IM NewsWatch, February 2, 2015 - 'How to Make Your Blog Content Profitable – Content Marketing Institute' and much more...

February 2nd, 2015 at 9:06 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 2, 2015

‘Real-Time Engagement Etiquette – Avoid Social-Media Mishaps’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jen Gray says, “As trending topics continue to explode on Facebook and Twitter, marketers are increasingly embracing real-time engagement to spread brand awareness and better connect with fans. But marketers often run the risk of saying too much. In recalling national tragedies like 9/11, for example, big-name brands have jumped on the opportunity... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Offering New Advertising Options to Marketers’ – StrongView Blog

Amanda Hinkle says, “If you’re looking for more ways to reach a targeted set of consumers, but you haven’t paid a lot of attention to Pinterest, now is the time to perk up. The social bookmarking site will be offering advertisers the ability to target consumers with “Promoted Pins” and potentially even couple data in your own database with... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “What does this year hold for technology? Here’s a look the top technology trends for 2015 and predictions of where digital business will be in the next five years. Are you prepared? The top trends for 2015 include the Internet of Things; 3-D printing; advanced, pervasive, and invisible analytics; context-rich... [Read more]

Doodle Ads, high quality ads with any marketing video software #ad

Whiteboard videos, if professional looking , can be effective tools in marketing products and services. Dr David Kyte (a psychologist) and Piers Baker (a cartoonist), both of them effective marketers, have created a package of SVG graphic components and video psychology instruction that can increase the quality of your ads several-fold. They call their... [Read more]

‘How to Make Your Blog Content Profitable’ – Content Marketing Institute

Amanda Disilvestro says, “Do you know how to leverage the value of your blog? It’s true that popularity is great for your content because it shows people are interested in your brand and shared content increases your visibility. However, it’s important that your blog transcends popularity and actually contributes to your overall goal –... [Read more]

‘10 Effective Content Marketing Strategies To Be Successful In Social Media’ – Tweak Your Biz

Mohit Maheshwari says, “Probably what Bill Gates claimed back in 1996 still holds valid for the digital industry – Content is King; and it will reign for years to come. But what’s the worth of a king without a strong team backing him? Likewise, though content alone takes the throne, content marketing strategies are central to the success of social... [Read more]

‘The Productivity-Optimized 5-Step Blog Writing Process’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Gina Broom says, “Whether you’ve decided you’d like to have a crack at writing your own blog posts, or you want to optimize your current writing process, this is sure to give you a boost. I’ve spent a while now trying to find faster ways to do it without sacrificing quality. One particular Bill Gates quote always stuck with me,... [Read more]

Make a living in teeshirts #ad

That headline has a double entendre: (a) Sitting around in your teeshirt, you can make a living and (b) there’s good money to be made in the teeshirt niche; people are making a living selling teeshirts. Sean Colman and Timothy Miranda just announced Teespring Warrior, training to get you started in the teeshirt niche. Colman spent a lot of time... [Read more]

‘You Must Solve Two People-Shaped Content Problems’ – Forrester

Ryan Skinner says, “The problems of content marketing apply to you as a marketer whether you’re actually practicing “content marketing” or not. In any enterprise, there’s a New York Times-scale amount of content getting produced.[i] And your customers are hoovering up content (from a brand or otherwise, in many channels, interchangably)... [Read more]

‘B2B Brands and the Super Bowl: How B2B Marketers Can Capitalize on Consumer Events’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sandra Fathi says, “Often, the Super Bowl seems as if it’s more of a season than a one-day event. It dominates consumer conversations for weeks and weeks before Super Bowl Sunday arrives. From the food to the entertainment to the ads and the big game itself, the public is more focused on the Super Bowl than on most national holidays. Communications... [Read more]

‘Native Advertising Budgets Will Rise In 2015, Say Marketers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Mrvin says, “Marketers are planning to increase investment in native advertising. Sixty-three percent of marketers say they’ll be spending more on native advertising this year. That’s according to a survey of 127 client-side marketers by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA). Native ads reflect the look and feel of the editorial... [Read more]

Beautiful new affiliate store for Amazon affiliates #ad

Everybody needs a place to sit, a bed to sleep in and a table to eat from. That’s why all around the world, people spend billions on furniture every year. Amazon affiliate marketers like you and me can take advantage of this constant stream of traffic buying furniture to build a business selling the furniture everyone needs... [Read more]

’13 Interesting Ways to Use Video in Your Marketing’ – HubSpot

HubSpot team says, “Business owners and entrepreneurs are busy people; they often lack the time to read through marketing materials. So how do you get them to pay attention to your info? For many, the answer has become video. Short videos are easy and personable — just the thing to encourage sales. So we asked 13 successful founders how... [Read more]

‘How analytics can be used to inform product development’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “As companies become more digitally savvy they are beginning to better tap into the range of data and analytics at their disposal. This is frequently used to optimise marketing channels and campaigns, but are brands making the most of analytics to inform their product development? This depends to an extent on what you define as your... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: How responsive design might improve your emails’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Jon Powel says, “If you were watching last year, we revealed some research on a Web clinic concerned with responsive design, specifically the effect of a mobile and tablet-based form page design for mobile and tablet specific users. If you’re unfamiliar with responsive design, the general concept is that a page is coded to adapt its viewing experience... [Read more]

Metropoli Theme: Ideal for Small Business or Lead Gen #ad

There’s an attractive new WordPress theme that can be used in many ways, but is being targeted to small business websites and sites that collect leads for small businesses.... [Read more]

‘Web Optimization: Live chat yields 39% of Total Gym Fitness’ online orders’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Starting with its long-running infomercial campaigns, Total Gym Fitness began to see less people dialing in and more people coming to its website. With this shift, the marketing team needed a way to translate the Total Gym phone experience to its website, allowing customers to make informed purchasing decisions. Learn how Total Gym... [Read more]

‘A Universal SEO Strategy Audit in 5 Steps’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “When it comes to building an SEO strategy, many marketers (especially those who don’t spend a significant amount of time with SEO) start off by asking a few key questions. That’s a good start, but only if you’re asking the right questions. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand puts the usual suspects on... [Read more]

‘Mobilizing tech for good: The 2015 Social Good Summit in New York’ – ‘Mashable’

Megan Ranney says, “As technology continues to evolve, its ability to affect positive change has grown exponentially. From GIFs that promote safe vaccine transport to paper microscopes designed to detect disease, the world has given rise to a generation of innovators, activists and entrepreneurs dedicated to harnessing the power of tech for good. Since... [Read more]

Motion Suite Pro V.2 livens up your presentations #ad

Whether online or in a live presentation, you need to keep people’s attention. Action, movement and excitement help you do that... [Read more]

‘For Native Advertising, The Best Is Yet to Come’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jon Salm says, “Native advertising was much maligned in 2014 as marketers and publishers struggled to effectively walk the fine line between sponsored native content and editorial content. Many native ads were either too obviously promotional, too distantly related to the medium’s core content or perhaps worst of all – not forthcoming... [Read more]

‘How to Use Psychological Biases to Sell Better and Faster’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “For all the powerful processing work the human mind can do, it’s still prone to making bizarre assumptions or jumping to an illogical conclusion every now and then. Problem is, we don’t even recognize these patterns as strange. They’re built into the fabric of our thought — so to us, they just seem normal. But upon... [Read more]

‘Can retailers bring personalisation from clicks to bricks?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Darryl Adie says, “A personalised online shopping experience powered by simple data collection is rapidly becoming a must-have for retailers. In the past year alone, there was a spike in customer expectations for personalisationacross all shopping channels and it became critical for retailers to innovate in terms of customer experience in order to... [Read more]

‘Facebook Is Using Humans To Improve News Feed Quality’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Call them algorithm helpers. Facebook has turned to humans to help improve the News Feed. The social network has built a team of people to give detailed feedback about their daily interactions with the News Feed, in an effort to learn more about people’s preferences, according on an article by Steven Levy today on Medium. It’s... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Tune Your Twitter Strategy Based on Audience Behavior’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Shannon Byrne says, “Whether everyone is willing to admit it or not, most of us experience that happy fuzzy feeling when someone we respect engages with us on social media. These interactions aren’t only good for your self-confidence, they’re important building blocks when developing a reputation — personally or for your brand. Although... [Read more]

‘The Life of a Marketer: 15 Charts & Graphs on What We Really Do All Day’ – HubSpot

Brittany Leaning says, “Hey there, marketer. I’m curious … what’s really going in that day-to-day work life of yours? When you say you’re working from home, are you actually being productive? When you have a deadline, do you wait until the last minute? What are you actually doing on LinkedIn? It’s time to speak the truth. Below... [Read more]

‘Why Set Up A Facebook Group?’ – Tweak Your Biz

Derbhile Graham says, “When you’re on social media, it can feel as if you’re drowning in a torrent of information. It can be hard to sift out the useful pieces of knowledge from the pictures of cats and the updates about the contents of people’s meals. Social media gurus speak of the importance of interaction, but social media can feel like... [Read more]

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