IM NewsWatch, January 10, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Six content marketing trends to watch this year – Econsultancy’ and much more...

January 10th, 2013 at 3:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, January 10, 2013

‘Social Sharing Plugins for the WordPress Experience’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Social Sharing Plugins for the WordPress Experience”. Pete Prestipino says, “You know what two great things go great together? No, not peanut butter and chocolate (well, OK, they actually do). It’s social media networking and blogging of course. In this edition of Website Magazine’s... [Read more]

‘FTC Prosecution of Affiliates for Advertising Claims at Affiliate Summit West 2011’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “FTC Prosecution of Affiliates for Advertising Claims at Affiliate Summit West 2011”. Collins Says, “This was a conference session titled FTC Prosecution of Affiliates for Advertising Claims from Affiliate Summit West 2011, which took place January 9-11, 2011 at Wynn Las Vegas. Speaker: Jeff Ifrah,... [Read more]

‘CMOs, Are You Ready For 2013?’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “CMOs, Are You Ready For 2013?”. Corinne Munchbach says, “I only just recently started watching Mad Men – a shock to many of my marketing peers and to regular folks who now think I’ve been living under a rock for the last 5+ years. I’ll save my thoughts on the show for another... [Read more]

CPA Crusher: Even new marketers can earn a living with CPA #ad

Matt Carlson has just released a guide to CPA for beginners called CPA Crusher. In it, he shows you 8 Money Making Methods that are proven and tested to make you cash with CPA offers. In this 40 page guide you will discover: • How to monetize your blog or website using CPA • How to use YouTube to promote CPA offers • Techniques that will... [Read more]

‘A Simple 5-Step System for Structuring a Compelling Book? – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “A Simple 5-Step System for Structuring a Compelling Book?. Marnie Pehrson says, “Do you have a book idea but are confused abouthow to structure itin an engaging way? Perhaps you’ve gathered lots of content from previous blog posts, articles, audios or videos. You may even have some... [Read more]

‘Interview with @mixergy Andrew Warner is up!’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Interview with @mixergy Andrew Warner is up!”. Schoemaker says, “Andrew Warner is by far one of the best interviewers on the internet. He has a no bullshit approach and isn’t afraid to ask some really hard hitting tough questions. I have done a ton of interviews and am really comfortable on... [Read more]

‘THE Change for 2013’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “THE Change for 2013”. Gail says, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Actually, this is a famous quote from Albert Einstein – but it is an accurate description that helps you to understand how the only way to see a difference in... [Read more]

Social Cash Takedown: 1 cent clicks from Facebook #ad

A direct Facebook ad campaign may not have worked for you. Many people report the same thing. However, there are other ways to use Facebook in your marketing, ways that are more effective. Mike Buontempo has just released Social Cash Takedown to show how you can gain fans for your fan page, monetize with those fans, and keep your edge rank up. In this... [Read more]

‘45 Ways to Improve Your Digital Strategy in 2013, Part One’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘‘Business 2 Community’’ is titled “45 Ways to Improve Your Digital Strategy in 2013, Part One”. Megan Leap says, “2013 presents exciting growth and opportunity in digital, as marketers continue to shift their offline budget to more quantifiable, online channels. According to a report released by ZenithOptimedia,... [Read more]

‘How Big Brands – With Help From Google & Yahoo – Finance Online Piracy’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “How Big Brands – With Help From Google & Yahoo – Finance Online Piracy”. Adam Popescu says, “Are major brands funding online privacy? The answer is yes, even if they’re not fully aware of what they’re doing. That’s the clear conclusion of a recent report out of USC’s... [Read more]

‘Report: Digital Advertising Broke $100 Billion in 2012’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Report: Digital Advertising Broke $100 Billion in 2012″. Todd Wasserman says, “Global digital advertising spending broke $100 billion for the first time, according to eMarketer, which predicts the business will grow another 15.1% this year.That figure compares to a market increase of 17.8%... [Read more]

Paper Template 2.0: Create Sales Letters and Optin Pages Inside WordPress in Minutes #ad

Robert Plank has released his latest product, and this time he’s targeting marketers who need to create sales pages. (Is there any other kind?) Paper Template 2.0 creates sales pages (and opt-in pages) for a site based on WordPress. Plank is something is a WordPress expert. This isn’t his first WordPress product. He’s most famous for... [Read more]

‘7 Reasons Passwords Are Doomed – Finally’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “7 Reasons Passwords Are Doomed – Finally”. Toby Rush says, “Passwords control your life. From accessing work email and stock prices on the go to checking a grocery store shopping list, passwords have become the primary source of identifying who you are. They are arguably more important than your... [Read more]

‘Fact or Fiction: Native Ads are Just Jargon and PR is Irrelevant’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘‘Business 2 Community’’ is titled “Fact or Fiction: Native Ads are Just Jargon and PR is Irrelevant”. Ryan Wilson says, “As you have probably heard, native ads are a big buzz word in online marketing and media these days. If you have heard the term, but don’t really know what native ads are then here... [Read more]

‘How To Blog Successfully About Anything’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “How To Blog Successfully About Anything”. TannerC says, “In order to create a successful blog, you must be passionately curious about the topic you’re covering. Learn how to turn even the most uninteresting blog post topics into goldmines with these tips for successful bloggers”. How To... [Read more]

Tumblr Tycoon: Turn your Tumblr account into a marketing tool #ad

Many ways have been tried for getting web traffic. Some work; some don’t. Social media are currently one of the best. The best known are Facebook and Twitter. But there are others; some of them quite effective. Paul James discovered an under-appreciated social site, Tumblr, and found that it can be a marketer’s “secret weapon.”... [Read more]

‘The continuing growth of integrated marketing in 2013′ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The continuing growth of integrated marketing in 2013″. Heather Taylor says, “With JUMP coming up in New York on January 30, 2013, we’re very interested in what is happening in the world of integrated marketing. We’re tired of companies working in independent silos... [Read more]

‘24 Apps That Can Help Your Business Grow’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “24 Apps That Can Help Your Business Grow”. Rebekah Henson says, “2012 saw a huge increase in the number of apps and integrations available to AWeber users. And there’s something for everyone. Whether you need to market with ecommerce, social media, membership platforms, videos or landing pages –... [Read more]

‘Make Money Online with Adaloo Ad Network’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Make Money Online with Adaloo Ad Network”. Chow says, “There are many advertising networks on the Internet and one of the newest on the block is Adaloo. Even though the PPC-based ad network only launched on November 20, it already boasts a network of websites that reach 20 million”. Make Money Online... [Read more]

Local Client Crusher, Real Estate Edition: Local Consultants get clients in real estate niche #ad

Josh Perkins found a process that got him 15 new local clients in a single month, and he is sharing it with us in Local Client Crusher. In this version, he is specifically showing us how to get real estate professionals to sign up as clients. (But the principles have wider applicability.) This is video training that shows how to use five techniques... [Read more]

‘Want To Know What’s Up At CES But Aren’t Going?’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Want To Know What’s Up At CES But Aren’t Going?”. Adam Popescu says, “So, you’re borderline-unhealthy obsessed with CES, you want to know what everyone is posting, uploading and tweeting…but you can’t make the pricey Vegas show. What to do, what to do…? You could... [Read more]

‘Converting Email Prospects to Customers: Case study by Brian Clark and Sonia Simone’ – ‘MarketingSherpa’ Video

The ‘MarketingSherpa’ team has released a video titled “Converting Email Prospects to Customers: Case study by Brian Clark and Sonia Simone”. This case study presentation from MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2012 focused on helping marketers make that final conversion from email subscriber to paying customer. The audience at Email... [Read more]

ExactTarget Releases ‘The Key to Successful Cross-Channel Marketing’ eBook

ExactTarget has released an ebook titled “The Key to Successful Cross-Channel Marketing”. The ExactTarget team says, “Consumers today have a myriad of options when it comes to interacting with your brand across channels. Are you taking advantage of the right technology to make your cross-channel programs successful? In this commissioned... [Read more]

Product Launch Leverage, version 2: Affiliate marketing with free traffic, no website and no investment #ad

Mike Gregory just released the new version of his Product Launch Leverage, an update to his earlier successful WSO by the same name. Gregory says that you can earn commissions with little hassle and only a little work. And you can do it with: • No investment • No website • No videos • No CPA • No PPC This process is simple enough... [Read more]

‘Six content marketing trends to watch this year’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Six content marketing trends to watch this year”. Ryan Sommer says, “The importance of Content Marketing across business sectors and organizations of all sizes continues to grow year over year. When we surveyed marketers in October in association with Outbrain we found... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘From Frustration to Freedom’ Rich Schefren’s Webinar January 10

Rich Schefren is hosting a webinar on Thursday, January 10. The topic of the webinar is “From Frustration to Freedom”. Schefren says, “During this rare Accelerated Business Course, you’ll discover CRITICAL ideas and PROVEN strategies to make your online business life A LOT easier and MUCH more profitable… Strategies NO ONE... [Read more]

‘How to Transform Yourself from an Underpaid Copywriter into an Authoritative Content Producer’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Transform Yourself from an Underpaid Copywriter into an Authoritative Content Producer”. Sonia Simone says, “You probably know that business and marketing are moving in a new direction. You know that it’s based on producinghigh-quality content that attracts an audience and nurtures... [Read more]

‘Tweets from 2013 CES: Day Two’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘‘Business 2 Community’’ is titled “Tweets from 2013 CES: Day Two”. Nicole Pangborn says, “Yesterday, we posted a re-cap of the most-tweeted-about gadgets from the first day of the 2013 International CES (Consumer Electronics Show). Today is day two, and Twitter is still buzzing with excitement over... [Read more]

‘Bill Clinton at CES 2013: Don’t Take Tech for Granted’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Bill Clinton at CES 2013: Don’t Take Tech for Granted”. Samantha Murphy says, “Former U.S. President Bill Clinton joined Samsung on stage at 2013 International CES in Las Vegas to discuss the power of the Internet and the need to grow its infrastructure in the U.S.President Clinton... [Read more]

‘Why you can’t ignore programmatic marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why you can’t ignore programmatic marketing”. Dax Hamman says, “When it comes to innovation, a corporate leader needs to be judicious. After all, if you adopt every emerging trend in digital media, you’ll find your company brutally pulled in every direction, like Justin... [Read more]

‘Asian Companies Will Give Outsourcing A Fresh Look In 2013’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Asian Companies Will Give Outsourcing A Fresh Look In 2013”. Fred Giron says, “Forrester’s team of Asia Pacific (AP) analysts has just published its 2013 IT industry predictions in the IT Industry Disruptions Fuel Renewed Asia Pacific Market Growthreport, which covers general IT... [Read more]

‘We Now Know Why Eric Schmidt is in North Korea’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “We Now Know Why Eric Schmidt is in North Korea”. Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai says, “Much controversy and mystery has surrounded Google’s Eric Schmidt and former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson’s trip to North Korea. U.S. officials have criticized it, calling it ill-timed given... [Read more]

‘Are SEO keywords ‘hiding’ in site search data?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Are SEO keywords ‘hiding’ in site search data?”. Vishal Srivastava says, “You need effective keywords to launch a successful search engine optimising campaign, and your site search data can provide a treasure trove of search terms that your customers already use. If... [Read more]

Lead Generation Offline WP Theme: Build professional client websites quickly #ad

Using Lead Generation Offline WP Theme, you can create a WordPress site for an offline client in minutes. One click installs the theme with all its features. Then just add your client’s contact information. Plus any customization your client wants. No technical expertise is needed. The sites you create are designed to bring in leads for the local business;... [Read more]

‘How To Make 2013 Your Best Blogging Year’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Make 2013 Your Best Blogging Year”. Chow says, “You can look at 2013 as the same old same old, or you can look at it as an opportunity for a fresh. I do not believe in making new year’s resolutions. What I do like is making clearly defined”. How To Make 2013 Your Best Blogging Year John Chow’s... [Read more]

‘Hey PC Industry: Stop Being So Damn Touchy-Feely’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Hey PC Industry: Stop Being So Damn Touchy-Feely”. Brian Proffitt says, “Intel’s CES prediction that there will be $599 ultrabooks with touchscreens on the market by the end of 2013 promises to shake up the computer market, giving the finger to the notion that Tablets Will Rule All. But do... [Read more]

‘Microsoft Officially Ditching Messenger, Switching Users to Skype in March’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Microsoft Officially Ditching Messenger, Switching Users to Skype in March”. Anita Li says, “Windows Live Messenger will officially retire this March, Microsoft announced Tuesday in a mass email to the chat service’s users.On March 15, all users will be switched over to Skype, which... [Read more]

Tweet Lead Explosion: Twitter brings you leads whatever your niche or business #ad

Know what’s going on in people’s lives, based on their tweets. Then use that information to target your marketing, sending a reply (either an @ reply or, if they follow you, a direct message) to their tweet that points them to a relevant product. Tweet Lead Explosion lets you search for a phrase you specify in other people’s tweets.... [Read more]

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