IM NewsWatch, February 5, 2016 - 'Google’s paid clicks jump 31% in the fourth quarter’ – Internet Retailer' and much more...

February 5th, 2016 at 8:43 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, February 5, 2016

‘How to Crowdsource Your Content Creation Ideas’ – MarketingProfs

Kelsey Meyer says, “Last week, I was sitting in front of my computer, drinking a glass of rosé, and letting season one of “Arrested Development” play in the background for the hundredth time. That’s the usual setup for my most inspired content creation sessions. Only, this time, I had nothing to write. It wasn’t my typical... [Read more]

‘A/B Testing: Cut through your KPIs by knowing your ultimate goal’ – MarketingExperiments

Kayla Wainwright says, “Marketers often struggle to know what metrics to use when trying to decide on the positioning of their marketing collateral. This can lead to many problems. At MECLABS Institute, the parent company of MarketingExperiments, we have run experiments and tests for over 20 years to help answer this question. Customers take... [Read more]

‘Google’s paid clicks jump 31% in the fourth quarter’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “On Google websites paid clicks rose 40%. Google Inc. grew its paid clicks on ads 31% across all sites and 40% across Google sites and those in its advertising network in the fourth quarter of 2015, the search giant reported today. The earnings release is the first financial statement since the company split into two segments:... [Read more]

PrezHero: Create Cloud-Based ‘Presentations’ and Videos #ad

Your product sales page is the heart of your selling process. Of course, it’s important to get traffic, targeted traffic and, of course, it’s important to deliver your product and service your clients’ needs, but unless your sales presentation holds your visitor’s attention and convinces them of how your product will meet their... [Read more]

‘4 Search Advertising Trends To Watch’ – Marketing Land

John Cosley says, “At this time of year, it’s worthwhile to consider what’s likely to occur in search advertising in 2016, so you can adjust your strategy if you’re behind the curve. I took some time to look at the trends we’re seeing at Bing Ads, where I work. Based on unprecedented access to search data, observing advertiser adoption... [Read more]

‘4 Sales Mantras to Memorize and Why They Work’ – Entrepreneur

Joe Robinson says, “1. Create certainty “There’s a big difference between getting someone to like your product and getting someone to buy,” says Derek Rucker, a social psychologist at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. They need to feel certain it’s right for them, so engage their doubts. “Challenge consumers to critique... [Read more]

‘What Tracking 13 Billion Email Opens Can Teach Us About the Current State of Email Engagement’ – HubSpot

John Bonini says, “Last year, we saw significant changes in marketing technology. Mobile and social search shifted marketer’s SEO efforts, and messaging apps started to introduce new ways for brands to connect with their audience. But one channel continued to hold the reputation of ‘ol reliable among marketing teams: email. Serving as one... [Read more]

If your video is so-so, get Explaindio FX #ad

Lackluster videos don't usually impress potential buyers. If your videos have the blahs, get 'Explaindio FX' and make your prospects take notice. This new software is from the creators of Explaindio (no longer available for purchase) and 'Explaindio 2.0', and it can add zing to any video... [Read more]

‘What is Peach & should marketers even care?’ – Econsultancy

Jack Simpson says, “Rejoice! Yet another social network! They’re so common these days that if we reviewed all of them we’d do pretty much nothing else and our readers would drift away and the bosses would start getting fidgety and… well it just wouldn’t be pretty. So what makes Peach so special? Firstly, it isn’t the physical manifestation... [Read more]

‘The Machine Learning Revolution: How it Works and its Impact on SEO’ – MOZ

Eric Enge says, “Machine learning is already a very big deal. It’s here, and it’s in use in far more businesses than you might suspect. A few months back, I decided to take a deep dive into this topic to learn more about it. In today’s post, I’ll dive into a certain amount of technical detail about how it works, but I... [Read more]

‘How to Use Smart Content to Take Advertisements to the Next Level’ – HubSpot

Rob Litterst says, “Every publisher wants to stand out from the crowd, but the days of one-size-fits-all content creation are over. The reason why? Content marketing is a double-edged sword. As companies realize that it works, they want to invest in it more—which means that there’s more information being published on the Internet than ever... [Read more]

How to clone/backup/restore your WordPress site #ad

If you don't have a technical bone in your body, but you want to move your WordPress site to another host, 'WP Master Clone' is for you. Even better, if you have a successful WordPress site (say, and you want to create a new site (say,, and maybe another (, and you want to take what's already working and reuse it, xxx is especially for you... [Read more]

‘What’s Next, As Google’s Head Of Search Leaves & Its Machine Learning Chief Takes Over?’ – Marketing Land

Danny Sullivan says, “After 15 years, the head of Google Search — Amit Singhal — has announced he’s leaving Google. In his place, John Giannandrea, who has headed Google’s artificial intelligence and machine learning efforts, is taking over. Good, bad or no change for Google? The end of humans shaping search results? Singhal: Keeper Of... [Read more]

‘Seven conversion rate optimization trends to take advantage of in 2016’ – Econsultancy

Rich Page says, “I’ve been in the CRO industry for many years now, and each year I ask the same questions. Is 2016 finally going to be the year of conversion rate optimisation? What will be the latest new trends shaping the success of CRO? What new tools or services will appear? Will CRO start to approach the popularity of web analytics or... [Read more]

‘Stay Ahead of the Competition With These 6 Content-Marketing Trends’ – Entrepreneur

Matthew Torren says, “According to a recent business-to-business (B2B) report by the Content Marketing Institute, 80 percent of marketers use content marketing as part of their business plans. Increase your traffic and return on investment by leveraging these six content marketing trends for 2016. 1. Automation Perhaps the biggest trend in content... [Read more]

Kindle books need great covers for great sales #ad

This is our last opportunity to tell you about Lucas Adamski's new collection of covers that you can customize with your book title, author name and, if you like, with a new graphic. (No Photoshop needed; Powerpoint or Open Office is enough.)... [Read more]

‘Nine Things Every Successful Content Strategist Understands’ – MarketingProfs

Mikah Pratt says, “If you aspire to be a successful content strategist or marketer, here are nine things you should plan to learn. And the sooner you do, the better! 1. User experience is as big a part of your job as anything else Yes, there are professionals who are paid solely to think about the user experience, and how it can be made as seamless... [Read more]

‘How brands extend the social reach of their Super Bowl ads’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “Advertisers are using social media and other ad formats to get more out of their expensive messages. Laying out roughly $5 million for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl is a significant expense for financial services firm SoFi. Not surprisingly, it wants that outlay to produce results, which is why the ad is one piece of... [Read more]

‘Why do Chinese websites look so busy?’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “Anyone who has worked with a Chinese company or had to run a campaign in China knows that their design sense is different. One thing that jumps out the most though, is that their websites look very ‘busy’. Why is that? You don’t have to look far. If you work for a multinational brand in China or make a product... [Read more]

ReClick software re-engages visitors for better sales results #ad

'ReClick' effects is breakthrough technology (hosted for you as SaaS) that helps you catch a visitor's attention with animated effects. They may be tempted to leave your site without taking action, but 'ReClick' arrests their attention and gets them to take a second look... [Read more]

‘Visualizing Your Marketing And Sales Process’ – Marketing Land

Brian Massey says, “When you think of the machine that is your online business, what do you picture? Do you see something organic? Something mechanical? I think it’s helpful to pick a vision. The marketing and sales functions are too complex. The tools and channels are changing faster today than at any time in history. Thanks, internet. Visualizing... [Read more]

‘Sales Prospecting in 2016: 9 Tips for Effective Warm Calling’ – HubSpot

Dan Tyre says, “In 2016, salespeople need to change the way they approach prospecting. First, work your inbound leads. Let your marketing team work the top of the funnel. You don’t have to call all the leads who are just looking for information or education — those leads need to be nurtured, and Marketing is the right team to do it. But... [Read more]

‘7 worthwhile ways to automate social media’ – ‘Mashable’

John Rampton says, “Social media is an essential part of 21st century life. And, that’s especially true for business owners who are looking to connect with customers, influencers and even potential investors. While having a social media marketing strategy is a necessity, it can become extremely time consuming. Between updating your profile,... [Read more]

‘Four Ways People Think and How to Convince Them to Buy’ – MarketingProfs

Mikita Mikado says, “You may have already heard this golden rule in sales: People don’t buy from people they don’t trust. But for salespeople, it’s easy to turn on autopilot and walk the buyer through the usual questions to hopefully close the deal. Too often, though, that approach doesn’t work. Instead, you need to find... [Read more]

‘Your Business Is Social, But Is It Secure?’ – Marketing Land

Marketing Land team says, “Social media is a tremendous resource to help grow and engage your customers, but to do so in a controlled manner, you’ll need to mitigate risk and regulatory challenges. Forrester Research, Inc. evaluated 10 companies across 22 criteria, including the ability to provide security and account protection, risk monitoring... [Read more]


‘How to Use Audience Targeting for Facebook Advertising’ –

Mari Smith says, “Bigger is always better, right? When it comes to Facebook advertising and your audience—think again! Advertising in general is both an art and a science, and the same is absolutely true when advertising on Facebook. This week’s Mari Minute poses the question: what is the ideal audience size for your Facebook ads? Given... [Read more]

‘Video Marketing: How to Stretch Your Dollars’ – Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur team says, “There was a time when video was an afterthought for many of us. Then things changed. Currently Google, which owns YouTube, brings in 1.1 billion unique monthly visitors; YouTube brings in approximately 1 billion. However, despite these staggering numbers, only a small amount of US based small businesses use YouTube; only... [Read more]

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