IM NewsWatch, January 15, 2014 - ‘Email Marketing: Dell lifts revenue 109% via GIF-centric campaign – MarketingSherpa' and much more...

January 15th, 2014 at 2:45 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 15, 2013

‘Email Marketing: Key takeaways from an award-winning campaign that increased online sales 66%’ Business 2 Community Webinar 2.00 pm EST

MarketingSherpa is hosting a webinar with Daniel Burstein and Paul Ramirez on Wednesday, January 15 at 2.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Email Marketing: Key takeaways from an award-winning campaign that increased online sales 66%”. The MarketingSherpa team says, “It’s a new year. Start it off right with an email marketing... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Demographics Show Why No Other Social Network Can Match Its Potential For Marketers’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Facebook’s Demographics Show Why No Other Social Network Can Match Its Potential For Marketers”. Cooper Smith says, “Who’s on Facebook? The short answer, of course, is everyone. And that’s why every company and brand needs to seriously consider a major presence on... [Read more]

‘The ABCs of Content Marketing: A Glossary of Terms’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”The ABCs of Content Marketing: A Glossary of Terms”. Lisa Toner says, “You probably know what content marketing is by now, but do you know all those little nitty gritty terms you need to know to be fluent in content marketing speak? Maybe you do — but I bet there’s at least... [Read more]

The most critical part of webinar success #ad

Whether you’re doing a webinar to deliver complimentary training, or to make a sales presentation, or to interview n expert in your niche, you have one primary goal for the webinar: to get your attendees to pay attention and absorb your message. In other words, you want your attendees to be “engaged”. When viewers are provided compelling... [Read more]

‘Achieving Social ROI Nirvana through Lead Gen’ Business 2 Community Webinar February 6

Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar with Michael Krigsman, Steve Mann & Satya Krishnaswamy on Thursday, February 6 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Achieving Social ROI Nirvana through Lead Gen”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “In this webinar, the internationally recognized panelists, Michael Krigsman... [Read more]

‘Why Google+ Will Demand Our Attention in 2014′ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Why Google+ Will Demand Our Attention in 2014″. Sanchit Khera says, “Now that brands can email their followers on Google+, something that Facebook doesn’t allow them to, it opens up a whole new avenue for marketers to explore. Google was probably feeling the burden of... [Read more]

‘The Pros and Cons of DRM' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “The Pros and Cons of DRM?. Shelley Hitz says, “What is DRM? DRM stands forDigital Rights Management and according to KDP it is “intended to inhibit unauthorized access to or copying of digital content files.” This is one of the decisions you must make when your first upload... [Read more]

Tube Assassin: Get traffic from one of the biggest sources online #ad

YouTube videos can be an effective selling tool, but only if they are seen. One of the key factors in building your viewership is getting your videos ranked highly by YouTube. How do you increase your rank? Research what people are interested in, and make your videos to respond to that interest. How do you find out what they are interested in? That’s... [Read more]

‘Net Neutrality In Danger: U.S. Appeals Court Invalidates The FCC’s Open Internet Order’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Net Neutrality In Danger: U.S. Appeals Court Invalidates The FCC’s Open Internet Order”. Dave Smith says, “A federal appeals court ruled that the FCC exceeded its authority in attempting to enforce “network neutrality” rules aimed at preventing Internet providers from favoring... [Read more]

‘Twitter Is Catching Up to Facebook in Ad Targeting’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter Is Catching Up to Facebook in Ad Targeting”. Todd Wasserman says, “Twitter announced that advertisers can now reach you through your Twitter ID or email address, offering the kind of targeted ad messages that Facebook specializes in.Granting access to email addresses could mean more... [Read more]

‘Only 21% of marketers have a unified data system for all channels: report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Only 21% of marketers have a unified data system for all channels: report”. David Moth says, “A common refrain among marketers is that it’s difficult to gain insight from the abundance of data that is made available by digital technologies. This could be down to time constraints... [Read more]

Super Simple Videos: making and ranking them in Google Bing, and Yahoo #ad

Stephen Gilbert and Devin Zander have worked at optimizing the results they get with YouTube videos. They have found remarkable ways to improve the rank of any video they make. They have put their recipe for high-ranking, profitable videos into Super Simple Videos. Gilbert reports that the techniques in this training: • Have been working for him for... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Find Keywords That Deliver Superior Web Marketing Results’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “5 Ways to Find Keywords That Deliver Superior Web Marketing Results?. Baer says, “Everyone knows that building organic traffic to a website starts with having great content. But the topics that have the best chance of attracting the most prospects often aren’t the most... [Read more]

‘SEO 2014’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “SEO 2014”. Aaron Wall says, “We’re at the start of 2014. SEO is finished. Well, what we had come to know as the practical execution of “whitehat SEO” is finished. Google has defined it out of existence. Research keyword. Write page targeting keyword. Place links with that keyword in the link.... [Read more]

‘Free Local SEO Tools that Belong in Your Kit’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Free Local SEO Tools that Belong in Your Kit”. Miriam Ellis says, “Today I’m popping open my personal tool kit to share a list of my favorite free local SEO tools. The creators of these tools range from one-person shops to the United States government, and I’m grateful for the effort that went into... [Read more]

Amazon Money Manual: Make Money Online With No Website or Traffic #ad

When we think of Amazon marketing, we normally think of building an affiliate website (typically with WordPress, these days.) But it isn't actually necessary. There are other ways to take advantage of the powerful Amazon selling machine... [Read more]

‘Holiday hot sheet – Biggest winners of the 2013 holiday season’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “Holiday hot sheet – Biggest winners of the 2013 holiday season”. Shelley Kessler says, “The 2013 holiday season has officially ended and we’ve compiled a recap to help you understand what worked, what didn’t and how you can improve your holiday campaigns for 2014. Read... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Dell lifts revenue 109% via GIF-centric campaign’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Email Marketing: Dell lifts revenue 109% via GIF-centric campaign”. Allison Banko says, “GIFs have revamped the online experience, enhancing everything from news stories to websites to even emails. While these video-photo hybrids are a fun visual treat for consumers, marketers are using... [Read more]

‘Amazon Was The Best Perceived Brand Of 2013, And No Other Tech Company Even Came Close’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Amazon Was The Best Perceived Brand Of 2013, And No Other Tech Company Even Came Close”. Richard Feloni says, “According to more than one million interviews conducted by YouGov Brand Index, Amazon was the most highly regarded brand in the United States last year. Google, which came... [Read more]

Content Curation Traffic Explosion: How to get 100 visitors/day #ad

Even if your website has just been set up minutes ago, you can enjoy steady traffic using the techniques in Content Curation Traffic Explosion. Besides the traffic, you will discover how to have people: • Immediately retweet your website links to their followers, • ‘Favorite’ your Tweets • Follow you • And even thank you for... [Read more]

‘Tumblr Introduces @Mentions for Users’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Tumblr Introduces @Mentions for Users”. Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “Tumblr announced on Tuesday it is finally adding capabilities for users to directly mention others on the site, a feature that’s been long requested by its dedicated fan base.By typing the “@” symbol and... [Read more]

‘Which ecommerce sites are getting it right? Here’s 21 of the best’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Which ecommerce sites are getting it right? Here’s 21 of the best”. Graham Charlton says, “Which ecommerce sites are setting a great example for others to follow? I’ve been asking the Econsultancy blog team, as well as a few ecommerce experts, for their suggestions... [Read more]

‘How to Repurpose Campaign Content for Different Channel’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How to Repurpose Campaign Content for Different Channel”. Kevin Barber says, “Stop and think about your meals growing up. You didn’t go hungry too often did you? Even though your mom didn’t cook a fresh plate a food for every person at every meal, somehow your whole family ate pretty... [Read more]

Anik Singal has launched his Inbox Blueprint course #ad

If you have been following Singal’s free training, you know that he has been planning to launch Inbox Blueprint. There were some technical glitches in the launch process, but now the launch has occurred. He has a new video on his page explaining his way of using email marketing to build his business. If you haven’t been successful in email... [Read more]

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