IM NewsWatch, January 5, 2016 - 'The Best Marketing Conferences in 2016 –' and much more...

January 5th, 2016 at 9:16 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

‘Why Tag Management Is The Way Forward In 2016’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Nick Iyengar says, “In our recent white paper, “State of Digital Marketing Analytics in the Top 500 Online Retailers” (registration required), my colleague Amardeep Singh and I found that a full 42 percent of Internet Retailer’s top 500 retailers have yet to adopt a tag management system (TMS). While this may not have been surprising if... [Read more]

‘Year of Connections: The Best Marketing Conferences in 2016’ – ‘’ Blog

Shirley Tan says, “As 2015 draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead to what 2016 brings in terms of new ideas, strategies, and directions that can be implemented within your business. Marketing has been – and will continue to be – one of the key success factors of all types of businesses – from startups to multinationals. And, with the... [Read more]

‘How To Turn $5 into a New Customer on Facebook’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kim Walsh-Phillips says, “There are only a few things $5 will buy these days: a cup of coffee at my favorite overpriced coffeehouse, a bonus tip to reward an Uber driver’s smile. Maybe a foot-long sub at a somewhat image-troubled sandwich shop. Dare I say that an acquisition even better than the one for my slow-roasted addiction... [Read more]

Big Ticket Dashboard: point-and-click sales system for high priced items #ad

Marlon Sanders has been a marketer online for a long time. He was one of the first to see the power of the Internet to connect with people and sell them what they were needing. Over the years, Sanders has produced many marketing tools, but his new Big Ticket Dashboard may be his best. Sanders reports that users of this new system can point and click... [Read more]

‘The State of Social Media Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Though companies are spending more money on social media marketing, many are still trying to figure out best-in-class strategies and measurements. Here’s a look at the current state of social media marketing. US B2B marketers alone are projected to spend more than $100 billion on social media advertising by... [Read more]

‘4 Steps To Magically Turn a Cold Sales Email Warm’ – HubSpot

Mike Renahan says, “Someone I work with frequently receives messages from a sales rep she doesn’t know. They’re the classic value-less “just checking in” emails that drive prospects crazy. She never answers. Instead, she forwards me the note and we discuss what sucks about it. We always come to the same conclusion: Today’s buyers aren’t... [Read more]

‘Double Your Opt-ins: 6 Simple CRO Tactics for Big Wins’ – ‘’ Blog

Khalid Saleh says, “It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You keep hearing stories of bloggers and marketers crushing it with hundreds and thousands of email opt-ins every month. Yet, your own opt-in conversion rates hovers at a measly 0.5 percent. How would your business change if you could pump that conversion rate to 2 percent? Or perhaps even 4... [Read more]

Maps Prospector: Prospects for your local marketing services #ad

If you are a marketing consultant for local businesses, your greatest need is prospects, but not just any prospects; you need hot prospects, ones that both want more business (who doesn't?) and don't know how to get it, but may have a vague notion that the Internet may be their answer... [Read more]

‘Three display advertising issues to watch in 2016’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jeff Rajeck says, “Digital advertising is big business. It is widely estimated that in 2016 digital ad revenue will top $150bn. And though it’s hard to find figures for what percentage is display globally, in the US around 50% of what is spent on digital advertising is spent on display ads. With so much money at stake, it’s not... [Read more]

‘What can a blog do to your business?’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Irfan Khan says, “Till recently, Influencer Marketing as a term was used in the context of movie and sports stars who endorsed various products and services in the mass media. Enterprises earmark a sizable portion of their marketing budget to engage these offline celebrities as a part of their Influencer Marketing strategy. However, with Internet... [Read more]

‘Don’t Just Manage Your Reputation—Improve it’ – MOZ Blog

Mary Bowling says, “In ranking businesses in the local search results, Google’s goal has always been to model the real world. It aims to reward the companies that are the most popular and prominent within their own market areas — those that are the most highly regarded by their customers, considered to among the best at what they do and... [Read more]

Lightning fast Information product creation #ad

You've got to hand it to Mark Dickenson. He has persisted in online marketing for almost 10 years, despite years of absolute failure and discouragement. Those were the years when he relied exclusively on affiliate marketing to earn his living... [Read more]

‘What Is a Content Library? Plus Answers to 9 More Questions about This Innovative Lead Gen Approach’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “In May 2013, a small company with fewer than 40 unusual employees made a historic lead generation move that resulted in stunning lead generation results. (I stress “unusual” in a good way.) The company with those odd employees, of course, was Copyblogger Media (now known as Rainmaker Digital). The story of what happened... [Read more]

‘Five Forms of Interactive Content to Boost Engagement’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Tom Whatley says, “Blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, and infographics… they’ve all got a place in our content marketing strategy. They’ve weathered the test of time and they’re still great for generating traffic and leads. But could we be pushing ourselves and creating something even better? The latest trend in the marketing... [Read more]

‘4 Challenges Facing Nonprofit Marketers in 2016 (And How To Beat Them)’ – HubSpot

Emily Logan says, “Nonprofits have two goals: to win supporters to their cause, and to convert those supporters to donors or members to support their work. To achieve both in 2016, marketers will need to become more savvy than ever. But where should you start? The first step is to take a look at the marketing landscape at large to see where... [Read more]

Mark Bishop's Secret To #1 Rankings In 48 Hours #ad

Marketers typically concentrate their Search Engine Marketing on Google. That's no surprise since Google is the top search engine. However, Bing and Yahoo! are also top tier search engines and they can drive a lot of traffic to your sites, too... [Read more]

‘Why adopting HTTP/2 should be a priority in 2016’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “While it can be difficult to predict what a new year will bring in the fast-moving world of the internet, one technical development should be on the radar of every organization in 2016: HTTP/2. Here’s everything you need to know about HTTP/2 and why your organization should look to adopt it in the near future. What... [Read more]

‘Why 2016 Will Be The Year Of Digital Signage And Displays’ – Forrester

JP Gownder says, “I’ve just published a major new report, The Digital Signage And Display Opportunity in 2016. I’ll also be holding a webinar on this topic on Tuesday, January 26th, 1-2pm ET USA; it’s entitled Screening the World: How Digital Signage, Displays, and Magic Mirrors Drive Business Value. Please register for my webinar... [Read more]

‘Use Competitive Analysis to Make Your Blog Irresistible’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sherry Gray says, “In a highly competitive market, the need for competitive intelligence is obvious. Market research is the core of any strategic business plan. Knowing what works for your competitors is the surest way to confirm your own ideas for marketing, and to weed out time-consuming plans destined to fall flat. Content marketing is no... [Read more]

Increase your CPA commissions with Commission Jacker #ad

It's been a little over 2 years since 'Commission Jacker' was launched. Hundreds of marketers have used it in their business, as a tool for increasing their affiliate or CPA sales... [Read more]

‘Are Marketers Succeeding With Personalization?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Although 66% of marketers rate their personalization efforts as very good or excellent, just 31% of consumers say companies are consistently delivering individualized cross-channel experiences, according to a recent report from SAP Hybris and Forrester Consulting. The report was based on data from surveys of 1,200 global consumers... [Read more]

‘Ask the Market Experts: What Business Trend Was Most Impactful in 2015?’ – ‘’ Blog

Shyana Marks says, “The year 2015 was definitely one for the record books. Technology is moving at such a rapid pace and disrupting industries left and right. We saw a steep rise in the “sharing economy,” rapid adoption of wearable technology, advertising innovation and Millennials invade the workplace. Lead generation transformed... [Read more]

‘7 Essential Skills Marketers Need to Succeed This Year’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “From changes in consumer behavior to evolving social media algorithms, the marketing world is constantly progressing. To be successful, today’s marketers need to have an advanced skill set that covers everything from content creation and social media to web behavior and analytics. What skills do marketers need... [Read more]

‘What advertisers need to know about the FTC’s new guidance on native ads’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “With ad blockers here to stay, publishers and advertisers have rushed to develop new ways of reaching consumers online. One of the fastest-growing alternatives to traditional digital advertising is native advertising. Some publishers now earn significant percentages of their revenue from native ads, and there’s no... [Read more]

MS Windows 10 a big seller/ giveaway

Microsoft says that 200,000,000 computers, tablets, phones and Xboxes have used Windows 10 in the last month. And, with their marketing push and free conversion for most users (the vast majority of Windows users use Windows 7), they expect a lot more to use it, too. They have been aggressively pushing users of earlier versions of the software to convert... [Read more]

‘It’s 2016 – How To Auto Update Your Blog Copyright Notice’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Happy New Year everyone! It addition to the tips I gave you to make 2016 your best year ever, I’m going to add one more tip, and that is to update your blog copyright notice to say 2016. If your blog doesn’t have a copyright notice, you should add one right away. Many bloggers may consider this a relatively minor issue. However,... [Read more]

‘Re/wind: Here’s What Re/code Has to Say About 2016’ – Re/code

Noah Kulwin says, “A few weeks ago, our editors told us to pick a significant event in 2015 and extrapolate how it would play out this year. Over the past week, we’ve run a number of those pieces, spanning Microsoft, Airbnb, Google and other big tech players. Here’s what Re/code is expecting this year: “Microsoft Unified Windows in... [Read more]

‘What We’re Reading: The Top 15 Posts of 2015’ – Return Path

Jen Ribble says, “As 2015 draws to a close, it’s interesting to look back at the year and see what topics have been especially popular on the Return Path blog—and why. Sometimes a popular post touches on the zeitgeist of the moment. Wearable technology was on everyone’s mind back in April, and our top post of the year dealt with pre-orders... [Read more]

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