IM NewsWatch, February 15, 2016 - 'Ignoring Mobile? Then Say Goodbye to Your Marketing Plan – MarketingProfs' and much more...

February 15th, 2016 at 9:24 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 15, 2016

‘There’s No Magic Number for How Many Emails to Send’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “How often should you email subscribers? It’s an age-old question for anyone who sends email. You want to keep subscribers engaged, but you don’t want to give off that needy, stage-five clinger vibe. Nor do you want to get lost in the inbox. So what’s the magic number of times you should email subscribers? The answer... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s User Base Is Getting Older: What Does This Mean for Marketers?’ –

Tommy Wyher says, “Facebook has long held the crown as the king of the social networks, and shows no sign of losing it in the near future. There is a theory in technology that any tech that is in popular use currently, can be predicted to last as long as it already has again, and while there are some obvious flaws to this way of thinking, it... [Read more]

‘4 Key Metrics In Repairing Your Reputation Online’ – Entrepreneur

Peter Daisyme says, “Ben Franklin said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation — and only one bad one to lose it.” Warren Buffett famously said a similar adage: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. Even if you... [Read more]

Amplifire: Get more subscribers for your lists, more sales #ad

Would any of these be helpful to your business? • Running special offers, contests & coupons • Adding Social Media buttons & Grow your traffic • Polling campaigns – segment visitors to increase your ROI • Promoting Shopify products on any site with the built-in Shopify widget • Creating multi-step opt-ins to... [Read more]

‘Ignoring Mobile? Then Say Goodbye to Your Marketing Plan’ – MarketingProfs

Paul Ruppert says, “Look around you: How many people are on their phone right now? Today, you can’t go more than a few steps without seeing people texting, emailing, or using social media. “Mobile moments” are happening all around us—all the time. It doesn’t matter where you are—in a taxi, in a business meeting, or... [Read more]

‘Situational Marketing and the Science of Getting Personal’ –

Manish Patel says, “To see the evolution of marketing, all you need to do is follow the ads. At one point, ad placement was almost exclusive to print media, where newspapers and phone books would maximize ad exposure to a widespread population of consumers who might find them relevant. When televisions became mainstream, advertisers followed;... [Read more]

‘5 Finance Management Tips for Small Businesses’ – Entrepreneur

Nikhil Arora says, “While starting a business, revenue fluctuations are common and owners struggle to have a steady income. Rising manpower costs and spends on technology add to the burden of managing finance better. To ease up their life, small business owners can follow the below finance management tips that will help them to sail through initial... [Read more]

Niche Reaper 3.0 finds profitable niche markets in seconds #ad

Matt Garrett began work on 'Niche Reaper' in 2008, for his own business. Eight years later, after many refinements and improvements, he is releasing the third edition so the rest of us can take advantage of it.... [Read more]

‘3 Monster Reasons to Leave Online Marketplaces and Start Your Own Online Store’ – HubSpot

Charlie Keegan says, “Online marketplaces such as Etsy, eBay, and Amazon Marketplace helped to create and then boost an online shopping environment. There’s no denying that online marketplaces—something like a flea market for the internet—have been useful to thousands of startup ecommerce companies. At some point, however, you have to leave... [Read more]

‘Why the Fire Drill Content Model Doesn’t Work’ – CMI

Scott Yates says, “Anyone who’s worked in an agency is all too familiar with the term “fire drill.” Those two little words may even conjure bad memories of a race-to-the-finish, last-minute project or a client call that sends your blood pressure skyrocketing. Some degree of stress comes with the agency territory of fast-paced decision-making.... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Improve Your Site’s User Retention’ – CMI

Nadav Shoval says, “The browsing experience is a two-way street. Today, nobody wants to be spoon fed information. Instead, they expect a chance to take part in the conversation, either by voicing an opinion or by participating directly in the action. In part, this trend has a lot to do with advancement of the millennial customer as they become... [Read more]

First, it was other people's money; now, other people's videos #ad

There are a lot of resources you can use to build a business, without having to come up with them yourself. Crowdfunding let's you use other people's money to build your business.  Now there's a way to use other people's videos, too... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Are Using Social Display To Build Brand Love And Grow Business’ – Marketing Land

ML team says, “Brands should take inspiration from the motivation behind love letters when they communicate with their customers. Marketers can unlock the value of users’ social media content by using it to attract other consumers in an authentic and trustworthy way. In short, social media persuades. Find out how today’s top marketers are... [Read more]

‘What Could Happen if You Launch a Podcast in the Next 30 Days?’ – Copyblogger

Jerod Morris says, “Let’s start with a question you know the answer to: What do you need to build a successful online business today? Well, you start with a growing, loyal audience who views you as an authority. Content Marketing 101. Now another question you probably can answer: How do you stand out from the crowd, cut through the noise, and... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize for Competitors’ Branded Keywords’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “It’s probably crossed your mind before. Should you optimize for your competitors’ branded keywords? How would you even go about it effectively? Well, in today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains some carefully strategic and smart ways to optimize for the keywords of a competitor — from determining their worthiness,... [Read more]

Youzign 2.0: pro graphic designs, over 6000 sold, price rising #ad

Since 'Youzign 2.0' was released on Monday, over 6000 copies have been sold. Marketers from around the globe are flocking to get this new, easy to use software. Remember, this new 2.0 version is a product of over 24 months of intensive development work to meet the needs of all marketers who sell products on the web... [Read more]

‘MarTech + AdTech: An Embarrassment Of Riches’ – Forrester

Carlton Doty says, “A CMO and a CIO walk into a hotel bar (Let’s call them Tom and Dick). After ordering a drink, Tom says, “Dick, I really need to start working with a DMP this year, and I want your help selecting one.” Dick says, “A DMP? My enterprise architecture team is building a near real-time, self-service data management platform.... [Read more]

‘View Counts Are Coming For Instagram Video’ – Marketing Land

Greg Finn says, “In the nearly three years since video debuted on Instagram, one thing has been missing: view counts. Unlike YouTube/Facebook/Vine, Instagram hasn’t displayed the number of times a video has been played, until now. Instagram will soon be counting anyone who watched at least three seconds of a video as a view, just like Facebook. Over... [Read more]

‘Mobile App Revenue Forecast: Spend Trends Through 2020’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Global consumer spend on mobile apps is expected to grow 24% in 2016, reaching $50.9 billion—and eventually doubling from that level within four years to reach $101.1 billion in 2020—according to a recent report from App Annie. The report was based on forecast gross spend by global users across Apple’s iOS App Store,... [Read more]

Ad ReSpark: Online Businesses Need its power, builds ads fast #ad

Devin Zander and David Abrams describe their new small business marketing tool, 'Ad ReSpark', as  "the must have tool for ad creation". Why is that? Well, when it comes to creating ads, small businesses just don't have a lot of choices... [Read more]

‘How to Craft a Standout Online Portfolio: 7 Tips & Tools’ – HubSpot

Matthew Kane says, “One of the biggest benefits any potential jobseeker — or really anyone who hopes to advance their career — can have is a professional portfolio. Designers need to showcase their artwork. Writers should show off publications. Heck, even accountants can benefit. Done right, a portfolio helps a potential job candidate... [Read more]

‘How Indian Startups Are Competing With Global Giants Like Google & Facebook’ – Entrepreneur

Samiksha Jain says, “India is the youngest country with 75 per cent of its population being the youth. It is one of the countries which is known for its startup ecosystem and emerging trend of entrepreneurship. In past few years country has seen massive growth in its startup ecosystem mainly driven by factors such as enormous amount of funding,... [Read more]

‘5 Simple Strategies To Improve Your Blog’s Search Rankings’ – Marketing Land

Daniel Faggella says, “Whether you’re a B2B or B2C marketer, there is ample opportunity to boost your search engine rankings through blogging. However, you can’t implement a short-term approach to build a long-term source of organic traffic. When you’re doing SEO, you need to be cautious. Some of the strategies that worked in the past will... [Read more]


‘5 Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog Today’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “If you’re a blogger, hitting the “publish” button is one of the scariest actions you can take. Publish means there’s no turning back. All of those late nights, extra cups of coffee and agonizing over titles and image placement culminate with a single click. The only thing scarier than hitting publish is complete... [Read more]

‘Twitter’s 2016 Roadmap: Live Video Ads, Easier Replies, Expanding Moments & More’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “Twitter took the somewhat unusual step today of revealing a number of planned improvements for 2016 — changes that involve the company’s core user experience, its advertising business and its onboarding process for new users. “We do feel there are a number of broken windows that are inhibiting growth,” CEO Jack Dorsey... [Read more]

’10 Content Marketing Best Practices You Need To Implement Now’ –

Tim Brown says, “Content marketing has gone from a trendy buzzword to a marketing plan staple, and for good reason: it generates leads, drives engagement, moves prospects down the funnel and more. Employing content marketing tactics is akin to hiring a new, super smart employee that works day and night to get your products or services the attention... [Read more]

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