IM NewsWatch, January 1, 2015 - 'How to Use Social Proof to Influence Visitors and Increase Your Sales – Shopify' and much more...

January 1st, 2015 at 8:25 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, January 1, 2015

‘7 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing Hosting For Your Business’ – Tweak Your Biz

Damian Wolf says, “n today’s world of marketing, good and quality advertisement means literally everything. Along with availability, it represents the one key thing that separates you from the rest of your competition. Speaking of availability, the ever-growing Internet network is the main source of information about your company, and it is unthinkable... [Read more]

‘Analytics 101: How to Use Analytics to Refresh Your Email Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Greetings! ccording to Hiten Shah, KISSmetrics’ co-founder, growing your business without tracking your analytics is like driving a car blindfolded. Sound extreme? Maybe just a little, but he has a point. If your business uses email marketing, you owe it to yourself and to your subscribers to track your analytics. Why use... [Read more]

‘What to Expect in the Affiliate Space in 2015’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Matt Swan says, “With the end of the year fast approaching, it is time to focus our attention on the year ahead and what we can expect to see across the channel in 2015. By no means an exhaustive list, here are four trends expected to shape the industry next year. MAKING LIFE EASIER FOR AFFILIATES Affiliate marketing is a simple concept but one... [Read more]

‘Online Marketing Resolutions You Should Make in 2015’ – ‘’ Blog

Sam Llyod says, “2015 is just around the corner (Happy New Years all!), and you know what that means – New Year’s resolutions! But, let’s resolve to do more than just lose our guts, get back into the gym and avoid the candy aisle. Let’s make some resolutions and commitments for our business’ marketing initiatives as well. After all,... [Read more]

‘4 Tips for Great Content Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Tom Masotto says, “Content marketing is a vital component of any B2B marketing strategy. Savvy marketers devote time and money to developing various types of content, including white papers, webinars, tweets and blogs, which appeal to and engage their audiences. But are marketers getting the most out of their content? Not all content is created equal,... [Read more]

‘Working with RSS Feeds: Maximizing Your Content Stream’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

B2C team says, “An RSS (Rich Site Summary) feed is a means to distribute changing web content (including blog posts, podcasts, news releases and site updates) to related sites, blogs, online publishers and feed subscribers. It allows busy people to get the information they want without having to use email, which prevents the publisher from selling... [Read more]

‘How To Make User-Friendly (And Search-Engine Friendly) Scannable Content’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Shari Thurow says, “Back in 1997, I created my 5 Fundamental Rules of Web Design. These website design rules are very simple, but critical, for a positive user experience. My rules state that a website should be: Easy to read Easy to navigate Easy to find Consistent and clear in layout, design, and labeling Quick to download Some of these guidelines... [Read more]

‘How to Write a Blog Post: A Simple Formula’ – HubSpot

Rachel Sprung says, “You’ve probably heard how paramount blogging is to the success of your marketing. Without it, your SEO will tank, you’ll have nothing to promote in social media, you’ll have no clout with your leads and customers, and you’ll have fewer pages to put those oh-so-valuable calls-to-action that generate... [Read more]

‘My Challenge to You for 2015: Only Connect’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “The thing, I think, that keeps people from building successful businesses, especially online, is that business seems complicated. And it is, in the sense of having a lot of moving parts. (Which, of course, is why we work so hard to build tools that make the technical part easy.) Like anything worth doing — raising a family,... [Read more]

‘The Best of the Best: Celebrating the Top 10 of the Moz Top 10 for 2014’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “Oh no, another year-end roundup! But before you click away, let me sell you a little on why this is the roundup you actually want to read. You see, to compile the Moz Top 10 over the last year, we probably read 50 or more articles EACH WEEK, that’s around 100 articles for every issue. We then spent innumerable hours... [Read more]

‘The 4 Rules For Creating Compelling PPC Ad Copy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Christina Colon says, “Creating compelling ad copy can be one of the trickiest parts of developing your PPC campaign. Without bidding extremely aggressively all the time (which is expensive and inefficient), you can’t be in the number one position all the time. Even if you are, your ad copy still needs to drive the searcher to click your ad instead... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Powerful User Experience on Your Ecommerce Site’ – ‘’ Blog

Yoav Vilner says, “Online shopping is becoming an increasingly popular outlet for shoppers to flock to. With 40 percent of the global online user base involved in online purchases, and sales increasing by almost 20 percent; businesses are shifting their attention to ecommerce platforms. This market change makes for a highly competitive environment... [Read more]

‘Generate Traffic With a Well-Rounded Content Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “For many good reasons, blogging is likely the heart of your content marketing strategy. Recent industry statistics are astounding: 77 percent of Internet users read blogs, 52 percent of consumers make purchasing decisions after reading a blog’s advice, and 57 percent of marketers have acquired new customers via their blogs. With... [Read more]

‘3 Steps To Better Understand Your Customers’ Content Needs In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jonathan Blank says, “As we flip the calendar from 2014 to 2015, you probably have an increased budget for content marketing. Well, at least 58% of us have a higher budget according to theContent Marketing Institute. Job well done in making the business case. Now we have to get to know our customers better to get an adequate return on that budget. Why... [Read more]

‘100 Leading Sales Influencers to Follow on Twitter’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “The Twittersphere is abuzz with valuable tips and tricks to help you sell more and better. That is, if you know where to look. WittyParrot has compiled a list of the top 100 sales influencers on Twitter for your following convenience. Tune your Twitter account to find the best sales signals among the noise and be treated to... [Read more]

‘5 Pinterest New Years Eve Ideas That Are Better Than Making A Resolution For 2015’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Erica Abbott says, “Most of the time, the start of a new year is signaled by making some type of resolution, whether it be pledging to go to the gym more often or spending more time with family. But those resolutions are rarely kept and they usually end up getting broken a couple months into the year. You can really make a resolution at any point... [Read more]

‘B2B Marketing in 2014: The Trends, Successes and More’ – ‘’ Blog

Ashtyn Douglas says, “For some professionals, this year came and went with monotonous familiarity to years past. Same clients, same routine meetings and same stale office coffee. But if you’re a B2B marketer, the previous 365 days were anything but repetitious. The nature of our industry is to disrupt the conventional way of doing things, so it’s... [Read more]

‘Time to Update Your Copyright; Your Friendly Annual Reminder’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestpino says, “Take a minute from reading all those year-end wrap up’s and prediction lists to do something really, really important for your website right now – change the copyright notice in the website’s footer. While it might seem like something that can wait, a current timestamp and copyright notice shows users... [Read more]

‘How to Use Social Proof to Influence Visitors and Increase Your Sales’ – Shopify

Tucker Schreiber says, “It’s a cold evening on the town, and you’re looking for a place to grab a bite to eat. You come across two restaurants – one is close to full, the other is almost empty. Which one do you choose? Chances are you’ll go to the one that’s close to full. That’s social proof. It’s a psychological phenomenon... [Read more]

‘What’s the State of Marketing in 2015? New Industry Survey Reveals Key Trends’ – StrongView Blog

Jason Klein says, “The results of StrongView’s annual Marketing Trends Survey are in and email retains the top spot for increased investment in 2015, followed by social media and mobile marketing. Overall, the majority of marketers (54%) are increasing their budgets in 2015 – and that’s a healthy 17% increase of 2014. The results are also... [Read more]

‘Online Browsing Remains Strong During Christmas Week, But Conversions Slow’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Pamela Parker says, “Online holiday shopping activity slowed during the Christmas week but certainly didn’t stop entirely. Traffic was still clocking in at 1.6 times the holiday baseline while conversions dropped precipitously, to only .9 times the baseline number. Traffic was especially notable on the day after Christmas, when it spiked to... [Read more]

‘Your Content Marketing Silver Bullet: Liveblogging Events’ – TopRank Blog

Lee Oden says, “Do you attend industry conferences? Would you like to create a greater diversity of content on a regular basis without a big jump in budget? Imagine these two scenarios: Dan looks forward to industry conferences because they provide time away from the office and give him a chance to be inspired by industry thought leaders. He also... [Read more]

‘SEO’s Biggest Changes in 2014 – What Went Down?’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Chipper Nicodemus says, “SEO is an ever-changing industry and 2014 was no exception. Some of the biggest SEO happenings went down in 2014, so let’s review! Google’s Big Algorithm Updates Both of Google’s big algorithms, Panda and Penguin, got major updates in 2014 and both are moving to rolling updates. This means that in the future, there... [Read more]

‘Looking for More Organic Traffic in 2015?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “For a long time people focused on optimizing only their website and doing so to rank in Google. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but if you haven’t learned by now, diversification is key if you are going to rely on organic traffic to promote your business. Generally when people talk about diversifying their... [Read more]

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