzzwords, but it’s hard to get away from them. A phrase sticks and soon a parade that rivals Macy’s... [Read more]

‘10 Quick Actions To Apply Right Now For Massive Blog Success’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Over the years you can learn a lot from the success of others which is why it’s important to do research each time your thinking about starting something new. Blogging is no exception and much of what I’ve learned has come from people who have been in the industry for years. We are fortunate they share their experiences allowing us... [Read more]

‘38% of marketers do not use personalisation: report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “More than a third of companies do not implement any form of personalisation in their marketing activities, according to a new report from Econsultancy. This is in spite of the fact that a vast majority of companies achieved an uplift in conversion rates after implementing personalisation in one or more of their marketing channels. The... [Read more]

‘The 5 most important announcements from CES today’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bel says, “The International CES doesn’t officially kick off until Tuesday, but Monday was filled with some of the biggest announcements from the show’s top names. Samsung, LG, Sony and dozens of others all showed off an array of impressive gadgetry filled with the latest cutting edge tech. Mashable’s team was on the ground... [Read more]

‘Try Your Hand at A/B Testing for a Chance to Win the Email Subject Line Contest’ – MOZ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “This blog post ends with an opportunity for you to win a stay at the ARIA in Vegas and a ticket to Email Summit, but it begins with an essential question for marketers… How can you improve already successful marketing, advertising, websites and copywriting? Today’s Moz blog post is unique. Not only are we going... [Read more]

‘Yahoo’s Big Mobile Ad Play Is Coming’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “It’s no secret Yahoo has been setting its sites on mobile. The company, under Marissa Mayer’s leadership, has been taking steps to build up its mobile capabilities and began reporting on mobile ad revenues separately in Q3 2014. The Information now reports that the company has been beefing up its mobile ads team and will... [Read more]

‘How ecommerce won this holiday season and what it means for 2015’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Arie Shpanya says, “To say the least, it has not been a typical holiday shopping season and that’s a good thing for online retailers. One possible explanation for the unprecedented ecommerce growth this holiday season is that the duration has been expanding for years. It started off as just the weeks leading up to Christmas, but slowly it crept... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Cross-Device Targeting—The Challenges and Near-Term Possibilities’ eMarketer Webinar January 15

eMarketer team says, “Cross-device ad targeting is in high demand from brands and agencies hoping to improve conversations across a growing number of screens. But as popular as it is, cross-device targeting is still in its infancy, facing a number of obstacles on its path to maturity including privacy concerns and lack of a universal device identification... [Read more]

‘Is Twitter Launching An Algorithmic News Feed Feature? ‘While You Were Away’ Spotted In The Wild’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “The beauty of Twitter has been in the simplicity of the service. A user Tweets and that message appears in a follower’s feed, uninterrupted. This however may be changing. A new “While you were away…” feature has begun showing up for many users that is compiling top Tweets that have occurred since a user had last signed... [Read more]

‘Before and After: The Transformation of One Business Blog’ – HubSpot

Marc Herschberger says, “Our marketing agency Revenue River’s blog was boring. Scratch that. It was boring and ineffective. As an inbound marketing company that specializes in creating custom, beautiful websites for our clients in HubSpot’s COS, we were embarrassed when we looked at our blog compared to the designs we had implemented... [Read more]

‘This Week in Content Marketing: Content Marketing Predictions for 2015’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “In this week’s episode, Robert and I look into our crystal balls to foretell the future of content marketing in 2015. Our prognostications include some non-traditional channels, an all-hands approach to content marketing, and demonstrating its value to C-level executives. In addition, we discuss why the decade-old medium... [Read more]

‘3 Steps To Better Understand Your Customers’ Content Needs In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jonathan Blank says, “As we flip the calendar from 2014 to 2015, you probably have an increased budget for content marketing. Well, at least 58% of us have a higher budget according to theContent Marketing Institute. Job well done in making the business case. Now we have to get to know our customers better to get an adequate return on that budget. Why... [Read more]

‘Announcing a New Podcast for Content Marketers′ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “More than any other content format podcasting is poised to explode, because it’s the one type of content you can consume while also doing something else. That’s why we (the only search engine for marketing podcasts), and also why we at Convince & Convert are positively THRILLED to launch our third podcast…... [Read more]

‘How Open Source Can Fix 2015’s Data Entropy’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “This will not be a good year for those that believe in human progress. At least, not if enterprise software is any indication. Or, more specifically, enterprise data. As much as we keep coming up with technologies to harness data and put it to use, things continue to fall apart, as Chinua Achebe might say. From data lakes to Internet... [Read more]

‘A Blueprint to Jump-Start Your Content Marketing Strategy’ – Content Marketing Institute

Michele Linn says, “Even though CMI’s mission is toadvance the practice of content marketing, we find that a lot of people still need help with the basics. Even more specifically, people need help connecting the dots with all of the information available (and, according to Google Trends, searches for content marketing have been skyrocketing). In... [Read more]

‘The Dynamic Detection and Redirection Impact on Global SEO’ – ClickZ Blog

Motoko Hunt says, “The systems many international websites use to redirect their users can have a huge impact on global SEO. But does anyone wonder what that might be – and why should we care? Many international websites use some type of detection to redirect visitors to content that has been designed for a specific country and/or language rather... [Read more]

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