IM NewsWatch, February 4, 2014 - ‘Use Welcome Emails to Delight Your New Blog Subscribers – HubSpot' and much more...

February 4th, 2014 at 2:50 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, February 4, 2013

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‘Profitable Content Creation – Look Over My Shoulder for Step-by-Step Content Creation’ Jeff Herring’s Webinar 3.00 pm EST

Jeff Herring is hosting a webinar with Daniel Levis on Tuesday, February 4 at 3.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Profitable Content Creation – Look Over My Shoulder for Step-by-Step Content Creation”. Herring says, “During this free “results now” webinar, you will discover: The Content Creation Mindset 3... [Read more]

‘Rise Of The Real-Time Inbox: The Opportunity For Email Marketers In 2014′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Rise Of The Real-Time Inbox: The Opportunity For Email Marketers In 2014″. Alyssa Nahatis says, “Before the advent of the internet, marketers relied on snail mail to reach audiences in mass quantities, not knowing for certain whether the people they targeted would even... [Read more]

Kindle Bolt: Sell your fiction like lightning. #ad

Ryan Leonard and Lila Jade are creative Kindle authors. Between them they have a lot of Kindle success. Their success comes not just from the quality of their books, but the cleverness of their book promotion. In Kindle Bolt, they share their promotional strategies that they say will advertise your book to “millions” (that’s their... [Read more]

‘5 Content Marketing Strategies for Merchants’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “5 Content Marketing Strategies for Merchants”. Allison Howen says, “The modern consumer is constantly connected to the ’Net thanks to the adaptation of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. As a result of these mobile devices, content consumption is at an all-time high –... [Read more]

‘Beginner’s Guide to Email Re-engagement Campaigns’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Beginner’s Guide to Email Re-engagement Campaigns”. Pamella Neely says, ““Practice good list hygiene.” That’s common email marketing advice many of us hear regularly. It means to do things like: Remove hard bounces after one try; Remove soft bounces after several tries; Remove... [Read more]

’30 Reasons to Market Your Business on Pinterest in 2014′ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “30 Reasons to Market Your Business on Pinterest in 2014″. Salman Aslam says, “Pinterest has really taken off in last few years but in 2013 it really pulled off and joined the league of the Top Social Media channels i.e Facebook and Google which is spectacular for a website... [Read more]

Amazing Watches: They sell for $thousands with whopping commissions #ad

HP Jeschke has researched the “top of the line” watches sold on Amazon, watches selling for $1,500 to over $15,000. Your affiliate commission on watches like this far exceeds your commission on any e-book or report. And the people who buy watches like these have plenty of money and don’t mind paying these prices. So if you place your... [Read more]

‘How to Use Welcome Emails to Delight Your New Blog Subscribers’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How to Use Welcome Emails to Delight Your New Blog Subscribers”. Pamela Vaughan says, “You know how the associates in retail stores usually give you a friendly, “Hi! Let me know if I can help you with anything today” when you walk through the door? Sure, they say it to everyone... [Read more]

‘Facebook Tests Graph Search on Mobile: How It Works’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Tests Graph Search on Mobile: How It Works”. Seth Fiegerman says, “I’m usually the last person to get new features on Facebook. It took days before I started seeing the “trending” section on the main page and I still haven’t been updated to the redesigned Facebook,... [Read more]

‘Want more sales? Give consumers fewer options’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Want more sales? Give consumers fewer options”. Blair Keen says, “Inherent to consumerism is the assumption that more choice is better. Indeed, psychologists have long contended that the provision of choice can increase the individual’s sense of personal control and feelings... [Read more]

Scarcity sells; AffiliatePress builds it into your offers #ad

Ken Sar has just started selling AffiliatePress at a discount. This WordPress plugin lets you build a sales page that motivates a quick decision. It has a count-down timer that warns of the impending end of the special offer you are promoting. This page is intended as a pre-sell page to be used by an affiliate promoting someone else’s product.... [Read more]

‘Wake Up – Why It’s Now About the Media not the Social’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Wake Up – Why It’s Now About the Media not the Social?. Baer says, “The tools and technologies that have aided and abetted the social era have grown up and forsaken us. The big social players have all rolled out features and functions that position them squarely as media... [Read more]

‘6 Principles of Service Design to Help You Reach Your Customers’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “6 Principles of Service Design to Help You Reach Your Customers”. Maria Hayhow says, “One of the most commonly repeated messages in today’s online marketing is that it’s all about the users. In that respect, we have quite a bit to learn from the service industry, and this post offers six principles... [Read more]

‘12 Writing Exercises That Will Transform Your Copy Today’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “12 Writing Exercises That Will Transform Your Copy Today”. Demian Farnworth says, “?Effective copywriting boils down to one thing: keying into your prospect’s overriding need. Your headline is the means of stopping your prospect in his tracks, of focusing his attention on one single... [Read more]

A responsive visually stunning WP theme; developer’s license, price rising #ad

Josee Bedard has just released the latest theme package from Angels Web Design. In fact, this package is stuffed: 3 WordPress Themes + 2 WP plugins + 80 WP videos. The star of the show is Kamelot WP theme, which has a lot going for it: • Supports all 500 Google fonts so your site can look professional and customized at the same time • Easy... [Read more]

‘A/B Testing: Is responsive design worth the investment?’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “A/B Testing: Is responsive design worth the investment?”. John Tackett says, “Is responsive design worth the investment? It depends on whom you ask. You can ask the experts, receive a variety of replies and hopefully draw some conclusions from their answers. Or, you can look to your customer... [Read more]

Download: Marketo’s ‘Definitive Guide to Lead Generation’ eBook

Marketo has released an ebook titled “Definitive Guide to Lead Generation”. The Marketo team says, “If you can generate qualified leads for sales, you make their job easier - andmore of your leads will be turned into revenue faster. Now, find out how lead generation helps your company: Define a lead and his or her buying journey Build... [Read more]

‘Take Advantage of the Biggest Mobile Trends in 2014 to Engage Your Audience’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Take Advantage of the Biggest Mobile Trends in 2014 to Engage Your Audience”. Martin Rugfelt says, “It is no secret that in 2014 consumers will be more dependent on smart applications than ever, and that the success of brands will depend on their ability to advertise effectively on mobile... [Read more]

BeautyClone: Sell Amazon products in the popular beauty niche #ad

CoolIce is announcing a new Amazon affiliate site design today. BeautyClone is a complete, automated, Amazon affiliate store ready to upload. Just like his earlier stores, this beauty store addresses a Billion Dollar market (over $426 billion per year) worldwide, many billions of beauty products are sold each year. With your automated store, you will... [Read more]

‘New Legislation Could Save Net Neutrality — For Now’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “New Legislation Could Save Net Neutrality — For Now”. Fran Berkman says, “Democrats in both houses of Congress have introduced new legislation to protect net neutrality, at least for the time being.Rep. Henry Waxman and Rep. Anna Eshoo, both of California, proposed what they’re calling... [Read more]

‘Using ‘seducible moments’ to turn goodbyes into conversion opportunities’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Using ‘seducible moments’ to turn goodbyes into conversion opportunities”. Tom Evans says, “If your website has a secure customer area, then you could be missing out on a chance to further engage or convert your visitors before their next visit. This post looks... [Read more]

’5 Reasons Why Your Marketing Goals Suck’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”5 Reasons Why Your Marketing Goals Suck”. Nicole Denton says, “When you’re creating a marketing program, setting goals should be your first step. And while the vast majority of marketers know setting goals is important, the truth is, there’s a chance your goals actually suck. We’ve... [Read more]

How to write popular fiction for Kindle #ad

Some of us would like to have fiction books earning us passive income (the Kindle platform has exploded the market for fiction), but we are hesitant, afraid that we don’t know enough to create a fiction book that would sell. Tink B.D. has a lot of experience in fiction writing and she has shown many less experienced writers how to be successful... [Read more]

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