IM NewsWatch, February 5, 2015 - 'Four ways to improve the Quality Score of your landing pages – Econsultancy' and much more...

February 5th, 2015 at 9:05 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, February 5, 2015

‘The Easiest Way To Make Your Content Dominate On Social Media’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Chances are you spend a significant amount of time producing your content. You dwell on the points you want to get across, you outline your content in a way that’s easily digestible, and you hit “publish.” Then… radio silence. One of the most important aspects of successful social media marketing is the promotion of... [Read more]

‘FCC Chairman Unveils Tough New Net Neutrality Rules’ – Re/code

Amy Schatz says, “Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler officially proposed tough new rules for Internet lines Wednesday, regulations he said would prohibit wired and wireless broadband providers from “paid prioritization and the blocking and throttling of lawful content and services.” The long-awaited proposal represents... [Read more]

‘The Basics of Full-Funnel Marketing’ – ‘’ Blog

Deborah Sweeney says, “Marketing can make or break your business. If done correctly, it can be the sole reason for giving your business new customers. If done incorrectly, you can feel like you’re aimlessly pumping money into something that’s not giving your business any positive results. Full-funnel marketing is a newer online marketing technique... [Read more]

Create powerful pop ups with push button simplicity #ad

You probably know that people leave your website without taking action ( filling out your survey, consuming and sharing your content, subscribing to your newsletter or buying your product). In fact, most of your visitors fail to take action. Inertia keeps them moving, without stopping to think deeply about what you are offering. Three experienced marketers... [Read more]

‘7 Ways to Double the Value of Your Online Business in 12 Months’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “The goal of every business is to continuously grow and increase in value. Happily, online businesses are often easier to scale and grow. If you have an online business any one of these tips could help you double the value of your business within a year: 1. Post content more frequently. Posting content frequently gives your... [Read more]

‘Report: Twitter & Google Have Deal To Index Tweets Again’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter and Google have reached a deal to make tweets easier to find online, according to a report by Bloomberg Business tonight. The deal will give Google access to Twitter’s firehose, the data stream of the 140-character service, and therefore make tweets available for indexing by the search engine immediately after they... [Read more]

‘China’s Strong eCommerce Momentum Will Continue Over The Next Five Years’ – Forrester

Vanessa Zeng says, “China’s eCommerce industry has grown remarkably. Total online retail sales in the country (including B2C and C2C transactions) hit $307 billion in 2013, making China the world’s largest eCommerce market. Forrester estimates that it grew to $440 billion in 2014. Last year, the Chinese eCommerce giants Alibaba and [Read more]

Become an Online Marketing Coach without the work #ad

Bill Hugall and Shane Farrell have created a 30 day email coaching program complete that they are offering to you to sell as your own. They call it 'DFY Email Coaching Profits'... [Read more]

‘5 Little Lead Generation Experiments You Can Run Right Now’ – HubSpot

Lisa Toner says, “”We need more leads.” Pretty much every B2B marketer has heard this phrase from their sales team at some point in their career. And after hearing it, most marketers are left in a sticky situation: They suddenly have to do more with the same budget and the same number of hours in a week. The good news is that there... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing & Public Relations: A Match Made In The Inbox’ – Aweber Blog

Andrea Carter says, “In his book How to Get PR for Your Startup: Traction, author and expert Murray Newlands offers these words of advice for today’s business owner: “The business that can influence the media will win the trust of the people – simply because consumers typically decide to purchase from brands they trust and are familiar with.” As... [Read more]

‘Drive Podcast Subscriptions with Burbrry’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Podcast directory Blubrry is introducing a new set of tools to help its publishers drive subscriptions. The new tools, offered through its PowerPress podcasting plugin, enable content creators (podcasters) using WordPress to provide a more unified podcast subscription experience. The new tools provide a how-to-subscribe... [Read more]

HomeClone builds your online home furnishings store #ad

You can build an online store that gets some of the billions of dollars people spend on home furnishings. Every modernized country around the world buys a lot of furniture from online stores... [Read more]

‘The FCC Is Finally Set To Save Net Neutrality By Regulating The Internet Like A Utility’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Net neutrality—the principle that no Internet provider can pick and choose which traffic to carry—took a beating just over a year ago when Verizon successfully sued to overturn the FCC’s “Open Internet” rules. Now the FCC is ready to strike back with a vengeance. In a Wired op-ed, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler... [Read more]

‘How to Schedule Social Media Content for Next Week, Next Month and Next Year’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kevan Lee says, “When I can find the time to do so, I love to plan ahead. I’ll write out . I’ll add ideas to our content calendar. And I’ll schedule the next day’s social media updates—or even the next week’s, if I’m feeling ambitious. Maybe some day I’ll get to the point of scheduling a month or even a year ahead! Scheduling... [Read more]

‘Four ways to improve the Quality Score of your landing pages’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Landing pages have been evaluated by Google as part of Quality Score since 2005, which has an affect on CPCs and ad positions. In this excerpt from our PPC Best Practice Guide, here are four ways to improve landing page Quality Score… What is quality score? According to the big G: Quality Score is an estimate of... [Read more]

Ultimate collection of royalty-free, fully legal stock photos #ad

'Ultimate Stock Photos' is a collection of 3700 high-resolution photos you can use in any project for your own sites or for clients... [Read more]

‘Blogger Intervention: 3 reasons why no one is engaging with your content’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Jessica Lorenz says, “So, you have low blog engagement or a handful of loyal followers that you were expecting to blossom into a world-wide audience — but it’s just not happening. I’m not an expert content writer or blog wiz. However, working at MarketingSherpa has given me insights that I would not have otherwise about what can make certain... [Read more]

‘4 Social Media Updates to Make Right Now’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “In the race to win brands’ advertising dollars, social media networks are pushing out updates faster than consumers can hit like, retweet or pin. In the last few weeks alone, Pinterest improved its guided search, Twitter offered group messaging and Facebook cleaned up its newsfeed (again). Website Magazine details these... [Read more]

‘Split-Testing 101: How to Know Which Words Work’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “That Twain guy was pretty smart. But he had to rely on the intuition that comes from years of writing to choose the right word, and even then it was still a guess. Poor guy. Nowadays, we’ve got technology that allows us to easily know what the right word, phrase, or headline is, at least when it comes to getting people to... [Read more]

Doodle Ads, high quality ads with any marketing video software #ad

Whiteboard videos, if professional looking , can be effective tools in marketing products and services. Dr David Kyte (a psychologist) and Piers Baker (a cartoonist), both of them effective marketers... [Read more]

‘You Don’t Need to Be a Brand Publisher to Win at Content Marketing’ – MOZ Blog

Ronell Smith says, “”Man, I’m sorry. You guys weren’t ready to adopt the brands as publisher mindset. I suspected you’d never be ready to do it successfully. I knew it; I could sense you knew it. I wish I’d spoken up when I saw the intra-departmental debates waging. That’s on me. My bad.” Those were... [Read more]

‘Five Key Trends In Global eCommerce’ – Forrester

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “Yesterday I had a chance to join the fantastic Global eCommerce Leaders Forumhere in New York. Leaders from Puma, Borderfree and Alibaba delivered keynotes at the event, and in the afternoon, I did a quick presentation on five key themes in global eCommerce to tee up a panel on global expansion: The Asia pivot. Arguably... [Read more]

‘Should You Hire Marketing Specialists or Generalists?’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “For many years now a debate has been raging on about whether it’s better to hire a marketing generalist or a specialist. Each one has its camp of rabid supporters and detractors touting various benefits to hiring managers of one and warning of the problems should they dare go in the other direction. From our point of view,... [Read more]

‘26 clever ways to get more phone leads with PPC/CRO: part one’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jonathan Dane says, “Which type of business lead do you close the best? Is it a phone lead or a form lead? Maybe an online chat or a list of leads you’ve bought? Research has shown that phone leads have the highest chance of closing and I’m here to help you get more of them. Are you one of the many, hard-working, lead generating marketers... [Read more]

‘This chart shows why the new net neutrality proposal might just work’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Tom Wheeler, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, announced Wednesday that the agency will vote on rules to reclassify how broadband Internet is regulated. Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon had warned that such a shift could do serious damage to their businesses. Maybe not so much. Following... [Read more]

‘What’s a Good Email Open Rate & Click Rate?’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “It’s only natural for people to want to compare themselves to others. Benchmarks give you a reference for how well you’re doing — and some indication of how to improve. In marketing, some benchmarks are easier to find than others. If you want to see how many social media followers another company has, you... [Read more]

‘12 classic content marketing problems (and how to avoid them)’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

James Carson says, “Chances are some sort of content marketing will be happening in your business. After all, it’s a fairly nebulous term that covers digital marketing disciplines where there’s no media spend. But while you might be doing content marketing, are you sure it’s working? Surveys suggest that many marketers are uncertain of the... [Read more]

‘4 Tips for Passing Google’s New Mobile-Friendly Test’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Henry Kim says, “With 2 billion smartphone or tablet users expected to engage in some form of mobile commerce transactions by 2017, brands can’t afford to not be mobile. So why are consumers shopping on-the-go still being directed to sites with tiny text, excessive scrolling or worse – requiring Flash? Google, the undisputed leader in search,... [Read more]

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