IM NewsWatch, February 9, 2016 - '15 Ways to Get More ROI From Social Media This Month – Entrepreneur' and much more...

February 9th, 2016 at 9:08 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

‘2015 Testing Year in Review: 2 key discoveries to increase clickthrough and conversions’ – MarketingExperiments

Micah Shull says, “As Test Database Specialist at MECLABS Institute (parent company of MarketingExperiments), my days are spent sifting through thousands of tests, analyzing the results and searching for insights to inform future testing. While looking through our hundreds of tests from 2015, two top testing categories emerged for increasing... [Read more]

‘A Four-Step Process for Creating Compelling Content for Your Audience’ – MarketingProfs

Scott Sims says, “Marketers, bloggers, and small business owners have been struggling with the same problem for years: how to create compelling content. Why is it such a struggle? Because they’re using the wrong process—or, worse, they don’t use a process at all. Some of them create content simply based on assumptions. I like to... [Read more]

‘Yelp 2015 Revenue $550M, Projects Nearly $700M For 2016’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “Due to a coding glitch at PR Newswire, Yelp’s Q4 and full year 2015 results were released early, before the market’s close. The company announced a loss of $22.2 million but posted higher-than-expected revenues of $153.7 million. The stock was off roughly 10 percent in after-hours trading. Local advertising revenue (small... [Read more]

Youzign 2.0 is live; it makes you a graphic designer #ad

For 24 months, Bertrand Bertrand Diouly and Martin Crumlish have been fixated on building good graphics software. Twelve months ago, they released Youzign 1.0 and it sold over 17,000 copies. Today, they released Youzign 2.0, and it sold over 1000 copies in less than an hour. That’s a big vote of confidence in the quality of their work. And that’s... [Read more]

‘The Importance of A/B Testing Ad Variations’ –

Samuel Edwards says, “Whether you’re a marketer who helps clients with their ad campaigns, or a business owner who handles your own paid advertising efforts, you understand just how fine the line is between a successful ad variation and an ad variation that flushes money down the drain. And while you can spend your time guessing and making... [Read more]

‘15 Ways to Get More ROI From Social Media This Month’ – Entrepreneur

Sujan Patel says, “Social media marketing is both a bane and a boon to business owners. If it’s working for your business and driving traffic, you love it. If it’s not bringing in results, you hate it — and feel that you’re wasting your time. So, stop wasting your time: Drive results, with the right tactics and appropriate planning.... [Read more]

‘Hashtags In Super Bowl Ads Dropped Slightly To 45% In 2016’ – Marketing Land

Danny Sullivan says, “Hashtags were in 45 percent of Super Bowl 50 ads, slightly down from 50 percent last year. Twitter and Facebook tied as the most-mentioned social networks, though neither was explicitly mentioned often. The statistics are from our fifth annual Hashtag Bowl count of hashtags, URLs and social media network inclusions with... [Read more]

Media Profit Revolution: how to buy profitable ad placements #ad

Timothy Miranda and Marcus Christian have been studying the process of buying ads in various media to find ways to build their affiliate and CPA businesses. They have found that paying for ads can be productive and can result in a significant increase in their commissions... [Read more]

‘What Marketers Need to Know About Snapchat’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Snapchat has emerged from its murky roots to become a popular app with 100 million daily active users. So, should marketers now consider having a strategy for this video messaging app? Check out these stats about Snapchat users from by NewsCred and Column Five. Some 54% of users are on Snapchat daily; 32% users engage with the... [Read more]

‘How to do successful link-building on a startup budget’ – Econsultancy

Jacob Plumb says, “At carwow we recently raised series-B funding, so although it’s fair to say we have a little bit more money to experiment with these days, this certainly hasn’t always been the case. We also know that we didn’t get to where we are by spending money unnecessarily. No matter how big you get, it always pays to keep a hustler... [Read more]

‘A Checklist for Native Advertising: How to Comply with the FTC’s New Rules’ – MOZ

Will Critchlow says, “The FTC recently published their updated rules (and more accessible “guidance”) on what constitutes a “misleading” native advert [PDF]. I’ve read them. I only fell asleep twice. Then, near the end, a couple of bombshells. But first, the background. Native ads and the FTC For those who haven’t been following the... [Read more]

PrezHero: Create Cloud-Based 'Presentations' and Videos #ad

Your product sales page is the heart of your selling process. Of course, it's important to get traffic, targeted traffic and, of course, it's important to deliver your product and service your clients' needs, but unless your sales presentation holds your visitor's attention and convinces them of how your product will meet their needs, all the rest is useless... [Read more]

‘This Simple Illustration Explains the Difference Between a Cornerstone Content Page and a Blog Post’ – Copyblogger

Demian Farnworth says, “In January, we launched a Copyblogger Content Challenge mini course. It was designed to help you understand, build, and improve cornerstone content pages. The response was immense: Almost 4,000 people signed up and in just a couple days the forum was bristling with people posting questions, comments, and replies. We were... [Read more]

‘Slack, Yammer & Facebook: Who’ll win the collaboration battle?’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “No digital job advert is complete without mention of collaborative working; a skills shortage means businesses are finally fixing their broken windows. Collaboration isn’t easy to engender. Let’s face it, people are nine-tenths of the problem. The other 10% is technology, something many tech startups and big beasts... [Read more]

‘B2B? C2C? VC-Backed? Read on to Have These and Other Business Models Explained’ – Entrepreneur

Igor Shoifot says, “Sooner or later, every young business needs to begin putting money in the bank — and there are five business models your startup can use in its pursuit of bringing in revenue. The one (or more) you choose will depend largely on the product or service you’re providing, but all five monetization models have their advantages... [Read more]

If your video is so-so, get Explaindio FX #ad

Lackluster videos don't usually impress potential buyers. If your videos have the blahs, get 'Explaindio FX' and make your prospects take notice. You can apply the professional effects from this software to any video, regardless of how you created it (Explaindio videos are just one example; these could be home movies, stock videos, or virtually anything else.)... [Read more]

‘8 Pro Techniques Top Sales Professionals Use When Selling’ –

Doug Dvorak says, “There is a very intimate skill in becoming and being a top sales professional in any industry. Surprisingly, the industry itself doesn’t matter, and the techniques used by the top sales professionals selling software systems to international industries and those selling medical equipment to individual doctor’s offices... [Read more]

‘Co-creating Customer Experiences? Match Objectives To Desired Outcomes’ – Forrester

Ron Rogowski says, “One of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things about helping Forrester clients become customer-obsessed is leading an experience co-creation workshop. Forrester defines co-creation as the active participation of employees, customers, and stakeholders working together to design new experiences. It’s a technique that helps... [Read more]

‘How to Improve the Relationship Between Marketing and Sales Teams’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Most marketers and salespeople say their departments generally get along well but that there are a few key areas of the relationship that could be improved, according to recent research from InsideView and Demand Gen Report. The report was based on data from a survey of 995 sales and marketing professionals based in the United... [Read more]

How to clone/backup/restore your WordPress site #ad

If you don't have a technical bone in your body, but you want to move your WordPress site to another host, 'WP Master Clone' is for you. Even better, if you have a successful WordPress site (say, and you want to create a new site (say,, and maybe another (, and you want to take what's already working and reuse it, xxx is especially for you... [Read more]

‘The Click-to-Call Playbook for Facebook Ads’ – Marketing Land

DMD team says, “Nearly 80 percent of Facebook ad revenue is mobile, and thanks to smartphones and click-to-call, Facebook and social ads will drive more than 12 billion calls to US businesses this year. How can you leverage the exploding mobile opportunity in Facebook advertising to drive more calls and sales? Thursday, February 25, join Rachel... [Read more]

‘What the hell is going on with Twitter?’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “Exponentially growing user base, brands eager to sign up, celebrity backing: Twitter seemed destined to succeed back in the early days. So why does it seem to be tanking spectacularly, and where can it go from here? Just in case you’re in any doubt as to whether Twitter needs to take drastic action, here is a graph of... [Read more]

‘The Three Problems with Buying an Email List’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “I know the feeling. You’ve got something of value to offer. Maybe it’s a new product that’s fresh from production and ready to be shipped. Or maybe you’ve finally decided to launch the consulting business you’ve always been thinking about. Regardless, you have a beautiful, problem-solving widget and you’re only... [Read more]

‘Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2016’ –

Brian Hughes says, “What would you ask if you could score an exclusive sit-down with a successful startup leader or entrepreneur? As a solopreneur myself, I’m always eager to learn about the marketing secrets that kick-start a company’s rise to success. From SEO and mobile marketing to influencer outreach and content marketing, keeping pace... [Read more]

‘The Rise of Vertical Marketplaces in Indian E-commerce Space’ – Entrepreneur

Ameen Khwaja says, “The market works with the only characteristic and that is to change. Market has always been under a shift since very early in time. While the multi mega stores were a big hit a few decades ago, it actually revolutionized how people shopped. The mega stores addressed huge problems of shopping for different things at different... [Read more]

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