IM NewsWatch, February 3, 2015 - 'Why Links Will Always Matter in SEO Marketing –' and much more...

February 3rd, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

‘Why deliverability can make or break your marketing program’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Suzanne Blackburn says, “I’ll admit it. There was a time, recently, when I had no idea what “deliverability” meant in the context of marketing. Deliverability? It sounds important, maybe a little boring if we’re being honest, but is it? Then I met Spencer Kollas, Experian Marketing Services’ resident deliverability expert, and global... [Read more]

‘Why Links Will Always Matter in SEO Marketing’ – ‘’ Blog

Sam Lloys says, “If you have kept up with Google’s updates over the last few years, you may have the impression that links are no longer as important as they once were. You can now find opinions on various blogs and online forums stating that links no longer matter or even that SEO marketing is dead. Such beliefs, however, are mistaken. It’s important... [Read more]

‘7 Strategies for Achieving Phenomenal Online Community Growth’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Miles Jennings says, “Over the past few years, a lot of attention has been paid to companies’ growing followers and marketing on social-media channels. But the best kind of engagement involves building a real online community. Online communities that a company curates and grows canhelp it reach influencers, power brand recognition, increase... [Read more]

HomeClone builds your online home furnishings store #ad

You can build an online store that gets some of the billions of dollars people spend on home furnishings. Every modernized country around the world buys a lot of furniture from online stores. In less than an hour, you can use HomeClone to build your own online store so you can participate in this online e-commerce. And because the store built by this... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Grow Their Email Lists’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Requiring registration either to gain access to restricted areas within a website or to download premium content is the most effective tactic marketers say they use to grow their email lists, according to a recent report from Ascend2. The report was based on data from a global survey of 251 marketing, sales, and business professionals... [Read more]

‘Super Bowl Sets Record For Conversation On Facebook’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “There was plenty to talk about during last night’s Super Bowl. From commercials ranging from uplifting to morose, to a kitschy Katy Perry halftime show, to the Seahawks’ head-scratching decision to pass when the whole world expected a beast-mode run. Much of that conversation — at least the online part — took place... [Read more]

‘Consumer Marketing: 4 communication tips for online salespeople from a customer perspective’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Selena Blue says, “When you think about lead nurturing, your first instinct might be to throw it into the B2B marketing bucket. However, some consumer products require nurturing on the part of a salesperson too. Consumers face many high-involvement purchases that require a helping hand in the buying process, such as cars, insurance policies and even... [Read more]

Ultimate collection of royalty-free, fully legal stock photos #ad

Ultimate Stock Photos is a collection of 3700 high-resolution photos you can use in any project for your own sites or for clients. Your photos are categorized into over 100 topics, such as fitness, foods, home and garden, office and others needed by online marketers. This makes it easy to find just the right photo for your project. There are dozens... [Read more]

‘New Data: What Types of Content Perform Best on Social Media?’ – HubSpot

Andrea Lehr says, “In many aspects of life, timing is key. If you’ve got to schedule a very important meeting, and all of the attendees aren’t morning people, scheduling an 8 a.m. start time probably won’t result in a productive meeting. Or maybe you want to book a cheap vacation — you probably want to avoid scheduling... [Read more]

‘3 Keys to Developing a Video Strategy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jesse Torres says, “More than 1 billion unique users go to YouTube’s site each month, consuming more than 6 billion hours of video, according to the company. YouTube estimates that this averages out to be about one hour for every human on Earth. Thus, there’s an incredible opportunity for business owners who choose to market their... [Read more]

‘Twitter tests ‘Instant Timelines’ — with tweets from users you don’t follow’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “Signing up for Twitter can be a tedious and confusing process for new users. Normally, creating an account means being nudged into listing areas of interest, following some relevant accounts suggested by Twitter — and hoping some of the content that pops up as a result is compelling. But the days of that lengthy sign-up process... [Read more]

Doodle Ads, high quality ads with any marketing video software #ad

Whiteboard videos, if professional looking , can be effective tools in marketing products and services. Dr David Kyte (a psychologist) and Piers Baker (a cartoonist), both of them effective marketers, have created a package of SVG graphic components and video psychology instruction that can increase the quality of your ads several-fold.... [Read more]

‘B2C or B2B? Is There A Difference?’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “Peter O’Neill here. We held our annual research planning meeting the other week and ended discussing yet again the eternal question of B2B marketing versus B2C. This is also a common discussion point with clients in my experience. Many of the documented marketing stories and best practices seem unsuitable for B2B... [Read more]

‘Dramatically Improve Your Site’s Speed, Stability, and SEO Without the Pain (or Cost) of Migrating’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “At this point, it’s common knowledge. But it’s so essential to your online success that it bears repeating one more time. You need a seriously fast website. And you know why: The likelihood of losing a visitor due to impatience or frustration increases with each extra millisecond of load time, and fewer happier visitors... [Read more]

‘Should Google do more to help sites recover from penalties?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Last week, I looked at how sites could identify that they had been penalised by Google. But how easy is it to recover from a penalty? Does Google provide enough information to aid recovery? Our panel: To answer this question, I’ve enlisted the help of some search engine optimisationexperts. They are: Andrew Girdwood, media... [Read more]

Make a living in teeshirts #ad

That headline has a double entendre: (a) Sitting around in your teeshirt, you can make a living and (b) there's good money to be made in the teeshirt niche; people are making a living selling teeshirts.... [Read more]

‘How to Approach Owned and Earned Media’ – MOZ Blog

Samuel Scott says, “We all know content is king, but if your content marketing plan consists of blindly publishing daily blog posts on your website or submitting countless bylined articles (i.e., guest posts) to random outlets, your king will turn into the court jester. Marketing must have a sound strategy behind it to be successful. To help... [Read more]

‘Make Money Online – Do You Want It or Do You Need It?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “On this episode of Driving with John Chow, I give you a final update on the 90 Day Video Challenge. Over 400 people started the challenge, only 20 were able to complete it. If you’re wondering why most people who wants to make money online, makes no money, just look at the results of the 90 day challenge, and you’ll have your answer.... [Read more]

‘Super Bowl Commercials With Hashtags Slipped To 50% In 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Fifty percent of 2015 Super Bowl ads carried hashtags, a bit of a slip from the record 57% during the 2014 game. Facebook was the social network most mentioned, though mentions of specific social networks were again very sparse. The numbers are from our fourth annual Hashtag Bowl count of social media mentions during the Super... [Read more]

Motion Suite Pro V.2 livens up your presentations #ad

Whether online or in a live presentation, you need to keep people’s attention. Action, movement and excitement help you do that... [Read more]

‘39 Quick Ways to Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rate’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jayson Demers says, “Getting traffic to your website is great, but if that traffic doesn’t convert, it’s almost useless. This article will outline 39 proven strategies for getting your visitors to take action, whether that’s filling out a form, handing over their email address or making a purchase. 1. Include as few fields as possible. When... [Read more]

‘3 Simple Ways to Personalize Content by Referral Source’ – HubSpot

Laura Kane says, “Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums. For instance, would you use the same exact copy in a paid search ad that you did in a tweet? I hope I’m hearing a resounding, “No!” And yet, many marketers aren’t fully prepared for what comes next: when a visitor... [Read more]

‘The Rapidly Changing Role Of B2B Salespeople In A Digital-First Environment’ – Forrester

Andy Hoar says, “With B2B buyers rapidly shifting their behavior from researching and buying offline to researching and buying both offline and online, B2B companies are radically reshaping their channel sales strategies. Most notably, B2B sellers are shifting resources and capabilities online as well as fundamentally redefining the role of their... [Read more]

‘Eight reasons why the wearables market is becoming more mature’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Wearables are at the very cutting edge of consumer technology trends, but there are signs that the market is beginning to become more mature. And this process is only going to accelerate when Apple launches its new smartwatch in the spring. Econsultancy’s new report, A Marketer’s Guide to Wearable Technology, details eight reasons... [Read more]

‘9 Effective Email Unsubscribe Pages’ – HubSpot

Katie Lantukh says, “One of the most important aspects of inbound marketing is delivering relevant content to followers who want to see it. People opt in by signing up for newsletters and downloading premium content. A sad reality, though, is once they opt in, people change their minds or decide they’re not actually interested in your content... [Read more]

UPS does it again: raises fees via a higher fuel surcharge

They have raised fees several times in last 2-3 months, and effective today, they just did it again, with no advance warning. Of course, fuel prices have dropped 40% since last summer, but UPS wants its customers to pay more for the fuel it uses, anyway. This apparently in response to an announcement by Fedex in early January that it would increase... [Read more]

‘Real-Time Engagement Etiquette – Avoid Social-Media Mishaps’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jen Gray says, “As trending topics continue to explode on Facebook and Twitter, marketers are increasingly embracing real-time engagement to spread brand awareness and better connect with fans. But marketers often run the risk of saying too much. In recalling national tragedies like 9/11, for example, big-name brands have jumped on the opportunity... [Read more]

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