IM NewsWatch, February 9, 2015 - 'Amazon and the age of personalised marketing – Econsultancy' and much more...

February 9th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 9, 2015

‘Double Opt-In: Then, Now, and When It’s a Best Practice’ – ClickZ Blog

Jeanne Jennings says, “What’s the argument for using a double opt-in email marketing campaign as opposed to a single opt-in one? Read on to find out. It’s been a long time since the phrase “double opt-in” has crossed my lips, but it came up in not just one but two different conversations in the past few weeks. Both were friends... [Read more]

‘As Online Video Explodes, a Look at 5 of the Industry’s Biggest Trends’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Geoff Weiss says, “As YouTube celebrities hone their entrepreneurial acumen and brands continue to break new ground in the realm of online video ads, it’s safe to say that 2015 will be a lucrative year for the medium. To this end, the below infographic, courtesy of Manatt Digital Media, looks back at some of the industry’s biggest milestones... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Without This Extra Step Is Useless’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Byrom says, “Content marketing has quickly become the most popular way for businesses, large and small, to market themselves. And, it’s no wonder when you consider all of the benefits: It presents you as a thought leader within your industry It creates trust between brands and customers If done correctly, it seriously increases SEO With... [Read more]

Are you engaged with potential clients on Facebook? #ad

You need to have an ongoing conversation with your followers if you want them to remain interested. The best way to do that is with helpful, periodic emails. Now you can collect email leads right inside your Facebook news feed using the new advanced social marketing technology in Social Engage. This new software, which goes live on Feb 9, allows you... [Read more]

‘How to Increase Content Creation Without Hiring More People’ – Content Marketing Institute

Anthony Gaenzle says, “One of the biggest concerns facing companies when it comes to their content marketing is how to create enough contentto be effective, especially when faced with limitations in personnel equipped to handle such tasks. Growing your content marketing team by taking on another salary can be expensive, not only due to the addition... [Read more]

‘The top demographic trends for every major social network’ – Business Insider

Thiago Guimaraes says, “The demographics of who’s on what social network are shifting – older social networks are reaching maturity, while newer social messaging apps are gaining younger users fast. In a report from BI Intelligence, we unpack data from over a dozen sources to understand how social media demographics are still shifting. Purchase... [Read more]

‘Taboola raises $117 million to take content marketing global’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “With an eye on customization and international expansion, content marketing company Taboola has raised $117 million, its fifth and largest major funding round. Founded in 2007, Taboola is best known for its boxes of recommended articles that appear on a wide variety of websites. The site’s meteoric rise has helped fuel... [Read more]

Create powerful pop ups with Stakk; Price rises Wed #ad

You probably know that people leave your website without taking action ( filling out your survey, consuming and sharing your content, subscribing to your newsletter or buying your product). In fact, most of your visitors fail to take action. Inertia keeps them moving, without stopping to think deeply about what you are offering... [Read more]

‘5 Marketing Failures and How to Fix Them' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “I’m going to take a wild guess about what you’ve been up to lately. Call me psychic, but I’m guessing you’ve been angling for budget over the last few months. I’ll go a step farther and predict that in doing so, you only shared your successes. The programs and campaigns that didn’t work, the spending that didn’t quite pay... [Read more]

‘How To Write High Quality Content That People Want To Link To’ by John Chow

Chow says, “I read this in a magazine I was reading and it was mentioned by when I asked him this question for an expert post I was writing a few months back. This statement is very true and if you want enormous targeted traffic sent to your website, it’s all about writing the best content ever. This means creating content that solves... [Read more]

‘15 Ways to Keep Your On Page SEO All New and Vibrant’ – Tweak Your Biz

Nikhil Jain says, “With the constant changes in the SEO industry and more frequent Google updates, it is extremely important for webmasters to follow the latest changes and adapt their websites according to them. We have all heard it countless times and still I will repeat it – adapt or die. It is not a secret that since all these updates, your... [Read more]

Become an Online Marketing Coach without the work #ad

Bill Hugall and Shane Farrell have created a 30 day email coaching program complete that they are offering to you to sell as your own. They call it 'DFY Email Coaching Profits'... [Read more]

‘Who Actually Clicks on Banner Ads?’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “Website visitors are banner blind. And if they do pay attention to the display ads cluttering their online experience, they can put a stop to irrelevant messaging by installing an ad blocker. Hey, it’s tough for any brand to compete with plug-ins that can replace banner ads with pictures of puppies and kittens. But... [Read more]

‘Mobile search and Google’s focus on user experience’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “The ever-increasing use of smartphones among consumers means that mobile and local search should be a high priority for marketers. But what’s the current state of play and how will mobile search develop in future? To find out more I spoke to Tom Anthony, head of research and development atDistilled. Read on to discover what... [Read more]

‘Beyond Likes, Shares & Retweets: More Advanced Uses Of Social Data’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Rick Miller says, “A much-ballyhooed Gallup study uncovered some ugly “truths” about social media, including a reputed inability to influence purchasing decisions. According to the study, 62 percent of Americans say Facebook, Twitter and their ilk have no influence on whether they purchase a product. Although asking consumers to accurately... [Read more]

HomeClone builds online home furnishings store; price rises at 11 EST #ad

You can build an online store that gets some of the billions of dollars people spend on home furnishings. Every modernized country around the world buys a lot of furniture from online stores... [Read more]

‘How a B2B Company Used Live Chat to Speed up the Sales Cycle’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “Online chat is far more than a way to respond to customers. It’s an opportunity to optimize website content, pinpoint customer needs and even close sales, according to Brooke Beach, former Marketing Manager and current Marketing Director, Kevy. Kevy enables businesses to connect and synchronize data to cloud apps. It’s a... [Read more]

‘Subdomains vs. Subfolders, Rel Canonical vs. 301, and How to Structure Links for SEO’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “There are some basic questions about SEO that come up really frequently, and it’s often easy to assume an answer that isn’t exactly right. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand tackles three of them: Should I put subsections of my site on subdomains or in subfolders? Should I use a rel canonical or a 301 redirect... [Read more]

‘Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are paying Adblock Plus huge fees to get their ads unblocked’ – Business Insider

Lara O’reilly says, “Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Taboola are paying the owner of Adblock Plus of to unblock ads on their websites at a fee of “30% of the additional ad revenues” they would have made were ads unblocked, The Financial Times reports. Adblock Plus is the most popular advertising blocker browser extension and... [Read more]

Ultimate collection of royalty-free, fully legal stock photos #ad

'Ultimate Stock Photos' is a collection of 3700 high-resolution photos you can use in any project for your own sites or for clients. Your photos are categorized into over 100 topics, such as fitness, foods, home and garden, office and others needed by online marketers... [Read more]

‘Balancing Engagement and Marketing: Cut Clutter and Start Crowdsourcing’ – HubSpot

Caitlin McDonnell Struhs says, “The trend for organizations worldwide is to let customers do the talking, and it works! Customer reviews are trusted 12 times more than a marketing piece from an organization. So they’re bidding farewell to the days of static brochure-ware websites. From Coca-Cola to the American Institute of Architects,... [Read more]

‘Amazon and the age of personalised marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Rohini Srihari says, “Anyone who has shopped online, read a news article online, or is engaged in social media has interacted with recommendation systems in some form or another. The one that immediately comes to mind is Amazon, the juggernaut online retailer and the largest internet company in the US. The ‘response to buying suggestions’... [Read more]

‘Google Says ‘Right to be Forgotten’ Should be Limited to the European Union’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Nina Zipkin says, “You can have the right to “be forgotten” online, but only in Europe, OK? Last May, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Google users had the “Right to be Forgotten,” meaning they can petition Google to remove search engine results about them. In response to the ruling, the tech giant put together... [Read more]

‘Why Marketers Need to Learn to Swipe Right' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Much like online dating, the matchmaking of brands and customers has entered into the social space with intent to discover, engage, and find compatibility to build lasting relationships. Finding those with like-minded interests and turning them into true advocates for your business has allowed for the greatest win-wins for customers and... [Read more]

‘FAQ: How Twitter’s New Deal To Bring Tweets To Google Search Works’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Danny Sullivan says, “It’s official. Twitter and Google are once again partnered so that Google has full access to Twitter’s feed of tweets, commonly called the Twitter “firehose.” What’s this mean for how tweets appear in Google? How’s it different from the last deal? Our FAQ tries to anticipate your questions and give answers as... [Read more]

‘Experiential advertising and how it is changing marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Andrew Broadbent says, “It’s impossible to escape the hype around TV ads during the Super Bowl. But big brands are also running some really impressive experiential advertising events to coincide with the big game. Many large brands are allocating and shifting marketing budgets towards more immersive experiences that really make an emotional... [Read more]

‘5 Digital Marketing Lessons from the 2015 Super Bowl’ – Silverpop Blog

Todd McCormick says, “If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know I’m a huge Alabama Crimson Tide fan. College football is my true love, but I always tune in to the Super Bowl. As I’m both a sports fan and a marketing expert, watching the big game is practically required. This year’s game was an exciting one,... [Read more]

‘When to Post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Other Top Social Networks’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “You know by now that posting on social media is one of the best ways to amplify the awesome content you’re creating. But it isn’t enough to simply post content to social whenever you feel like it. Think about it: Is your audience spreading their time spent on social media equally throughout the day? Of course... [Read more]

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