IM NewsWatch, February 7, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Facebook Can Increase Email Sales – Marketing Land’ and much more...

February 7th, 2013 at 3:05 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, February 7, 2013

MarketingExperiments’ Optimization Summit 2013: Call for Speakers

MarketingExperiments is holding the ‘Optimization Summit 2013′ on May 20-23 in Boston. MarketingExperiments is inviting Speakers for this event. MarketingExperiments team says, “Do you have an inspiring tale of success in analytics, A/B split testing or conversion response optimization? Do you have a deep knowledge of online optimization... [Read more]

‘How to Create Physical Information Products with Kunaki, CreateSpace, Kinkos & Lulu [Podcast #011]’ by Robert Plank

Robert Plank’s latest blog post is titled ”How to Create Physical Information Products with Kunaki, CreateSpace, Kinkos & Lulu [Podcast #011]”. Plank says, “Discover how to branch out into the real world and sell your information products as physical, high-ticket items! “How to Create Physical Infoproducts” FREE Report Topics... [Read more]

‘B2B Benchmarks: Top Tactics for Driving Traffic and Leads’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “B2B Benchmarks: Top Tactics for Driving Traffic and Leads”. Lenna Garibian says, “Social media still accounts for less than 5% of total leads to B2B websites, according to Optify’s 2012 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report. Among social media, Twitter is the primary driver of leads, outperforming... [Read more]

NewsTweets: Grow your followers & keep them up to date #ad

It’s critical that you provide quality information for your visitors, regardless of platform. On Twitter, it’s especially important since Twitter trains people to have short attention spans, and it allows them to un-follow in an instant. People who provide good content, carefully targeted to their audience, keep people coming back for more. The... [Read more]

‘Four Ways Facebook Can Increase Email Sales’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Four Ways Facebook Can Increase Email Sales”. Cara Olson says, “A successful retail email campaign involves much more than just an email. Because it creates customer engagement and results in revenue, a successful email campaign aligns closely with social and e-commerce,... [Read more]

‘Couponing – Have You Stepped Into This Bandwagon Yet?’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Couponing – Have You Stepped Into This Bandwagon Yet?”. Mary Ann Tordecilla says, “Coupons are huge these days. Why wouldn’t they be when people can get something cheaper for the same thing offered by other stores sold at a regular price? Personally I love coupons and... [Read more]

‘Twitter vs. Google Plus: Why Social Media Marketing Needs Both’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Twitter vs. Google Plus: Why Social Media Marketing Needs Both”. Sean Johnson says, “The news that Google Plus (Google+) is now the 2nd largest social network, surpassing Twitter and YouTube, seemed to shock a lot of social media marketers this past week. Reaction to the news... [Read more]

High Ticket Harvest: 414 Amazon products for high affiliate commissions #ad

Besides the list of Amazon high commission products, David Sahel includes over 100 high commission offers from other vendors (Commission Junction, ShareaSale, and more) in High Ticket Harvest, for a total of 527 products for you to promote. There is so much opportunity in this large list of products for you to promote, it could almost be your life’s... [Read more]

‘Most Facebook Users Have Quit For At Least A Few Weeks’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Most Facebook Users Have Quit For At Least A Few Weeks”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “It looks like we’re not the only ones unplugging from Facebook. According to new data published on Tuesday by the Pew Research Center, 61% of current Facebook users have taken a break from the infamously addictive... [Read more]

‘Google Upgrades AdWords for Better Mobile Targeting’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Upgrades AdWords for Better Mobile Targeting”. Todd Wasserman says, “Google on Wednesday upgraded its AdWords program to let advertisers customize their placements on mobile by such factors as type of device, time of day and geographic proximity. The upgrade, called Enhanced Campaigns,... [Read more]

‘Google AdWords changes the game with enhanced campaigns’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google AdWords changes the game with enhanced campaigns”. Andy Heaps says, “Within the last hour Google has announced what is being described by many commentators as one of the most fundamental changes to Adwords in years. The focus of the change is to enable advertisers to... [Read more]

Invasion of Destroyer Plugins: Are there free WP plugins for everything? #ad

There are a lot of good plugins for sale. IM NewsWatch uses some of them. But Thomas Kragsig says that you can use free plugins to do almost anything your site needs to do. He puts his findings in Invasion of Destroyer Plugins. This comprehensive report lists free plugins that will do what you need done. Kragsig says you can stop buying plugins and... [Read more]

‘Color Psychology and Ecommerce’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Color Psychology and Ecommerce”. Drew Coffin says, “Color affects our moods and states of mind. It can influence customer buying habits, making color psychology an important part of ecommerce. This article will address color psychology basics and ways you can use color psychology with your... [Read more]

‘Profile Optimization for 2nd-Tier Social Networks’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Profile Optimization for 2nd-Tier Social Networks”. Allison Howen says, “For brands, maintaining a social presence on the Web is hard work. Not only do social media managers need to focus on engaging audience members, but they must also stay current with new features, redesigns and updates... [Read more]

‘What to Expect at Performance Marketing Summit 2013’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “What to Expect at Performance Marketing Summit 2013”. Collins Says, “The Performance Marketing Summit is sneaking up fast on us – it’s just weeks away in New York City on Tuesday, March 12, 2013. So, I wanted to let you know what you’re in for if you’re going to be one of the 200 industry folks... [Read more]

PLR Yeast No More; web resources for your affiliate site #ad

This evergreen niche can bring in good money if you approach it correctly. Kevin Byrne has put together a bundle of PLR resources marketers can use to build a profitable business in this niche (it’s actually a cluster of sub-niches, and your income will improve if you market in the sub-niches.) Byrne’s Yeast No More addresses all the affiliate... [Read more]

‘New Internet Marketing Secret 2′ – MySmallBiz University Podcast

The MySmallBiz University team has published a podcast on “New Internet Marketing Secret 2″. James Maduk says, “If for some reason you don’t need any more money, or perhaps you have too much business already, follow the instructions at the bottom to remove yourself from future secrets. Listen closely because I’m about to tell... [Read more]

‘Off And Running . . . In The B2B CMO Race’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Off And Running . . . In The B2B CMO Race”. Laura Ramos says, “Hello, I’m Laura Ramos and I write for Chief Marketing Officers. That’s the standard line around here. It’ll take a little gettting used to saying it. Heck, I still find myself saying “Xerox”... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Strikes Deal To Run Contextual AdSense Ads From Google’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Yahoo Strikes Deal To Run Contextual AdSense Ads From Google”. Pamela Parker says, “Yahoo has announced that it will be working with Google. No, not on search-triggered advertising, Bing is still Yahoo’s exclusive partner there, but Google will non-exclusively provide... [Read more]

PLR Video Smackdown V1: Videos your offline clients will love #ad

Peter Beattie has created PLR Video Smackdown, professional videos for businesses in four niches: • Cosmetic Dentistry • Restorative Dentistry • Auto Glass Repair • Auto Detailing When you see the demos of these videos, you will understand why he usually sells the for $95 and more when he has a client. Since he is making them available to all... [Read more]

‘Everything You Need To Know About Website Flipping’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “Thomas Smale, Professional Website Broker, Explains How To Value Your Website, How To Find A Buyer And Everything You Need To Know About Website Flipping”. Yaro Starak says, “Before starting out in brokering, Thomas bought and sold websites himself, which is how he first created an online... [Read more]

‘What the super bowl commercials should teach you about making money online’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “What the super bowl commercials should teach you about making money online”. Schoemaker says, “As the old saying goes you can run down the hill and catch one cow or you can walk down the hill slowly and catch them all. Just like catching cows, strategy is the most important ingredient to successfully... [Read more]

‘The 2 Ways Most People Are Misusing Vine' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The 2 Ways Most People Are Misusing Vine?. Baer says, “In this edition of The Baer Facts, I talk with Kyle Lacy of ExactTarget about Vine, Twitter’s new super-short video/animated gif app. Here’s the thing. Vine is strangely addicting to watch, and the ease with which you... [Read more]

Forced Success for both beginners and vets #ad

Jacob Isaacs has created this training he calls Forced Success. In it, he shares 4 secrets to $5000. These four money-making methods are available now for the rock-bottom price of $1.99. At that price, you would have a hard time not profiting from what you read. They aren’t brand new; they are “tried and true.” And Jacob has enhanced... [Read more]

‘10 Tools for Creating Infographics and Visualizations’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “10 Tools for Creating Infographics and Visualizations”. Miranda.Rensch says, “Communicating visually is one of the most effective ways to explain complex concepts and relationships, both internally with your teammates and externally with your clients. Our very own Product Manager, Miranda Rensch, offers... [Read more]

‘Get Over Yourself and Get On Google+’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Get Over Yourself and Get On Google+”. Brian Clark says, “Does any of this sound familiar? That’s just dumb. No one’s over there. Who needs another social network? Yep, many people, including me, were saying that about Twitter in 2008. Seems we were wrong. Now, some people are saying the... [Read more]

‘Mobile Devices Will Outnumber People by the End of the Year’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Mobile Devices Will Outnumber People by the End of the Year”. Samantha Murphy says, “By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people, a new report suggests. According to Cisco’s Visual Networking Index Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, consumers’... [Read more]

How to sell high-end products like hotcakes #ad

In How to sell high-end products, Gerald Gigerl is offering what he calls “Edge mentoring for List builders.” He shares his experience and his methods for selling high-value products. Gigerl describes the product’s goal this way, “it covers the essence of successful list building and product creation, and how really anyone can... [Read more]

‘Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Because We ? You’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Valentine’s Day Giveaway: Because We ? You”. Amanda Gagnon says, “The AWeber team gets pretty excited here and there throughout the day. Chats fly, smiles appear and sometimes you can hear laughing. And it’s because of you. When we see a small business doing something AWesome (especially if it’s... [Read more]

‘Valentines Day Edition: Targeting Facebook Ads’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Valentines Day Edition: Targeting Facebook Ads”. Bree Nakatani says, “Targeting Facebook Ads to a specific demographics is ideal if your promotion or campaign is directed at a specific audience. It is likely that you’ll want to target most of your ads in one way or another. There... [Read more]

‘Super Bowl ads 2013: Touchdowns & let downs’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Super Bowl ads 2013: Touchdowns & let downs”. Andre Reynolds says, “It’s that time of year again. A time where teams come together, exhibiting strategy, tactics, and know-how to attempt to rank above others. A time where lots of careful planning and execution boils down... [Read more]

Sales Funnel Supreme: How to build a world-class sales funnel #ad

Your sales funnel is is the heart of your sales business. You normally start with small sales and offer repeated opportunities for a buyer to upgrade to a more comprehensive solution, either with upgraded versions of the product or with complementary products. But there’s an art to creating successful sales funnels. But it’s an art that... [Read more]

‘Email Optimization: 4 optimization suggestions to test in your next send’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Email Optimization: 4 optimization suggestions to test in your next send”. John Tackett says, “Optimizing email campaigns is a top challenge in marketing – just ask Julie Platt, E-Marketing Marketing Manager, Susquehanna Bancshares, who explained the task is making her team cringe as... [Read more]

‘Incoming! Microsoft Launching Another Pathetic Smear Campaign Against Google’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Incoming! Microsoft Launching Another Pathetic Smear Campaign Against Google”. Dan Lyons says, “Get ready for another blast of anti-Google propaganda from Microsoft and its PR maestro Mark Penn. Sources tell me that the Borg is about to launch another broadside against the search giant, this one aimed... [Read more]

‘Getting Zen About Sales Enablement’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Getting Zen About Sales Enablement”. Scott Santucci says, “When you put the word “sales” and “enablement” together – it sure can mean a lot of different things – to a lot of different people. As the Research Director on Forrester’s Sales Enablement team – it’s a problem... [Read more]

Offline Business Themes: quickly build sites for offline businesses #ad

Sean Lowery just released his 8th volume of Offline Business Themes This new set includes sites for: • Security firms • Photo studios • Auto dealers • Insurance Agencies • Web design company • And a generic corporate theme And by changing out a graphic or two, you could use these themes for other niche businesses, too. Happily,... [Read more]

‘Want More Sales From Your Email? Think List Management’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Want More Sales From Your Email? Think List Management”. Skadeedle says, “If you’ve got a biz and you’re using email marketing to get more sales then good for you! Many folks go right to offering discounts or sales. Fab idea for sure, but before you send out your next offer,... [Read more]

‘9 Things We’d Change About Vine’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “9 Things We’d Change About Vine”. Christine Erickson says, “Vine is the hot new iPhone app leaving users in a hate-love relationship. This app has so much potential. It opens doors for creative individuals and allows users to tell stories that photos can’t — all while accommodating... [Read more]

‘Tracking across devices with new Google Analytics’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Tracking across devices with new Google Analytics”. Ben Gott says, “At the end of 2012, Google introduced some genuinely cool changes to its Analytics products. These were the kind of changes that get whoops from the audience when announced at the Google event in California... [Read more]

Offline Reputation Magma: consultant tool for local clients #ad

Businesses can live or die by their reputation. If word of mouth (or its online equivalent) turns against a business, quick action is needed to keep the business from declining. The Web Development Group has just released Offline Reputation Magma Marketing consultants need a tool to alert a business to its reputation problems and risks. That’s... [Read more]

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