IM NewsWatch, January 13, 2015 - '12 Ways to Improve Email Deliverability – Entrepreneur' and much more...

January 13th, 2015 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

‘6 Toxic SEO Habits You Should Stop Today’ – ‘’ Blog

Sam Lloyd says, “SEO is getting tough. There’s more competition and Google is smarter than ever. So in order to get the edge over your competitors, you’ve got to be doing things right. Below, we’ve identified some toxic habits that might be holding back your SEO efforts. Rid them from your soul and increase your chances at winning top rankings... [Read more]

’10 Do’s and Don’ts of A/B-Testing Your Email Marketing Campaigns’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Lauren Tympel says, “A/B-testing your marketing emails can be a profitable game-changer. In fact, there is no better way to determine the impact a design, copy, or scheduling change can have on the success of your email campaigns. But if you’re unfamiliar with A/B testing or you’re just getting started, it can be an overwhelming project... [Read more]

‘Yet Another Publisher Sues Google For Withholding AdSense Earnings’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Super Cray, New York-based online publisher of the website, has filed suit against Google over its AdSense program. In an argument that is becoming increasingly familiar, Super Cray claims that Google suspended the publisher’s AdSense account the day it was to receive a large payout in ad share fees. Super... [Read more]

New WP Theme company releases its first theme: AdSOS #ad

Lipode has just released their first theme, which they call AdSOS. It's an attractive graphic-rich theme that also is optimized for people who want to show automated ads, such as AdSense... [Read more]

‘6 Design Tips to Make Your Email Newsletter Visually Appealing’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Lisa Furgison says, “Many businesses rely on email newsletters to build customer relationships and keep their business top of mind with their audience. This powerful email tool has a lot of benefits, which is why small businesses like The Boxing Club work to ensure their newsletter design is visually appealing. “I think the most important aspect... [Read more]

‘12 Ways to Improve Email Deliverability’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Neil Patel says, “I rave about email marketing all the time. But I need to shoot straight with you about email marketing lest you think it’s some holy grail of marketing. Your emails are useless unless they actually make it to the user’s inbox. Let me state that another way so you don’t miss it. If your emails aren’t getting delivered, then... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Has Officially Shut Down The Right Media Ad Exchange’ – Business Insider

Lara O’reilly says, “Marissa Mayer has shut down the Right Media ad exchange the company bought in 2007. Yahoo has called time on the Right Media ad exchange it bought in 2007 for $680 million and has folded it into the wider Yahoo Ad Exchange proposition. Right Media was focused on delivering high-volume ads to big audiences – primarily... [Read more]

PC Masterclass on SPEED & SECURITY; Don't get hacked #ad

One hacker can destroy your business, your bank account and, ultimately, your life's work. But you don't have to be their victim. There are free methods to protect against the most severe hacking attempts. For example in PC Masterclass: SPEED & SECURITY, you will discover how to clear the geo data from all your photos in seconds. No crook needs to know where you and you children live... [Read more]

‘Is Social Media Marketing Worth It?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Margot daCunha says, “Have You Ever Questioned the Value of Your Social Media Presence? Are you wondering if social media marketing is still worth it for your and your business? Here’s why you shouldn’t give up on your Social Media Marketing even if your stats are down. You might need to re-focus and adjust but never stop having an active social... [Read more]

‘Is SEO Still Relevant?' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Recently, LinkedIn released their top 25 job skills of 2014, based on what recruiters are looking for on the LinkedIn platform. Number one was big data analyst. There were several others in the top 25 specifically related to digital marketing, such as digital marketing campaign specialist, etc. I’ve got to tell you what was not in the... [Read more]

‘The Sales Enablement Forum Talks About The Future Of B2B Selling’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “Now it is high time that I remind you of our upcoming Sales Enablement Forum on March 2 and 3 in Scottsdale, Arizona,where the overall theme this year is about the different approaches required to optimize your sales channels. Our research shows that more transactional buyers now prefer more automation and self-service... [Read more]

WP LinkGate Plugin (including your Developer License) #ad

Ken Reno has released a new plugin and he is offering to let you install it on as many sites as you like, your own sites or client sites. WpLinkGate Plugin creates  an "on-click" pop-up that only appears when your reader takes action. ... [Read more]

‘Last Week: Authority Rainmaker Pricing Goes Up This Friday’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “Authority Rainmaker: Copyblogger’s live training event that provides an integrated online marketing strategy combined with the best ways to implement it. Plus great parties and networking. When: May 13-15, 2015. Who: Daniel Pink, Sally Hogshead, Henry Rollins, Danny Sullivan, Ann Handley, Chris Brogan, Bernadette Jiwa,... [Read more]

‘How to Have a Successful Local SEO Campaign in 2015’ – MOZ Blog

Casey Meraz says, “Another year in search has passed. It’s now 2015 and we have seen some major changes in local ranking factors since 2014, which I also expect to change greatly throughout 2015. For some a new year means a fresh starting point and yet for others it’s a time of reflection to analyze how successful your campaign has... [Read more]

‘Conversion Factors That Impact Your Online Marketing’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Josh Wilson says, “Why do people say “yes” to your offer? Any time there is an ask for something, whether you are asking people to purchase something, give you something or to do something, the person can either say “yes” or “no.” In this short article, I will explain the conversion heuristic and how it can help you optimize your online... [Read more]

‘What Consumers Dislike About Mobile Email’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Consumers’ top complaint with mobile email is that they get too many messages, according to a recent report from Liveclicker and the Relevancy Group. The survey of more than 1,000 US consumers found 44% say they receive too many emails on their smartphones and 37% say many of the messages they receive are irrelevant. Other... [Read more]

‘15 Must-Have Marketing Tools for 2015’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sujan Patel says, “The “if you build it, they will come” plan won’t get your business seen in 2015. The fact is, 50 percent of companies plan to increase marketing spend in 2015. So what will you do to get exposure and grow your business this year? If you don’t have the budget to assemble a top-tier marketing team, you’ll need... [Read more]

‘What Is The Future Of Content Marketing And How Can You Prepare?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Arnie Kuenn says, “Over the past few years, content marketing has come a long way. The term “content marketing” is becoming a part of the vernacular in marketing departments across the world. It’s no longer thought of as a trend, but as a verifiable opportunity to drive revenue. In fact, businesses spent more than $118 billion on content... [Read more]

‘6 Tips to Whip Your Subject Lines into Shape for 2015’ – VerticalResponse Blog

VerticalResponse team says, “It’s almost a New Year and that means the inevitable New Year’s resolutions. One of the most common resolutions is getting into shape. We’re here to act as your personal email trainer and help you chisel your subject lines into lean, mean open inducing machines. Here are some tips to whip your subject lines into... [Read more]

‘What CROs Need to Know About SEO in 2015’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Sergio Aicardi says, “No longer are we in a world where building links or a ton of SEO friendly content leads to top rankings. In today’s post penguin, post panda world, one must earn their rankings and it certainly isn’t easy to do so. Fundamentally, it’s obvious that Google is trying its best to combat spammers by identifying what the black/gray... [Read more]

‘How To Win A Forrester Groundswell Award For Your Social Depth Marketing Program’ – Forrester

Kim Celestre says, “It’s that time of year again. We have officially opened the submission process for our 2015 Forrester Groundswell Awards. You can find more details about this year’s awards here. As in the past, we will have three categories: social reach, social depth and social relationship. Show us your most innovative and... [Read more]

‘Why You Should Skip the Webinar and Start Quizzing Your Audience’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Lev Kaye says, “”Sign up for our free webinar!” Do those six words make you feel excited? Intrigued? Doubtful. You probably feel some combination of bored, burdened and “Blech!” Why? Because like most people, you secretly never want to attend another webinar if you can possibly avoid it. In 2015, it’s time to bid... [Read more]

‘5 Clever Email Innovations for 2015 and Beyond’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Pamella Neely says, “Email marketing has a reputation for being dull. When someone says “innovation” we’re more likely to think social media or mobile or video. Not email. But email marketing is evolving, and evolving fast. In just the last year or two there are several advances that can take any “dull” email message and make it cutting... [Read more]

‘Marketers Should Consider These 5 Tech Trends in the Coming Year’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Dough Camplejohn says, “The pace of innovation in marketing technology is astounding. The past year has seen the rise of many new and exciting technologies, but perhaps most notably, 2014 was the year of the “marketing cloud.” Adobe, Salesforce, SAP, IBM and Oracle all have their own take on one-stop enterprise software, promising a complete... [Read more]

‘Content Marketers, Quit Selling Like It’s 2004' – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Is your content focusing strictly on pushing sales? It’s not 2004! Today’s savvy customers expect more from content. Here’s a look at some content-creation tips from a Captora infographic. “Spend time learning about your customers, and give them content that resonates,” suggests Captora.... [Read more]

‘Tips to Improve Customer Service on Your E-commerce Site’ – ‘’ Blog

Drew Hendricks says, “While e-commerce sites can be extremely convenient, they may come up short in certain areas. Most notable is the inability to provide the same personal customer service you would find in a brick-and-mortar store. If you want to surpass the competition though, your business can still find ways to improve online customer service. The... [Read more]

‘Email Preheaders Tested: The surprising sensitivity of a single line of text’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Jon Powell says, “Earlier this year I reached out to a friend of mine who manages training with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud (previously known as ExactTarget) to get a sense of what questions everyday marketers were having concerning email. “Preheaders,” was her quick response. Specifically on “using a preheader, not using a pre-header — what... [Read more]

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