IM NewsWatch, January 16, 2015 - '5 Tactics to Influence Prospects to Buy – HubSpot' and much more...

January 16th, 2015 at 8:39 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, January 16, 2015

‘Simplify Your Content Marketing Strategy with a One-Page Plan’ – Content Marketing Institute

George Stenitzer says, “As CMI research shows, marketers with a documented content marketing strategy are more effective than those who don’t have a written strategy. Yet, only 27% of B2C and 48% of B2B marketers have developed a plan. If you lack a written strategy, a one-page plan is a great place to begin. If you have a detailed strategy... [Read more]

‘How To Get Google To Show Your Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Accounts In Its Knowledge Graph Boxes’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “As our sister site, Search Engine Land, reported today, Google has started displaying social media accounts other than Google+ in the knowledge graph box for brands and businesses. The new wrinkle, an expansion of a feature that the search giant enabled in Novemberfor certain public figures, pop bands and artists, is automatically... [Read more]

‘Strategies, Tactics & Tools for Content Marketing in 2015’ Business 2 Community Webinar January 28

The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “There’s no denying that content marketing is hot and here to stay. But despite the buzz, many businesses still don’t have the framework they need to build a successful content marketing engine. Join Hana Abaza, VP of Marketing at Uberflip, as she discusses how you can develop the right “content... [Read more]

Create an Engaging High-Converting VSL in Minutes #ad

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen have released a new tool online marketers will want to add to their tool box. Video Sales Letters are shown to be more persuasive than plain text. EasyVSL. makes it easy for you to create high quality video sale letters. Look at all the benefits this new software provides: • Built-In Engaging Design Templates It includes... [Read more]

‘4 Tips to Refresh Your Email Marketing Strategy’ – VerticalResponse Blog

VerticalResponse team says, “Email marketing continues to reign supreme when it comes to reaching consumers. When compared to Facebook and Twitter marketing, it’s nearly 40 times more useful for acquiring customers. To help refresh your email marketing strategy this year, we’ve outlined four tips to make sure you’re on the right track. 1.... [Read more]

‘eCommerce Sales In Brazil, Mexico And Argentina Will More Than Double By 2019’ – Forrester

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “Latin America remains solidly on the radar of eCommerce leaders taking their brands global—at the same time, local players are rolling out sophisticated offerings of their own to compete with the growing number of international players in the region. Which trends will propel eCommerce forward and how big will these... [Read more]

‘Not Finding Success with Instagram Marketing? Here’s Why.’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Alex Ditty says, “Here are the reasons you may not be finding success with your Instagram Marketing yet. Successful social media marketing on Instagram doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you’re a social media marketing agency, a major brand or even a one-man marketing team trying to promote your app with Instagram, it’s possible for everyone... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: Simple, short form increases leads 40%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Selena Blue says, “When looking to generate more leads from a landing page, make sure your objective is well defined on the page. A small, hidden call-to-action may not be seen by visitors, leaving potential leads unsure of the next step. If this is the case, you may not need a radical redesign on the page. Instead, a simple and small change — highlighting... [Read more]

‘Ecommerce Marketing: 150% increase in sales from product storytelling and site redesign’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “”Our mission is to empower women through design. For us, that means both the women who make the product and then, also, the women who are our customers,” said Cameron Crake, Director of Operations, Raven + Lily. Raven + Lily, a nonprofit-turned-global-employer for at-risk women, offers handcrafted clothing and accessories.... [Read more]

‘Four Must Have Internet Marketing Tools’ by John Chow

Chow says, “One of the things that separates money-making Internet marketers from the money losing ones are the tools they used. Without the proper tools, you’ll just be guessing and throwing money away. I use four foundation tools to run mymillion dollar Internet business. The great thing about these tools is, they are very low cost (one is even... [Read more]

‘Position Your Content Curation for Success With These Five Essential Elements’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “Last fall, Robert and I did an episode of the podcast where we laid out how content curation could be used to build an audience and even a business. It was one of the most popular episodes of 2014. We did that episode based on a personal project I was already planning to do. I quietly launched that project last month, and it’s... [Read more]

‘E-Commerce KPI Study: There’s (Finally) a Benchmark for That’ – MOZ Blog

Alan Coleman says, “Being a digital marketer, I spend my day knee-deep in data. The time I don’t spend analysing it, I spend explaining its significance to a client or junior colleague or arguing its significance with a client or senior colleague. But after many debates over the importance of bounce rate, time on site, mobile conversion... [Read more]

‘Facebook And LinkedIn Are Headed For The Office’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Helen A. S. Popkin says, “Once upon a time, when life was simpler, LinkedIn was the social network where you looked for jobs, while Facebook was the one where you wasted time while you were at your job. And it was a good idea not to let your boss know you were hanging out on either one. Times have changed, as evidenced by new workplace communication... [Read more]

‘4 ways social media drives business development’ – ‘Mashable’

Jennifer Hanser says, “Relationships have always been at the core of business development. In today’s digital world, social media can accelerate the relationship-building process. An influx of social media over the past decade — from Facebook to LinkedIn — has enhanced the way we communicate with potential business partners, leading to... [Read more]

‘Seven big opportunities that wearables offer to marketers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Wearables are widely forecast to follow smartphones as the next major technology trend and there has been a huge amount of hype around products like Google Glass and the Apple Watch. As the technology is still in its infancy the opportunities for marketers have been limited so far, but as always with disruptive technologies it’s... [Read more]

‘5 Tactics to Influence Prospects to Buy’ – HubSpot

Pascal Landshoft says, “Salespeople are in the business of influencing people to do something which they would not have done otherwise. Even though purchasing a product or service might be in the prospect’s best interest (and it should be if the rep is doing their job correctly), it still takes some pushing to get them to realize it. At... [Read more]

‘How to Achieve Exponential Growth With Marketing Analytics [Free Ebook]’ – HubSpot

Brittany Leaning says, “Analytics can be a huge opportunity for both the growth of your business and of your career. According to a recent CMO Survey, CMOs report they spend 8% of their marketing budgets on marketing analytics, and spending on marketing analytics is expected to increase 60% by 2015. With bigger budgets for marketing analytics... [Read more]

‘Think Facebook is a media powerhouse? Just wait til its video player takes over’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Facebook’s already considerable power in media is about to become dominant. The social network has already shown the ability to put content in front of millions of people at will, boosting traffic for media companies (particularly to smartphones). Now, it has turned that force toward video. Major media companies have... [Read more]

‘The Pinterest Conundrum’ – Forrester

Nate Elliott says, “I’ve been thinking a lot about Pinterest for the past year. I first planned to write a report about the social upstart last summer. When that deadline passed, I was certain I’d produce something in the autumn. Now here we are in the dead of winter, and at long last today we published our report on how marketing leaders... [Read more]

‘It’s The Beginning Of The End For Windows 7’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “So long, Windows 7. After six years, Microsoft has started phasing out this version of its desktop operating system. Independent security analyst Graham Cluley points out that “mainstream support” for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 has just ended, according to thisMicrosoft webpage. However, if you bought a PC with this version last... [Read more]

’15 Great Landing Page Design Examples You Need to See’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “Putting together an A+ landing page can be tricky. There are so many elements that a top-notch landing page needs, and making those elements the “best” they can be often depends on what your landing page goals are. Take form length, for example. It’s just one of the many components you need to optimize,... [Read more]

‘What is material design? 10 pioneering examples’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “We published our 17 crucial web design trends for 2015 a couple of weeks ago, and this is the first in a series of posts looking at each trend in a more in depth manner. This week, the meeting point between flat design and skeuomorphism: material design. Material design Material design is a visual language created by... [Read more]

‘14 Social Media Disasters That Could Strike Your Businesses’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Robert Siciliano says, “There are at least 14 ways that small businesses could become ensnared by social networking. How many can you name? Knowing what all of these nightmares are means knowing how to prevent them. Ignorance isn’t bliss — it’s misery. 1. Online reputation integrity. Do you keep tabs on your company’s Facebook page to... [Read more]

‘How To Create a Money-Making Sales Funnel’ by John Chow

Chow says, “The sales funnel is my secret ingredient to making over $100,000 a month on the Internet. This Driving with John Chow episode will break down the four components (the lead magnet, tripwire, core product, and profit multiplier) of a proper sales funnel. The reason most new Internet marketers don’t make money online is because they are... [Read more]

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