IM NewsWatch, January 13, 2016 - 'Marketers, Welcome To The World Of Emotional Analytics – Marketing Land' and much more...

January 13th, 2016 at 9:17 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

‘How This Entrepreneur Super Charged Web Traffic with PPC Campaigns’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Brian Hughes says, “With all the hype around content marketing and social media, are pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns still relevant to digital marketing in 2016? Absolutely! While SEO tactics and content marketing are important for building long-term marketplace dominance, these strategies won’t deliver overnight results. PPC campaigns remain... [Read more]

‘Content Curation 101: How to Get Curated Content Right’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Have you ever shared an interesting link on social media? Congratulations! You, my friend, are a content curator. Content curation happens when you sift through the vast world of content, find information you deem useful, and share it with your audience. The actual content you share is created by someone else. You’re... [Read more]

‘How to See a Higher Return on Investment Using Content Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Michael Brenner says, “Without fail, the question I am asked the most from marketers who are struggling to build their business case is, “How do I measure content-marketing return on investment (ROI)?” We know that as consumers, we’re all consuming more information online. We are looking to get informed and we are looking to be entertained. But... [Read more]

Final Marketing Training by Sean Mize #ad

For many years, Sean Mize has been a staple on lists of leading trainers in how to sell products online, about 100 training courses over the last 10 years, most of them sold on the Warrior Forum. He has decided to take a different direction in his life, and as a result he will no longer be offering training to internet marketers. He is wrapping up this... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Blog Persona to Make Your Content Consistently Relevant’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Tim Matthews says, “Ever pick up a magazine, start flipping through to find something of interest, only to find yourself on the last page without having read anything? That usually happens to me in waiting room at my doctor’s office, where I strive to find anything of interest in piles of old issue of Psychology Today, Better Homes and... [Read more]

‘Marketers, Welcome To The World Of Emotional Analytics’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Barry Levine says, “Focus groups, online questionnaires and standard video recordings are so — you know — last century. A new announcement indicates it may be time to add emotional analytics to your metrics. Major media agency MediaCom and emotion measurement firm Realeyes said today that emotional measurement will become a regular part... [Read more]

‘Is Your Kick-Off Killing Sales?’ – Forrester

Steven Wright says, “It’s that magical time of year for many companies when year-end closing and Q1 sales kick-off planning are in full, folie a deux swing. For this analyst, 2016 will be the first time in over 20 years when I haven’t been involved in planning and delivering a sales kick-off event. My sigh of relief far outweighs any twinges... [Read more]

Protect your WordPress site from hackers, malware and more #ad

These are scary and they are real threats to your site: Hackers, Botnets, Malware, Code Injections, SQL or XSS attacks. Technology experts are warning us about the risks to our site integrity and even survival if the bad guys get into our site's back office. And unfortunately, WordPress (and the many plugins and themes we add to it) are particularly at risk... [Read more]

‘Google Gives Road Map to Retailers With New Analytics’ – HubSpot

Spencer Dunfee says, “The more information a business has about its customers, the better that business can sell, right? It’s why marketers work so hard to develop buyer personas and then segment contact lists a million different ways—everything is designed to reach the customer exactly where they are and exactly when they’re ready to make... [Read more]

‘So You Want To Build An App? Twitter Has A Playbook’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Kate Lawrence says, “Twitter the company is sometimes burdened by sharing a name with Twitter the app. It knows a lot more about building mobile apps than its simple-seeming flagship might suggest. That’s the not-so-subtle message of Twitter’s first edition of a playbook for mobile apps that developer advocate Bear Douglas posted last... [Read more]

‘List of Themes for eCommerce Sites’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Matt Mansfield says, “From merchant accounts to product images, product descriptions, add-on apps and possible integration with your existing website and back-end systems, there are a lot of details to stay on top of when you build an eCommerce site for your small business. Interestingly however, one of the most critical decisions you need to... [Read more]

Product Presto: Get 8 Software Products to Brand as your Own #ad

You may start online with affiliate marketing, and that may continue to bring you some income for years.  But to bring in a substantial income, you probably need to have products of your own to sell... [Read more]

‘Free Webinar: Unleash These 13 ‘Hidden’ Features of the Rainmaker Platform’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “The Rainmaker Platform has so many useful features, it’s easy to overlook a few here and there. But one of those overlooked features may be exactly the feature you need to attract your next audience member or convert your next customer. In this webinar, the sixth in our six-part Rainmaker Platform webinar series, Chris Garrett... [Read more]

‘Pruning Your eCommerce Site: How & Why’ – MOZ Blog

Everett Sizemore says, “If there has been one “SEO tactic” that we’ve seen work consistently throughout 2015, it’s the idea of pruning underperforming content out of Google’s index. Sometimes it is a result of outdated SEO tactics like article spinning, or technical issues such as indexable internal search results or endlessly... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Freshen Your Outdated Website’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

John Boitnott says, “When you think about it, websites have made giant improvements in appearance over the years. In the ’90s, businesses merely rushed to set up an online presence, resulting in an Internet full of electronic brochures. The look and feel of sites has changed tremendously, much of it with the goal of giving customers... [Read more]

Arbitrage Underdog Evergreen: Make money, someone else does the work #ad

Arbitrage is a technique often used in many busy marketplaces. The stock market and commodities market, for example, are filled with people (referred to as arbitrageurs) who practice arbitrage as a way of earning a living... [Read more]

‘5 Ways To Utilize Image-Based Content Through The Buying Cycle’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jim Yu says, “When people arrive on your site, they will be forming their first impression within 50 milliseconds. They will then be deciding whether or not to stay on the site within 10 seconds. This miniscule amount of time makes it hard to pull in new visitors with text or great offers. Customers are drawn in or repelled by your web page based... [Read more]

‘How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2016’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Check out these eight predictions about what marketers will focus on in the new year and how technology will create changes in digital marketing, according to the following Signal infographic. One change is that “improved people-based marketing options will give advertisers flexibility and control,” predicts... [Read more]

‘Quick Tips Video: Email Marketing Resolutions’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “The New Year is upon us, which means one thing… it’s time to set your (hopefully realistic) email marketing resolutions! To help you choose goals that’ll give a nice boost to your email marketing, we shared four ideas in the latest episode of Quick Tips”. Quick Tips Video: Email Marketing Resolutions Aweber Blog  [Read more]

Already built, authoritative business for sale (one buyer only) #ad

3-year old, profitable, authority online brand in the raw foods niche. Caters to millennials. Here are the vital stats: - 22 Million page views since launch. - 560,000+ combined audience. - 23,876+ customers. - $1.2Million combined revenues since launch 3 years ago.... [Read more]

‘Big News: Periscope Now Added Directly to Twitter Feed’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Tabby McFarland says, “Are you familiar with Periscope? This social media platform lets you “go live” from your mobile device anywhere, broadcasting videos and audio to viewers as you are on the go. The company was purchased by Twitter not so long ago and now a recentannouncement is giving the heads up that the two platforms will work even... [Read more]

‘The State of Local-Affiliate Marketing in 2016’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “What are the main opportunities and challenges facing national and global brands that sell through distributed networks of local affiliates? How are co-op dollars being spent? Are marketing tactics being integrated? To find out, Brandmuscle surveyed 860 local affiliates (franchisees, dealers, agents, distributors, channel partners,... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Close More Sales’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Matt Trainer says, “Sales is undoubtedly one of the toughest professions that anyone can sign up for, and it is also perhaps one of the areas that many entrepreneurs most often struggle with. Sales, and more specifically, knowing how to close, is both an art and a science, and I have spent a great part of my life practicing and mastering it. Along... [Read more]

‘Report: Facebook Audience Network Testing Expansion Into Mobile Web Advertising’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Facebook is running a test to expand the Facebook Audience Networks’ reach to mobile web advertising, according to an AdExchanger report. The social network confirmed to AdExchanger that the test, which apparently started about a month ago, is running and acknowledged that Diply is among the small set of publishers participating. The... [Read more]

‘Why Your Organization Is Approaching Personalization Wrong’ – Forrester

Fiona Adler says, “A few weeks ago, I learned that my credit card number was part of a large data breach and that I needed to cancel it immediately. My first thought? Panic and trepidation – what if someone already charged my card? What about the companies I have recurring payments with – will they reject them and charge me fees? How... [Read more]

‘How To Make 2016 Your Best Content Marketing Year Ever’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Quinn Whissen says, “Whether you’re the type of person who likes to make steadfast resolutions every January 1 or you prefer to keep your goals loose, we could all use a little motivation as we start the New Year. That’s especially true when it comes to content marketing, because — as you most likely know — it isn’t a strategy that provides... [Read more]

‘Determining Which Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Focus On’ – ‘’ Blog

Marisa Sanfilippo says, “If I had a penny for every time someone asked, “Which social media platform should I use for my business?” Let me just say, I would have A LOT of pennies. As a social media marketer, it’s one of the questions I most often get asked. And every time, my answer always is: that depends on your business. Probably not... [Read more]

‘4 Rookie Errors That Stunt Your Online Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kimanzi Constable says, “As our society moves further into the digital age, more of the income from businesses will come from sales online. Every year, we see sales shift from physical stores to the websites of companies, and online business. There is a tremendous opportunity. While the opportunity is there, so is the competition from many other... [Read more]

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