IM NewsWatch, January 5, 2015 - 'Discussion: Can You Disavow out of Penguin? – MOZ' and much more...

January 5th, 2015 at 8:46 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, January 5, 2015

’12 Design Elements Crucial for a Newsletter’s Success’ – ‘’ Blog

Scott Gerber says, “ow many newsletters in your inbox do you actually plan to read? It can be difficult to get a sense of which branded emails are worth opening when your inbox feels like a black hole. And while brands can’t exactly control open rates, there are ways to increase the chances of more open and click rates. We asked 12 entrepreneurs... [Read more]

‘9 New Year’s Resolutions for Every Entrepreneur’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Stephen Key says, “New Year’s resolutions serve an important purpose. After all, you can’t write a resolution without reflecting on the past. I think New Year’s resolutions should be thought of as a good excuse to put the year you’ve just had into perspective and to explicitly declare what you want for the future. However, New Year’s resolutions... [Read more]

‘Net Neutrality Decision Expected From FCC in February’ – Re/code

Amy Schatz says, “The Federal Communications Commission will take up a controversial proposal for rules on Internet lines in February, an agency spokeswoman said Friday. Chairman Tom Wheeler is expected to unveil his latest net neutrality proposal to other FCC commissioners early next month with the goal of having a vote at the agency’s February... [Read more]

‘SEO Tips for 2015’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Derek Overbey says, “Get your business found by search engines and potential customers in the new year. In this two minute video, our Search Engine Optimization manager, Chipper, provides SEO tips for the New Year, including the importance of mobile, and search engines such as Bing and Yahoo! Get more marketing tips and tactics by subscribing to... [Read more]

‘Start Your 2015 ‘Up-My-Game’ Plan for Content Marketing’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jodi Harris says, “I know what you’re thinking: “How can it already be 2015? I wanted some time to plan, but I’m still trying to catch up with all the industry advances, changes, and opportunities that came rocketing at me in 2014.” I’m sure most of us can commiserate – no matter what we’ve accomplished in the past year, our... [Read more]

‘Making Sense Of Digital Business: Four Can’t Miss Reports From 2014’ – Forrester

Nigel Fenwick says, “In 2013 I wanted to help executives understand some of the fundamental changes that are happening in business because of the digital revolution. Big names capture the attention of the media – who in the USA could have failed to hear about the collapse of Blockbuster or Borders? Who in the UK could have failed to hear of... [Read more]

‘What’s Your Marketing Success Metric?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Benny Blum says, “What is your key performance indicator for success? Presumably, success is some combination of revenue, conversion rate, traffic, engagement, and/or leads. There’s probably a logical relationship between what you do and your success metric, but does your success mean your colleagues’ failure? Is your success aligned with... [Read more]

‘New Social Media Research Uncovers the Big Problem for Businesses' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “What you want social media to do for your business, and what real people want and expect from businesses in social media are fundamentally different. This expectations disconnect and dissonance is the nucleus of all that is wrong and difficult about social media from a company perspective. In Q4 2014, Hubspot released new research called... [Read more]

‘5 Big Trends that Shaped Social Media in 2014’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Ritika Trikha says, “When we’re mobile, we’re social. In 2014, we spent 45 minutes a day on social apps on our smartphones and tablets—the biggest use for our devices after games, according to Flurry, the mobile-analytics firm Yahoo purchased this year. Social applications—social networks, messaging apps, and other forms of connection—now... [Read more]

‘New Data Exposes the Best and Worst Customer Conversion Channels’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “If you’re a sales or marketing leader, you’ve probably already wrapped up strategy planning for 2015. (Or you might still be in the thick of it if time hasn’t been on your side. No judgment — I’ve been there.) But a new infographic from Implisit which reveals the most and least effective channels... [Read more]

‘How To REALLY Be Successful As A Blogger’ by John Chow

Chow says, “There are a few blog sites out there that seem to really stand above the rest as far as traffic and content goes. Ok, now read that last sentence again. Did you catch what I did there? TRAFFIC and CONTENT go hand in hand. Lots of content, and lots of GOOD content. Whether or not your blog is the whole point of you being online, or if... [Read more]

‘Discussion: Can You Disavow out of Penguin?’ – MOZ Blog

Josh Bachynski says, “Penguin is back at the forefront of many marketers’ minds now that the third iteration of the algorithm update has been released, and a rumor has begun circulating that you can weasel your way out of a Penguin penalty by simply submitting a disavow file. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Josh Bachynski breaks down... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Cross-Device Targeting—The Challenges and Near-Term Possibilities’ eMarketer Webinar January 15

eMarketer team says, “Cross-device ad targeting is in high demand from brands and agencies hoping to improve conversations across a growing number of screens. But as popular as it is, cross-device targeting is still in its infancy, facing a number of obstacles on its path to maturity including privacy concerns and lack of a universal device identification... [Read more]

‘Is Twitter Launching An Algorithmic News Feed Feature? ‘While You Were Away’ Spotted In The Wild’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “The beauty of Twitter has been in the simplicity of the service. A user Tweets and that message appears in a follower’s feed, uninterrupted. This however may be changing. A new “While you were away…” feature has begun showing up for many users that is compiling top Tweets that have occurred since a user had last signed... [Read more]

‘Before and After: The Transformation of One Business Blog’ – HubSpot

Marc Herschberger says, “Our marketing agency Revenue River’s blog was boring. Scratch that. It was boring and ineffective. As an inbound marketing company that specializes in creating custom, beautiful websites for our clients in HubSpot’s COS, we were embarrassed when we looked at our blog compared to the designs we had implemented... [Read more]

‘This Week in Content Marketing: Content Marketing Predictions for 2015’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “In this week’s episode, Robert and I look into our crystal balls to foretell the future of content marketing in 2015. Our prognostications include some non-traditional channels, an all-hands approach to content marketing, and demonstrating its value to C-level executives. In addition, we discuss why the decade-old medium... [Read more]

‘3 Steps To Better Understand Your Customers’ Content Needs In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jonathan Blank says, “As we flip the calendar from 2014 to 2015, you probably have an increased budget for content marketing. Well, at least 58% of us have a higher budget according to theContent Marketing Institute. Job well done in making the business case. Now we have to get to know our customers better to get an adequate return on that budget. Why... [Read more]

‘Announcing a New Podcast for Content Marketers' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “More than any other content format podcasting is poised to explode, because it’s the one type of content you can consume while also doing something else. That’s why we (the only search engine for marketing podcasts), and also why we at Convince & Convert are positively THRILLED to launch our third podcast…... [Read more]

‘How Open Source Can Fix 2015’s Data Entropy’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “This will not be a good year for those that believe in human progress. At least, not if enterprise software is any indication. Or, more specifically, enterprise data. As much as we keep coming up with technologies to harness data and put it to use, things continue to fall apart, as Chinua Achebe might say. From data lakes to Internet... [Read more]

‘A Blueprint to Jump-Start Your Content Marketing Strategy’ – Content Marketing Institute

Michele Linn says, “Even though CMI’s mission is toadvance the practice of content marketing, we find that a lot of people still need help with the basics. Even more specifically, people need help connecting the dots with all of the information available (and, according to Google Trends, searches for content marketing have been skyrocketing). In... [Read more]

‘The Dynamic Detection and Redirection Impact on Global SEO’ – ClickZ Blog

Motoko Hunt says, “The systems many international websites use to redirect their users can have a huge impact on global SEO. But does anyone wonder what that might be – and why should we care? Many international websites use some type of detection to redirect visitors to content that has been designed for a specific country and/or language rather... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Tips: 12 Sage Advice From World Class Writers’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jimmy Rodela says, “Question: What do you get when A-list bloggers like Pat Flynn and Neil Patel (and many other rockstar industry leaders) take the time to share their 1 best writing tip to improve your content marketing results? MASSIVE VALUE! That’s what I’d like to share with you in this post. I’ve contacted a select group of elite bloggers... [Read more]

‘How to Find Accurate and Compelling Data’ – HubSpot

Ross Crooks says, “No matter your message, including data to support your claims enhances the validity and impact of whatever you are communicating — but only if your data comes from a reliable source. Too often, individuals cherry pick data from a variety of … let’s say “questionable” sources, cobbling together a few statistics... [Read more]

‘The Best Business To Start In 2015’ by John Chow

Chow says, “2015 is just a few hours away, and on this episode of Driving with John Chow, I want to show you the best business to start in the new year. It won’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the best business to start in 2015 is an Internet business, which in my opinion is the best business to start, period. The Internet has made me... [Read more]

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