IM NewsWatch, January 14, 2015 - '9 Essential Email Inbox Filters for Marketers – HubSpot' and much more...

January 14th, 2015 at 9:02 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

‘Marketing Technology Landscape Doubles to 1,876 Companies ‘ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Scott Brinker says, “Ever feel like there’s an overwhelming amount of marketing technology these days? It’s not just you. I recently released an updated version of my marketing technology landscape graphic, and it maps out a whopping 1,876 companies (and open source projects) offering software to marketing departments. That’s... [Read more]

‘Google Opens Its Domain Registration Service To All U.S. Users’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt McGee says, “Google is now officially a domain registrar, at least in the U.S. About six months after launching as an invite-only service, Google Domains is now open to anyone in the U.S. Domain registration starts at $12 per year, which is competitive with other services. Google Domains offers several of the basic registration services... [Read more]

‘The Web Is Broken, But Don’t Blame Apps’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “”The Web Is Broken!” has become a familiar theme, with apps generally called out as the bogeyman. We’re in love with the convenience of apps, spending dramatically more time with apps than our web browser on phones. This won’t be without consequence. As the Wall Street Journal’s Christopher Mims argues,... [Read more]

New WP Theme company releases its first theme: AdSOS #ad

Lipode has just released their first theme, which they call AdSOS. It's an attractive graphic-rich theme that also is optimized for people who want to show automated ads, such as AdSense, on their site, to improve their monetization... [Read more]

‘The Internet of Things gets its own congressional caucus’ – ‘Mashable’

Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “The Internet of Things is headed to Washington, D.C. Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA) and Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) are launching the Congressional Caucus on the Internet of Things (IoT) to help educate people on the development of web-connected products. The Internet of Things refers to products (i.e., things... [Read more]

‘How to create brilliant customer experiences for B2B on social’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “This is for the naysayers who think that social media is an alien terrain for B2B organisations. This is also for those working within B2B who need to present a case to those higher up that social can work for their company. This is also to celebrate the many B2B companies already using social in a way that puts a lot... [Read more]

‘How To Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever’ LeadPages Live Training January 14

LeadPages is hosting a live training on Wednesday, January 14 on ‘How To Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever’. In this training Tim Paige will share top list-building tactics from 2014. Tim will discuss the following: • 4 easy-to-implement tactics you can complete this week to start growing your audience — and your customer-base —... [Read more]

PC Masterclass on SPEED & SECURITY; Don't get hacked #ad

One hacker can destroy your business, your bank account and, ultimately, your life's work. But you don't have to be their victim. There are free methods to protect against the most severe hacking attempts.... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Education group utilizes A/B testing to increase open rates by 39%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, “Held back by a labor-intensive email service provider, the marketing team at Apollo Education Group, which provides online education to people around the world, was extremely limited in their testing capabilities. After switching ESPs, the team was able to launch A/B tests to learn more about their customers and increase open... [Read more]

‘How to Reach B2B Buyers—A Data-Driven Approach’ eMarketer Webinar January 29

eMarketer team says, “B2B decision-makers are everywhere—yet they are tough to find and difficult to target. eMarketer reviewed hundreds of B2B marketing studies and sifted through thousands of data points. In the end, we isolated 14 key insights that will help marketers reach virtually any B2B buyer. Can you afford not to know these tips? Register... [Read more]

‘9 Essential Email Inbox Filters for Marketers’ – HubSpot

Gray MacKenzie says, “Tragically, if you’re like me, we live in a world where your average daily email volume exceeds the grand total of all the handwritten letters you’ve ever received. That may be slightly exaggerated, but you get the point: email is hard to keep up with. Email volume is growing, attention spans are shrinking, and... [Read more]

WP LinkGate Plugin (including your Developer License) #ad

Ken Reno has released a new plugin and he is offering to let you install it on as many sites as you like, your own sites or client sites... [Read more]

‘Lessons Learned from Conducting Two Monster Audience Surveys’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “You may be creating content in a niche with 1,000 other sites, but only you haveyour audience. And surveying your audience can be fertile ground for the kind of information and insight that builds your next transformative content series. Just ask Demian Farnworth. He did it twice for Copyblogger in 2014 — and the results... [Read more]

‘Local Search Expert Quiz: How Much Do You Know about Local SEO?’ – MOZ Blog

Cyrus Shepard says, “How big is local SEO? Our latest Industry Survey revealed over 67% of online marketers report spending time on local search. We’ve witnessed demand for local SEO expertise grow as Google’s competitive landscape continues to evolve. Last year, Moz introduced the SEO Expert Quiz, which to date over 40,000 people... [Read more]

‘Survey: 70% Of Marketers Plan To Boost Social Spending In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “A large majority of marketers plan to increase their spending on social media marketing — both paid and organic — in 2015, according to a new survey. Salesforce Marketing Cloud polled 5,035 global marketing professionals about their budgetary plans for digital marketing and found that 70% plan to boost spending on social... [Read more]

‘A negative SEO case study: how to spot an attack & fix it’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “While compiling our annual end-of-year round up of search trends I noted that several of our esteemed experts mentioned negative SEO. This refers to a sneaky tactic where people create a load of spammy links to a competitor’s site so they end up being penalised by Google. It can be seen as a reaction to Google’s success in... [Read more]

‘Getting Started With Content Marketing: 9 Takeaways From One Company’s Experience’ – HubSpot

Gal Rimon says, “When the gameffective team and I decided to get serious about content marketing back in June of 2014, we treaded carefully at first. The return on an investment of creativity and content creation was still somewhat of a mystery to us at that point. It was something people spoke about in guest posts, but like any team trying... [Read more]

‘The Big List: 80 Of The Hottest SEO, Social Media & Digital Analytics Tools For Marketers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

John Lincoln says, “In online marketing, having the right analytics tools and software can make a major difference. A good program can save you time and help demonstrate the value of your work to supervisors or clients. Over the last couple of months, while preparing the syllabus for my next UC San Diego class and doing research for clients,... [Read more]

‘Seven Tips for the Care and Nurturing of Great Marketing Teams’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Susan Solomon says, “Marketing teams need to be innovative, quick-thinking, service-oriented, and committed to the company brand. That’s a tall order for anyone, but the reality is that marketers must be on their toes all the time. As a marketing manager, how do you keep the company’s most creative team performing at their best? Here... [Read more]

‘Etsy reportedly planning IPO as soon as this quarter’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Etsy may be crafting a public offering. The online marketplace for handmade goods is looking to raise around $300 million in an IPO that could take place as soon as this quarter, according to a report late Tuesday from Bloomberg. SEE ALSO: 10 Thoughts That Etsy Models Are Having Right Now A rep for Etsy declined to comment... [Read more]

‘Is there a knowledge gap in email and search marketing?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “There appears to be a knowledge gap in email and search marketing, according to data taken from the Econsultancy Digital Skills Index. The survey is designed to test and benchmark digital marketing knowledge, with results broken down by seniority and sector. Respondents posted the lowest scores for digital channels that might be... [Read more]

’30 Types of Sales Trigger Events and How to Track Them’ – HubSpot

Ema Snider says, “If I offered you a sandwich right after you ate lunch, you’re probably going to refuse it (no matter how scrumptious it may look). But if I offered you the same sandwich when your stomach was audibly grumbling, you’d immediately snatch it from my hands and gobble it down. Timing is everything in most things in... [Read more]

‘Report Shows U.S. Companies More Savvy At Email Marketing: They Send More, Have More Subscribers & Test More’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Email service provider Mailjet surveyed 300 marketers – 100 from the U.S., 100 from France and 100 from Germany – to gain a better understanding of each country’s email marketing practices. While the pool of Mailjet’s survey participants was limited, the results showed U.S. companies appear to be more savvy when it... [Read more]

‘6 Toxic SEO Habits You Should Stop Today’ – ‘’ Blog

Sam Lloyd says, “SEO is getting tough. There’s more competition and Google is smarter than ever. So in order to get the edge over your competitors, you’ve got to be doing things right. Below, we’ve identified some toxic habits that might be holding back your SEO efforts. Rid them from your soul and increase your chances at winning top rankings... [Read more]

’10 Do’s and Don’ts of A/B-Testing Your Email Marketing Campaigns’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Lauren Tympel says, “A/B-testing your marketing emails can be a profitable game-changer. In fact, there is no better way to determine the impact a design, copy, or scheduling change can have on the success of your email campaigns. But if you’re unfamiliar with A/B testing or you’re just getting started, it can be an overwhelming project... [Read more]

‘Yet Another Publisher Sues Google For Withholding AdSense Earnings’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Super Cray, New York-based online publisher of the website, has filed suit against Google over its AdSense program. In an argument that is becoming increasingly familiar, Super Cray claims that Google suspended the publisher’s AdSense account the day it was to receive a large payout in ad share fees. Super... [Read more]

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