IM NewsWatch, February 4, 2016 - '7 worthwhile ways to automate social media – Mashable' and much more...

February 4th, 2016 at 9:11 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, February 4, 2016

‘7 worthwhile ways to automate social media’ – ‘Mashable’

John Rampton says, “Social media is an essential part of 21st century life. And, that’s especially true for business owners who are looking to connect with customers, influencers and even potential investors. While having a social media marketing strategy is a necessity, it can become extremely time consuming. Between updating your profile,... [Read more]

‘Four Ways People Think and How to Convince Them to Buy’ – MarketingProfs

Mikita Mikado says, “You may have already heard this golden rule in sales: People don’t buy from people they don’t trust. But for salespeople, it’s easy to turn on autopilot and walk the buyer through the usual questions to hopefully close the deal. Too often, though, that approach doesn’t work. Instead, you need to find... [Read more]

‘Your Business Is Social, But Is It Secure?’ – Marketing Land

Marketing Land team says, “Social media is a tremendous resource to help grow and engage your customers, but to do so in a controlled manner, you’ll need to mitigate risk and regulatory challenges. Forrester Research, Inc. evaluated 10 companies across 22 criteria, including the ability to provide security and account protection, risk monitoring... [Read more]

If your video is so-so, get Explaindio FX #ad

Lackluster videos don’t usually impress potential buyers. If your videos have the blahs, get Explaindio FX and make your prospects take notice. This new software is from the creators of Explaindio (no longer available for purchase) and Explaindio 2.0, and it can add zing to any video. You can apply the professional effects from this software... [Read more]

‘How to Use Audience Targeting for Facebook Advertising’ –

Mari Smith says, “Bigger is always better, right? When it comes to Facebook advertising and your audience—think again! Advertising in general is both an art and a science, and the same is absolutely true when advertising on Facebook. This week’s Mari Minute poses the question: what is the ideal audience size for your Facebook ads? Given... [Read more]

‘Video Marketing: How to Stretch Your Dollars’ – Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur team says, “There was a time when video was an afterthought for many of us. Then things changed. Currently Google, which owns YouTube, brings in 1.1 billion unique monthly visitors; YouTube brings in approximately 1 billion. However, despite these staggering numbers, only a small amount of US based small businesses use YouTube; only... [Read more]

‘How do I convert subscribers into paying customers?’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Tate says, “Back again with another fresh episode of the Ask Me About Email Marketing podcast, the show where we’re talking about all things email marketing and no questions are off limits. For today’s episode, we’re stepping into the world of Jay Moore, one of our email marketing experts who has been working at AWeber for 8 years! Jay... [Read more]

WP Master Clone: WP site cloning (so easy) #ad

If you don't have a technical bone in your body, but you want to move your WordPress site to another host, 'WP Master Clone' is for you. Even better, if you have a successful WordPress site (say, and you want to create a new site... [Read more]

‘Is LinkedIn still useful for marketing in Asia-Pacific?’ – Econsultancy

Jeff Rajeck says, “LinkedIn is facing criticism as network full of useless updates, spam, and link requests from strangers. Is it still a good place to reach customers in Asia-Pacific? First, the criticism In Q3 2015, LinkedIn reported that it has 396m members globally, up from 81m five years earlier. Impressive growth indeed, but success has... [Read more]

‘Why a Comprehensive Content Strategy Includes Podcasting’ – Copyblogger

Jon Nastor says, “What if there was a way to cut through the noise, get noticed, and make a real connection with your audience? For many businesses, on-demand audio content is the way to do just that. Podcasting is gaining in popularity, as you may have noticed, but the medium is not oversaturated. There’s still plenty of room in the market... [Read more]

‘Facebook Surpasses YouTube, Barely, In Super Bowl Commercial Video Views’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Let the YouTube vs. Facebook video view debate continue. According to the TV ad analytics company, more Super Bowl ads and teaser videos are being watched on Facebook than YouTube so far this year. In data sent to Marketing Land counting video views through Tuesday (February 2nd), the company says there have been 75... [Read more]

Kindle books need great covers for great sales #ad

This is our last opportunity to tell you about Lucas Adamski's new collection of covers that you can customize with your book title, author name and, if you like, with a new graphic. (No Photoshop needed; Powerpoint or Open Office is enough.)... [Read more]

‘Instagram Rolls Out 60-Second Video Option for Advertisers’ – Entrepreneur

Carly Okyle says, “While most social-media platforms emphasize their commitment to brevity — Vine’s six-second videos, Twitter’s 140-character per tweet limit and Snapchat’s vanishing messages — one company is hoping to extend attention spans. Instagram is rolling out a new feature for advertisers today: an option for minute-long... [Read more]

‘Why 80% of our B2B content marketing failed’ – Econsultancy

Chris Sheen says, “Like many companies, in the last 12 months the main focus of our marketing strategy was to produce content. And lots of it. However, on further inspection it turns out we might have been focusing on the wrong metrics. So whether you’re a B2C marketer or B2B marketer like myself, you’re probably under a fair amount of pressure... [Read more]

‘5 Awesome Content Repurposing Sites to Reach New Audiences’ –

Christopher Jan Benitez says, “Using “evergreen” topic ideas is an old strategy for continually generating and accumulating traffic with quality content. Unfortunately, a lot of marketers overlook the potential of certain content to be quickly repurposed and repackaged for a different platform of distribution. You could be missing out on... [Read more]

ReClick software re-engages visitors for better sales results #ad

ReClick effects is breakthrough technology (hosted for you as SaaS) that helps you catch a visitor's attention with animated effects. They may be tempted to leave your site without taking action, but ReClick  arrests their attention and gets them to take a second look... [Read more]

‘How to Increase Conversion Rate With Up-Selling, Cross-Selling, and Down-Selling Methods’ – MarketingProfs

Shane Barker says, “In e-commerce, it’s hard to increase your conversion rate, even with lots of online traffic. But being able to effectively increase it is among the major factors determining the future success or failure of your business. Increasing your conversion rate will enhance your return on investment (ROI). You’ll need to... [Read more]

‘Why Measuring Social Impact Matters to Investors’ – Entrepreneur

Josh Cohen says, “The impact investing sector has grown substantially since the term was first coined in 2007. The practice refers to investing in companies — directly or indirectly through funds — with the intent to generate a measurable, social impact alongside a financial return. Measurability is a key component, because it can... [Read more]

‘Google’s Play Store Rejects Ad Blocker App For Samsung Browser’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “The Google Play app store has removed a newly popular ad blocking app for the Samsung mobile browser. Adblock Fast, a mobile app in Google Play, works with the new Content Blocker Extension API that Samsung recently introduced in its mobile browser, which is installed as the default browser on its Android phones. The API... [Read more]

PageFlame: Instant Viral Traffic from Facebook #ad

Lee Pennington and Danny Ade just released PageFlame, software that can transform your Facebook marketing. To successfully sell on Facebook, you need to get your message in front of the right people. This requires getting it into the news feed where they will actually see it... [Read more]

‘Six advantages of real-time bidding for publishers’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “There’s no doubt there are still issues with programmatic advertising; fraud, poor creative, and a lack of transparency from media agencies cause much debate. Despite this, real-time bidding (the automated auction of ad impressions) has many obvious advantages for publishers. So, I thought I’d help programmatic newbies... [Read more]

How smart people do stupid thing on social media

It could be on a business account, but more likely it’s on your personal social media account that you say something dumb. You may make a racist remark; criticize a friend in intemperate language, or take a political position that infuriates a big portion of your readers. The best defense if not doing it, of course. But if you don’t realize... [Read more]

’14 Factors Contribute to Viral Success, Study Finds’ – Small Business Trends

Annie Pilon says, “Getting your content to go viral can provide a huge boost to your business. Unfortunately, there’s no surefire way for you to ensure viral success. However, recent findings from BuzzSumo suggest that there are several factors that can contribute to whether or not a post has a good chance of reaching that coveted viral status.... [Read more]

‘E-commerce in Asia grows 32%’ – Internet Retailer

Bill Briggs says, “E-commerce grew to $835 billion in Asia in 2015, the kind of expansion that beckons web retailers around the world. But moving into cross-border e-commerce means mastering the different market conditions from country to country, according to Internet Retailer’s new 2016 Asia 500. The lure of Asia, and particularly China, for... [Read more]

‘Why and When to Review Your Marketing Plan’ – Entrepreneur

Robert W. Bly says, “In The Marketing Plan Handbook, author Robert W. Bly explains how you can develop big-picture marketing plans for pennies on the dollar with his 12-step marketing plan. In this edited excerpt, Bly explains why you must review your marketing plan on a regular basis and what you should be looking for. Despite the wisdom and... [Read more]


‘Yahoo Revenues Off 15 Percent, CEO Mayer Announces Restructuring Plan’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “Yahoo announced Q4 and full-year revenues. While earnings per share were in-line with expectations, revenues (ex-TAC) were down 15 percent. As expected the company confirmed that it would lay off 15 percent of its workforce and also announced a restructuring. During her earnings call remarks CEO Marissa Mayer expressed confidence... [Read more]

‘6 Stats that Prove the Importance of Product Videos for Ecommerce’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Producing quality videos for your ecommerce site is hard, we know. Equipment is expensive, and specialists who know how to use that equipment cost even more. For that very reason, many ecommerce businesses will settle for photos and graphics just to get the job done. These six statistics show that video might just be an... [Read more]

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